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压裂液多为植物胶体系,容易腐化变质。在压裂液中加入一定比例的杀菌剂能防止压裂液腐化变质,粘度下降,从而保证压裂液的性能。通常采用甲醛作为杀菌剂,但甲醛对人体具有较强的刺激和伤害,所以开发了新型环保杀菌剂FS-2。本产品具有易溶于水,无色、无味、无毒。通过实验验证了FS-2杀菌剂与其他试剂配伍性良好,杀菌抑菌能力强,加入杀菌剂后压裂液体系的耐温耐剪切性能良好。通过对比甲醛和FS-2杀菌剂的各项性能,FS-2杀菌剂不但可以代替甲醛,而且较甲醛更为环保。  相似文献   

本文仅对近年来比较广泛应用三唑类杀菌剂和新一代杀菌剂——strobilurin类杀菌剂两种杀菌剂新品种的开发进展及市场的发展趋势作一些浅谈。  相似文献   

中国环氧水性涂料市场成为安格斯和陶氏杀菌剂关注重点中国已成为安格斯和陶氏杀菌剂关注重点。最近安格斯和陶氏杀菌剂全球市场经理Mark Saurin来华,作为世界著名特殊化学品公司的全球销售经理,他展示了安格斯、陶氏杀菌剂在中国市场的未来构想,重点表示中国涂料业将成为其需求源,特别是发展更为飞速的环氧等基材的水性涂料市场。  相似文献   

综述了有机铜杀菌剂的优点、开发现状及药效,有机铜杀菌剂如噻菌铜、壬菌铜和喹啉铜均具有铜元素含量较低,残留量低,环境污染少及杀菌彻底、高效等特点.  相似文献   

有机胍类化合物合成简单、杀菌高效,使用过程无泡、便捷,是一种新型杀菌剂。介绍了有机胍类化合物的杀菌机理,几种常见水处理用有机胍类杀菌剂的合成原理及合成方法,并对今后的研究提出一些见解。  相似文献   

禁绝菌液原则上茭白不宜接受杀菌剂药物.因此,在防治农作物病虫害喷洒杀菌剂时,应注意风向,即使让无风的条件下,也要确保在距茭白田2~3米外喷药。[第一段]  相似文献   

Kusumgar,Nerlfi&Growney咨询公司研究表明,直到2013年,印度和中国市场对涂料用生物杀菌剂的需求量将以每年9%的速度增长。2008年,亚洲市场消耗的涂料用生物杀菌剂为13607t,市值1.74亿美元。  相似文献   

欧盟杀菌剂使用新规正式生效欧盟关于杀菌剂使用及市场投放的法规(2012/528/EU)于7月17日正式生效,并将于2013年9月1日起在各成员国实施。根据新规,欧盟及各成员国将对杀菌剂进行审批管理,相关产品生产企业可通过统一电子信息平台提交申请,此举将有效简化审批程序。欧洲化学品管理局将成为欧盟层面的主管机构,对企业提交申请进行审理和批复,一旦通过严格的审核程序,产品可供在欧盟使用。日本解除对我国产大葱中氟虫腈含量的强化监视检查  相似文献   

<正> W112 一种作物病害防治农药 60元 本发明涉及一种作物病害防治农药,该农药主要含有5%~80%的402乙蒜素、1%~40%的杀菌剂萎锈灵或多菌灵或托布津或1%~30%的甲基托布津,配以农药高渗助剂。本发明能增强杀菌剂的防病能力,使作物在生长过程中避免染上病害,可提高作物的产量,  相似文献   

丰硕 《致富天地》2005,(8):31-31
漂白粉是渔业生产上的常用杀菌剂,可用于鱼池清塘、池水消毒和防治鱼病等,但在使用时还须掌握要领。  相似文献   

On the occasion of the 10th panniversary of diplomatic relations between China and South Africa in 2008, China is celebrating "South Africa Week" to commemorate. H.E. Dr. Nkosazana Dlamini Zuma, the minister of South Africa,  相似文献   

Enterprises seem to entirely operate on their management. But behind the scenes directors play a very important role. On a strategic level (in the long term) they will determine the direction of the company.Even though on the level of daily management a great deal of quality instruments and control systems exist, this is not the case on the highest level, the board. It is in this specific area that the idea of corporate governance must be situated.In 2000 the Association of Christian Employers and Executives in Flanders (VKW) facilitated the formation of a consultation committee consisting of leading employers and business executives, having the task to translate this idea of corporate governance into useful working instruments. The author of this paper was the secretary to this consultation committee.One of the main questions in this area considers the ethics of the board. The other way around corporate governance is a very important instrument realising more responsible business, because it depends on the specific business model in the board and the firm.The first results were presented in February 2001. In February 2002 a first update was published, with some new insights, information and working instruments.  相似文献   

While e-commerce has grown rapidly in recent years, some of the practices associated with certain aspects of marketing on the Internet, such as pop-ups, cookies, and spam, have raised concerns on the part of Internet users. In this paper I examine the nature of these practices and what I take to be the underlying source of this concern. I argue that the ethical issues surrounding these Internet marketing techniques move us beyond the traditional treatment of the ethics of marketing and advertising found in discussions of business ethics previously. Rather, I show that the questions they raise ultimately turn upon questions of technique and the ways in which technologies can transform the fundamental means by which relationships are established and maintained within a social environment. I then argue that the techniques of e-commerce are indeed transforming the means by which businesses relate to consumers, and that this transformation is affecting the applicability of our previous ways of demarcating the imperatives determining the limits of accessibility between consumers and businesses. Properly addressing the ethical status of the techniques of e-marketing as such necessarily moves us to consider the changes that Internet commerce are having upon the norms that govern individuals in their relations with others.  相似文献   

中国债券市场托管结算系统的问题及改进途径分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
袁东 《财贸经济》2006,(1):29-33
托管结算是现代债券市场完整运行的重要环节,也是事关整个市场效率与风险总体控制力的关键。中国债券市场的进一步发展已严重受制于托管结算系统的滞后。当前,证券交易所债券市场与银行间债券市场的托管结算系统处于明显分割之中,成为两市场统一的最大障碍。因交易所债券市场的债券交易制度及相应的托管结算问题导致的金融欺诈行为,已成为当前最主要的金融风险源,这些问题反映了其中的法律界定是粗浅甚至空缺的,因而投资者的权益缺乏有效保护。解决交易所债券市场拖欠的存量问题,改革债券交易制度,加强托管结算系统与法律制度建设,最终统一整个证券市场的后台系统,是发展中国债券市场的当务之急。  相似文献   

Using a sample of new bank loans, we investigate the impact of business risk on the usefulness of operating income after controlling for the proportion of independent directors. Consistent with the literature, our initial analyses reveal that the presence of independent directors on a board reduces the interest rate directly and indirectly through an increase in the usefulness of operating income. However, we further provide evidence that the indirect benefit of a high proportion of independent directors is reduced when we account for the presence of business risk. This suggests that studies examining the usefulness of operating income should take into account the effect of business risk. © 2018 ASAC. Published by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Various international authorities have insisted on the importance of ethical learning in higher education for would-be professionals, including students of Business Administration. As the process of creating the European Higher Education Area gathers pace, first steps have been taken to explicitly incorporate ethics in the common European Qualifications Framework (EQF). However, the authors of this study show how in the course of the EQF development process, the consideration given to ethical qualifications has been curtailed and subjected to serious limitations. In this article, the authors review the historical development and the main elements of the EQF. Then, they analyze the gradual elimination of ethics within the EQF. Finally, they highlight the implications of this gradual elimination and propose avenues for further research. Manuel Guillén is Senior Lecturer in Management, at the University of Valencia (Spain). Prof. Guillén earned his PhD in Management with a specialization in ethics and strategic management integration. He has been a Visiting Scholar at the University of St. Thomas, Minnesota (USA), at the University of Notre Dame, Indiana, USA, and guest Visiting Student at IESE Business School doctoral program, in Barcelona. He has presented some of his research at the top conferences in the field and has published in business ethics and management journals. Since 1997 he has taught Business Ethics courses in different business schools, institutions, and companies. Joan Fontrodona is an Associate Professor of Business Ethics and Academic Director of the Center for Business in Society at IESE Business School. He is member of the Academic Board of EABIS, Chairman of EBEN-Spain, and Member of the Executive Committee of ASEPAM, the Spanish Local Network of the Global Compact. He has published several books and papers on business ethics, corporate social responsibility, philosophy, and management. Alfredo Rodríguez-Sedano holds a PhD in Philosophy and a PhD in Business Administration. He is Professor of Sociology at the Education Department of the University of Navarre (Spain). He is also Visiting Professor at the Catholic University of the West (El Salvador). He has been Visiting Professor at the University of Andes (Chile) and Regular Professor at the Catholic University of Sacred Conception (Chile). He has published 16 books, 12 book chapters, and 15 articles on different subjects in the fields of management, philosophy, and education.  相似文献   

Growth is the biggest challenge for a luxury brand in that volume dilutes the brand cachet. In addition, it violates the credo of rarity on which the luxury sector is originally based. This article reveals how the current leading luxury brands use ‘artification,’ a process of transformation of nonart into art, to circumvent the volume problem. Artification takes time and substantial investment. It cannot be undertaken by the brands alone: It requires the active collaboration of art authorities and renowned artists. The goal is to change the status of the brand, of its founder and products, and in so doing, to reinforce the idea of a better-than-ordinary brand whose price and symbolic power are undisputed. It is also strategic for the globalization of luxury: Art is universal.  相似文献   

The present study analyses the relative efficiency of franchise services and characterises the best companies, confirming the relationship between efficiency and profit. These companies are from ‘the trade and other services sector', the main group of service-providing companies in the Spanish economy. The methodology calls for first comparing the relative efficiency of franchisers and ownership enterprises. Second, the focus turns to the most efficient franchise services, using a super-efficiency model to rank them. The paper then goes on to cover the analysis of the main characteristics of the best franchise enterprises, the number of own establishments in a franchise business and the profitability of the company. This paper presents arguments as to why companies from the trade and other services sector are included. The main conclusion is that, whilst the number of establishments is irrelevant in achieving greater efficiency, many of the most efficient enterprises have high returns.  相似文献   

美国对华蜂蜜反倾销已历时14年多。上海东源公司等不服美国商务部在第二次行政复审中对替代国价格的认定,在美国国际贸易法院提起诉讼。本文在介绍基本案情的基础上,对美国国际贸易法院的判决做了归纳,并对本案涉及的主要法律问题进行了评论。  相似文献   

Deep learning has been widely applied in computer vision, natural language processing, and audio-visual recognition. The overwhelming success of deep learning as a data processing technique has sparked the interest of the research community. Given the proliferation of Fintech in recent years, the use of deep learning in finance and banking services has become prevalent. However, a detailed survey of the applications of deep learning in finance and banking is lacking in the existing literature. This study surveys and analyzes the literature on the application of deep learning models in the key finance and banking domains to provide a systematic evaluation of the model preprocessing, input data, and model evaluation. Finally, we discuss three aspects that could affect the outcomes of financial deep learning models. This study provides academics and practitioners with insight and direction on the state-of-the-art of the application of deep learning models in finance and banking.  相似文献   

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