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目前,我国高校《管理信息系统》课程教学手段和教学模式比较单一,虽然广泛使用了多媒体技术,但也还是只注重知识的传授,忽视对学生创新能力和实践能力的培养,学生学习效果欠佳。因此,对课程的教学模式进行创新有助于全面提高教学质量,培养学生综合运用知识的能力。项目驱动教学法既是一种课程模式,又是一种教学方法,是培养学生的学习能力、实践能力的有效方法。笔者在文中对项目驱动教学法在《管理信息系统》课程的应用进行了详细论述。  相似文献   

高职院校《企业财务管理》课程案例教学设计探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
《企业财务管理》课程是高职院校会计专业必须开设的一门课程。该课程在培养学生动手做账能力的基础上,强化学生的理财观念,培养学生的财务分析能力和理财能力。案例分析作为一种具有启发性、实践性的教学方法,能够培养学生分析问题、解决问题的能力,所以案例教学是高职院校《企业财务管理》课程的主线,应贯穿于  相似文献   

高校会计课程旨在培养具有一定的会计学理论素养和实操能力的实践性人才,优化会计课程教学方法,提高教学效果,是高校培养会计人才的必然要求。相较其他应用型学科,会计学科需要学生建立会计思维,不仅要"知其然",更要"知其所以然"。因此高校会计课程教学应当注重对学生会计思维能力的培养。基于这一背景,本文以高校会计课程中的《长期股权投资》章节为例,分析现阶段高校会计课程的在会计思维方面的教学方法上普遍存在的问题,并有针对性地给出对策建议,以期提高人才培养的层次和质量。  相似文献   

计算机技术不断地进步促进了相关信息产业的迅猛发展,《网页设计》课程就是在这种大好背景下应运而生的,并成为当今计算机领域发展最快和应用最广泛的课程之一。《网页设计》课程是一门实践性和应用性很强的学科,其特点是易学易忘。因此,为了提高《网页设计》课程的实际教学效果,我们就必须注重课堂教学的高效性,通过不断改进教学方法和课堂教学设计过程,培养出学生较强的实际动手能力和运用能力,使学生能够将所学知识熟练地运用到实际的网页设计中。 本文从课堂教学内容、教学方法,课堂课后作业布置、个人素质等方面对如何构建高效课堂进行了创新和总结,并希望在此基础上能与大家一起探讨、分享更多地实际教学经验与体会。  相似文献   

叶祥北 《中国市场》2010,(14):124-125
随着社会经济的发展,个人财富不断增加,理财能力日益成为当代大学生的一项基本生活技能。目前在不少高等学校都开设了《理财学》课程,本文通过分析理工类学生的特点,对《理财学》课程的教学目标、指导思想、教学和评价方法进行了探讨。  相似文献   

张肖飞 《商业会计》2013,(1):119-121
《财务分析》是为培养学生理论知识和应用能力而设置的一门专业主干课,是一门集理论性、实践性和技术性于一体的综合性学科.目前财经类高校《财务分析》课程教学中存在教学手段单一、教学模式陈旧、考核内容片面等问题,不利于培养学生理论联系实际的能力.为提高财经类高校《财务分析》课程的教学质量和效果,必须改革《财务分析》课程教学手段和模式,针对案例教学法在《财务分析》课程运用中存在的问题,应该从树立新的教学观出发进行案例补充和实训教学,丰富考核方式,培养学生的实际财务分析能力.  相似文献   

陈欣欣 《中国市场》2014,(30):150-151
"个人理财实务"课程是针对金融保险专业的学生开设的一门重要的专业核心课程。对于应用型本科院校来讲,开设"个人理财实务"课程注重培养学生能够掌握理财专业知识,并且具备理财操作技能。因此,对"个人理财实务"课程进行教学改革十分必要。在教学方法的选择上,可以采取案例教学法、项目教学法及多媒体教学法;在考核方式上,应重视对平时成绩及实践能力的考核。  相似文献   

《Flash动画设计》课程是一门实践性、验证性课程,在教学过程中,首先让学生掌握课程知识技能,然后培养学生的创新能力、实践能力,以便提高学生对课程知识运用的综合能力。为实现上述目标,教师教学活动需采用更加有效的教学方法和手段。项目教学法是一种非常有效的教学方法。文章以项目教学法的概念为基础,分析项目教学法如何在《Flash动画设计》课程教学中应用,提高教学效果,提升学生的综合应用能力。  相似文献   

随着知识经济的发展,许多高校将教学重点转向培养复合型和应用型人才。高校英语阅读课程正是针对提高学生英语应用能力的训练课程,目前教学中存在教学方法落后、学生阅读技巧与兴趣欠缺、背景知识扩展不够等问题,对此提出以现有教材为基础拓展和补充相关知识,加强英语阅读技巧培养,扩大学生的英语阅读量等对策,以提高学生的英语语言运用能力及获取专业信息的能力,实现应用型英语人才培养目标。  相似文献   

普遍开设于高校英语专业的《国际贸易实务》课程,以其固有的特点成为培养学生多项能力的平台。本文通过需求分析,列出英语专业学生急需提高的能力。并从教学内容和教学方法两个方面综合讨论如何通过该课程培养英语专业学生的急需能力。  相似文献   

财务报表分析是现代经济生活中非常重要的一门课程,但也存在着诸多与形势发展不相适应的地方,需要以战略为导向来构建财务报表分析框架和前景分析的路径,着力在课程名称、课程内容、课程教材、课程教法、课程文献等方面加强建设,培养学生运用专业知识的综合能力。  相似文献   

王蓓蕾  周夙韬 《商》2014,(23):140-141
《财经法规与会计职业道德》是会计人员必修的核心课程,主要目的是培养会计人员理解和运用财经法规的能力以及良好的会计职业素养。传统的以讲授式为主的教学方法已经无法满足教学目标需求,而采用案例教学法能够充分调动学生自主学习和独立思考的积极性和主动性。案例教学法不仅能丰富教学内容,而且能培养学生分析问题和解决问题的能力,以达到良好的教学效果。本文就案例教学法在《财经法规与会计职业道德》教学中的应用谈几点初步的认识。  相似文献   

Researchers and policymakers in many countries are interested in better understanding the relationship between financial education participation and cognitive outcomes such as financial knowledge and self‐efficacy. We used two waves of the nationally representative Canadian Financial Capability Survey along with propensity score matching (PSM) to compare outcomes between persons who had taken a financial education course to those who had not. After matching and adjusting for demographic and economic factors, financial education participants exhibited significantly higher objective and subjective financial knowledge and financial self‐efficacy scores. Post‐estimation analysis showed that higher overall objective financial knowledge scores were at least partially driven by higher scores of men. Financial education participants had higher subjective knowledge and financial self‐efficacy scores for both genders and across age. Future research into financial education ought to consider cognitive dimensions in addition to behavioral and financial outcomes.  相似文献   

Effective consumer financial education provides relevant information to meet special needs of targeted audiences. The purpose of this study is to examine differences in financial capability among student loan holders who are college students, graduates, and dropouts. Using data from the 2015 U.S. National Financial Capability Study, the results show that student loan holders who have completed their education program have higher scores in all financial capability indicators than college students and dropouts. Further analyses show differences in specific financial knowledge items among college students, graduates, and dropouts. In addition, college graduates are more likely to perform several specific desirable financial behaviors than college students and dropouts. The findings suggest that financial educators should emphasize action taking when they provide financial education for student loan holders who are college students and dropouts.  相似文献   

This paper examines the impact of three of the main financial planning designations on financial planner income. This study uses a sample of over 1800 financial planners including those with the Certified Financial Planner (CFP®), Chartered Financial Consultant (ChFC), Personal Financial Specialist (PFS), and no designation. The study results indicate that the CFP® designation is associated with a significant increase in income when compared with planners with no designation or holding the other designations cited. The researchers find no significant impact on earnings of the ChFC designation or the PFS designation. It is also found that the impact of the CFP® designation is greater for those planners relying on performance-based earnings rather than salary-based earnings.  相似文献   

Using the Wisconsin Longitudinal Study, a sample of Wisconsin high school graduates from the class of 1957, we explore the relationship between late‐life financial knowledge and human capital formed in early life. Specifically, we examine the associations between early‐life cognition and schooling experiences—such as academic performance and coursework—and late‐life financial knowledge. Financial knowledge is measured as individuals' knowledge of their own financial situations, which we argue is a prerequisite for good financial behavior. We find that those with lower early‐life cognitive functioning, especially those without college degrees, have lower levels of financial knowledge in late life. We find more limited evidence for independent associations of academic performance and math course work with late‐life financial knowledge.  相似文献   

This study examined the association of earlier financial literacy and later financial behaviour of college students. Financial literacy was measured by both subjective and objective knowledge and financial behaviours were categorized into risky paying and borrowing behaviours. Based on data collected at two time points from a panel of college students at a major state university in the USA, the results showed that the association between earlier knowledge and later financial behaviours differed by the specific type of knowledge (subjective vs. objective), with stronger effect of subjective knowledge, compared with objective knowledge on both composite and individual measures of risky borrowing and paying behaviours. We found that only subjective knowledge was correlated with a reduction in both composite behaviours. Both subjective and objective knowledge, however, reduced some specific risky paying and borrowing behaviours. Finally, we found consistent differences for two of the control variables: higher GPA (Grade Point Average) was associated with fewer risky paying behaviours; and gender (male vs. female) was associated with more of both types of risky behaviours.  相似文献   

Conceptual models were developed to explain the probability of seeking financial counselling services and the amount of time spent utilizing them. The models were estimated using a two-stage estimation procedure which corrects for sample selection bias. The sample included 912 undergraduate students enrolled at three institutions of higher education in the central New York State area during the fall semester of 1979. In the visitation model, non-white students, and students who lived in apartments, who attended private educational institutions, who received financial aid and who perceived their incomes to be inadequate were more likely to seek the financial counselling services offered by the Financial Aid Office. Seniors, students majoring in the natural sciences, students with higher total incomes and students who were dependent on their parents for financial support were less likely to visit the Financial Aid Office. The amount of time equation also showed that non-white students, students who were enrolled in private schools, who received high levels of financial aid and who perceived their incomes as inadequate spent more time in utilizing the financial counselling services on their campuses. On the other hand, students who lived with their parents, who had higher sources of non-financial aid income and who were dependent on their parents financially, spent less time utilizing the services of the Financial Aid Office.  相似文献   

"金融发展论"是研究发展中国家金融问题的理论,在许多发展中国家得到了检验和运用。我们从金融发展论出发,对我国的货币需求进行实证分析,目的是为了论证该理论在我国的适用性。  相似文献   

This research seeks to identify gaps in financial knowledge and behaviors between immigrants to Canada and individuals who are born in Canada. The research aims to evaluate to what extent immigrants involve themselves in financial planning and avoid harmful financial behaviors. Employing the Canadian Financial Capability Survey (2009), the findings of the study suggest that immigrants are less likely to show high levels of financial knowledge compared to born citizens. The knowledge gap between immigrants and born citizens narrows as an individual resides longer in Canada. In addition, immigrants are less likely to prepare themselves financially for their retirement or to have long-term investments. The findings provide a basis for addressing the implications of weak financial knowledge.  相似文献   

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