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在汶川地震的紧急救援期,有效自救的存活率远远高于他救,而两者之间又存在着冲突。根据社会心理学中的刺激、认知等理论,通过对自救与他救群体在紧急救援中所表现的的心理及行为冲突进行分析,如认知冲突、制度冲突等,综述了在巨灾突发面前社会中凸显的心理冲突问题,找出其产生的根源在于其所受刺激不同、认知差异、选择倾向不同、制度约束力各异,提出具体的调适方法,以达到及时的理性安抚、协同认知、相互理解,调适心理冲突。  相似文献   

群体性事件作为影响当前中国社会稳定的重要因素,既具有一般性社会冲突的特点,又深深打上了中国社会现代化转型的深刻烙印,具体表现出事件发生的频繁性与规模性、矛盾累积的长期性与突变性、行动方式的非理性与暴力性、利益诉求的现实性与非现实性、群体行动的偶然性与无组织性、事件成因的多样性与同质性等征象。面对频繁发生和各具特色的群体性事件,我们应以“常态心理”正确看待。要以“未雨绸缪”加强预防,要以“防微杜渐”密切关注,要以“制度调控”妥善处置,要以“亡羊补牢”认真反思,切实防止和有效处置群体性事件的发生。  相似文献   

不同于以往对于品牌危机及其溢出效应的机理解释,文章关注于品牌群危机中的社会心理过程,依据群际关系理论,分析了危机中消费群体的社会比较倾向和群体认同对群际信任的影响。实证研究发现,在产品伤害或服务失败事件的启动下,消费群体成员的社会比较倾向和群体认同都会提高群体相对剥夺感,由此激化消极群际情绪特别是愤怒情绪,并破坏群际信任,引发群际关系冲突。社会比较过程成为除了群体认同之外,可以解释集体行动的另一理论路径。所得结论有助于拓展品牌群危机研究的理论边界,并启示管理方发展应对策略时应注意其中的社会心理变量。  相似文献   

林雪 《消费导刊》2009,(11):215-215
尽管我国股票市场经过十余年的发展取得了巨大的成就,但是仍不是十分成熟,其中突出表现为股票价格的异常波动现象明显,新兴市场中投资者的非理性程度远远高于发达国家中的投资者的非理性程度。投资者心理在近年来我国股市剧烈波动的过程中起着不可忽视的作用。群体效应、事后偏见心理、后悔心理、认知失调、选择性理解等通过影响投资者行为影响着股市的波动。  相似文献   

杨楠 《商》2012,(12):103-104
作为工业化和现代化一般规律的农村剩余劳动力向城市转移过程的表现,从农民工现象出现开始,在政府部门、城市市民、大众媒介和学术界中,就发生了对于农民工现象的种种争论,农民工的各种问题也逐步引起社会的关注,其中之一即中国农民工的婚姻问题,在外出打工的农民工群体中,产生了事实婚姻与法定婚姻的冲突。  相似文献   

价值观冲突由来已久,在不同的社会形态里,都存在着价值观的冲突。价值观冲突的管理伴随着价值观的产生而产生。要了解价值观冲突管理的趋势,必须从人类历史的角度来看待和分析。价值观冲突的理性管理和非理性管理的反复转换充分表明,必须以辩证的态度,在坚持理性为主的前提下,结合非理性对价值观冲突进行管理。一方面,要坚持理性在价值冲突管理中的主导作用,另一方面,还要重视非理性在价值冲突管理中的补充作用。只有把二者结合起来,才能更合理地处理价值观冲突。要做到对于价值观冲突的理性管理,既需要科学理性,也需要人文理性,二者缺一不可,关键是把它们有机结合起来。  相似文献   

虽然绝大部分人都认同,中美一旦发生贸易战,双方都将受损,但这种“非理性可能”未必只是谈判桌上的筹码. 在有选举制度的西方社会,公共政策也往往是对个别的特殊利益集团有利,而不利于规模更大的一般利益  相似文献   

我国证券市场发展十分迅速,为我国的经济建设做出了巨大的贡献。但是目前证券市场还不规范、不完善,上市公司在制定股利政策时存在着侵害中小投资者利益的情形,同时,广大中小投资者群体存在非理性心理偏差和行为。利用行为金融学对中国上市公司的股利政策进行分析具有很好的现实意义。  相似文献   

网络营销的客户群体与现实社会群体一样也经常面临利己和利他两种思路和行动的冲突与协调。网络营销客户群体目标的互容与互斥和网络营销客户群体的多样性和层级性使"己"与"他"可以因人因事而相互转换:人在某些事务上认同的"他们"的一部分很可能转化为在另一些事务上所认同的"己们"的一部分。因此利己与利他也不应是绝对对立,而是可以因人因事而发展转换。利用客户群体转换过程的规律能够有效提高网络营销效率。  相似文献   

大学生作为当代社会中特殊的消费群体,其消费心理与消费行为直接影响到自身人生观和价值观的形成.随着社会经济发展,大学生的消费心理与消费方式日益多样化,但是由于社会环境的影响、学校消费教育的缺失、大学生个性心理特征等因素的影响,在大学生群体中还存在许多消费心理误区,本文就此做一分析.  相似文献   

Past research has demonstrated that consumer-to-consumer (C2C) conflicts, here defined as uncivil social interactions between consumers, can have a negative impact on consumers’ engagement in social media fan pages (SMFPs). Little is known, however, about how best to manage such conflicts, and this is particularly true in the non-profit context. This paper follows a mixed-method approach in order to address this research gap. Study 1 uses a netnography of a non-profit organization (NPO) to examine how it manages C2C conflicts on its SMFP. Five different conflict-management strategies are identified: non-engaging, censoring, bolstering, educating, and mobilizing. These findings inform Study 2, an online experiment to test how different strategies affect consumers’ attitudes towards the conflict-management approach itself and towards the NPO’s social responsibility. Study 2 also accounts for the moderating effect of the conflict content, differentiating between whether a conflict relates to a consumer’s self-benefit or the benefit to others. Our results offer insights for practitioners into preferable content management strategies when consumers engage in different types of conflict on social media platforms.  相似文献   

While the concept of integrated marketing communications (IMC) is widely acknowledged in the literature, research on potential barriers to its implementation is relatively scarce. In particular, the possible significance of interagency politics and conflicts of interest has received little empirical consideration. This is perhaps somewhat surprising given the generally acknowledged proposition that marketing budgeting is largely a political process. This paper describes an exploratory study of leading Australian public companies and investigates the relationships between perceived agency politics, conflicts of interest and IMC orientation. The findings suggest that the salient conflict of interest is between advertising and public relations firms. The limitations are discussed and directions for future research offered.  相似文献   

冲突作为一种社会现象,在组织内外随处可见。随着我国劳动力人才市场化配置的日趋完善,组织的人员流动也日趋频繁,组织新聘员工与原有员工冲突已成为一种普遍现象,然而针对该现象的研究却是凤毛麟角。本文以实证研究的方法分析了导致此类冲突的动因及其有效的消减方式。研究结果表明:性格差异等七项因素是导致此类冲突的动因;针对不同动因引发的冲突,有着不同的有效消减方式。  相似文献   

Social Embeddedness in Electronic Negotiations   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This study contributes to electronic negotiation research by analyzing the role of social embeddedness of actors in a controlled laboratory experiment. In particular, we analyze the effect of prior negotiator relationship in different conflict levels in web-based negotiations. We hypothesize that with increasing intensity of conflicts, negotiators who have a personal relationship use more value creating strategies compared to anonymous negotiators. As a consequence, we also hypothesize to find fewer impasses in electronic negotiations involving subjects who are socially embedded. Our results confirm that, in fact, in severe conflicts socially embedded actors reach significantly more agreements than subjects of the control group while such an effect is not found in weak conflict situations. These findings are related to more yielding between embedded actors but not to more value creating behavior. From these results, we can conclude that socially embedded negotiators better manage to reach agreements in difficult situations. Furthermore, an institutionalized pre-negotiation phase which allows negotiators to establish a personal relationship can counteract the threat of impasses.  相似文献   

Chinese people have been theorized to be particularly sensitive to social face and avoid direct discussion in conflict to promote interpersonal harmony. Social face has been used to explain the proclivity of East Asians to smooth over conflict. More research is needed to study social face empirically and its relationship with direct discussion and the processes by which social face has its impact. Results from a field interview study and an experiment conducted in China support theorizing that confirmation of face induces cooperative goals and open-mindedness. In contrast with common assumptions about Chinese organizations, direct discussion, compared to avoiding, strengthened relationships. Direct controversy, especially when face was confirmed, induced open-mindedness: Participants asked more questions, explored the opposing views, demonstrated more knowledge of the opposing arguments, and worked to integrate views. These results were interpreted as suggesting that Chinese people can discuss their conflicts directly and cooperatively when they are assured that their face is confirmed. Results have implications both for the general theory of cooperation and competition as well as our understanding of social face in China.  相似文献   

Multinational companies (MNCs) create international teams to pool global talent and meet organizational goals. But the many differences among team members are fertile ground for conflict. While traditional conflict management techniques gather all team members together to resolve or minimize conflicts, geographic dispersion greatly increases the time, money, and disruption to daily workflow activities necessary to bring multinational teams together. We use a social network perspective to identify and prioritize conflicts to increase team effectiveness, allowing management to focus on the most critical conflicts first. Further, we show that the most critical conflict might not be between headquarters and country subsidiaries, but between two country subsidiaries.  相似文献   

Are culture driven ethical conflicts apparent in the discourse of the protagonists? A multi-year, multi-cultural study of managers by Trompenaars and Hampden-Turner resulted in two conclusions relevant to business ethics. The first is that intercultural business conflicts can often be traced to a finite set of cultural differences. The second is that enough similarities exist between cultures to provide the grounds for conflict resolution. The research reported here gives credence to their study when applied to an ethical conflict viewed from French and American perspectives.  相似文献   

This study examines the cultural roots of ethical conflicts in the global business environment. It begins with a brief look at worldviews on ethical behavior in general. Based on this, it is argued that an in-depth understanding of ethical conflicts has been hampered by an overreliance on Western models and viewpoints. Three common sources, or bases, of ethical conflicts are discussed as they relate to business practices, including conflicts over tastes and preferences, the relative importance of moral imperatives compared to legal requirements, and people’s level of tolerance for different values among others. It is then argued that an understanding of ethical conflicts can be facilitated through different levels of understanding, including the meaning of universal values, the relationship between values and practices, and the existence of multiple levels of conflict within the same organizations or industries. These specific and interrelated ingredients in cross-cultural ethical conflicts form the basis for a broader discussion of the meaning of truth as it relates to such conflicts. The paper concludes with the need for more research that is cross-cultural and multidisciplinary in order to improve theory building and managerial practice.  相似文献   

This research engages with the problem of company–community conflict in mining. The inequitable distributions of risks, impacts, and benefits are key drivers of resource conflicts and are likely to remain at the forefront of mining-related research and advocacy. Procedural and interactional forms of justice therefore lie at the very heart of some of the real and ongoing challenges in mining, including: intractable local-level conflict; emerging global norms and performance standards; and ever-increasing expectations for the industry to translate high-level corporate social responsibility policy into on-the-ground practice. This research focuses on the “process” aspects of resource conflicts through an examination of existing grievance-handling procedures at six mining operations where company–community conflict was present. In their current form, and on their own, the six mechanisms were found to be insufficient in their capacity to advance justice. The authors argue that if the overall objective of global norms is that companies construct and perform grievance handling in ways that strongly preference just practices, then “mechanisms-in-practice” must be better understood and constructively critiqued along all justice dimensions.  相似文献   

Extending the research on the positive effects of functional conflicts, this study examines how functional conflicts influence innovation capability and responsive capability in channel relationships by triggering inter-organizational knowledge sharing. The moderating effects of conflict frequency and relationship quality on the relationships between functional conflict, knowledge sharing, and capabilities are also explored. Based on a questionnaire survey of 152 small- and medium-sized enterprises in China, the results show that (1) functional conflict can stimulate inter-organizational knowledge sharing, but the frequency of conflict negatively moderates this relationship; (2) knowledge sharing has a mediating effect on the relationship between functional conflict and marketing capability; and (3) relationship quality positively moderates the relationship between functional conflict and knowledge sharing, but negatively moderates the relationship between knowledge sharing and innovation capability. These findings broaden the theoretical scope of conflict theory and refine the theoretical framework of channel conflict. This study also has significant practical implications for organizations seeking to effectively guide and resolve conflicts.  相似文献   

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