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为进一步提高组网火控雷达间歇跟踪系统性能,提出了基于组网的红外/雷达协同 间歇跟踪方法。该方法利用红外/雷达进行协同间歇跟踪,通过数据拟合对连续红外数据与 间歇雷达数据进行时间配准,并对配准后的数据进行压缩,然后采用集中式序贯滤波融合算 法对异类间歇数据进行融合,形成连续的目标跟踪航迹。仿真结果表明,与组网火控雷达间 歇跟踪相比,该方法能够得到更高的低截获性能。  相似文献   

针对拖曳式雷达诱饵易对雷达导引头造成欺骗性干扰的问题,利用雷达回波中提取的目标微动多普勒特征、极化特征和雷达截面积序列统计特征进行仿真分析,在实现载机和诱饵初步识别的基础上,采用贝叶斯(Bayes)数据融合方法,对上述3种回波信号特征进行一级融合,并进一步对不同时刻的信号特征进行二级融合,最终将目标识别率由71.5%提高到了96%。该目标识别方法能够大大减少外界因素的影响,相对于单特征识别显著提高了目标识别率。  相似文献   

针对如何将多传感器的数据进行融合处理、提高数据处理的可靠性和处理精度的现实问题,提出一种多尺度融合估计算法,对多传感器的数据进行估计处理。该算法首先建立系统的动态方程和观测方程,然后利用小波变换将数据在不同尺度上进行融合处理,归纳出该算法的实现步骤。最后通过在SINS/GPS组合导航系统中的实际应用,进一步证明了该算法能够有效地提高多传感器数据的处理精度。在实际应用时,结合应用环境设置适当的尺度,可以达到较好的应用效果。  相似文献   

合成孔径雷达(Synthetic Aperture Radar,SAR)只有照射到飞行方向左、右两侧的感兴趣成像区域时才能处理出高分辨率SAR图像,飞行方向正前方的成像区域就成为了SAR成像的固有盲区。三通道(和、方位差、俯仰差)毫米波单脉冲成像雷达能够实现对正前视场景的二维成像,获取单脉冲图像。提出对SAR/单脉冲图像进行图像配准和融合拼接的方法:首先利用多尺度多方向二维Gabor滤波器组分别对SAR/单脉冲图像进行特征提取,然后对两组特征矩阵进行归一化互相关匹配,对匹配好的图像进行像素级融合处理,得到完整的正前视宽扇区高分辨雷达图像。试验数据成像处理结果表明,所提复合成像算法能够对飞行正前方宽扇区范围内进行高分辨成像,有效解决了工程实际中碰到的正前视高分辨成像盲区的难题,对于前视雷达成像侦察、弹载雷达目标区域景象匹配、飞行器夜航、盲降等具有一定的工程实际意义。  相似文献   

机载脉冲多普勒雷达对地扫描所获得的信息,不仅有所希望的动目标数据,还有大量的冗余点迹,给数据处理和情报分析带来很大困难。本文分析了冗余点迹的形成原因,提出一种目标点迹合并方法,特别是将图像处理的连通区域概念应用到目标点迹合并算法中,取得了较好的效果。  相似文献   

分析了火控雷达目标跟踪及间歇辐射原理,提出了一种保精度抗反辐射导弹(ARM)方法。 该方法通 过改进递推式自适应滤波算法,实时控制跟踪精度,来调节组网火控雷达的辐射时间和规律 ,从而最大限度地降低雷达信号被截获的概率。从仿真结果可以看出,与正常工作雷达相比 ,该方法可以使火控雷达同时实现对反辐射导弹载机的准确跟踪和对反辐射导弹的有效对抗 。  相似文献   

针对雷达组网航迹关联问题,提出了一种基于灰色区间相对支持度的解决方法。通过分析雷达量测值与目标真实值之间的不确定关系,提出利用相对确定的区间数来处理测量误差的影响,在不同纬度区间数的基础之上构建灰色区间,通过计算灰色区间相对支持度,构建灰色区间相对支持度矩阵,将相对支持度最大的两个灰色区间作为判断航迹关联的依据。实例表明,该方法能够较好地解决组网雷达航迹关联问题。  相似文献   

雷达数据包括回波、工作状态监控、雷达控制和话音四类,如何对此进行高效传输是雷达组网过程中必须解决的问题。本文提出了基于SDH(同步数字系列)传输技术实现雷达数据宽带传输的方案,给出了实现雷达数据传输的SDH网络拓扑结构和虚级联的数据通道分配方案。  相似文献   

针对雷达组网系统考核试验的难题,结合某雷达组网系统考核试验的实践过程,总结描述了实际检飞、半实物模拟测试、现场功能检查与专题试验相结合的系统综合检验的方法和步骤,提出了探测能力"区域相对提高量"数据处理算法,以及"已知与未知、定高与变高、直线与机动"相结合的检飞航线设置新方法,考核了该系统各类目标探测范围、情报质量、抗复杂电子干扰等关键作战性能.实践证明了这些综合考核试验方法的合理有效性.  相似文献   

针对动态条件下船载雷达误差修正参数标定困难的问题,提出了基于星敏感器的船载雷达误差修正参数解算方法,该方法以安装于船载雷达天线的星敏感器测角数据为比对基准。总结了船载雷达标定方法的现状,介绍了基于星敏感器的船载雷达误差修正参数解算原理,推导了船载雷达误差计算公式和误差修正参数解算模型。通过计算雷达相对星敏感器的角度残差,采用最小二乘算法实现了误差修正参数的解算。最后,通过静态与动态试验对该方法进行了验证。试验结果表明,静态条件下,该方法与传统坞内标定结果相比一致性优于15″,动态条件下的一致性优于25″,说明该方法技术上是可行的。  相似文献   

The purpose of the study was to study the circumstances and incidence rates of fatal accidents in inspection obligated and non-inspection obligated Danish fishing vessels to identify areas for prevention. Information about the fatalities came from maritime authority reports, including vessel disaster reports, post mortem reports, maritime inquiries and police reports. The person- and vessel years at risk came from the Danish Directorate of Fisheries. During the period 1989-2005, 114 fatalities occurred. Sixty-one of the fatalities occurred in 36 vessel disasters mainly caused by foundering/capsizing due to stability changes in rough weather and collisions; 39 fatal occupational accidents mainly occurred on the larger inspection obligated trawlers during fishing. In the remaining 14 other fatal accidents, the main causal factors were difficult embarking/disembarking conditions by darkness in foreign ports and alcohol intoxication. In the period 1995-2005, the overall incidence rate was 10 per 10,000 fishermen per year with no down-going trend during that period. The fatal accident rates are still too high, despite the efforts to reduce the risk. Increased focus on regular and repeated safety training for all fishermen and improved safety measures are needed, especially in the underscored areas of sea disasters concerning small vessels and occupational accidents on big vessels. Better registration of time at risk for fishermen is needed to validate the effect of the safety measures.  相似文献   

传统无线局域网组网方式存在通信距离近、功耗高等问题,不能满足大型超市电子价签系统的通信要求。为此,提出一种基于LoRa(Long Range)通信技术的电子价签系统设计方案。采用具备LoRa调制方式的SX1278芯片作为系统LoRa模块的主芯片,以STM32单片机作为网关和节点价签的主控MCU,采用星型拓扑结构组网,并通过对通信过程中信噪比和接收信号强度两个参数值进行融合计算来分析信道状态,以此实现对数据传输速率的自适应调整。经实验测试,该系统通过服务器可经LoRa无线网络稳定传输数据,最终对电子价签显示内容进行更改,并有效提高了通信距离和降低功耗,可满足大型超市的实际需求。  相似文献   

结构性失业:我国劳动力供给偏差分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在我国经济发展中结构性失业问题日益凸显,主要原因在于劳动力的流动障碍。由于技能、地理位置以及信息不对称等因素造成的劳动力供给偏差是阻碍劳动力流动的现实原因,劳动力在行业间或区域间的"有效供给"是缓解当前结构性失业的关键,该结论的政策含义是:政府应该大力加强教育和培训措施,提供良好的外在环境,促进劳动力的"有效供给"。  相似文献   



While most literature concerning knowledge sharing examines it as an organizational method for innovation and value creation, this paper considers online knowledge sharing as an individual behavior decision embedded in a virtual community. We attempt to explore which sharing behavior can help individual participants gain a better position in an online community, improving social status, reputation, and other social networking interests.


We collected and measured the knowledge sharing activities and discussion from a Chinese online expertise knowledge network in Business Management Consulting. We tested the mediating effects of the sharing behavior of the major members of the online knowledge network on members’ status (network centrality) in different time units (days).


In a dynamic virtual community, the direct result of knowledge sharing behavior is reflected in the individual status position (the degree of node centrality). At the same time, individual knowledge sharing behavior has an “inertia effect”: individual prior status (the degree of node centrality) affects current knowledge sharing behavior, while current knowledge sharing behavior affects current status in the knowledge network, forming an inertial circuit between personal behavior and network status.


We expound the theory of individual knowledge sharing in the context of an inter-person dynamic virtual community; we provide action “strategies” for individual knowledge sharing behavior choice, for better understanding the nature of individual knowledge behavior, and we also propose and test the “inertia effect” of knowledge sharing behavior and the knowledge network, and demonstrate the theory of network effects from an individual perspective.

针对航天发射场测控设备操作人员使用常规训练手段与实际操作环境差距较大的问题,提出了一种较为实用的无人机模拟训练方法。利用实际任务中获取的真实测量数据生成训练任务,由无人机搭载相关任务载荷执行,并结合发射场已有的测控设备来跟踪无人机完成模拟训练。通过对无人机的飞行航路模拟和任务载荷测量信号的动态模拟,可为参训人员提供接近实战的训练环境。仿真结果表明,该方法可实现与真实测量数据极为接近的模拟训练数据,因而参训人员通过模拟训练中获得的训练效果与实战基本一致,在提升了训练的真实性和针对性的同时,可有效提高操作人员的综合操作能力。  相似文献   

针对跳频同步组网抗阻塞干扰能力差和跳频异步组网效率低的现状,提出了一种跳 频频率表动态正交的异步组网方式。结合设置宽间隔跳频频率表,使得组网效率接近于同步 组网的效率,同时抗阻塞干扰能力优于同步组网。该组网方式可以更好地发挥跳频通信装备 的作战效能。  相似文献   

传统理论认为公用事业产品是不能通过市场有效提供的,但随着社会技术的发展和制度的创新与完善,越来越多的私人投资涉及公用事业产品领域。公用事业产品私人供给的必要性在于可以增强竞争意识,有利于经济和社会效益的提高,有利于解决基础性项目的资金短缺,消除社会经济的“瓶颈”障碍。政府应采取合约出租、政府购买、特许经营、经济资助、政府参股等方式利用市场提供公用事业产品。  相似文献   

10月9-11日,国际海事组织(IMO)关于通过(1997托雷莫里诺斯渔船安全公约1993议定书》以下简称《国际渔船安全公约1993年议定书》实施协议的外交大会在南非开普敦召开.会议决定.其生效条件为3600艘24米以上公海作业渔船和15个批准国.这与IM0最初提出的14000艘24米以上渔船和15个国家批准的生效条件相比.要求大大降低.意味着其近期生效的可能性进一步提高.而目前我国渔船整体技术水平较低、渔船总体船龄偏高.与国际新规的要求相比差距很大。国际渔船新规的生效在即,对我国渔船产业来说,既是危机,又是挑战,我们应努力化危为机.推动我国渔船整体升级换代。渔船国际新规将形成巨大挑战  相似文献   

"Social capital" can be considered to be the product of co-operationbetween various institutions, networks and business partners. It haspotential as a useful tool for business ethics. In this article weidentify categories pertinent to the measurement of social capital insmall and medium sized enterprises (SMEs). By drawing on three differentsectors, one business-to-business service, one business-to-customerservice, and one manufacturing, we have enabled the consideration ofsectoral differences. We find sector to play an important part inrelation to business practices and social capital. Our inclusion of SMEsfrom Germany and the United Kingdom has called attention to cultural,institutional and economic aspects of two regions of Europe and how theycan influence SME social capital. Social capital is found to beinfluenced by context and, in particular, institutional arrangements. Inanalysing the data we note particular areas of interest from the pointof view of SMEs and social capital as being: formal engagement,networking within sectors, networking across sectors, volunteerism andgiving to charity, and finally a focus on why people engage. We concludethat there is a considerable amount of further research needed on socialcapital, SME's and business ethics.  相似文献   

To address the prevailing issue of high turnover and low employee commitment in the retail industry, this study explores the role of newcomers’ individual differences and proactive socialization tactics in developing employee organizational commitment and reducing employee turnover. Based on data collected from 239 employees in a major U.S. retail store chain, this study found that individual differences, such as goal orientation and proactivity, are significantly related to employees’ choices of different socialization tactics, including inquiry, observation, and networking. The three tactics are associated with organizational commitment and furthermore employees’ actual turnover mainly through role clarity and attitudes toward a retail career. Among the three proactive socialization tactics, observation plays the most important role in the socialization process.  相似文献   

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