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韩志英 《商》2013,(19):277-277
对于涉外定牌加工行为是否构成商标侵权,学术界存在不同认识,实务中却大多按照侵权行为进行处理,但从商标的基本功能即识别功能出发,运用混淆可能性理论和利益平衡方法予以论证,涉外定牌加工并不会在加工方所在国造成消费者混淆,本质上不构成商标侵权行为。  相似文献   

随着我国社会主义改革开放和世界经济一体化的发展,我国涉外定牌加工企业蓬勃发展,涉外定牌加工形式的特殊性,使得定牌加工企业因为在加工生产中使用商标的行为经常容易发生商标侵权的纠纷。目前我国涉外定牌加工企业商标纠纷日趋严重,已经影响到  相似文献   

本文从涉外定牌加工商标侵权实际案件出发,通过对该类纠纷中认定构成侵权的主要案例及主要理由、不认定侵权的主要理由及规定和区别情况加以认定的主要观点的研究,着重分析商标侵权认定的实质要件、"商标使用"含义的理解等法律问题,同时对于商标侵权纠纷中的利益主体、商标地域性及国际贸易分工合作等进行综合考量,提出对该类纠纷的法律适用应当考虑3个方面,包括对我国《商标法》第五十二条第(一)项合理解释、工商海关部门行政查处与司法衔接以及针对不同的情况采取不同的处理方法。  相似文献   

贾小龙 《商业时代》2012,(21):104-106
混淆可能性理论在商标侵权认定中具有重要作用,但从我国商标权的产生依据、属性以及商标的基本功能出发,混淆可能性仅是部分商标侵权成立的判定依据,而对于在相同商品或服务上使用与他人注册商标标识相同的标识构成侵权的,无须适用混淆可能性标准。  相似文献   

定牌加工作为商标使用的一种形式,不是单一的商标专用权保护问题,涉及商标印制、商标许可使用、冒充注册商标、侵权假冒等几方面的综合问题。只有综合地、联系地看待定牌加工,才能发挥商标监管的作用。一、定牌加工作为企业经营策略,是一种充满活力的现代经营模式定牌加工其实质是以商标为核心内容的商品加工定做活动。以委托方是否涉外分类,定牌加工分为涉外定牌加工和国内定牌加工;以商标标识的提供方式分类,定牌加工可分为委托方提供商标标识形式和加工方印制商标标识形式;以商标是否在我国注册分类,定牌加工可以分为已在我国注…  相似文献   

近年来涉外定牌加工贸易引起的商标侵权纠纷屡见不鲜,不少中小企业因为侵犯商标专用权而遭受巨额赔偿以致于破产的事情一再发生。本文在介绍定牌加工内涵的基础上,对其所产生的商标侵权问题进行了探讨,并提出了我国应有的对策。  相似文献   

定牌加工企业自改革开放以来发展迅速,为我国的出口创汇等起到了不可估量的作用。但定牌加工中对商标使用是否构成侵权引发了业界许多的讨论与争议。在我国司法实践中的处理也各不相同,本文旨在通过对定牌加工行为的认识,从贸易方式角度来讨论。  相似文献   

涉外定牌加工一直是我国商标侵权问题中的争议焦点和热点,本文将围绕最高法2019年HONDA案再审判决,对比最高法的观点变化,分析该判决对各级法院审理此类案件的影响,并以此为依据,结合在先案例,为涉外定牌加工行业的相关方提供一些建议。  相似文献   

随着经济的不断发展和法律意识的逐渐提高,我国商标侵权诉讼的提起逐年增多,因此,如何认定企业构成商标侵权行为就变得十分关键。本文试图通过对商标侵权认定的构成要件的探讨与分析,希望可以以此促进企业对商标侵权认定的了解,促进企业对近似商标未必侵犯商标权的认识,引起大家对企业商标侵权问题的深入思考及广泛研究。  相似文献   

定牌加工的法律特征及规范管理   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
一、定牌加工的法律特征定牌加工与商标法律制度密切相关,由于产品涉及标注委托方的注册商标,因此很容易被混同商标使用许可行为,其实调整商标使用许可法律关系的是商标法;而定牌加工本质是产品的加工承揽方式,调整定牌加工双方法律关系的主要是合同法。定牌加工属于承揽行为。加工承揽是承揽方按照定作方的要求完成一定的工作,定作方接受承揽方完成的工作成果并给付约定报酬的法律关系,由于定牌加工方在生产加工的过程中,所需的原材料根据合同的约定,有的由定牌方提供,有的由受托方根据委托方的要求自行采购,因此定牌加工包括加…  相似文献   

我国涉外贴牌生产中围绕贴牌商标的"侵权"问题已经产生了不少的法律纠纷和诉讼。但是对此我国并没有明确的司法解释,法院的判决也相互冲突。根据侵权行为构成的法理分析、《商标法》第52条中商标使用的分析和利益衡量原则,涉外贴牌生产企业的贴牌行为不应视为商标侵权行为。  相似文献   

陈旭  李亚蝉  侯婷婷 《中国市场》2012,(25):38-39,6
<正>赢了官司就等于赢得一切?经过如此旷日持久的纷争后,"王老吉"这个已有很好知名度的品牌会否被逼入死胡同而渐渐走向灭亡呢?对于未来市场上两种红罐凉茶,竞争才刚刚开始。加多宝集团在17年的凉茶运营中获得了配方、产能、资金、渠道、综合体系的积淀,广州医药集团则有着巨大的品牌优势和集团优势。  相似文献   

The paper addresses a trademark infringer who seeks to capitalize on the reputation of a trademark owner, sells an identical product under a trademark which is confusingly similar to that of the owner, charges the same price and competes with him in the same market. We show that the welfare-maximizing monitoring intensity is zero, hence the government is not likely to engage in monitoring infringement. Recognizing this, the trademark owner may consider monitoring the market himself, discovering, however, that this is worth his while only if the penalty for infringement, which he fully collects, is sufficiently high. Given the entry condition, an increase in the penalty may either raise or lower the optimal monitoring intensity. In the former case it will counter-intuitively increase the infringer's expected profit, apparently because a higher penalty will also lead to a raise in price. While monitoring enables the trademark owner to maintain a positive profit level, it reduces social welfare. The government may intervene to eliminate the private incentive for monitoring through taxing the collected penalty.  相似文献   

As many observers expected when the Americans with Disabilities Act became law, employers have faced numerous court cases regarding the matter of appropriate accommodations for disabled workers under the law. The difficulty is that no consensus has emerged on the various interpretations of that law. Three particular areas of concern and disagreement have emerged, namely, how the accommodation request is made, how to handle reassignments, and whether to permit telecommuting as a substitute to working on premises. Several federal circuit courts have determined that the employer must respond to an employee's request in virtually any form, while others have stated that the employee must be specific in requesting an accommodation for disability. In two circuits, the employee must show some evidence of disability. The case law governing reassignment also varies by circuit, but in general a disabled employee who is being transferred would be given priority over prospective hires for the same position. The work of existing employees is not to be increased as a consequence of the ADA. Finally, telecommuting has thus far not found favor in most courts, but an employer who permits telecommuting for some employees will find it difficult to claim hardship for a worker who seeks to telecommute under the ADA's provisions. The courts have been most supportive of employers who have made a specific, fact-based determination regarding an employee's request for accommodation. By focusing directly on the situation at hand, an employer can document the particulars of an ADA request, regardless of whether the employee is satisfied by the employer's determination.  相似文献   

TRIPS协定下商标注册包含的使用要求具有重要的法理意义,这也是美国商标法的直接体现。其中,TRIPS协定第15条第3款是对WTO成员国内立法的妥协,体现为一项选择性义务。TRIPS协定第15条第1款还包含了通过使用获得商标注册的显著性要求的规定,第16条第1款包含了对在先使用商标的特别保护要求。我国在商标注册使用要求方面不抵触TRIPS协定最低义务要求,但在商标法第三次修改时应谨慎对未驰名商标保护给予扩大保护。  相似文献   

Nike. McDonald’s Apple. These companies and many others invest millions of dollars each year protecting that one thing that distinguishes them in the marketplace – a trademark. A company’s trademark is the symbol that allows consumers to know that they are dealing with a particular company. This article addresses the extent to which some companies will go to obtain and protect a trademark. Specifically, it will address the fight between Cisco and Apple over the iPhone trademark, as both companies took questionable steps in the United States and abroad to obtain rights to the iPhone mark. In addition, the basics of trademark law and ethical theories relevant to trademark law will be addressed.  相似文献   

用激励创新、先占原则、劳动理论论证传统知识的知识产权保护难度较大,鼓励商业化、侵占、不当得利、精神权利保护等理论则有一定的说服力,而商标侵权和商标淡化只适用于极少数案例。传统知识虽与知识产权有较大区别,但是它总体上也属于知识产权、财产,现有的财产权理论支持传统知识中性保护而不是强保护。  相似文献   

本文试图以电子商务领域中的“网络诽谤”这个话题来客观评价给出的命题。互联网具有跨国性,因此基于一旦进入网络提供商服务器的信息就会同时被全世界的互联网用户可见的网络原理,网络诽谤会形成无数个侵权行为地,对属地管辖权提出了挑战。但是,电子商务涉及的管辖权问题并不是不可以解决的,例如各国发生的一些网络诽谤案例法院都能很好地解决管辖权问题,国际社会对网络民事案件管辖权问题的解决也达成了很多共识,欧盟对电子商务涉及管辖权问题进行了区域统一立法。对于电子商务涉及的管辖权问题应该在传统规则的基础上进行谨慎改良,并且考虑网络的特点综合多种因素来解决,另外,要加强国际间的合作和交流以在这方面达成共识。  相似文献   

Since the 1990s, each Member State of the European Union designed a policy that infused the liberal American fresh start policy into its own social institutions and legal culture. Especially in countries with a civil law tradition, the legal position of the consumer has improved. The paradigm of lifelong liability of debts has been replaced by a form of limited liability. Discharge of debts has established itself as a firm legal principle in all European jurisdictions. In most European countries, the new approach consists of a combination of legal and extrajudicial instruments. Under the umbrella of the courts, social workers, trustees, and administrators perform a broad range of activities in monitoring and helping debtors. The so-called new-chance approach has dramatically changed the playing field amongst debtors and creditors. The new legal equilibrium worked rather well in most European countries in the 1990s and 2000s. However, the systems are obviously far from perfect as almost all European governments are still fine-tuning their laws. Recently, two innovations have appeared on the European stage: Some Nordic countries have opted for a centralized state-controlled enforcement system, while in the UK, commercial debt management plans were developed, mainly by commercial suppliers. In 2005, the US Bankruptcy Code was changed in favour of the creditors. The 2008 credit crunch and its aftermath present a window of opportunity for the next step in the modernization of debt enforcement policy. I will suggest a merger of the fields of debt relief and debt collection, with a pivotal role for independent trustees.  相似文献   

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