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美国次贷危机已经演化成了全球金融危机的导火索,本文在分析次贷危机对我国房地产业造成影响的基础上,分析了房地产泡沫生成的机理,并在此基础上提出了自己的模型,运用该模型对我国房地产进行了测度并得出结论,最后提出当前我国房地产业各相关方在次贷危机下的应对策略。  相似文献   

史一峰 《商》2013,(6):120-120
国际次贷危机往往是先从美国开始,换句话说就是美国次贷危机是国际次贷危机的导火索。美国次贷危机直接影响了全球经济发展的格局及速度。本文就2007年爆发的次贷危机给我国经济发展带来的影响进行分析,并提出相关切实可行的挽救措施。  相似文献   

2008年以来,美国次贷危机影响迅速扩大,已经由金融领域扩散到实体经济,美国经济进一步衰退的可能性加大。次贷危机对世界经济的发展产生深远的影响,中国的经济发展同样受到了美国次贷危机的拖累,经济发展受到较大冲击。本文在介绍美国次贷危机的发展过程后,分析了次贷危机对美国经济、中国经济的影响。  相似文献   

2007年2月,美国第二大次贷机构新世纪金融宣布2006年第四季度业绩将出现亏损,美国次贷危机出现。随后次贷危机全面暴露,住房抵押贷款公司破产,对冲基金被迫清盘,投资银行宣布亏损,商业银行和保险机构也遭受了重大损失,全球股市大跌,次贷引发的信用风险最终演变成一场全球性金融危机。本文从次贷危机的起源与发展为切入点探求美国次贷危机对全球经济和金融稳定的影响。  相似文献   

美国次级债危机的成因及影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
美国次贷危机可以说是美国有历以来最为严重的经济危机。本文主要分析了次贷危机产生的原因及和其造成的严重影响。  相似文献   

美国次贷危机的爆发,引发了人们对于资产证券化这个金融创新工具的深刻思考,本文结合美国次贷危机爆发的原因,分析了我国住房抵押贷款证券化的发展现状及特点,并指出了美国次贷危机给我国住房抵押贷款证券化带来的启示.  相似文献   

源于美国的次贷危机已经引起全球性金融海啸,还有可能引起世界经济的衰退。本文从经济伦理学的角度对次贷危机的原因在"次贷暴富者"背离美德常识、次贷金融衍生品的设计者和经营参与者缺乏社会责任精神、功利主义思想使金融机构误导消费者和投资者、美国人超前消费的理念推波助澜了次贷危机四个方面进行了深入地研究和探讨。  相似文献   

位华 《中国物价》2009,(3):24-27
美国次贷危机成为近期全球投资者关注的焦点,虽然目前我国还不具备发生次贷危机的条件,但这场风波仍为我们敲响了居安思危的警钟。本文分析了美国次贷危机的基本情况,提出了我国商业银行住房贷款业务防范风险的建议。  相似文献   

2007年7月底,美国华尔街第五大投资银行贝尔斯登公司宣布旗下两只基金因次级贷款市场危机而倒闭,美国次贷危机最终爆发,其“蝴蝶效应”引起全球金融市场剧烈震荡。目前,美国次贷危机的深度与广度还无法估量,有关次贷危机有很多问题值得我们思考。本文主要从市场参与者的角度分析次贷危机产生的原因。  相似文献   

2007年美国爆发的次贷危机对于经济高速增长的中国产生了重要影响,本文分析了美国次贷危机的产生和发展后,提出了一些发展和完善我国房地产金融、金融监管和对外投资的建议。  相似文献   

公众对虚假广告、低俗广告和劣质广告的愤怒必然转移到广告人和媒体身上,广告人形象危机是长期急功近利、无序竞争的必然结果,要重塑广告人形象,必须从品牌意识、制度规范、文化素质与媒介环境几方面做起。  相似文献   

Crisis contagion, or how a crisis spreads from one company to another, has received very little attention from researchers. This is surprising as the negative consequences of crisis contagion can be significant when customers make assumptions of guilt by association. This article focuses on this important issue and describes four risk factors—country of origin, industry, organizational type, and positioning strategy—that increase the likelihood of crisis contagion. Valuable guidance is also provided on whether a company should issue a denial or remain silent if it faces the risk of crisis contagion.  相似文献   


This study examines how stakeholders perceive the various crisis response strategies identified in the Situational Crisis Communication Theory (SCCT). SCCT seeks to use research and theory to develop recommendations for the use of crisis response strategies. The crisis response strategies are matched to the nature of the crisis situation. The idea is to match the level of responsibility and aid to victims in the crisis response strategy that would be warranted by the crisis responsibility and reputational damage generated by the crisis situation. This study reviews previous research in SCCT, establishes the need to examine stakeholder perceptions of crisis response strategies, and examines how respondents perceive crisis response strategies in terms of accepting responsibility and helping victims. The results and implications confirm many of the ideas about crisis response strategies advanced in SCCT.  相似文献   

《Business Horizons》2020,63(6):801-810
The proliferation of social media and information communication technologies (ICTs) has transformed the crisis communication landscape. We are increasingly seeing new crisis development patterns and stakeholder communication processes that overwhelm traditional crisis communication protocols. Crisis communication theories and best practices, however, remain largely reactive and may not provide practical implications for effective communication strategies in the digital age. Crisis communication must advance to proactive strategies with stakeholder-focused communication. This article provides research-based evidence with real-world examples to illustrate why stealing thunder must be considered a strategic crisis communication option in the digital age. Managers must understand how social media and ICTs influence the current crisis communication ecosystem and how stealing thunder can help them navigate crises.  相似文献   

通过政策调整损失函数的理论模型分析,认为负的需求冲击是构成欧洲债务危机的前提,而缺乏货币政策协调的持续性扩张财政政策是欧洲债务危机的本质原因。对2000Q1—2010Q1的"PIIGS"的季度数据进行实证分析后,发现5国独立财政政策和欧元区共同货币政策的协调机制是存在冲突的。希腊长期均衡和短期调整均存在主权债务危机风险,因而成为首个爆发危机的国家。西班牙、意大利的短期调整虽暂时缓解了主权债务危机出现的可能,但不能解决发生危机的根本问题。而爱尔兰、葡萄牙只是短期内实施了过度的积极财政计划而造成了主权债务危机假象。  相似文献   

企业应对突发舆论危机的策略   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李爱真 《江苏商论》2012,(4):137-139
随着公众社会参与意识的提高,企业遭受舆论危机的频率大幅度提高。本文通过对舆论危机内涵及传播规律的分析,探讨了目前企业在处理舆论危机中出现的问题,并进一步分析了企业应对舆论危机的策略,以期提高企业抵御舆论危机的能力。  相似文献   

An economic recession is a type of crisis originated from external factors that may imperil an organization’s survival depending on the intensity and duration of the crisis. In peripheral European countries, such as Portugal, the recent financial crisis had devastating effects on various business activities. As a result, Portugal represents an important case study in examining how some corporate leaders have handled the economic recession successfully. I interviewed 20 corporate managers to capture their perceptions of the leadership traits and behaviors exhibited by their CEOs in guiding their companies through the recession. In economic recessions, negative constraints do not affect the most effective leaders, who instead erect barriers against the high-pressure conditions to create a supportive, positive work environment. In order to achieve maximum effectiveness, leaders must act as blocking agents against the negative social impacts of the economic crisis, including the fragility of trust in organizational life (i.e., a barrier against distrust), uncertainty of the future (i.e., a barrier against uncertainty), and toxic emotions (i.e., a barrier against toxic emotions).  相似文献   

危机管理及其相关概念探析   总被引:20,自引:0,他引:20  
干勤 《商业研究》2001,(4):138-141
在借鉴国外危机管理理论研究和最新实践经验的基础上,从探讨的角度,辨析了危机、公共关系危机、公共关系危机处理、危机管理、危机管理计划、议题管理和预警管理等概念,同时也提出了议题管理和预警管理的联系与区别。  相似文献   

While manufacturer–supplier co-development of projects can contribute shared knowledge and expertise, such commitment also presents managerial challenges, particularly where crisis threatens the entire project. This paper explores how crisis is manifested, amplified, handled, and its outcomes in two longitudinal case studies, one between a food manufacturer and its packaging supplier and another between a window manufacturer and its software supplier. The analysis, the first to focus on co-development crisis, results in a better understanding of crisis episodes and in propositions around the crisis management challenges in co-developing new product projects.  相似文献   

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