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This study investigates the mediating role of job satisfaction in the relationships between leader-member exchange (LMX) and employee work outcomes in Chinese firms, namely, organizational commitment and intention to leave. Based on the data collected from the four manufacturing firms based in China, the hierarchical regression analyses strongly support our theoretical predication that job satisfaction fully mediates the relationships between LMX and employees’ organizational commitment and intention to leave. The theoretical and practical implications of these findings are discussed.  相似文献   

程序公平感在离职意图模型中的主效应与调节效应研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本研究以一家通信设备公司员工为样本,采用阶层式回归方法分析Price离职模型中主要环境变量、个人特征变量及结构化变量对离职意图的影响,并检验了程序公平的主效应及调节效应。主要结论包括:外在工作机会、工作负荷及工作单调性对离职意图有显著的正向影响;上级支持及程序公平对离职意图有显著的负向影响;程序公平对通用性培训和上级支持与离职意图关系均存在显著的调节作用。  相似文献   

用层级回归方法分析了员工离职倾向的主要结构化变量和环境变量 ,检验了事业满意感在员工离职倾向决定过程中的调节效应。主要结论包括 :第一 ,报酬满意感、晋升机会、工作自主性和上级支持与其它工作机会对员工的离职倾向具有显著的解释能力 ;第二 ,事业满意感与工作自主性之间的交互作用以及事业满意感与上级支持之间的交互作用对员工离职倾向有显著的解释作用。为员工离职倾向决定的权变主义观点提供了证据。讨论了研究结果的管理学含义。  相似文献   

This study aims to assess whether trainees’ errors orientation can influence their motivation to learn and their intention to transfer training. Data were collected from 275 trainees participating in a corporate training program offered by a Canadian government agency. Results show that the concept of learning by error positively influences trainees’ levels of motivation and their intention to transfer learning. Results also confirm the mediating role of motivation between the concept of learning by error and the intention of transferring learning. Finally, results confirm the moderating role of social support on the relationship between motivation to learn and the intention to transfer learning. Practical and theoretical implications of these results are discussed. Copyright © 2017 ASAC. Published by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Despite the surge of interest in living wage research, most studies pay little attention to the effect of living wages on employee attitudes and behaviour. We examine the differences between living wage and minimum wage workers on three attitudinal and behavioural outcomes: affective commitment, organizational citizenship behaviour (OCB), and turnover intention. We also examine the effects of training and benefits on the three outcomes. Results show that living wage workers have higher affective commitment and lower turnover intention. Training and benefits also improve workers' attitudinal and behavioural outcomes variously. Copyright © 2016 ASAC. Published by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This study aims to assess whether trainees' errors orientation can influence their motivation to learn and their intention to transfer learning. Data were collected from 275 trainees participating in a corporate training program offered by a Canadian government agency. Results show that the concept of learning by error positively influences trainees' levels of motivation and their intention to transfer learning. Results also confirm the mediating role motivation plays between the concept of learning by error and the intention of transferring learning. Finally, results confirm the moderating role of social support on the relationship between motivation to learn and the intention to transfer learning. Practical and theoretical implications of these results are discussed. Copyright © 2017 ASAC. Published by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

工作满意感、组织认同与离职倾向关系实证研究   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
文章以383个建筑企业员工为被试样本,运用相关分析、偏相关分析、回归分析及路径分析等统计方法考察了工作满意感、组织认同与离职倾向三个员工态度变量之间关系.结果发现:(1)工作满意感、组织认同与离职倾向之间具有显著相关性和因果性;(2)工作满意感与组织认同相互作用,共同影响离职倾向,且组织认同对离职倾向的影响程度大;(3)组织认同在员工工作满意感与离职倾向关系中具有调节效应,在满意度一致的前提下,组织认同程度的高低对员工离职倾向具有更显著的调节影响.这些研究结果为员工离职权变主义学说提供了证据支持.  相似文献   

We examine whether conditional conservatism affects the persistence of accrual components associated with varying degrees of reliability. Using a sample of 102,416 firm‐year observations from 1968 to 2006, we found that conservatism reduces the persistence of more reliable accruals, but not less reliable accruals. Our evidence suggests managers' discretion in practicing conservatism convention may have caused the low persistence of less reliable accruals. Our results inform capital market participants, such as financial analysts, that managers may incorporate more bad news into more reliable accruals than in less reliable accruals, leading to lower persistence of more reliable accruals than less reliable accruals. We expect that analysts can improve forecasting efficiency by understanding the differential implications of accounting conservatism on different accrual components. Copyright © 2015 ASAC. Published by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

基于社会交换和社会情境理论,文章构建了心理契约违背、劳资冲突和离职意向之间的关系模型。通过跨层次分析方法,探讨心理契约违背对员工离职意向可能产生的影响及其影响机制。分别收集了189份企业高管与1366份员工问卷数据。研究结果显示:心理契约违背是影响员工离职意向的重要的前因变量;劳资冲突的三个维度在心理契约违背和离职意向之间都起到中介作用,并且中介效应存在显著差异;组织文化对权利冲突、情感冲突与离职意向之间的关系都起到调节作用,但对利益冲突与离职意向之间的调节作用不显著。对转型经济条件下,员工的心理契约、劳资冲突管理以及企业文化建设具有借鉴意义。  相似文献   

采用问卷调查法以及验证性因素分析、偏相关分析和分层多元回归分析等统计方法,探讨"80后"员工的组织支持感对其离职倾向的影响作用进行分析,并在影响作用方面与工作满意度方面进行了比较。结果表明,"80后"员工的组织支持感呈多维结构,可分为工具性支持感、情感性支持感、利益性支持感、价值性支持感和发展性支持感五个维度。"80后"员工的组织支持感总体对其离职倾向有显著的负向影响作用,并且单独地、利益性和发展性支持感对离职倾向具有显著的负向影响作用。"80后"员工的组织支持感比工作满意度对其离职倾向有更强的影响作用。  相似文献   

The impact of career motivations on entrepreneurial intention and action remains in need of being investigated conjointly. Using a large sample and follow‐up data collected five years later, we investigate their influence on the entrepreneurial involvement of young adults, from the expression of an intention to entrepreneurial action. We show that only the search for job security seems to have a persistent effect throughout the process. In addition, autonomy is associated with the formation of intention, while wanting to manage full processes is related to actual start‐up participation. We discuss the theoretical and practical implications. © 2018 ASAC. Published by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This study explores alternative relationships between perceived investment in employee development (PIED) and turnover intention by including affective commitment, perceived internal employability, and perceived external employability as potential mediators. Data were collected through a structured survey from 337 employees working in two large companies in Italy. The factorial validity and dimensionality of the latent constructs studied were evaluated in a confirmatory factor analysis framework, and the mediation hypotheses were tested in a full structural equation model. Results show that the overall effect of PIED on turnover intention is negative and almost fully mediated by external employability and affective commitment, whereas the path through internal employability is not supported. More specifically, PIED increases commitment, which in turn limits the likelihood of turnover. In addition, although perceived external employability is positively associated with turnover intention, PIED seems to reduce this effect by negatively affecting employee perceptions of their marketability in the labour market. The study supports the assumptions of social exchange theory in explaining turnover behaviour as a consequence of employee development support. Contextually, it questions the existence of the employability paradox because it does not reveal either a retention path via perceived internal employability or a turnover risk via perceived external employability.  相似文献   

Recent developments in the leadership literature call for research that emphasizes the role of the follower as well as that of emotion in the leader–member exchange (LMX). In response to these calls, this research examines the relationship between subordinate emotional masking and LMX quality, as well as the mediating role of LMX quality in emotional masking/outcome relationships. We collect data from two samples of MBA students from the United States and China, respectively. In both samples, we find that emotional masking by subordinates is negatively related to LMX quality. The mediating role of LMX quality in the relationship between emotional masking and work-related outcomes is also supported. Suggestions for future research and practice are discussed.  相似文献   

Frontline employees are generally under great pressure, and carry out repetitive and mundane daily tasks, leading to burnout and a high turnover intention among them. To identify ways to reduce this turnover intention, this study examines the effect of perceived organizational support (POS) on burnout and turnover intention in the Chinese context and adds to the literature on frontline employee burnout. Using data from a survey of the frontline employees of a gas station in Beijing, we examine the mediating effects of frontline employee burnout on their POS and turnover intention. This study shows that POS has a significant negative impact on burnout and turnover intention, and that job resources cannot substitute POS.  相似文献   

Corporate social responsibility (CSR) initiatives toward internal and external stakeholders can independently contribute to employee attitudes and behaviors. However, little is known about the joint effects of (in)congruent internal-external CSR strategies on employee outcomes. Drawing from social exchange theory, we argue that when employees perceive that their organizations excessively favor CSR efforts to external rather than internal stakeholders, it can trigger a psychological contract breach, resulting in increased employees' turnover intention. We utilized a fuzzy-set qualitative comparative analysis method and the data of 511 employee from various industries in the Philippines to investigate the interaction effects. The results revealed that a congruent CSR strategy with high internal and external CSR perceptions is critical in fulfilling employees' psychological contracts and retaining employees. However, for employees with low perceived internal CSR, a high incongruent CSR perception led to a psychological contract breach and ultimately to high turnover intention. Psychological contract breach weakened the negative joint effect of high perceived internal and external CSR on turnover intention and strengthened the positive effect of high perceived incongruent CSR on turnover intention. Implications for research and practice are discussed.  相似文献   

This study examined the interactive effects of need–supplies fit, job involvement, and job tenure on service sector employees' job satisfaction and turnover intention in Turkey. Survey data collected from 252 employees who worked in three different banks and one logistics company operating in Istanbul, Turkey, confirm the three-way interaction in predicting employees' turnover intention. In particular, the effect of needs–supplies fit on turnover intention was found to be more strongly positive for longer tenured, highly involved employees. Results also reveal that while the three-way interaction does not predict job satisfaction, the two-way interaction between needs–supplies fit and job involvement is significant. Specifically, needs–supplies fit had a stronger effect on the job satisfaction of highly job-involved employees than those with lower levels of involvement. Certain implications of these results, as well as avenues for future research, are discussed.  相似文献   

文章从伦理道德视角出发,通过研究之前学者所忽视的同事非伦理行为对员工离职倾向的影响,丰富了员工离职倾向的前因研究。基于社会比较理论,本文探究员工分配公平感在同事非伦理行为影响员工离职倾向过程中的中介作用,并考察员工自身非伦理行为对以上关系的调节作用。通过对271名企业员工开展两轮配对问卷调查,统计分析结果表明:(1)员工分配感在同事非伦理行为与员工离职倾向之间起完全中介作用;(2)员工非伦理行为显著调节了同事非伦理行为与员工分配公平感之间的关系;(3)员工非伦理行为显著调节了分配公平感在同事非伦理行为与员工离职倾向之间的中介作用。  相似文献   

Extending the literature on CEO succession, we found that a succession event together with a change in top management related positively to strategic change toward greater internationalization. In a study of 160 Taiwanese firms, we found relationships between firm performance, outside CEO appointment, change in firm's top management team (TMT), and the degree of a firm's internationalization. Moreover, the positive association between a post succession TMT structural change and degree of internationalization was observed only in those cases where dissimilarity between CEO and chairperson (with respect to educational degree and overseas education) was low. The implications of these findings for scholarship and practice are discussed. Copyright © 2011 ASAC. Published by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Our study investigates the adoption of the Balanced Scorecard (BSC) as a strategic planning system. We empirically examine the firm‐level factors—business‐level strategy, firm size, environmental uncertainty, investment in intangible assets, and prior performance— that are posited to differentiate BSC adopters from nonadopters. Drawing on a sample of Canadian firms and utilizing both survey and archival data, we find that BSC adopters (a) are more likely to follow a Prospector or Analyzer business strategy, (b) are significantly larger, (c) exhibit significantly higher environmental uncertainty than nonadopters, and (d) have weaker prior performance. Copyright © 2011 ASAC. Published by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This study integrates Social Cognitive Theory with the Job Demands‐Resources Model to examine self‐efficacy in relation to emotional exhaustion and work‐family conflict (WFC) in a sample of 192 employees. The results obtained through structural equation analysis show: a negative association between self‐efficacy and both work overload and emotional exhaustion; a positive relationship between work overload and both emotional exhaustion and WFC; that work overload mediates the relation between self‐efficacy and both emotional exhaustion and WFC; that role ambiguity moderates the relation of self‐efficacy with work overload; and that tenure in the sales territory moderates the relation of work overload with WFC. Copyright © 2018 ASAC. Published by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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