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以旧换新是指消费者在新产品购买时可以凭旧产品抵扣一定金额的一种消费模式。本文探索了以旧换新消费中旧产品参考价格的影响因素及影响机制,发现旧产品使用过程满意度、产品原价和目前性能等产品本身特征能够影响其参考价格,并且消费者感知的旧产品对自己的价值、对别人的价值是这些线索对参考价格影响的中介变量。文中还探索了政府指导性价格信息对旧产品参考价格的调整作用。  相似文献   

目前有关产品因素对消费者感知风险的影响研究,多基于传统购物环境,并大多探讨产品的类别因素对消费者感知风险影响,而针对于网络环境下的具体产品,研究产品的特性因素对感知风险的影响较少。文章基于以上研究中的不足,以网络家电市场为研究对象,探讨家电产品的产品因素(类别、价格、功能、售后服务要求以及品牌知名度)对消费者网络购买家电产品感知风险的影响。实证研究发现,家电产品的售后服务要求对消费者感知经济风险、产品风险及心理风险的影响最大,品牌知名度次之,产品的功能对其影响最小,提出了网络家电零售商可以联合家电生产企业,做好相关产品的售后服务工作的观点。  相似文献   

消费者需要依据参考价格对实际价格进行评价,从而作出购买决策。本文总结了三种基于参考价格影响下的价格认知机制,对产品定价、促销政策的制定具有一定的理论和实践意义。  相似文献   

价格促销与品牌资产的关系研究一直是营销领域研究的热点,本文基于权变理论实证研究了不同促销时机下价格折让幅度与品牌资产的影响关系,发现新产品上市和产品持续热卖时,价格折让幅度正向影响消费者购买意愿和品牌忠诚,负向影响品牌资产;在产品退市时,价格折让幅度对购买意愿、品牌忠诚和品牌资产具有正向影响。  相似文献   

基于前景理论、适应-水平理论和同化-对比理论,构建了网络购物环境下参考价格、感知收益、感知风险以及购买意愿的概念模型,并利用451个样本的数据进行了实证检验.研究结果表明:内部记忆价格、外部刺激价格对感知收益、购买意愿具有正向影响作用,对感知风险具有负向影响作用,感知收益对购买意愿具有正向影响作用,感知风险对购买意愿具有负向影响作用,外部刺激价格对购买意愿的影响程度大于内部记忆价格对购买意愿的影响程度.  相似文献   

国外消费者参考价格的形成与发展研究评述   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文章回顾了当前国外消费者参考价格的研究现状,通过对消费者参考价格形成与发展途径的剖析,进一步分析了影响参考价格的诸多因素,并提出了消费者参考价格研究对企业营销战略制定的重要意义。  相似文献   

本文从消费者的角度探讨零售商的定价策略,在信息经济学和认知心理学的基础上提出了消费者参考价格使用模型,包括参考价格形成、提取和使用三个子过程,同时还受到消费者个体因素和情境因素,包括购买任务因素、店铺因素和产品因素等的影响。对参考价格一系列影响机制的认识,可以为零售商定价提供全方位的决策参考。  相似文献   

在竞争越来越激烈的现代社会,价格表述与促销信息过剩导致现代人产生注意力不足的情况,使原本设计好的价格描述信息引起消费者的注意变得越来越困难。消费者的外部参考价格是决定其价格感知和购买行为的重要因素,直接影响到了消费者购买决策的制定。作为外部参考价格基本形式之一的制造商建议售价到底如何影响顾客的决策,制造商建议售价的制定和标示是否对顾客具有提示与吸引作用,本文通过实证方法探讨了制造商建议售价是否真正在顾客心中达到了厂家和商家的预期作用。  相似文献   

多渠道零售环境下消费者跨渠道购买行为研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
零售商不断拓展销售渠道,多渠道零售使消费者可从不同渠道获得类似服务与产品。消费者在渠道认知过程中,通过感性分析与理性选择,合理规避风险,实现跨渠道购买。购买动机、人口统计特征主观作用于消费者渠道选择,价格比较、情景、渠道特征、产品类型对消费者的跨渠道购买产生客观影响。消费者跨渠道购买要求零售商提供相互支撑的、协调的多渠道零售体系,并依产品类型与技术支持将资源合理分配至各类渠道。  相似文献   

"技术边界线"是零售业态变迁的限制性因素.这蕴含着两个假设前提,又可引申出二个假设:价格、品种多样化和新鲜是生鲜食品消费者收入约束下效用最大化的购买选择依据;质量安全拐角解决定消费者购买行为,不存在拐角解时,消费者才采用综合评判标准来选择购买场所.因此,超市潜在的质量安全优势并未发挥出来;超市的便利和舒适的购物环境定位只是占权重较小的消费者评判指标.我们利用问卷调查资料证实了文中假设.  相似文献   

Existing research demonstrates that reference price models can explain a significant amount of the variation in customers' price perceptions and purchase behaviors. This study extends the reference price literature by introducing the price range model, which proposes that price judgments are based on a comparison of the market price to the entire range of currently available prices. Our results demonstrate that the fit of a structural heterogeneity finite mixture model improves when the price range model is included along with internal and external reference price models and that the price range model explains a substantial proportion of customers' purchase histories in the toilet tissue category. Profile analysis indicates that internal reference price shoppers switch brands much less frequently than the other two segments and respond to feature promotions for their preferred brand(s). External reference price shoppers have an intermediate level of brand preference and respond significantly less than the other two segments to feature and display promotions. Price range shoppers have the lowest brand loyalty and respond most strongly to both feature and display promotions.  相似文献   

Loyalty differences in the use of internal and external reference prices   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Recent findings in reference price research suggest that consumer characteristics may affect whether they use an internal reference price (IPR) or an external reference price (ERP) in price judgments. In this paper, we investigate the role of one such characteristic, brand loyalty, in the use of either type of reference price. Specifically, we employ a latent class-type approach to divide consumers on the basis of their brand loyalty into an ERP and an IRP segment. Analysis of the margarine and liquid detergents categories shows that consumers who are highly loyal to a brand are likely to use external reference prices whereas less brand-loyal consumers rely on internal reference prices. We discuss the implications of this finding and suggest directions for future research.  相似文献   

A meta-analysis of the impact of price presentation on perceived savings   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Pricing is one of the most crucial determinants of sales. Besides the actual price, how the price offering is presented to consumers also affects consumer evaluation of the product offering. Many studies focus on “price framing,” i.e., how the offer is communicated to the consumer —is the offered price given along with a reference price, is the reference price plausible, is a price deal communicated in dollar or percentage terms. Other studies focus on “situational effects,” e.g., is the evaluation for a national brand or a private brand, is it within a discount store or a specialty store. In this article, a meta-analysis of 20 published articles in marketing examines the effects of price frames and situations on perceived savings. The results reveal many features that significantly influence perceived savings. For instance, while both the percent of deal and the amount of deal positively influence perceived deal savings, deal percent has more impact. Further, the presence of a regular price as an external reference price enhances the offer value of large plausible deal and implausible deals, but not of small plausible deals. Thus, high value deals should announce the regular price, but not low value deals. Overall, the results have several useful insights for designing promotions.  相似文献   

This study investigated the effects of price promotions on consumers’ brand affect. Given the inconsistent findings in previous research, it is proposed that the effects of price promotion depend on two moderator variables: brand image and consumer loyalty. For high loyalty consumers of a prestigious brand, price incentive incompatible with the brand image can hurt the brand affect. When a non‐prestigious brand is involved, brand affect is positively influenced. However, these effects are limited to high loyalty consumers only. There was no effect on low loyalty consumers. In a longitudinal study of the Taiwanese market using emails, these hypotheses were tested and supported.  相似文献   


The key to improving pricing methods lies in establishing a clear relationship between the price paid by customers and the value received. A company's understanding of how a decision in its pricing policy will affect the perceptions its potential consumers will have of these prices, is fundamental if it wishes to make sure that its offer is properly perceived. Thus, if companies identify the rules used by purchasers to price their products, they will be successful in getting the objective signal they send via their communication strategies to be perceived in the desired manner. This analysis shows that both monetary and non-monetary costs are considered by consumers when determining the final cost perception associated with the acquisition of a good, and that the understanding of the internal reference price is essential for determining the nominal price effect on the monetary component of total sacrifice.  相似文献   

Objective: This study was to determine if calcium fortification yields a higher price per serving in grocery store products. Researchers compared store brand to national brand grocery products in relation to cost in order to examine if calcium values were similar between store brand and national brand products. Methods: A total of 112 store brand and 211 national brand grocery products were collected from three low (national chain store), middle and high priced (Virginia and North Carolina regional store) grocery venues. Products were compared using price and calcium percentage per serving. ANOVA was used to determine between store brand and national brand for price per serving and calcium content, and between grocery venues. Results: National brand fortified products had a significantly lower mean price per serving when compared to national brand non-fortified products (p = 0.0002). There was no statistical difference between store brand fortified and non-fortified products (p = 0.9256). Low priced store brand products had the lowest mean price per serving ($0.34 ±0.24). Conclusions: This study found store brand products have similar calcium content as national brand products. Product cost was lower at low priced store compared to middle and high priced stores.  相似文献   

针对一个制造商开通直销渠道销售产品与零售商的价格竞争问题,文章基于制造商与零售商共享品牌权益的视角,研究在制造商双渠道供应链结构中,价格和品牌权益同时作用下的双渠道供应链定价决策,分别分析在集中决策下和分散决策下,品牌权益对两种渠道价格和利润的影响。研究发现:在集中决策下,两种渠道的价格、利润与品牌权益成正相关;在分散决策下,当品牌权益超过一定临界值时,其对制造商直销渠道的价格和制造商总利润的影响大于零售商。鉴于品牌权益对供应链定价决策的重要影响,文章建立制造商和零售商之间的品牌权益成本共担机制,并通过数值仿真分析发现,当实施品牌权益成本共担机制时,制造商和零售商的销售价格和利润均是最优的。因此,零售商应加强与制造商的互动,共同创造高品牌权益的同时,也应共同分享高品牌权益。  相似文献   

This research examines the effects of price and brand endorsement that are adopted by firms from a consumer-based viewpoint, and provides practical brand management discussions as a reference for both manufacturer brands and retail store brands. According to the findings, manufacturer brands support high prices and boost those vivid impressions which are helpful in engendering consumer loyalty intention. Without a careful evaluation process, a brand-endorsing strategy may prove detrimental to the manufacturer. Retail store brands follow distinct pricing policies and carry out brand-endorsed strategies. Price/endorsement stimuli influence consumer brand loyalty through the partial mediating effect of brand impression. Manufacturers and retailers could define appropriate price premiums on products with a potential for a manufacturer–retailer brand co-branding as identified by market research, thus increasing the sales of both.  相似文献   

This study examines the formation and evolution of reference price perceptions in new product categories. It contributes to our understanding of pricing new products by integrating two important research streams in marketing—reference price theory and the theory of pioneer brand advantage. Prior research has focused solely on products in existing or incrementally new categories, and has typically examined fast‐moving consumer goods. Using a cross‐sectional experiment to study the formation of reference price perceptions, and a separate, but related, longitudinal experiment to study the evolution of reference price perceptions, the findings suggest that the pioneer brand's initial price defines a consumer's initial reference price, whether the pioneer is following a skimming or a penetration strategy. This effect endures in later time periods where the initial price affects consumer perceptions of value and purchase intention. The study also finds that the pioneer, due to its prototypicality, has a stronger influence on reference price perceptions than the follower, creating a systematic bias to both the formation and evolution of reference price perceptions in new product categories. Thus, reference price perceptions are shaped by what the pioneer does, rather than what the follower does. Furthermore, category‐level reference prices exist and explain purchase intention, but do not improve over brand‐specific measures in this regard. These findings have implications for pricing strategy and the theory of reference prices. ©2010 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Based on the theoretical assumptions that counteroffers are generated through an anchoring-and-adjustment process and that offers are perceived as gains or losses relative to a reference point, predictions were made of how, in a price negotiation, the size of counteroffers vary with proposed selling prices and reservation prices. The predictions were confirmed in two experiments. In Experiment 1, 64 undergraduate students of business administration playing the role of buyers of condominiums were presented proposed selling prices and asked to give a counteroffer which a hypothetical seller would accept or reject. A reference point was induced by telling subjects their reservation price. Before giving a counteroffer subjects were asked to indicate whether it was higher or lower than an arbitrary anchor point. In four different groups of subjects, high vs. low reference point was crossed with high vs. low anchor point. The results showed as expected that the counteroffers were higher for a high than for a low anchor point, and higher for a high reference point when the anchor point was perceived as a gain than for a low reference point when the anchor point was perceived as a loss. In Experiment 2 in which another 48 undergraduate students of business administration participated, the anchor points were the proposed selling prices and the reference point (reservation price) was manipulated by providing estimates of the market price. The results were as predicted, thus suggesting that the proposed selling prices operated as anchor points and that the estimated market prices affected the reservation prices (reference points) so that the selling prices and estimated market prices jointly affected the counteroffers.  相似文献   

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