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浅谈高校体育对学生逆境商数的培养   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
逆境商数是一种成功的心理学理论,其核心是意志和智慧的整合能力。高校在体育教学中不仅要增强学生体质健康,而且要根据体育的特点对学生进行有效的思想品德教育和逆境商数的培养,开发学生的智力,提高其综合心理素质水平,更好地改造主客观世界。  相似文献   

仅仅依靠IQ来评判个人的时代已经过去,在品牌的时代,个人的竞争力体现在个人品牌的竞争力上,并且已由单一的一个“Q”转向多元的六个“Q”(商数)来构筑个人品牌竞争力,这六个商数分别为IQ(智力商数)、EQ(情绪商数)、CQ(创意商数)、LQ(学习商数)、MQ(道德商数)、BQ(美丽商数),并且在这个新的富有挑战的时代,六个商数一起互动,人们可以挑选自身的专长优势来发挥,规避自身的薄弱环节,“策略性”地管理自身的资源,获得超强的个人品牌竞争力并实现个人价值的最大化。  相似文献   

良好的创业教育能够为大学生创业提供有利的条件,稳固的校园创业实践平台能够为大学生走出社会成功创业提供切实的帮助.大学生"创业者"实战基地的建立旨在进一步挖掘学生潜能、培养学生的创业基本素质和提高学生的创业综合能力.  相似文献   

"低碳"概念的提出重新掀起了自行车的热潮 随着城市建设步伐的变得越来越快,许多马路都在拓宽,然而自行车道却变得越来越窄,许多弄堂胡同里开始被停放的汽车塞满,变得行走困难.人们生活水平不断在提高,购车的人也越来越多,汽车排放的尾气,加上工业污染,天高云淡的目子越来越少了,天空中经常被浓雾所笼罩,整个城市开始为每天的空气质量而努力.因此"低碳"概念开始走进人们的生活.  相似文献   

亦菲 《大经贸》2007,(7):50-50
香港回归十年的巨大变化,无可辩驳地印证着"一国两制"构想的伟大成功.在庆贺香港回归十周年之际,面对"一国两制"下更加繁荣的香港,人们百感交集.依笔者愚见,"一国两制"是座"桥".  相似文献   

近几年来,“情商”已成为人们耳熟能详的一个术语。20世纪90年代初期,美国耶鲁大学的心理学家彼得·萨洛韦和扭罕布什大学的约翰·迈耶提出了情绪智能、情绪商数的概念。他们认为,一个人在社会上要获得成功,起主要作用的不是智力因素,而是情绪智能,前者占20%,后者占80%。1995年  相似文献   

心理学家兼企管顾问曼吉斯历经八年研究,找出优秀管理人才共有的特质,整理出管理智商。他认为,管理智商跟大家很容易联想到的智力、情绪商数(EQ)不同,成功、失败的领导人主要的差别是在认知与解决问题的能力。  相似文献   

伍天 《大经贸》2007,(11):38-39
素有中国外贸的"风向标"、"晴雨表"之称的广交会,是个见微知著的汇聚地.每届总有新的事情,每届总有新的话题,每届总有新的看点,它总能让人看到许多.本届也不例外.  相似文献   

在市场经济的发展避,已衍生出了一种崎形怪胎,我们姑且叫作"缺德经济".现在人们在市场上常遇到的倒霉事,假日用品、假药品、假农副产品等等,比比皆是,使消费者防不胜防,购物时如履薄冰,如临深渊,处处小心"地雷"和"陷阱",尽管如此,仍然摆脱不了被欺骗,被愚弄,被伤害的厄运.前几年假酒案喝死了许多人,喝瞎了许多眼睛,劣质燃气热水器使许多人在浴室中送命或伤残.近年来,用有毒物质漂白的毒米、纛面更是骇人听闻,使人胆战心惊,几乎要绝食,而不敢提袋上街购粮.  相似文献   

书籍不易保管,容易被鼠、虫所咬,占据空间又比较大等,为很多"读书"人带来许多烦恼.因此,开个书籍"银行",一定会有"利"可图.  相似文献   

本文认为,文化是一种软实力,是一个国家文化、政治观念和政策等方面的吸引力和凝聚力,具有影响、说服、同化、凝聚的强大功能。文化具有三种能力:一是经济能力;二是能够产生社会资本;三是可以形成社会凝聚力。而后两者就是指文化的"软实力,"也称之为"文化资本"。文化资本与经济资本是构成社会阶层化的两个主要原则。生活品质的改善是以文化资源作为支撑的,文化改善人民的精神面貌,为人民的物质生活提供智力支持,是人民生活质量提升的主要动力。因此,文化资本便成为以生活品质为导向的评价体系的基本前提。  相似文献   

赵华山  文炳洲 《江苏商论》2014,(6):54-56,62
作为经济发展的推动者,企业家在捕捉商机、整合资源、创造财富、造福社会等方面扮演重要角色。企业家之所以成功,原因是多方面的。本文认为,"五商"是企业家成功的源泉。"五商"包括胆商、情商、财商、智商及德商。其中,胆商是企业家的第一特质,而教育背景对企业家的影响并不显著。  相似文献   

Cultural intelligence (CI) has often been linked to performance at the individual, team, and firm levels as a key factor in international business success. Using a new measure of CI, the business cultural intelligence quotient (BCIQ), our study provides empirical evidence on several key antecedents of CI using data on business professionals across five diverse countries (Austria, Colombia, Greece, Spain, and the United States). The findings suggest that the most important factors leading to cultural intelligence, in order of importance, are the number of countries that business practitioners have lived in for more than six months, their level of education, and the number of languages spoken. We find that cultural intelligence varies across countries, suggesting that some countries have a higher propensity for cross‐cultural business interactions. By teasing out the common antecedents of BCIQ among professionals, our findings may help with screening and training professionals for international assignments. Future research may examine the environmental (country‐specific) factors associated with a higher propensity for cultural intelligence (such as immigration, cultural diversity, languages spoken, and international trade) to explain the effect of country of origin on cultural intelligence in the professional community. © 2016 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

The academic and trade press often talk about the "success" of brands or "successful brands", yet there is disagreement regarding suitable brand success criteria. Reaching a consensus on the definition of brands' success criteria is essential not only for an appropriate use of the term "success", but also for improving firms' understanding of which criteria should be used as a measure of their success. Following a literature review on measures of brand success, we report on depth interviews with 20 leading-edge brand consultants to consider appropriate criteria to measure brand success.  相似文献   

多元智力理论视域下的课堂文化重建   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
高芹 《中国市场》2009,(32):75-77
课堂是教育改革成败的关键,课堂文化以其特有的课堂精神、教学理念和教学行为影响着课堂教学的效果,进而影响着教育改革的顺利进行。多元智力理论认为,人的智力是由多种智力组成的"合金体",每人都存在自己的优势智力。因此,学校里面没有所谓的"差生"存在,每个学生都可以通过教育在自己已有知识与能力基础上获得最大限度的发展。多元智力理论为我们构建充满生机的、生态化的课堂文化提供了一个崭新的视角。  相似文献   

As both business and technological environments change at an increasing rate, flexibility and emotional intelligence have become critical issues for project management. Even though previous research has examined the relationship between team flexibility and team performance and that between the emotional intelligence of teams and team outputs, there remains a gap in literature in respect to a holistic model. Accordingly in this paper, we examine the relationships among software team flexibility, emotional intelligence, and software project outputs (market success, speed to market, and the functionality of the new software product) using survey data from 86 software development projects. The results reveal positive a relationship between the diversity dimension of software project team flexibility and emotional intelligence. The first dimension of software team flexibility, team autonomy, positively affected market success, speed to market, and software functionality, whereas the second dimension, team diversity, positively affected only speed to market and software functionality. The emotional recognition of team members for both themselves and their teammates appears to be another important factor affecting the speed to market and functionality of the new software products. Managerial and theoretical implications of the study are discussed.  相似文献   

Global leadership success through emotional and cultural intelligences   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Culturally attuned and emotionally sensitive global leaders need to be developed: leaders who can respond to the particular foreign environments of different countries and different interpersonal work situations. Two emerging constructs are especially relevant to the development of successful global leaders: cultural and emotional intelligences. When considered under the traditional view of intelligence as measured by IQ, cultural, and emotional intelligences provide a framework for better understanding cross-cultural leadership and help clarify possible adaptations that need to be implemented in leadership development programs of multinational firms. This article posits that emotional intelligence (EQ), analytical intelligence (IQ), and leadership behaviors are moderated by cultural intelligence (CQ) in the formation of global leadership success.  相似文献   

Total Quality Management (TQM) is an overall management philosophy that includes a set of principles whose application is increasing. In fact, the business world and public institutions, such as hospitals, universities or city councils, are implementing quality programs. However, despite the wide diffusion of TQM, the success rate of this type of initiative is limited and the results, heterogeneous. Academics and professionals are therefore trying to identify the keys that explain the success or failure of this kind of initiative. Different explanations have been given, but most of the literature agrees that managerial commitment, implication and leadership are indispensable elements in a successful implementation of TQM. Nevertheless, a study on the specialised literature shows a terminological confusion between managerial commitment and managerial leadership. Is it the same to have a committed manager in the implementation process as to have a leader of the implementation process? The author of this paper defends the thesis that "commitment" and "leadership" are not synonymous, and states that only managerial leadership is able to promote and sustain profound organisational changes. The paper will show that, to understand the previous distinction, it is necessary to consider the ethical dimension of leadership. While committed managers may lead the process by using exclusively their power (with the necessary resource assignment), those who are leaders need authority. Authority goes further than power by generating a kind of confidence (trust) that is able to influence the members of the organisation and bring about profound changes, more than power alone can do.  相似文献   

Generating Competitive Intelligence in Organizations   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Marketing strategy begins with customer and competitive intelligence. However, in sharp contrast to customer intelligence, there is little research on how competitive intelligence (CI) is actually generated within an organization. The absence of this knowledge makes it difficult to identify ways to improve the CI generation process. Drawing on both depth interviews with full-time personnel who conduct competitive intelligence and academic literature in related fields, the authors derive a novel conceptual framework that describes three interdependent phases of the competitive intelligence generation process: (1) organizing for competitive intelligence, (2) searching for information, and (3) sense-making. Dimensions of efficacy at each phase are also identified, and they are posited to be influenced by factors pertaining to: (1) the intelligence network, (2) the business environment, (3) the information environment, and (4) analyst characteristics. This framework departs from the existing literature by identifying core components of the competitive intelligence generation process, highlighting its iterative nature, and identifying variables germane to its success. The emergent framework's implications for managing the competitive intelligence generation process are discussed and future research directions are suggested.  相似文献   

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