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<正>如何过春节?选择有很多。你可以在网上体验淘宝带来的购物乐趣,可以徜徉在商街上体验商业与文化的碰撞,还可以从龙乡河南濮阳到马尔代夫间五花八门的线路中任意畅游……这是岁首假期,一个激发人们享受热情的季节,它点燃了市场的红火:从购物中心到秀水街,从黄金龙饰到网购年货,还有休闲度假游……让我们对着2012高喊:龙年,开市啦!  相似文献   

王薇 《中国市场》2010,(43):38-39
<正>在我们的印象中,从事民族传统手工艺的,一般都是些上了点岁数的老人家,但有这样一位80后,年纪轻轻靠着偷学来的手艺将传统的面人绝活儿做得风生水起。他,就是杨大  相似文献   

在世界范围内,中国春节越来越受消费者欢迎,特别是东南亚消费者会在社交商务中参加中国春节活动。然而,现实中却存在一个矛盾的现象,即一些东南亚消费者春节期间热衷于购买中国商品,而春节过后却抵制中国商品。实证研究发现,东南亚消费者并未完全从态度上偏好中国春节和中国商品,只是出于社交商务的需要才参与中国春节和购买中国商品。东南亚消费者可区分为文化杂食型和节日身份型两个细分市场。其中,文化杂食型消费者包容并喜欢多元文化,会长期偏好中国节日和中国商品;节日身份型消费者仅在中国节日期间会参与中国节日和购买中国商品。这样的结论对指导中国企业实践具有重要价值,首先,为更好地响应“一带一路”倡议,应树立中国品牌意识,在“一带一路”沿线国家培育偏好中国文化和产品的朋友圈,转变消费者态度;其次,为更好地实施“走出去”战略,应在国际市场进行文化杂食和节日身份的细分,对文化杂食型消费者以文化为纽带培育其长期稳定的消费习惯,对节日身份型消费者通过营销策划刺激其消费;其三,为成功进入东南亚市场,对在东南亚运营的社交商务,应侧重培育消费者亲中国文化与产品的态度,并增加其使用社交商务平台的愉悦感。  相似文献   

王薇 《中国市场》2011,(12):48-49
<正>北京电视台2009年大年初五播出的春节晚会上,在节目最后结束时展出了"平安北京"四个大字,这四个字苍劲有力,表达了对北京城和北京人民的美好祝福,给许多观众留下了深刻的印象。其实,这四个字并非出自哪位书法大家,而是出自一位经营了十几年字画生意的商人——常大伟。  相似文献   

农户粮食销售时机选择及其影响因素分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过对黑龙江、吉林、内蒙古三省区232个农户调查数据分析,发现农户的售粮渠道较为单一,71.7%的农户将粮食卖给小粮贩。农户通过选择不同的销售时机来尽量化解单一销售渠道带来的"敲竹杠"风险。通过进一步分析农户售粮时机选择的影响因素,发现农户的财富水平和销售时机选择存在正相关关系,即农户家庭财富水平越高,农户销售时间越往后延。  相似文献   

Last November the State Council of China decided to renew its holiday system by reducing the seven-day May Day holiday to three days and introducing three new one-day public holidays, namely the Qingming Festival, Dragon Boat Festival and Moon Festival. By doing so, the three golden-week holidays that were introduced in 1999, namely the Spring Festival, May Day and National Day, could be better distributed.  相似文献   

As the Spring Festival of China with a long vocation of seven days nationally is approaching, more and more attention is paid to the out-bound and inn-bound traveling market. Will people hold their pockets firmly in the "cold winter" of world-wide financial crisis, or will they grab the great discount of traveling and take a good relax?  相似文献   

刘忠印 《中国市场》2007,(32):42-44
广州市民、企业在过春节时,为了求得吉利和美化生活环境,总要购买大量的花卉、盆橘等摆放。春节过后,大量的枯花烂橘被弃置,不仅给环境带来危害,而且造成人力物力的浪费,本文以废弃物流相关理论作指导,提出解决问题的对策建议。  相似文献   

Similar to what the Christmas Day means for the westerners,the Spring Festival is the most important celebration for Chinese people.This big event according to Chinese traditional lunar calendar relaxes and pleases the whole country as the happiest gathering time of the year.National-wide crusade for going back home,too-difficult-to-get train tickets,generous family-going-out shopping,Miaohui laundering,New Year Eve reunion dinner,visiting friends and relatives,watching annual TV gala......each piece of clue reminds us of the smell of Chinese Spring Festival.  相似文献   

China has 16 legal festivals, including New Year's Day, Spring Festival, May Day, National Day, Qingming Festival, Dragon Boat Festival and Mid-Autumn Festival when all Chinese people will be on vacation. The other 9 are for special industries or specific people like Women's Day, Arbor Day, Youth Day, International Nurse Day, Children's Day, Anniversary of the Founding of the Chinese Com- munist Party (the Party's Birthday) and Army Day of the Chinese People's Liberation Army, Teacher's Day, and Journalists' Day. At the festivals, people can enjoy the legal holidays. Always a lot of people go out of their homes for traveling or shopping.  相似文献   

EVA AIR has announced the timetable for its charter flights for the Spring Festival 2007, which takes place this year on January 19.  相似文献   

There is a saying: east or west, Kwangtung food is the best, meaning that Kwangtung food is well known both in China and across the world, of which the most unique is Canton soup.  相似文献   

吴美花  徐燕娜  孙岚 《浙商》2020,(8):60-60,8
随着疫情在全球的快速蔓延,多国停止了进出口业务,国际贸易领域成为重灾区,外贸出口企业面临着空前的严峻挑战。“目前还没有什么应对措施,只能先趴着.”余正(化名)说.余正是绍兴一家外贸公司的掌门人,在过去的十年里,他将面料出口到全球45个国家和地区,去年的销售额有4亿元.但在疫情期间的短短一个月内,90%的订单被取消,公司瞬间从“黄金时代”跌入“黑铁时代”。  相似文献   

Ashortage of coal and coal mines has accelerated the resource crisis in China. compounded by the heavy snow in the southern regions that hit just before the Chinese traditional Spring Festival period.The uncertainty of coal supplies from China,Australia and South Africa has resulted in a sharp price increase in the Asian coal market.How to solve the coal problem not only during this time of crisis but also in the long-term has raised the level of concern in this newly affected nation. Some new and alternative resources have been considered as substitutes,such as coalbed methane.China's Foreign Trade interviewed the Vice-President and Senior Engineer of China United Coalbed Methane Co.,Ltd.,Mr.Lin Jianhao,to discuss this topic in detail.  相似文献   

阮元在学术思想上虽然受到戴震的影响,但治学的侧重点和戴震显然有别。从治学实践来看,阮元注重求实、通博和经世致用。在学术渊源和治学宗旨上,他和顾炎武更为接近。  相似文献   

2019年底、2020年初,一场猝不及防的新冠肺炎(NCP)病毒突袭我国的武汉地区。在地点上,武汉地区是京广线的重要节点城市,长江水运与京广铁路构成中国交通十字形的重要枢纽;在时间上,正逢中国传统春节,是中国节日经济的一个重要时期。病毒的“精准投放”并蔓延,在全国造成了严重后果,使全国上下纷纷动员进行应对,造成社会生活的暂停和群众生活的困难,对我国经济发展产生了重大影响,江苏商贸流通业也不例外地受到重创。江苏在中央的英明领导下进行了坚决的防治,商贸流通业也做了大量的工作,后期将继续做好止损增销工作。  相似文献   

The imperial court of the Qin Dynasty established a famous royal garden by making full use of the low wetland, the beautiful mountain and the lake in Qujiang Area. Two of the most popular parts here were Yichun Spring Garden and Le Youyuan Wonderland. Qujiang was also an important part of Shanglin Yuan Royal Garden.  相似文献   

2020年春节,一场突如其来的新冠肺炎疫情,打破了原有的经济生态。将人员流动降到最低限度,这是防护新冠肺炎传染的最大限度保障措施。但也因此,如同电影《后天》里的冰河纪袭来,干里冰封,将经济活动、人员流动的血脉循环慢慢凝固。生产者脱离了生产资料,消费者隔离了消费市场,经济活动降到了冰点。  相似文献   

Traditional Spring Festival in China means a family reunion time no matter how difficult to realize it. Due to China's large amount of population moving at one time, its limited transportation capacity is often hard to bear in the around one month lasting time. A railway ticket to home could be as precious as gold. We often call this nationwide migrating crusade "Chunyun" in China. In the special period, Chinese transportation industry, especially the railway transportation, receives the highest focus from all the aspects. What's the difference of Chunyun this year? What new efforts exerted by Chinese government? Let's hear the voice from the Ministry of Railways.  相似文献   

文章指出,进入2011年以来,我国消费品市场运行平稳良好,除一、二月份受春节小长假影响外,其余月份社会消费品零售总额增速在17%左右平稳波动,实际增速继续在低位运行,CPI增速在8月和9月份连续出现回落.大型零售企业销售稳定快速增长,三季度零售额增速比2010年同期提高4.02个百分点,1~9月份零售额累计增速比2010年同期提高4.18个百分点,服装零售额同比快速增长,而零售量却大幅下滑,家电零售额增速波动较大,金银珠宝类销售降温,食品类零售额增速逐步放缓.  相似文献   

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