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The growing reconciliation between the United States and Cuba has created a unique opportunity for U.S. business and hospitality students to observe and experience first-hand an economy in marked transition. Attempting to balance the tenets of socialism with a rapidly growing reliance on capitalism creates a rare learning environment for students. This article presents the plan for a 10-day faculty-led study abroad program to Cuba. The program is divided between the two (arguably) most important destinations in Cuba: the economic and cultural center, Havana, and the tourism powerhouse of Varadero. At each destination, students are engaged in lectures, site visits, research, and cultural experiences.  相似文献   

本文在旅游目的地品牌形象的建立和推广等理论的基础上,通过分析旅顺口的历史文化、旅游资源的特色和优势,提出旅顺口应当以“百年军港——旅顺口”为旅游目的地品牌,并且就如何推广这一品牌提出了加强服务和硬件设施建设、运用多种促销手段、以政府为主导进行整体促销、做好整体旅游规划等措施。旨在使“百年军港”这一品牌的形象深入人心,用旅游业带动区域经济的发展。  相似文献   

旅游地形象整合营销体系构建   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
在旅游市场需求日趋个性化、多样化的背景下,整合营销传播理论将取代传统的市场营销组合理论,为旅游地市场营销提供新的理念和途径。旅游地形象营销将取代单纯的产品营销,构建由形象塑造、包装、传播与管理组成的旅游地形象整合营销体系,从而协调、整合旅游地各营销要素,形成统一的旅游营销诉求点,培育统一的旅游地品牌形象,获取最佳、最有效的营销传播影响力。  相似文献   

This issue of JBR is the consequence of a call for a special issue on Work, Leisure, and Tourism in the Pacific Rim. Who the special issue editors are presumably prompted submissions related to tourism or hospitality. The articles in the issue relate to the business aspect of tourism, and they show the diversity in tourism research. The study of entertainment in Macao's future presents stakeholder views. The wine tourism paper is not on demand or tourism behavior but addresses supply side issues. The articles on employees' work-family conflict moderating life and job satisfaction and telepresence affecting the demand for tourism have business ramifications. The paper on empowerment pursues applying Western views in applying a concept in the East. The study of tourists' perceptions on safety broaches some important analysis issues. The paper on using diagrams to improve survey research has broad ramifications for survey research, particularly regarding getting and using complex data. The final article addresses effectiveness and offers ideas that apply to application of DEA in business research.  相似文献   

很多旅游目的地进行形象建设,仅仅考虑旅游目的地本身的形象设计,却忽略了形象接收者及游客的感知形象建设。TSS(tourist satisfaction system)模式即是以游客满意度的影响因素、旅游目的地的形象准则为立足点,进一步研究游客满意度的类型与形象建设的关系,以便旅游目的地形成一定的品牌形象效应。  相似文献   

This paper presents a review and discussion of the role image plays in service promotion and consumer choice in the context of film‐induced tourism. Consumers can be very sensitive to images which are important determinants of what a service customer purchases. In relation to image, the medium of film can have a very influential impact on its audience. Consumers may make purchase choices in a range of areas as a result of what they have seen in the movies. An expanding body of literature suggests that film can influence people's travel decisions and entice them to visit particular destinations they have seen on the cinema screen (reinforced through repeat viewing on video, DVD and television). Tourism is a service industry. Does the image of a destination and how it is represented help overcome some of the challenges of service marketing? Many regions throughout the British Isles have seen their consumer appeal improve because of their links with respective film and television productions. Although they have benefited tourism‐wise from this, in many cases there still has not been enough real support from tourist authorities to this growth phenomenon, and as such, the full potential of film to tap into the consumer psyche has not yet been fully realized. Academic discourse from several disciplines is examined in this communication culminating in a conceptual model of destination enhancement through film‐induced image, featuring the conscious and unconscious communication factors at work on two sets of consumers (film consumers and destination consumers). As a ‘work in progress’, the paper sets the scene for further empirical research in this interesting area of study.  相似文献   


Despite a growing body of work on destination branding, there are few studies to look at culture at the individual level and examine the potential impact of personal cultural orientation on destination brand equity. Based on Social Identity Theory, this study investigates tourists' personal cultural orientation (independent vs. interdependent) and its effect on destination brand equity (destination brand image, destination brand value, and destination brand quality) and revisit intention. All data were collected in Quepos, Costa Rica, using both person-administrated and online surveys. Results of this study reveal that personal cultural orientation impacts the destination brand image, destination brand value, and destination brand quality. In addition, the destination's brand value is positively related to the revisit intention. The theoretical and practical implications, as well as the future research directions, conclude the article.  相似文献   


In the last decade, the economy of African continent and Tanzania in particular has witnessed a business boom of the tourism sector. While the sector has continued to grow and become a dependable source of direct and indirect employment to youths in urban and rural areas, the sector has been awash with challenges. These challenges include terrorism attacks, energy crises and poor infrastructure. However, the impact of these challenges on the image of Tanzania as a tourist destination has not received the deserved attention. This study explores the perception of visitors towards Tanzania as a tourist destination after they have completed their tourist visit. This study employs factor analysis technique to explore country destination image. Questionnaires were administered to visitors at some of the tourists’ hotels and Julius Kamabarage Nyerere International Airport (as a major exit point) in the country. Frontline employees, various tourist sites and access to services emerged to be strong tourist destination image factors. This implies that the efforts of marketing tourism destination should focus on promoting all the sites the country has.  相似文献   

To what extent can business ethics be ‘hospitable’ to Levinasian ethics? This paper raises questions about how business ethics relates to its guests, in this case the guest called ‘Levinas’; the idea of introducing or inviting the work of an author into a field, as its guest, is by no means a simple problem of transference. For Jacques Derrida, there is hospitality only when the stranger's introduction to our home is totally unconditional. Such a conceptualisation of hospitality becomes even more demanding when the ‘stranger’ that is near our ‘home’ is an ethics also demanding hospitality, such as the ethics proposed by Levinas. An invitation puts in place particular circumstances that allow only for an arrival of the one invited. These conditions precede the so‐called stranger, thereby predetermining the route to be taken, the destination to be reached and the correct manner of self‐presentation. An invitation already reduces the Other to that which is expected by the inviter, that is to the Same. The hospitality of the field of business ethics becomes an endorsement of a particular version of the stranger, therefore recognisable by the field. Perhaps conceptualising Levinasian ethics as an ethics that cannot be invited might protect it from procedures that reduce the ‘strangeness’ of the stranger, making it knowable. That is the argument presented in this paper.  相似文献   

网络评论较客观地记录了游客对目的地的感受,为目的地形象感知研究提供新的素材。研究运用Python从各大知名旅游网站获取网络评论文本,对上海田子坊认知形象、情感形象、整体形象、吸引要素、负面评价等几个方面进行分析。结果显示:游客对田子坊的总体感知是以喜欢和肯定为主,对田子坊的弄堂、小店、石库门、酒吧、小巷子等建筑特色的认同感较高,尤其被田子坊的美食所吸引。但吸引要素中,创意要素很少被提及。基本可以判断田子坊从原先的民居与小厂房混杂的状态变身为政府授牌的创意园区,经过十余年的发展已偏离原先的“创意”定位,逐渐演变为“旅游”唱主角的旅游社区。  相似文献   

桑霞  商文斌 《江苏商论》2012,(4):119-121
咸宁旅游业在"十一五"期间经过快速发展,旅游业主要经济指标都有了明显提高。咸宁旅游业发展的总体战略目标是建设全国优秀旅游目的地、宜居旅游地和旅游经济强市。提升咸宁旅游业经济效益,需要从增强旅游产业与文化产业的联动性、完善旅游服务设施、完善旅游产业要素拉长旅游产业链条、实施旅游形象品牌战略等方面提出保障性措施。  相似文献   


In many contexts, tourism is a potentially major economic contributor. Promotion is particularly important in international tourism in order to realize its potential and strategic positioning in an effective way. The benefits inherent in the consumption of international tourism services are primarily experiential. Not only does a tourist engage in personal leisure pursuits but also shapes the consumer behaviour of others at the vacation destination (Padgett and Douglas, 1997). Before the actual consumption, the tourist consumer envisions these experiences reasoned upon positive emotions that the destination evokes in his or her mind. Because behaviour is often the result of such perceptions (Lindquist, 1974-1975), the traveller's choice of a given destination depends largely on the favourableness of his or her image of that destination (Goodrich, 1978; Woodside and Lysonski, 1989; Chon, 1991; Baloglu and McCleary, 1999). While manufacturing distributes products to markets, tourism moves markets to destinations (Gunn, 1988). These characteristics of business phenomenon present special challenges and require careful promotional responses. Our study examines the image of Australia as a tourist destination in Malaysia.  相似文献   

作为商业化的旅游形式,消费性是文化旅游的本质特征之一。依据消费者的文化动机和消费对象的文化内涵两个指标,文化旅游分为大众文化旅游和深度文化旅游两种类型。本文基于现代市场经济环境下文化旅游经营的分析框架,以武汉东湖为例探讨了旅游地经营文化旅游的思路:以大众文化旅游为方向.以文脉为经营基础,选择从微观到宏观的经营道路。同时,从完形心理学组织律中提炼出对此类旅游地经营文化旅游的策略性启示。  相似文献   

Does technology make a difference? Evidence from Spanish hotels   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Information and communication technologies (ICTs) have positively contributed to the hospitality industry. In Spain, the third tourism destination in the world, hotels have widely adopted computers and the Internet for the internal processes as well as in their relationships with their providers and customers. While some ICT solutions are common in hotels regardless of their category, others may allow to differentiate across upscale hotels and those of inferior level. This study identifies the most discriminating ICT solutions across 3-, 4-, and 5-star hotels, and discusses their potential for improving efficiency and service quality. In particular, digital technology, loyalty programs, and ambient intelligence are some of the most differentiating technologies, which may be implemented by 3- and 4-star hotels to improve the perceived quality of their processes and services.  相似文献   

Some tourists only have a slight idea of where they want to go on a holiday when planning starts. Such tourists or their travel partners are likely to look for information for making a final travel decision. As the web becomes an increasingly popular information source, tourism destination websites can play a critical role in destination choice. A rubric for comparing tourism websites put forward by Dion and Woodside (2010) is used and ideas for enhancing the rubric are introduced utilizing a growing literature. Comparisons are made for the tourism websites of Hong Kong, Shanghai, Beijing, and Taipei. Analysis involves considering websites' quality and usefulness. The study indicates that Hong Kong's site is best while Beijing has the most room for improvement. The paper concludes with implications of the research for website analysis. The discussion includes contributions to the value of criteria for websites found in the literature but not covered in an information-quality performance rubric.  相似文献   

Consumption of a broad range of services ranging from tourism to hospitality by an increasingly global mix of customers, especially from the new millennium of the emerging middle class, is creating an interesting challenge for service providers. What are the macro-environmental (cultural, historical, economic, political etc.) influences on service culture and on service quality delivery? Drawing on the expectancy-disconfirmation theory, this qualitative study provides insights on profound macro-environmental drivers of attitudes towards service quality delivery from a cross-national context. Based on comparative, country-based industry insights that highlight employee attitudes from advanced and emerging markets, we discuss the impact from a cross-national service quality delivery perspective. By examining comparative country contexts in growing service sectors, as in hospitality and tourism, we develop and present a conceptual model of cross-national service quality delivery.  相似文献   

王颖 《江苏商论》2012,(8):114-117
城市文化特色街区一般都拥有丰厚的历史文化底蕴,在此基础上又具备旅游、观光、休闲和购物等功能,成为集城市代表性文化、商业发展于一体的城市地标性观光旅游、休闲娱乐场所。本文以南京夫子庙为例,在概述城市文化特色街区的基础上,分析其具有交通便利、文化深厚、商业氛围浓郁、民俗风情突出、名胜古迹众多等特征,进而总结其开发中存在的问题,针对问题提出优化发展对1策。作者通过实地走访调研,初步探讨了南京夫子庙的优化开发策略,以期为同类型的城市文化特色街区的优化开发提供参考意见。  相似文献   

贾鸿雁 《商业研究》2013,(1):195-199
20世纪末到21世纪初的10余年间,澳大利亚的文化旅游稳步发展,文化旅游目的地形象逐渐得到认可。从供给角度看,澳大利亚的文化旅游包括博物馆、美术馆、演出、节庆以及历史遗迹、遗产和土著遗迹,为推动文化旅游的发展,当地政府主导了一系列的研究项目和资助项目。澳大利亚的经验启示我们应进行务实的文化旅游研究,加大对文化产业的投入,政府应扶持与指导文化旅游发展。  相似文献   

王小兰 《中国市场》2009,(32):86-88
2008年的"汶川大地震"对四川旅游发展的影响巨大,对一些景区几乎是毁灭性打击,对旅游服务性企业影响也非常巨大,更重要的是由于地震的相关报道,使游客对四川的旅游心理产生了重大影响,使四川作为旅游安全目的地的形象严重受损。因此,重塑四川旅游目的地安全形象,促进四川旅游的进一步发展,应采取多种措施恢复人们对四川旅游目的地安全的信心。  相似文献   

Gift-giving behaviour is an established topic in consumer research, but little is known about the phenomenon of experiences as gifts. Experience companies are only part of the market; hospitality, tourism, leisure and entertainment providers also have the potential to offer such gifts. Using real-life consumer accounts, this research explores the behaviour associated with purchased, modified and created experience gifts. The findings show that consumers act as adaptors and competitors as well as purchasers, make specific use of information technology and use ‘donor resources’ to convey meaning in ways unappreciated by industry in this wider portrayal of the experience gift sector.  相似文献   

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