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近年来,我国以实务导向的会计硕士研究生教育和会计学术型研究生教育取得了迅猛发展,但在发展过程中仍存在不少问题。基于此,阐述了我国会计学术型硕士与专业型硕士培养现状,分析两种硕士培养存在的主要问题,并对产生这一问题的原因进行了深入分析。最后,结合教学的实践与思考提出一些建设性的对策。  相似文献   

我国现有研究生培养具有明显的学科交叉特性,根据学术型和专业型研究生不同的培养目标,提出了基于团队导师的研究生培养模式,探讨了基于团队导师的研究生培养模式的内涵和主要内容,提出了开展团队导师研究生培养模式的主要措施。  相似文献   

我国会计研究生包括学术型和专业型两类,该文应用SWOT分析法,从培养现状、就业现状等方面进行分析,对两类会计研究生在国际化背景下的培养方案提出改进建议,以期满足新环境新背景下的会计人才需求。  相似文献   

张吉庆 《现代商业》2012,(14):283-284
随着国家近几年教育体制的不断改善,由以前单一的学术型研究生扩展到现在的学术型研究生和专业型研究生两种,而且这几年各个大学的不断扩招和就业压力的俱增,因此,越来越多的大学生选择了读研。放弃就业而选择读研是一种价值投资,这其中涉及到机会成本,介绍机会成本的概念,条件,特性及各种选择,从各方面来分析了读研的机会成本。  相似文献   

加拿大的高等教育位于世界领先地位。加拿大的研究生教育的培养模式值得我国研究生教育借鉴和学习。从加拿大的招生制度及学制特点、培养目标、课程设置和管理、教学方法及手段进行梳理和介绍,分析加拿大研究生培养模式与我国研究生培养模式的不同,并提出对我国研究生培养的启示。我国研究生培养应加强培养的深度和难度,严格控制学术腐败学术不端的行为,改进教学方法以及建立研究生助教制度。  相似文献   

本文采用文献法、问卷法,通过对江苏省十所高校的数据搜集,分析了硕士研究生分类培养模式的现状,认为目前我国两类培养模式目标制定有明显区分,但二者毕业去向选择未体现目标差异;两种培养模式入学方式都以考核分数为主,课程设置明显存在"重理论轻实践"的倾向;两种培养模式都实行"导师负责制",导师小组制、双导师制等模式推广不足,以及论文评审标准不存在明显差别等问题。基此,本文提出树立分类培养的教育观,搭建两类不同的去向平台;入学要求分别侧重"科研能力"和"工作经验";扩大高校自主招生权;分别构建以"科学研究"为主和以"专业能力"为主的课程体系,学术型人才评价突出"科研创新",专业型人才评价转向职业能力考核等建议,以实现两种研究生培养模式各具特色的发展。  相似文献   

为适应全球一体化及社会发展对高层次应用会计人才的需求,我国的会计研究生培养已转变为学术型硕士与专业型硕士并重。但从多数高校的教学实践看,院校对专业硕士的培养还是偏学术化,这意味着会计专业硕士培养模式仍需要创新。结合我国现行会计专业硕士培养模式存在的问题,提出了只有立足于各高校特色、提高教学师资、合理设置课程、培养专业性素质,才能培养出高素质、高应用水平的会计人才,以适应现代社会的需求。  相似文献   

科学地建立研究生培养体系是激发高级人才潜力和创造力的重要手段,在研究生培养过程中起到负反馈的作用.为了提升研究生教育质量,丰富航空物流领域内关于高级人才培养方面的研究,文章首先运用文献调研法,借鉴已有成果,构建了一套符合航空物流学科特色的专业型研究生培养指标体系.而后基于专家打分法和序关系分析法,对3项一级指标、8项二...  相似文献   

教育硕士是一种以培养实践型教育人才为目标的专业型学位。2010年,我国首次招收全日制教育硕士研究生。佛山科学技术学院(以下简称"佛科院")教育硕士点自2015年起开始招生,目前已经培养了两届全日制教育硕士毕业生,形成了一套具有校本特色的培养机制。因此对佛科院的培养机制和办学经验进行研究与总结,同时给出优化建议,以便更好提高办学效果。  相似文献   

针对当前我国专业型硕士研究生的科研能力较弱的问题,提出构建专业型研究生科研能力与实践体系,该体系的构建需要研究生、导师、学校和社会多方力量相互融合,组成一个强有力提升研究生科研能力的有机组织。  相似文献   

关于研究生创新能力培养的几点思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
刘淼群 《北方经贸》2008,(6):141-142
近些年来,我国的研究生教育发展迅速,招生规模扩大很快,随之而来的研究生的质量培养问题也日益凸显出来。在研究生培养过程中应注重的四个方面:高素质的导师队伍、完善的知识结构、开放自由的实验实践环境和良好的校园文化。  相似文献   

在新的就业形势下,高校体育专业毕业生就业心理问题十分突出。相关实证研究表明,导致学生求职期间产生心理焦虑的根本原因在于学生职业理想与现实可能的矛盾冲突,而自身条件、个人理想是影响焦虑水平的首要因素。高校应通过体育专业认知教育,使学生进行准确的专业定位;构建贯穿于教学全过程的体育专业就业指导方案;扩宽专业路径,促进校企联合培养;对学生建立“学生一学校一社会”三级评级系统,帮助学生树立正确的择业观。  相似文献   


A sample of marketing graduates was surveyed to identify the factors that caused some of them to feel that they had become ‘professional marketers’ consequent to their early experiences of work in graduate marketing positions. A model of the possible determinants of the form of ‘workplace identity’ that a marketing graduate would assume was developed and tested. The model hypothesised that: (i) a firm's approaches to training and management development, mentoring, appraisal and reward; (ii) the natures of the tasks allocated to graduate marketing recruits and the task culture prevailing within an enterprise; and (iii) specific characteristics of the individual employee affected the emergence of particular types of workplace identity. Levels of each category of professional identity observed among the sample members were then correlated with job and organisational satisfaction and commitment, self-assessed operational performance, and intention to remain with an enterprise.  相似文献   

职业教育应走出"技术至上"的误区,在专业教学中融入素质教育,在培养目标中渗透学生的职业素质。现代社会要求的人才是有综合职业素质和职业技术的人才,只有如此,才可以使烹饪专业的教学焕发生机与希望。  相似文献   

本研究通过对国内24所招收广告专业硕士研究生的高校负责人的调研及其培养计划的分析,描述了我国高较广告专业研究生教育及课程结构的现状概况。同时,针对在校研究生和毕业研究生进行了问卷调查收集受教育者的反馈意见.并参考美国5所知名高校培养计划的分析得出的美国广告研究生教育特点,从广告学的学科体系角度,提出广告学研究生课程体系的设想。  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
《Business History》2012,54(1):160-182
The rise of graduate business schools occurred during a period of enormous growth, followed by dramatic decline in the fortunes of American business. Because so many M.B.A.-educated executives had difficulty managing their companies' response to dramatic changes in markets and technology, this study examines how business education has influenced managerial attitude and practices. Columbia and Harvard Business Schools were examined to see how, as well, their educational approaches provided managers with the skills, information and confidence to make both entrepreneurial and operational decisions. Both schools effectively prepared their graduates for operational decisions, but did not successfully provide their managers with the skills and knowledge to facilitate entrepreneurial decisions. Moreover, the study also found that American business was not actively engaged in the direction of graduate business education. Thus, the reliance of American business upon graduate business schools may have had consequences for America's business.  相似文献   

随着我国研究生教育规模的迅速扩大和研究生培养环境的变化,传统研究生思想政治教育因缺少针对性和创新性,出现了严重的不适应,受到了严峻的挑战。根据新时期研究生思想政治教育的特点和内容,可以从引导研究生做到知、情、行统一,强化理想信念教育,把思想教育与专业教育有效结合,努力解决研究生的实际问题,努力提高研究生的综合素质,主动占领研究生网络思想政治教育阵地等六个方面来增强研究生思想政治教育的实效性。  相似文献   

This research focuses on the similarities and differences in the cognitive moral development of business professionals and graduate business students in two countries, India and the United States. Factors that potentially influence cognitive moral development, namely, culture, education, sex and gender are analyzed and discussed. Implications for ethics education in graduate business schools and professional associations are considered. Future research on the cognitive moral development of graduate business students and business professionals is recommended.  相似文献   

Higher education institutes are facing increasing pressure to ensure that graduates are equipped with the right set of attributes that will make them desirable to potential employers. To deal with this pressure, universities have for some time been embedding employability attributes into their curriculum through classroom-based teaching and external programs. Yet, little research exists into examining academics' perception of graduate attributes and the potential challenges they face in delivering these attributes. The authors examine graduate attributes that are perceived as most important by academics. The findings suggest that communication, teamwork, problem solving, creativity, critical thinking, time management, and research skills were all seen as important for the employability.  相似文献   

Since enterprises have become aware of technological developments; they have started to give significant importance to information technology investments. As in all university departments, also management information systems (MIS) and business informatics programs analyze the change in the industry and aim to graduate students that fit the current needs. The authors aim to evaluate the critical skills of MIS graduates and industry based on industry demand. Providing information systems support, knowledge on latest systems, managerial knowledge, systems development, project management, and teamwork comprise the six critical factors for becoming a successful MIS professional.  相似文献   

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