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跨国公司生产转移带来的技术转移将导致发展中东道国技术进步,这种技术进步以创新-模仿-再创新-再模仿的演变路径进行.发达国家创新率增长促进了跨国化率和南方模仿率增长,而南方模仿率增长又降低了北方跨国化率,从而降低了南方FDI流入量或FDI撤出南方,因此,北方跨国化率和南方模仿率最终将趋于稳态均衡.为了最优化模仿行为,南方将选择技术含量适宜的新产品进行模仿.政策含义是,当南北方技术差距较大时,南方没有必要实施严格的知识产权保护:当南北方技术差距相对较小时,南方才有必要在知识产权保护方面作出努力,以保证北方的跨国化率不降低.  相似文献   

会展业知识产权保护的新领域——商业模式   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
发达国家对于商业模式保护的研究与实践自新世纪以来已有突破性进展,积累了一定经验。我国正在建设创新型国家,上海正在做经济增长方式的转型。这些都需要我们进一步完善会展业的知识产权保护,进而提高整体知识产权保护水平。  相似文献   

中国的外商直接投资在过去二十年里以速度增长,知识产权保护强度对于外商直接投资的影响效应越来越明显.研究FDI增长与知识产权保护强度之间的关系具有重要的意义,本文使用改进后的IPR强度指数测定方法验证了IPR和FDI之间的关系,通过格兰杰因果检验,验证了知识产权保护确实是影响FDI的原因,知识产权保护水平对于FDI由较强大的正向作用,中国FDI整体的增加来源于保护知识产权工作的加强.  相似文献   

知识产权保护制度对于保护创造性的劳动和激励创新有着重要的作用,它也体现了一个国家社会诚信和法制建设的水平。在我国知识产权专利保护实行的是司法和行政两条途径协作运行的保护机制,随着我国知识产权保护制度的逐渐建立,知识产权保护意识在社会中也得到了更加广泛的普及和提高,这对于我国国民经济的健康的发展和科技进步的不断实现有着积极的意义。本文在此就分析了我国知识产权司法保护和行政保护的现状,以及存在的问题,并为我国知识产权保护双轨制的完善提出了建议,希望能为我国知识产权保护的相关部门和领域提供有益的启发。  相似文献   

当前,在经济全球化的大背景下,国际贸易和知识产权保护之间的联系愈加紧密。知识创新作为经济增长的最终源泉,国家高新技术产品出口已经成为其对外贸易发展新的增长点,产品出口伴随着知识产权的保护,而这已成为外贸转型升级中很重要的内容。本文通过讲述知识产权保护对技术创新、品牌优势、产品质量、服务含量的影响来分析知识产权保护影响外贸转型升级的内在机理。  相似文献   

王晓珮 《商业科技》2014,(8):197-197
创新是企业的生存支柱,是一个国家民族进步的灵魂,知识产权是一个产业发展的重--素,也是世界上主要国家的重要的战略资源。加强知识产权的保护不仅是为了促进知识创新,更是为了加强社会公众利益,并且加强知识产权的保护也是建设创新型国家的客观需要。本文介绍了保护知识产权的重要性以及如何加强知识产权的保护,并就知识产权保护与建设创新型国家的联系也作出相应介绍。  相似文献   

人类社会继农业时代、工业时代后,进入一个崭新的时代一知识经济时代.知识经济时代的主要财产形式是无形财产.从发展趋势来看,知识产权肯定会在无形财产中占头等重要的地位,也有可能在一切财产中占头等重要的地位.在西方市场经济国家,金融知识产权保护已成为一种普遍的做法.目前,我国金融产品的知识产权保护中仍存在诸多问题.本文分析了我国金融创新知识产权保护的现状,主要论述了在目前的大环境下,金融创新知识产权保护的重要性和如何对其进行保护.  相似文献   

随着知识经济和科技的发展,知识产权在国民经济和对外贸易中的地位越来越重要.尤其是我国入世之后,对外贸易额增长迅猛,自2004年突破万亿美元大关后,成为世界上第三大贸易国,贸易顺差继续扩大.这对美国、欧盟等无疑是一个很大的威胁.为了保护自己的国内市场,各国更多地求助于新型的非关税壁垒方式,其中知识产权保护被认为是诸多措施中更加难以捉摸的、更巧妙的保护手段,这已成为我国对外贸易中所面临的一个突出的问题.本文将结合我国知识产权保护的现状,针对其他国家对我国的知识产权保护问题,提出相应的知识产权策略.  相似文献   

理论分析了双向知识产权保护对出口国出口三元边际的影响,并选取2005—2015年中国出口到世界65个国家的HS-6位贸易数据,构建引力模型进行了实证验证。主要结论是,国内加强知识产权保护可以提升中国的出口种类和数量,贸易伙伴国加强知识产权保护可以提升中国的出口种类;没有证据表明,国内或国外知识产权保护水平的提升会影响中国的出口价格;当国内知识产权保护更强时,双向知识产权保护对中国出口种类的促进作用都有所增强,反之则二者作用都不显著;分国家类型的研究表明,双向知识产权保护的同时加强更有益于中国向发展中国家出口产品种类的扩张,但对发达国家则不显著。  相似文献   

知识产权制度是国家创新体系的核心要素之一.当前,中国知识产权保护制度面临的核心难题是知识产权保护强度问题.本文立足发展中国家立场,构建了一国经济内的双寡头垄断模型,分析了在创新型国家建设不同阶段的最优知识产权保护问题.研究发现,根据国家创新能力强弱,可以将创新型国家建设分为三个阶段,即:初级阶段、过渡阶段和高级阶段.其中,在初级阶段,经济整体创新能力较弱,如果盲目实施强知识产权保护,可能将经济拖入“创新陷阱”的恶性循环.对应不同阶段,最优知识产权保护强度的选择有所不同,一国应该依据自身创新能力的差异,实施分阶段知识产权保护政策.在理论分析基础上,本文运用省级面板数据对中国创新型国家建设的阶段性进行判断,结果显示目前中国创新型国家建设处于过渡阶段,其特征表现为创造性模仿.基于上述分析,本文提出了关于实施最优知识产权保护调控模式的设想.  相似文献   

This paper analyzes the growth and welfare effects of trade openness within a North–South framework that predicts the observed intra-industry trade and the North–South specialization over different quality vintages within product lines. The model is used to re-examine the relationship between the innovation in the North and the imitation lag of the South and to address the implications of the (weak) international Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) protection. When the imitation technology is modeled as a function of increasing complexity of targeted products, opening to trade increases the growth rate and welfare of both regions, but results in a larger North–South quality gap. While a full catch-up is possible with no protection of ideas flow, but also with no trade, the quality gap is always positive under full economic integration including trade in goods. Stronger IPR protection increases the gap and has a negative effect on the world growth rate and welfare.  相似文献   

This study examines the role of intellectual property rights (IPR) protection in total factor productivity (TFP) in countries developed at different levels. By undertaking two tests using data of 1,696 observations across 95 countries during 2001–2018 and data of 906 observations covering 87 countries in the 1965–2015 period, we find that the linkage of IPR protection to TFP is negative in least-developed countries while inverted U-shaped in developing and developed countries. In addition, developed countries have the strongest IPR protection and least-developed countries offer the weakest protection, and the optimal IPR protection level for TFP in developed countries is greater than that in developing countries. This study enriches our knowledge of both antecedents of TFP and implications of IPR protection. It provides empirical support for the institution-based view of IPR history and extends the view to the context of developed countries. This study also informs policymakers the proper level of IPR protection if the goal is to promote TFP.  相似文献   

This paper presents two simultaneous trade-offs faced by a developing country in protecting intellectual property rights (IPRs), namely (1) between attracting foreign direct investment and deterring international technology spillovers, and (2) between encouraging domestic innovation and suppressing technology diffusion. The optimal level of IPR protection depends on the technological capability of the host country. In less developed countries, IPRs should be just strong enough to induce FDI since international technology spillovers are the dominant source of technological development. A stronger level of IPR protection is instead recommended for more advanced emerging economies as a tool to exploit the potential of their domestic innovators. The results cast doubt on the adequacy of globally harmonized IPR standards that do not consider the level of development.  相似文献   

In this paper, we use a classical variety-expanding growth model to analyze the policy or institutional-arrangement choice for the Southern government who faces the tradeoff between imitating Northern innovation without cost and encouraging domestic innovation. We assume that the Southern government fully respects the principle of non-discrimination and hence treats both imitations, i.e., imitation of Northern innovation and imitation of domestic innovation, equally. For a given state of the economy, we explicitly and uniquely establish an optimal degree of intellectual property rights (IPR) protection for the South. Then, we find that there is a complementary relationship between optimal IPR protection and the innovation subsidy policy, which implies that they form an effective policy mix, hence offering a useful insight for avoiding ineffective policy conflicts widely occurred in real-world economies.  相似文献   

文章基于中国2004~2017年省际面板数据,实证考察了知识产权保护对OFDI驱动区域两阶段绿色创新的异质调节影响。研究发现:中国OFDI显著提高了区域绿色技术研发效率和绿色成果转化效率,且对后者的促进作用大于前者;知识产权保护对OFDI逆向绿色创新溢出具有显著的调节作用,在绿色技术研发阶段和绿色成果转化阶段分别呈现正向边际效率递增和正向倒"U"型动态特征,在两阶段应分别实施更为严厉和强度适中的知识产权保护调节策略;知识产权保护对OFDI逆向绿色创新溢出的动态调节效应存在显著的空间差异,在两阶段绿色创新过程中,东部地区均应比中、西部地区实施更为严厉的知识产权保护策略。  相似文献   

现实世界中,知识产权的立法和保护已经在WTO成员域内得到普遍遵守,知识产权的执法问题也得到高度重视和关注。网络环境下,知识产权问题呈现出加强合作和注重技术等新特点。入世十年来,中国已经制定和完善了相关知识产权法律法规,特别是网络环境的知识产权保护。在国际层面逐步加强网络环境中的知识产权执法已经是势不可挡,中国对此依然面临着巨大挑战。  相似文献   

I review the various interrelationships between innovation in service industries and the need for intellectual property rights (IPR) protection. A number of service sectors engage in significant innovation, particularly in information technologies, the internet, digital entertainment, and financial services, suggesting that IPR are of increasing importance in those areas. Other service sectors have not made much use of IPR to date but emerging patterns of innovation indicates that doing so will become a more central element of commercial strategy. A review of available survey evidence supports these views. I discuss how fundamental principles of IPR may be applied to various services and note certain gaps in policy regimes that should be filled in order to meet the needs of these sectors.  相似文献   

North-South trade and directed technical change   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In a world where poor countries provide weak protection for intellectual property rights (IPRs), market integration shifts technical change in favor of rich nations. Through this channel, free-trade may amplify international wage differences. At the same time, integration with countries where IPRs are weakly protected can slow down the world growth rate. An important implication of these results is that protection of intellectual property is most beneficial in open countries. This prediction, which is novel in the literature, is consistent with evidence from a panel of 53 countries observed in the years 1965-1990. The paper also provides empirical support for the mechanism linking North-South trade to the direction of technical change: an increase in import penetration from low-wage, low-IPRs countries is followed by a sharp fall in R&D investment in a panel of US manufacturing sectors.  相似文献   

We build a multi-sectoral North-South trade model to analyze international intellectual property rights (IPR) protection. By comparing the Nash equilibrium IPR protection standard of the South (the developing countries) with that of the North (the developed countries), we find that the former is naturally weaker than the latter. Moreover, we show that both regions can gain from an agreement that requires the South to harmonize its IPR standards with those of the North, and the North to liberalize its traditional goods market. This demonstrates the merits of multi-sectoral negotiations in the GATT/WTO.  相似文献   

Intellectual property rights and foreign direct investment   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
This paper develops a product cycle model with endogenous innovation, imitation, and foreign direct investment (FDI). We use this model to determine how stronger intellectual property rights (IPR) protection in the South affects innovation, imitation and FDI. We find that stronger IPR protection keeps multinationals safer from imitation, but no more so than Northern firms. Instead, the increased difficulty of imitation generates resource wasting and imitation disincentive effects that reduce both FDI and innovation. The greater resources absorbed in imitation crowd out FDI. Reduced FDI then transmits resource scarcity in the South back to the North and consequently contracts innovation.  相似文献   

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