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本文通过对保税物流的概念、功能、特征和表现形式的详细阐述和分析,探讨了我国保税物流的发展现状和存在的问题,提出了对保税物流今后发展的展望。  相似文献   

在"一带一路"的良好契机下,铁路物流园以发展保税物流业务为突破口,将铁路货运与国际保税仓储业务深入结合,打造铁路货运面向国际市场的增值服务窗口,制定基于铁路物流园的保税物流业务功能和市场营销方案。拓宽货源吸引渠道,促进铁路货运营销服务体质机制与国际国内货源和中欧中亚班列业务的深度结合。文章以包头市某铁路物流园为例,探索在该园区拓展B型保税物流业务的合理性,分析铁路物流园发展保税物流业务的现状及潜在经济效益,为构建现代铁路物流园保税物流和国际贸易等多元化服务体系提供科学依据。  相似文献   

海南省借2010年中国—东盟自由贸易区正式建成和国务院批准海南国际旅游岛建设发展的强大东风,合着国务院关于全国海关特殊监管区域整合发展部署的节拍,在洋浦保税港区设立国际期货保税交割仓储专区,可以拓展海关特殊监管区域的功能,激活洋浦保税港区的口岸功能和保税功能,在增加物流的通量、做大港航产业、培育离岸金融业务和物流金融业务等方面为海南参与中国—东盟自由贸易区建设起到桥头堡的作用。  相似文献   

龚震 《国际贸易》2007,(6):14-21
保税物流监管场所是一些国家为了给予有别于本国关境内一般场所的特殊政策,采取特别的保税措施进行监管的场所,比如传统的保税仓库、出口监管仓库,以及近年来"流行"的保税物流中心(A、B型)等多种类型的保税物流监管场所.保税物流监管场所管理制度是国际通行的一种海关监管制度,其保税储存、转口贸易、缓税、简单加工和增值服务等功能在国际贸易中发挥着不可替代的作用.  相似文献   

出口加工区功能拓展分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
出口加工区功能拓展是在原有单一保税加工制造功能上增加保税物流和研发、检测、维修方面的功能,通过对拓展功能后的出口加工区与区外所享受的政策优惠进行了横向对比,指出功能拓展后的出口加工区已成为目前我国所有对外开放区域中层次最高、政策最优惠、功能最齐全的海关特殊监管区域之一。出口加工区功能拓展后产生贸易自由度效应、产业链延伸效应、物流综合化效应和技术溢出效应。功能拓展将为出口加工区提供更广阔的发展空间。  相似文献   

傅佳 《现代商业》2011,(12):74-75
海关作为国家入境监督管理机构是国际物流供应链中一个重要环节,不断完善多元化保税仓储物流监管体系,形成全国范围内的保税物流网络。区域开放型经济的发展离不开保税物流和保税加工的有效支撑,发展保税物流己成为当前区域经济的亮点和助推器,研究海关保税物流监管制度具有重要的现实意义。本文将分析我国海关保税物流监管的现状,寻找其中存在的现实问题及改进方向。  相似文献   

保税物流发展与加工贸易转型升级的关系研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
海关的实践经验表明,只有实现海关保税监管的转型升级,才能适应和促进加工贸易的转型升级,保税物流的发展对加工贸易转型升级具有重大的现实意义。本文首先界定保税物流的定义,通过研究保税物流的现状和特点指出保税物流的发展方向。通过对保税物流发展与加工贸易转型升级措施和方向的研究,指出保税物流的发展是加工贸易转型升级的助推器,为加工贸易转型升级提供了便利的物流平台,是配合加工贸易转型升级的必然措施。  相似文献   

随着新一轮全球生产要素优化重组和产业转移进入高潮,我国外贸发展的势头强劲,保税物流作为国际物流的接力区具有越来越广阔的市场。通过分析我国保税物流载体的发展历程,阐述各保税物流载体产生的背景及意义,从而加深对保税物流这一现代物流形式的了解。  相似文献   

张良卫  李新 《中国市场》2011,(36):33-35
保税物流园区将保税区和港区的优势集中在一起,实行"区港联动",大大降低了物流成本,促进了国际贸易的发展。广州市作为中国对外开放的南大门,其保税物流园区的设立影响尤为明显。本文首先简单介绍了保税物流园区的功能;然后分析了广州保税物流园区功能定位的理论基础与现实意义;最后指出影响广州保税物流园区功能实现的因素,并基于服务和监管的视角提出建议。  相似文献   

2006年全国海关关长会议上提出:特殊区域整合的目标是“通过对现有各类特殊监管区域和保税监管场所进行功能整合,使其基本具备保税加工和保税物流两大功能,实施统一的配套政策和管理措施,形成既监管到位又服务到位的综合型海关保税监管区”。特殊监管区域该怎样整合,专家学者和海关人士各有自己的看法。  相似文献   

Recent empirical research finds that pairs of countries with stronger trade linkages tend to have more highly correlated business cycles. We assess whether the standard international business cycle framework can replicate this intuitive result. We employ a three-country model with transportation costs. We simulate the effects of increased goods market integration under two asset market structures, complete markets and international financial autarky. Our main finding is that under both asset market structures the model can generate stronger correlations for pairs of countries that trade more, but the increased correlation falls far short of the empirical findings. Even when we control for the fact that most country-pairs are small with respect to the rest-of-the-world, the model continues to fall short. We also conduct additional simulations that allow for increased trade with the third country or increased TFP shock comovement to affect the country-pair's business cycle comovement. These simulations are helpful in highlighting channels that could narrow the gap between the empirical findings and the predictions of the model.  相似文献   

本文通过总量和比重这两个不同的角度,对我国企业技术创新的状况进行了实证分析。随着我国经济总量规模的迅速扩大,企业技术创新总量明显增长,但从企业层面看,技术创新的比重却没有得到相应的提升,甚至呈现下降趋势。  相似文献   

Several US states repealed universal motorcycle helmet laws in the 1990s and 2000s. The purpose of this study was to examine national trends in helmet use among adult trauma patients with motorcycle-related injuries. We hypothesized that motorcycle helmet use declined over time. We retrospectively analyzed the National Trauma Data Bank's National Sample Program for 2003–2010. We also obtained data on US motorcycle fatalities reported in the Fatality Analysis Reporting System and population data from the U.S. Census Bureau to calculate motorcycle-related fatality rates over time. A total of 255,914 patients met inclusion criteria, of whom 148,524 (58%) were helmeted. During the study period, helmet use increased from 56% in 2003 to 60% in 2010 (p < 0.001). However, motorcycle-related fatality rates also increased in states with and without universal helmet laws. Nationally, rates of helmet use have increased. However, fatalities due to motorcycle crashes have also increased during the same period.  相似文献   

通过采用计量模型,选取相关数据,对湖南省经济增长与能源消费的关系进行实证研究发现,1980-2008年期间,每增加1%的能源消费,湖南省经济增长就增加2.66%,每增加1%的经济增长,湖南省能源消费就增加0.31%,即存在正向协整关系。说明能源消费和经济增长对彼此都有正向的促进作用。同时,经济增长和能源消费之间也存在着单向因果关系——经济增长会扩大对能源消费的需求。从趋势项的系数看,正确认识经济增长和和能源消费之间的关系,解决好经济增长和能源消费之间的矛盾,是目前乃至今后一段时期湖南经济工作的一个重点,也保持湖南经济又好又快发展的一项非常迫切的任务。  相似文献   

This empirical study explores the potential impact of the marketspace—the virtual world of digitised information—on the process of internationalisation within small technology-based firms (STBFs). Research findings demonstrate several effects relating to the firm's increased use of the marketspace for international business activities. In relation to internal resource-related effects, increased marketspace use is associated with: a stronger internal resource-base for international operations; and higher levels of internal international business information. Moreover, in relation to external resource-related effects, increased marketspace use is associated with: an increase in the firm's international orientation; an increase in the range and diversity of international business contacts; and an increase in unsolicited orders from foreign markets. This study confirms that the entrepreneur's prior Internet experience is a critical factor influencing use of the marketspace to support the firm's international operations. Similarly, organisational use of the marketspace (influenced by the previous experience of the entrepreneur) impacts upon certain aspects of the firm's internationalisation behaviour. Despite the significance of these findings, the marketspace is neither a replacement for traditional marketplace-based activities, nor is it a panacea that ensures effective small firm internationalisation. Complementary exploitation of both the marketspace and the traditional marketplace is likely to provide the optimal internationalisation route for small firms.  相似文献   

Investors tend to put most of their wealth in local stocks; theories of portfolio choice and uncertainty aversion jointly predict that this home bias should increase during a financial crisis. Yet, using a sample of 45 countries, I document that the equity home bias fell during the financial panic of 2008. Exploiting bilateral stock holdings, I find that investors actively increased their home bias, but large valuation changes subsumed these trades. Across countries, the change in home bias is consistent with partial portfolio rebalancing and increased information asymmetries during the crisis.  相似文献   

The six countries of the Gulf Cooperation Council face similar economic and political problems: falling oil revenues, growing budget deficits and increased demands on their foreign resources, a one-sided economic structure and increased pressure by public opinion for political rights. Their approaches to finding solutions have varied. Will these approaches be adequate to exploit the economic potential of the region in the future? Improvements in certain areas give ground for optimism.  相似文献   

联合国贸发会议(UNCTAD)发布的<2006年世界投资报告>指出:来自发展中国家和转型期经济体的外国直接投资(FDI)开始蓬勃兴起.2006年,发展中国家跨国公司对外直接投资额达到了创纪录的1200亿美元.其中,中国在吸收外资保持世界领先的同时,自身的对外直接投资也呈现出快速增长的态势,中国跨国公司的崛起已经引起全球注目.文章在分析中国对外直接投资概况的基础上.以全球视野对中国企业对外直接投资的内外动力源进行了研究,希望以此促进中国企业的对外直接投资.  相似文献   

The crude oil price of the world increased two‐fold during 1999–2002. The price of domestic oil products for the same period increased with a smaller percentage, i.e., 27 per cent. This phenomenon could be attributed to Taiwan's oil market liberalisation after 2000 and its entering the WTO since November 2001. According to this study, the effect of entering the WTO itself suppressed the oil price from increase by 15.455 per cent in 2002. It also reduced the inflation rate by 0.74 per cent and increased the economic growth by 0.39 per cent. Nevertheless, entering the WTO also increases the competition in the oil industry, which is a big challenge to the domestic oil refinery sector and the state‐owned Chinese Petroleum Corporation in particular. The price decrease of oil products also increases the demand for oil products and exacerbated air pollution and CO2 emissions. For minimising the negative impact of entering the WTO on the economy, the Taiwan government has devised a series of preparations in the last decade. Those preparations include a step‐by‐step market liberalisation plan, a strategy taken by the state‐owned CPC, a new taxation implementation and the legislative works such as the Petroleum Act. This experience might be worthwhile for the reference of other economies.  相似文献   


Heaviness is a bodily metaphor used to express sadness. Building on embodied cognition theory and metaphor theory, we argue that sadness is grounded in bodily sensation of heaviness, which has important sensory marketing implications for engaging consumer senses to affect consumer decision-making and attitude formation processes. We found support for this metaphorical link between heaviness and sadness across six studies. We showed that carrying a heavy bag saddened individuals and increased the valuation of a teddy bear. Intention to donate to a charity supporting endangered tigers increased when burdened participants watched a sad video about these animals. Conversely, sadness induced physical heaviness and increased preference for an easy-to-maintain sofa. Further, sad individuals disliked an advertisement for a sports drink that figured energy-consuming actions. Our findings inform sensory marketing practice about embedding the bodily sensation of heaviness to induce sadness in marketing communication.  相似文献   

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