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本文基于社会交换理论和“评价-情感-应对”模式理论,从顾客主体价值视角切入,通过构建体验价值、顾客承诺与顾客公民行为相互作用的理论模型,弥补了“S-O-R”旧有范式在解释顾客公民行为生成机制方面的不足。通过对727个有效样本数据的研究发现,效率价值对计算性承诺和情感性承诺均具有显著正向影响;服务卓越价值、审美价值和趣味性价值对情感性承诺具有显著正向影响;相比于计算性承诺对顾客公民行为的影响,情感性承诺对顾客公民行为三维度的影响更强;计算性承诺和情感性承诺在体验价值与顾客公民行为的关系中存在部分中介效应。研究结论为探讨顾客主体视角下顾客公民行为的生成机制提供了新的理论支持,也为我国网络零售商的网络营销实践提供了决策依据。  相似文献   

营销渠道成员关系承诺价值研究   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
关系承诺反映的是渠道成员期望维持与另一成员关系的一种态度。它被营销学者认为是渠道成员关系保持的基石。渠道成员产生关系承诺态度的前提是其关系承诺价值的存在,在给出关系承诺价值的成分构成及理论计算公式的基础上,用关系承诺价值指标作为关系生命周期阶段的划分指标,避免了用交易额或利润作为划分指标可能扭曲和放大关系发展实际状态的问题。  相似文献   

跨组织电子商务与企业间信任、承诺关系研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
跨组织电子商务的发展为合作企业带来诸多优势,并可能会影响到合作企业关系。将经典的关系变量(如信任、承诺和关系价值创造)与跨组织电子商务纳入到模型进行实证研究,结果表明,跨组织电子商务并没有对关系价值创造产生积极影响,而承诺会对跨组织电子商务使用产生积极影响,信任对于跨组织电子商务的使用是否产生影响并不明朗,同时信任和承诺对于关系价值创造的积极影响关系以及信任对于承诺的积极影响关系得到了验证。  相似文献   

已有研究将领导-成员交换关系纳入离职研究中,但对其影响机制没有达成共识.本研究在回顾并分析中西方领导-成员交换关系相关研究基础之上,结合中国具体情境"关系、权威、回报"等,引入中介变量主管承诺,调节变量组织承诺,建立领导-成员交换关系对员工离职意图的影响机制:领导-成员交换关系正向影响主管承诺,主管承诺与员工离职意图之间受组织承诺调节.  相似文献   

本文基于零售商与供应商冲突的角度,研究零售商行使自身权力对供应商的满意度、依赖以及地位的影响,以某商贸城的商户为样本,采用问卷调查获得有效数据,使用SPSS 17.0分析软件,对样本进行描述性统计分析及相关分析来验证研究假设.研究表明,零售商一般性权力的使用会提高供应商的满意度和依赖,而强制性权力的使用与供应商的满意度和依赖之间无明显关系.由此建议,零售商可适当调整对权力种类的使用,加强零售商与供应商之间的沟通,建立零售商与供应商之间的信任关系.  相似文献   

O2O零售能够产生顾客锁定效应,但该效应往往会因顾客对O2O零售系统采纳意愿低而表现不明显。根据影响顾客O2O零售系统采纳意愿的相关因素及其影响程度在网络购物经验不同的顾客间的差异,建立O2O零售系统采纳意愿模型,并通过实证研究验证顾客感知价值四个维度对O2O零售系统采纳意愿作用机理与网络购物经验调节作用可以发现,顾客感知价值的四个维度(省钱、便利、探索、娱乐)是影响顾客对O2O零售系统使用态度的重要因素,它们能够通过对O2O零售系统的使用态度显著影响顾客对该系统的采纳意愿,网络购物经验显著调节省钱和探索对O2O零售系统使用态度的影响,而对便利、娱乐和O2O零售系统使用态度的关系并未起到显著调节作用。基于此,为更好地提高O2O零售系统顾客采纳意愿,传统零售商在多渠道转型过程中,应从顾客采纳O2O零售系统的动机出发,提升顾客使用O2O零售系统所感知到的效用和享乐价值。  相似文献   

工商关系中,大型零售商借助对销售终端的控制权,从自身的利益出发,对供应商采取各种强权策略,致使在交易过程中经常与供应商发生冲突和摩擦。本文从博弈论和利润的角度出发进行分析,认为在与稳定、大型和信用度高的供应商交易过程中,大型零售商应该与其建立战略合作伙伴关系。而在与合作不稳定或者信用度不高的供应商交易过程中,大型零售商应该持观望态度,针对性采取有利于本身的策略。  相似文献   

市场营销研究者将采购间与供应商建立长期可靠的伙伴关系作为研究的着重点。但是,长期指向性、信任、承诺等研究概念均源于西方,由于社会文化的差异,东方社会与西方社会的营销行为也不尽相同。中国社会与西方社会的最大区别就是对人关系的差异,本研究即以在中国社会中普遍存在的私人关系对营销渠道中供应商与采购商的关系质量的影响为研究主题。通过对石家庄四家百货商店的250个供应商的调查,结果表明,关系对信任及承诺有正向影响,对长期导向则没有显示出正向影响,而这个结果与先前的研究不同。  相似文献   

刘丽 《电子商务》2011,(9):36+38
零售商与供应商是营销渠道和供应链中十分重要的两个环节.本文通过认真梳理了连锁超市中零售商与供应商的关系,针对他们之问面临的困境和难题,提出了和谐零售商与供麻商关系的对策和建议.  相似文献   

随着我国市场经济的发展,商品流通领域中的零售商和供应商双方在交易中的地位也在不断转换,零售商逐渐在交易中占据优势地位,一些大型零售商滥用这种优势地位激化了其与供应商之间的矛盾,零售商的优势地位容易导致拖欠、占用供应商贷款,收取名目繁多的费用,要挟供应商等问题.从法律关系看,零售商与供应商之间的交易关系是民事法律关系,应体现意思自治与平等、合同自由的原则,但在现实中,由于一些零售商滥用市场优势地位,二者的关系与这种原则还有相当大的差距.为此,应建立和完善制止滥用市场优势地位的法律,并借助行业协会的力量建立多种协调和自律机制.  相似文献   

Using qualitative methods, the authors examine commitment in the sports industry and specifically in a NASCAR context. Commitment, or the culmination of the customer-service provider relationship, plays a particularly critical role in NASCAR, for which more than 70% of fans consciously choose a current sponsor's brand over a competitor's. Previous research, primarily in the domain of business-to-business marketing, focuses on attitudinal, instrumental, and temporal components of commitment; this article examines attitudinal commitment within the NASCAR context. Whereas previous research conceptualizes attitudinal commitment as identification, value congruence, and affiliation, this research presents a wider view. Specifically, within the NASCAR consumption culture, hero/villain myths surrounding drivers create conflict that heightens attitudinal commitment to the sport. This research therefore offers implications regarding non-traditional components of attitudinal commitment.  相似文献   

This paper explores the mediating role of commitment in the relationships between service assurance, service reliability and attitudinal loyalty. A quantitative cross-sectional data generated from 138 experienced users of telecommunication services formed the final database. Attitudinal loyalty was found to be a process-based construct that starts from service assurance and proceeds to service reliability and finally to customer commitment and loyalty. The entire process explained 69 per cent of the total variance in attitudinal loyalty. The relationship between service assurance and attitudinal loyalty was insignificant. No support was found for the proposed mediating role of customer commitment in the relationship between service assurance and attitudinal loyalty. In contrast, the relationship between service assurance and attitudinal loyalty was fully mediated by service reliability. Finally, service reliability was both directly and indirectly related to attitudinal loyalty through customer commitment. To attract customers' attitudinal loyalty therefore, services companies especially those within the low-contact service category must deliver reliable services and make efforts to assure customers that their services are reliable. The implications for customer loyalty theory and future research are also discussed.  相似文献   

This study examines whether consumers' perceptions of corporate social responsibility (CSR) activities can predict behavioral loyalty, and how two attitudinal constructs drawing from the means-end chain model—involvement and commitment—mediate this relationship. A field study of 634 customers of an Australian professional football team was conducted by combining attitudinal surveys with actual behavioral data collected one year later. The results revealed a positive mediating effect of involvement on the relationship between perceived CSR and behavioral loyalty. However, when the effect of involvement on behavioral loyalty was mediated by commitment, the indirect effect of perceived CSR turned negative. The findings of this study indicate that the contribution of CSR initiatives to behavioral loyalty is not as robust as past research suggests, and is also contingent upon specific psychological states activated by consumers' perceptions of such initiatives.  相似文献   

Purpose: The authors developed a model framework for buyer–supplier relationships and used it to extend theory in 4 areas: (a) maintenance of long-term relationships; (b) conversion of relationships from adversarial to cooperative; (c) changes in relationships over their lives; and (d) levels of commitment and trust between partners.

Methodology/approach: The authors analyzed existing research on buyer–seller relationships and theoretical concepts in various disciplines to develop a 3-stage temporal relationship model consisting of pre-deal (t–1), deal enactment (t), and deal continuation (t+1) stages. From the model and existing research, the authors drew propositions for relationships in the areas of buyer and seller power, several forms of commitment and trust, intellectual capital, and financial performance.

Findings: Briefly, the authors proposed that (a) at the pre-deal stage, increased buyer power may instigate supplier input commitment or vice versa; (b) at deal enactment, both parties may commit to a written contract and build contractual trust through a low degree of relational commitment; and (c) in the deal continuation stage, contractual trust, and attitudinal commitment of one of the parties is likely to foster attitudinal commitment in the other party. The authors found that buyer's and supplier's total commitment fosters goodwill trust and helps build intellectual capital and financial performance, and that the weaker party in the relationship likely gains more from the partnership than the stronger party.

Research implications: In addition to existing research, the authors used several actual situations to provide support for our propositions. However, more research should be done in all areas to additionally confirm our propositions and otherwise add to theory development.

Practical implications: By looking at buyer–seller relationships in three stages, the authors developed several implications for both parties. These included long-term results of short-term actions, importance of industry factors on buyer and seller commitment, and the role of commitment in determining whether long-term relationships are developed.

Originality/value/contribution: The authors extended and coordinated existing theory by consolidating the implications of previous research into a cohesive buyer–supplier relationship model. This model should enable both researchers and managers to better comprehend the dynamics of vertical relationships with a multi-dimensional, reciprocal approach. The results should also provide managers an additional tool to gauge and forecast the fate of a relationship by analyzing levels of trust and commitment as the relationship progresses.  相似文献   

This article aims to investigate the impactful effect of relationship quality dimensions (i.e., trust, satisfaction, and commitment) on aspects of loyalty represented by attitudinal loyalty and behavioral loyalty. A quantitative survey method was employed to achieve the objectives of the study. Furthermore, a convenience sampling technique was adopted to select a representative sample from physicians working in the public healthcare sector in Jordan. A total of 500 questionnaires were distributed, and 408 questionnaires were used in the statistical analyses. The data were analyzed by applying structural equation modeling to test the study model, and hypotheses were constructed and tested quantitatively and discussed qualitatively. The results revealed that both aspects of customer loyalty (i.e., behavioral and attitudinal) were affected positively by the overall dimensions of relationship quality (i.e., trust, satisfaction, and commitment), providing a recommendation for pharmaceutical companies in Jordan to focus on improving the relationship quality between their medical representatives and physicians due to the importance of such a factor in improving customer loyalty, which will reflect positively in managing their customers effectively and enhancing future business opportunities.  相似文献   

Relationship marketing has taken on a significant role in both retail practice and academic study. However, from the introduction of the concept of relationship marketing into the literature scholars have noted that relationship building may not be beneficial to all firms under all conditions. In this study, we investigate this issue attempting to gain a greater understanding of the value of relationship marketing activities across targets (i.e., customers and suppliers) and within contexts (i.e., competitive intensity and three elements of market dynamism) on a retailer's ability to develop the capability of market responsiveness. Our findings, based upon a sample of 172 small retailers, demonstrate that differences do in fact exist in the value delivery to retailers from relationships with different targets and across different contexts in which the retailer operates. As such, the results of this study extend the extant relationship marketing literature, refining our understanding of the value of relationship marketing. Implications for academics and practitioners are discussed.  相似文献   

Despite the surge of interest in living wage research, most studies pay little attention to the effect of living wages on employee attitudes and behaviour. We examine the differences between living wage and minimum wage workers on three attitudinal and behavioural outcomes: affective commitment, organizational citizenship behaviour (OCB), and turnover intention. We also examine the effects of training and benefits on the three outcomes. Results show that living wage workers have higher affective commitment and lower turnover intention. Training and benefits also improve workers' attitudinal and behavioural outcomes variously. Copyright © 2016 ASAC. Published by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   


Although brand commitment has been a recurrent theme in loyalty research, the construct is not well understood with regard to its formation and its links to other key attitudinal variables. Integrating consumer research and relationship marketing theory, this paper suggests two routes to the development of affective commitment and proposes a model of brand commitment with satisfaction, trust, and brand-person fit as antecedents and exclusive purchase intention as an outcome. The model was tested across three product categories and received substantial empirical support. Implications, limitations and future research directions are discussed.  相似文献   

This article aims to build on previous research analyzing the effects of perceived justice on customers' satisfaction with service recovery and the attitudinal consequences of the recovery strategies firms adopt after service failures occur. The results obtained from a conceptual model developed for the mobile‐phone sector support the idea that justice perceptions positively influence satisfaction with service recovery. Other findings are that satisfaction with service recovery positively affects trust and commitment, and that these two variables, in turn, positively affect overall customer satisfaction. Finally, the results also suggest that positive past experiences mitigate the effects of inadequate service recovery strategies on the quality of the relationship with the customers. © 2010 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

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