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本文构建包含科研创新和绿色全要素生产率(TFP)的一个新经济增长模型,从理论层面阐述了基础性的科研创新对绿色TFP的影响机制。随后,利用"一带一路"沿线国家的跨国面板数据,在测算绿色TFP的基础上,实证检验科研创新是否提高了沿线国家的绿色TFP。研究结果表明:"一带一路"国家的绿色TFP整体呈缓慢增长态势;科研创新能够显著提升沿线国家的绿色TFP,影响路径主要为纯技术进步;科研创新对沿线亚洲国家绿色TFP的促进作用,仅通过提高纯技术进步实现;而对沿线欧洲国家的促进作用则通过纯技术进步和规模效率双重路径实现。支持沿线国家科研合作,倡导建立"一带一路"国际科学研究院,对"一带一路"沿线国家的经济发展有着重要意义。  相似文献   

基于已有文献在研究全要素生产率时不考虑环境因素,或者仅考虑环境因素而忽视能源投入的现实,文章将资源和环境因素同时纳入生产率研究框架,对1996-2009年中国省级经济单元的全要素生产率(TFP)进行了测算,并将全要素生产率变动分解为技术效率变化和技术进步变化;对技术效率变化进一步分解为纯技术效率变化和规模效率变化,实现了TFP增长的动态分解,并研究了TFP变动的影响因素.研究结果表明,考虑资源环境约束,我国整体TFP较低,还存在较大的改进空间;TFP增长的主要源泉在于技术利用效率的提高,而技术进步和规模效率的作用并不明显.工业产值所占比重、资本/劳动比率上升不利于TFP的提高,外资引入对TFP改进具有拟制作用,降低国有经济比重和政府对市场经济的过度干预、增加环境污染治理投资有助于全要素生产率的提高.在生产效率(或经济增长效率)的核算中,忽略资源环境因素的冲击,有可能导致经济增长效率被高估,由此得出的政策建议会带有一定的误导性.  相似文献   

中国税务机关税收征管效率的动态趋势及其决定因素分解   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
基于改进的三阶段DEA-Malmquist模型,利用1998—2006年省际数据,分析中国税务机关税收征管效率的动态趋势,并在剔除影响效率"公平"评估的外部因素的基础上,分解剖析影响全要素生产率变动的决定因素,结果表明:1998—2006年,中国税务部门税收征管的全要素生产率(TFP)增长迅速,技术进步是推动效率增长的最主要因素。分地区分析发现:驱动各地区税收征管TFP增长的核心因素在于技术进步;沿海的纯征管技术效率增长快于内地,西部地区征管效率增长较快,东北地区增长相对缓慢;中部和东北地区征管投入规模具有正的效应,东部和西部地区征管投入过度。  相似文献   

基于1990—2017年行业面板数据,采用超越对数生产函数对服务业各细分行业TFP增长率进行分解和测度,揭示我国服务业内部结构生产率演化进程及其异质性现象,并采用可导性对数方差分解法、VAR协整模型和误差修正模型(VECM)考察TFP及其构成部分对服务业行业发展差距的贡献度,评估其异质性作用于行业发展差距的长短期效应。研究发现,在服务业内部结构演化过程中,TFP、技术进步和技术效率改进呈逐步下降趋势,其中技术进步是推动TFP增长的核心,规模效率改进发展水平一直滞后,配置效率改进在服务业发展初期较为滞后,但水平逐步提升;生产性和生活性服务业行业间TFP及构成部分异质性在演化过程中呈下降趋势,且生活性服务业行业间异质性程度要小于生产性服务业,行业间异质性变化幅度最大的是规模效率改进,技术效率改进异质性波动程度最小;TFP异质性是造成行业间发展差距扩大的主要原因,其中技术效率改进是主导因素,且该效应的发挥只有在长期具有显著性。  相似文献   

文章运用超越对数生产函数的随机前沿模型,对1990-2012年间中国服务业TFP进行了详细分解,从效率演化的视角对各行业发展的异质性现象及其内在机制进行了分析。研究结果表明,我国服务业技术效率受政府财政支出、市场化改革的影响显著,进出口贸易和外商直接投资在技术结构交互式影响下,显著水平有所提高。服务业TFP增长的主导力量逐步由技术效率改进转变为技术进步,但技术进步缓慢且技术效率水平低下,服务业经济增长粗放型特征仍然明显。由于体制性障碍以及深层次问题的存在,导致服务业各行业配置效率和规模效率改进水平低下,部分行业的规模效率呈现出持续恶化的现象。  相似文献   

本文利用1996-2010年我国沿海11个省市有关海洋经济的面板数据,运用Malmquist生产力指数法测度沿海各省市全要素生产率指数(TFP指数),并将其分解为技术进步指数和技术效率指数,采用空间计量模型分别对上述三个指数进行因素分析。研究结果表明,TFP指数与技术进步指数存在较强的空间溢出效应,技术进步指数的空间效应更为明显;区域开放程度、教育等相关因素对TFP指数与技术进步指数产生正向影响;海洋经济发展受政策影响显著,为政策导向型发展模式。  相似文献   

运用DEA-Malmquist指数法测算了2000-2007年我国制造业28个行业的全要素生产率(TFP)及其分解指标,并将出口、集聚与TFP放在统一的框架下分析出口与集聚对TFP及其分解指标的影响。研究发现,制造业TFP年均增长4.3%,其中90%以上是由技术进步贡献的;行业之间的技术进步差距较小,技术效率变化差异较大,而后者是TFP增长差异的主要原因。出口和集聚的相互作用削弱了对TFP增长的影响,即便如此,出口仍显著促进了TFP增长,集聚对TFP及其分解指标均有明显的正向影响。市场化程度是制造业TFP增长和技术进步的最主要影响因素。  相似文献   

文章运用DEA-Malmquist指数法,在TFP分解视角下考察2004-2015年我国流通业内部结构演化及行业发展异质性。研究表明,我国流通业TFP增长的主导力量是技术进步,技术效率、规模效率及配置效率改进低下。流通业内部结构演化中各行业发展异质性特征明显,TFP及技术进步在各行业间异质程度呈微弱扩大趋势,技术效率及规模效率异质程度明显上升,配置效率差异程度有所下降。体制改革进程及信息技术资源配置是各行业异质化演化的主导机制。  相似文献   

本文基于我国30个省2000-2 0 1 2年相关统计数据建立面板数据模型,利用数据包络分析法对流通业与制造业TFP(全要素生产率)的交叉作用进行了实证研究。结果表明:制造业TFP的提升在较大程度上依赖于流通业的组织创新与技术进步,而对技术效率单因素的依赖程度较小;进一步的戴维森-麦金农(D-M)检验表明:流通业的技术进步与规模效率同样受到制造业TFP提升的内生影响,而通过两阶段最小二乘法处理模型内生性后也进一步验证了模型回归结果的稳健性。  相似文献   

提高全要素生产率(TFP)是保障中国经济健康可持续发展的根本保障,文章阐述了F(a)re-Primont(FP)指数测算TFP的优势,利用FP指数对我国1995-2012年省际TFP及其分解进行了分析.实证结果显示:2008年之前我国TFP对经济增长的年均贡献率为4.03%,2008年之后下降至-32.6%,金融危机后经济增长过度依赖要素投入,主要原因是TFP效率下降;由于2008-2012年东北、中部和西部地区的技术效率和技术进步均下降较多,使得三个地区TFP出现了较大幅度下降,而东部地区仅技术进步下降较大,TFP降幅相对较小;东部和东北省份的TFP水平值相对较高,省际差异基本呈现扩大趋势,西部地区表现为较低水平的俱乐部趋同.  相似文献   

科斯定理的多种解读都表明交易费用概念表面上具有合作的形式,但缺少分配的属性。从而导致在使用交易费用概念分析产权改革具有了片面性和内在矛盾冲突:如果交易成本太高,包括既得利益集团的阻碍、集体行动的搭便车问题等,则新的更有效的制度创新难以出现。如果交易成本太低,则承诺的不可置信会激励更多的利益集团将生产性资源投入到重新变革分配性制度的活动中,从而减少社会生产,降低经济效率。所以,国有企业的产权改革既要解决利益冲突,也要避免国家机会主义。  相似文献   

We investigate whether globalisation has affected the nature of collective bargaining in OECD and emerging countries. The main innovations over the existing empirical literature are (i) the consideration of three distinct aspects of collective bargaining (union density, decentralised bargaining and the extent of government intervention), (ii) the reliance on a sample with a larger cross‐sectional and time dimension (44 countries from 1980 to 2009), and (iii) the application of a more appropriate empirical methodology (dynamic panel data models). We find that globalisation, on average, depresses unionisation but neither affects the degree of decentralisation nor government intervention in collective bargaining. We also uncover significant heterogeneity effects, both across countries and over time.  相似文献   

Australia has witnessed a rapid growth in outsourcing over the past decade with the public sector being the clear leader in these initiatives. Explanations of the rise of outsourcing tend to emphasize economic and human resources management factors and neglect the political dimension. In particular, unions and collective labour relations have been a target of a neo-liberal reform agenda pursued by both Labour and conservative governments, which has included outsourcing as a means of individualizing the employment relationship and reducing union influence. This can be seen clearly from the experience of the state of Victoria both in its reform of local government and its electricity generation industry where a carefully implemented programme of downsizing and outsourcing played upon existing divisions in the workforce. In both cases a pragmatic, survival oriented response from the major unions was elicited.  相似文献   

By using social media, many companies try to exploit new forms of interaction, collaboration, and knowledge sharing through leveraging the social, collaborative dimension of social software. The traditional collective knowledge management model based on a top-down approach is now opening up new avenues for a bottom-up approach incorporating a more personal knowledge management dimension, which could be synergized into collective knowledge using the social-collaborative dimension of social media. This article addresses the following questions: (1) How can social media support the management of personal and collective knowledge using a synergetic approach? (2) Do the personal and collective dimensions compete with each other, or can they reinforce each other in a more effective manner using social media?

Our findings indicate that social media supports both the personal and collective dimensions of knowledge, while integrating a social collaborative dimension. The article introduces a framework that classifies social software into four categories according to the level of interaction and control. With certain tools, individuals are more in control. With other tools, the group is in control, resulting in a higher level of interaction and a diversity of knowledge and mindsets brought together. However, deploying and adopting these new tools in an organizational context is still a challenging task for management, owing to both organizational and individual factors.  相似文献   

通过应用数据包络分析法(DEA)对2007年中国A股上市公司11家代表性钢铁公司的相对效率进行实证分析,结果表明:8家公司的规模效益不变,本钢板材规模效益递增,规模效益递减的只有2家公司。根据经济学上的3阶段生产理论,最佳的生产阶段应该在规模效益递减阶段。我国钢铁行业处于经济学上的最佳生产阶段的公司不多,还不到样本总数的20%,而处于不变规模效益的公司则占到样本总数的70%以上,说明我国钢铁行业还有很大的发展潜力。  相似文献   


Apart from excessive bonding amongst co-ethnics, social capital studies have sparsely discussed the negative effects of social capital, including excessive collective actions towards downward social mobility (e.g. imprisonment of social and political elites). As Bourdieu has noted, social capital can conflate problems of upward social mobility through various glass ceilings in the reproduction of elite power groups. However, it is also important to notice that less fortunate groups can debunk the dominant elite social network by participating excessively in social networking service (SNS) platforms, where they exchange distorted information about the elites to organize collective actions towards their downward social mobility. Gleaned from the recent cases of ferry sinking and candlelight vigilance in South Korea, SNS providers can sell trust in cyber space that can be easily transformed into social capital for collective character assassinations, political demonstrations, and economic sabotages at workplace. Based on the big data gathered from Naver, one of the leading SNS providers in South Korea, we find that Naver provides SNS users with a rare opportunity to encounter myriad opinion groups who will over time converge into one or two similar opinion groups that can be easily mobilized towards collective actions. Selling trust in cyber space on the internet and mobile devices is a unique commercial development in South Korea and its neighbouring countries, including Japan and Taiwan.  相似文献   

In recent years, a host of companies have tried to bridge the technology gap between home automation systems. This collective effort has led to the development of technologies that have triggered the beginning of device interoperability. A seamless ecosystem is being created that aims to improve comfort for dwellers, improve efficiency of homes, and, as an additional result, will create a massive market for home automation devices. Our research revealed that the home automation market has been growing at an enormous pace and additional integration of technologies would continue to stimulate demand even more, further diminishing costs and thereby reducing the exclusivity of the market by bringing them to the masses. © 2016 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Unlike previous studies which only focus on the main effect between IC and FV, this research includes PTE with the gap of resource-based view. IC is a key element in creating a competitive advantage, as it has a great influence on FV. A company may put relatively less into IC if it demonstrates higher efficiency. However, previous studies have neglected the fact that relative efficiency and IC affect FV and stock returns directly and indirectly. The research period was from 2006 to 2010 and the main research methods include HRA and DEA. The main research findings include the following. (1) There is a space for improvement in terms of the total technical efficiency. (2) PTE has a significant moderating effect between IC and FV. (3) IC and PTE have a significant influence on FV. (4) Apart from PTE and stock returns, IC and FV show significant differences within the sub-industry.  相似文献   

This paper describes a scale, called SERVQUAL, which measures Service Quality. First, the scale's conceptual framework and the steps of its development are described. Second, criticisms arising from several replication studies of SERVQUAL are reviewed. The last part focuses on the dimensionality of the scale. Do the 22 items of the SERVQUAL scale clearly evoke, in the clients’ mind, the five Service Quality dimensions defined by Parasuraman et al. [1988]? An empirical study shows that one dimension, ‘Tangibles’, is clearly perceived followed by ‘Empathy’. The three other dimensions, ‘Reliability’, ‘Insurance’ and ‘Responsiveness ', are confused in the client's mind.  相似文献   

基于DEA理论的地区旅游业效率评价   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
运用数据包络分析(Data Envelopment Analysis DEA)理论对中国各地区的旅游业进行效率与规模收益分析,研究表明:地区间的效率差距明显、各地旅游业的规模效益是递增的、旅游业的管理与技术水平落后、资源配置在旅游业的发展中起重要作用等。研究结果可以为地区旅游政策、旅游战略决策的制定提供参考。  相似文献   

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