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随着我国土地使用制度和住房制度改革,住房抵押贷款证券化被认为是我国资产证券化的切入点。实施住房抵押贷款证券化能提高资金流动性,拓宽融资渠道,分散银行风险等优点。本文简要介绍了住房抵押贷款证券化的概念。总结了中国建设银行在国内首次发行住房抵押贷款证券的情况。探讨实施住房抵押贷款证券化的模式,分析实施住房抵押贷款证券化面临的法律、信用、证券市场等方面的障碍,以及如何完善住房抵押贷款证券化。  相似文献   

舰船电子设备结构的"三防"设计   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文从商业银行发放住房抵押贷款所面临的风险出发,分析了住房抵押贷 款证券化的必要性,阐述了商业银行住房抵押贷款证券化的成本收益的构成。  相似文献   

近十年来,伴随着住房价格的不断提高,我国住房抵押贷款的规模发展迅速,但是随之而来的金融风险也不断暴露出来。针对不同风险而出现的住房抵押贷款证券化便成了金融机构研究的重中之重。住房抵押贷款证券化是金融机构(主要是商业银行)通过住房抵押贷款证券化的方法,将金融机构与证券市场有效地结合起来,让住房贷款变成可以流动的证券,它的现实意义十分重大,是一种极其有效的金融创新工具。然而回报必然面临着风险,住房抵押贷款证券化是一把双刃剑,它虽然可以将风险转移以及风险多样化,但是住房抵押贷款证券化是一个复杂的过程,势必将部分风险进一步的扩大到整个系统之中。因此,我国住房抵押贷款证券化在具体实施的过程中,应当充分发挥其优势,规避相关风险,做好防范措施,让其成为促进我国经济积极健康发展的推动力。  相似文献   

我国住房抵押贷款证券化探讨   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
住房抵押贷款证券化在发达国家已经相当成熟,随着我国住房体制改革的深化,也逐步与国际接轨。发展住房抵押贷款证券化对弥补住宅业资金缺口、降低金融机构风险、合理配置社会闲置资金、刺激居民购房有效需求等有很重要的意义。介绍了住房抵押贷款证券化的概念和在我国的发展现状,分析实施住房抵押贷款证券化面临的各方面障碍,探讨促进住房抵押贷款证券化发展的措施。  相似文献   

我国住房抵押贷款证券化的风险与风险管理   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
吕晓荣 《北方经贸》2005,(7):114-115
住房抵押贷款证券化是当今国际金融创新发展的重要趋势之一,本文介绍了住房抵押贷款证券化运作过程中所面临的风险和风险测度方法,提出了防范和化解风险的手段,以求设计较为完善的我国住房抵押贷款证券化的风险管理方案。  相似文献   

从国际经验来看,住房抵押贷款证券化是住房抵押信贷发展到一定程度的自然结果和客观要求。本文主要从理性的角度对抵押贷款证券化运作过程中的风险展开系统的分析,进一步分析抵押贷款证券化的风险分离技术及其在我国的应用。  相似文献   

从国际经验来看,住房抵押贷款证券化是住房抵押信贷发展到一定程度的自然结果和客观要求.本文主要从理性的角度对抵押贷款证券化运作过程中的风险展开系统的分析,进一步分析抵押贷款证券化的风险分离技术及其在我国的应用.  相似文献   

本文结合我国目前实行住房抵押贷款证券化的实际情况,对我国住房抵押贷款证券化的风险进行了分析,并提出了相应的防范措施,以规避可能发生的风险。  相似文献   

从住房抵押贷款证券化的运作流程来看,住房抵押贷款证券化的实施是一个多方参与的、复杂的系统工程,其运作过程必将面临多方面的风险.本文结合美国次贷危机发生的背景,对我国住房抵押贷款证券化面临的风险进行了分析与探讨,并提出了相应的防范对策.  相似文献   

本文介绍了我国商业房地产市场以及住房抵押贷款的发展状况,分析了住房抵押贷款业务存在的风险以及这些风险对于我国经济和银行业的潜在影响和冲击。同时就此提出了在我国大力发展住房抵押贷款证券化的必要性,介绍了住房抵押贷款证券化的基本流程以及它在化解银行业住房贷款风险、改善银行业的资产状况、增加银行中间收入等方面的优势等。  相似文献   

VaR在我国商业银行市场风险管理中的应用研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
VaR是当前国际主流的市场风险计量工具。由于我国金融市场与西方成熟金融市场存在着很多差异,我国商业银行运用VaR计量金融市场风险时面临许多约束条件,目前国内现有的VaR体系在风险管理过程中仅起参考作用,尚未真正用于决策。为提高自身的风险管理水平,银行应聘请业内和学术界的专家对有关部门的领导和业务人员进行培训,从外界吸收专业的风险管理人才,为将来更好地开展风险计量工作作好人才储备;重视数据积累,加紧完善风险管理数据库,为风险管理信息系统有效运转提供数据支持;在对单一风险来源的金融产品尝试开展风险计量工作的基础上,对同时受多种风险因素影响的金融产品和多种资产构成的组合及二级金融衍生产品开展风险计量工作。  相似文献   

聂高辉 《商业研究》2006,(22):201-204
电子商务飞速发展的背后隐藏了很多风险,识别和控制这些风险对更好地促进电子商务的发展很有意义。因此,从企业的角度对电子商务的风险进行重新分类和认识,并分析电子商务的风险管理过程以及提出电子商务的多层面风险管理策略框架都是很必要的。  相似文献   

Reduction of risk of occupational injuries is one of the most challenging problems faced by industry. Assessing and comparing risks involved in different jobs is one of the important steps towards reducing injury risk. In this study, a comprehensive scheme is given for assessing and comparing injury risks with the development of injury count model, injury risk model and derived statistics. The hazards present in a worksystem and the nature of the job carried out by workers are perceived as important drivers of injury potential of a worksystem. A loglinear model is used to quantify injury counts and the event-tree approach with joint, marginal and conditional probabilities is used to quantify injury risk. A case study was carried out in an underground coalmine. Finally a number of indices are proposed for the case study mine to capture risk of injury in different jobs. The findings of this study will help in designing injury intervention strategies for the mine studied. The job-wise risk profiles will be used to prioritise the jobs for redesign. The absolute indices can be applied for benchmarking job-wise risks and the relative indices can be used for comparing job-wise risks across worksystems.  相似文献   

One of the most problematic and risky purchases that an organization has to make is which computer system to buy. The rapid technological changes within the computer market further increase the high risk already perceived as the result of the high price tag and the far reaching organizational consequences of such a purchase. An examination of this purchase situation using a perceived risk framework would highlight the risks involved and how those risks can be reduced. A questionnaire survey of DEC computer purchasers showed that personal risks were as important as company risks to the respondents, and that the two underlying factors seemed to be psycho‐social risk and personal financial risk. In addition, the probability and seriousness components of all the risk statements were significantly correlated. The most useful strategies to reduce these risks were to obtain a warranty or guarantee and to see the product in operation before purchasing. Several underlying factors were discernible from the risk relievers ratings. These included a clarifying factor and a simplifying factor. Implications are discussed for a best practice guide for industrial purchasers and for the more effective training of the salesforce.  相似文献   

Reduction of risk of occupational injuries is one of the most challenging problems faced by industry. Assessing and comparing risks involved in different jobs is one of the important steps towards reducing injury risk. In this study, a comprehensive scheme is given for assessing and comparing injury risks with the development of injury count model, injury risk model and derived statistics. The hazards present in a work system and the nature of the job carried out by workers are perceived as important drivers of injury potential of a work system. A loglinear model is used to quantify injury counts and the event-tree approach with joint, marginal and conditional probabilities is used to quantify injury risk. A case study was carried out in an underground coal mine. Finally a number of indices are proposed for the case study mine to capture risk of injury in different jobs. The findings of this study will help in designing injury intervention strategies for the mine studied. The job-wise risk profiles will be used to prioritise the jobs for redesign. The absolute indices can be applied for benchmarking job-wise risks and the relative indices can be used for comparing job-wise risks across work systems.  相似文献   

国防科技投资成果的转化是决定国防科研价值实现的一个关键阶段.其重要性不言而喻:国防科技投资成果转化过程中的风险是不可避免的,要搞好成果转化就必须关注风险、规避风险、化解风险:对国防科技,投资成果转化中的风险的来源、风险评估以及面对风险所采取的对策进行了综述式和概要式的探讨。  相似文献   

建筑项目质量风险传递模型与控制研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
建筑项目的一次性特征导致了建筑供应链的高风险性,建筑供应链上各单位的工艺承接性与利益相关性使项目质量风险沿供应链传递。文章将建筑项目质量风险分为可控性与系统风险两类,分析了建筑项目质量风险发生以及传递机理,并提出了两阶段的可控性质量风险传递模型,在此基础上提出了建筑供应链风险控制的有效途径:从风险源与项目过程两方面有效抑制项目质量风险传递效应。  相似文献   

虚拟企业风险预警机制的构建   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文认为,虚拟企业风险存在互动博弈与合作性、放大性、传递性特征,主要有来自干企业外部的风险(如自然风险、市场风险、政治风险、金融风险等)和来自于企业内部的风险(如能力风险、管理/协作风险、投资和战略风险、核心技术外泄风险、道德风险等);风险管理过程为风险辨析-风险评估-风险决策-风险控制-风险处理-效果评价;风险预警机制由风险信息源、风险预警指标体系、风险预警专家小组、风险预警预案体系和风险预警辅助决策系统五个部分构成,并依据风险管理工作流程有机地组合在一起,其运行以核心企业为主体,由各盟员企业共同协作执行.  相似文献   

衍生工具的风险内部控制:国外经验及其启示   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
衍生工具是一种用以避险的重要工具,但其本身也蕴含着极大的风险。因此,应当加强风险管理,尤其是加强内部控制。我国在发展衍生产品时,应当借鉴BCBS和COSO关于衍生工具风险管理及内部控制的指引,建立和完善相关的风险内部控制机制,并保证相关控制的贯彻实施。  相似文献   

In this paper, we study the aggregate risk of inhomogeneous risks with dependence uncertainty, evaluated by a generic risk measure. We say that a pair of risk measures is asymptotically equivalent if the ratio of the worst‐case values of the two risk measures is almost one for the sum of a large number of risks with unknown dependence structure. The study of asymptotic equivalence is particularly important for a pair of a noncoherent risk measure and a coherent risk measure, as the worst‐case value of a noncoherent risk measure under dependence uncertainty is typically difficult to obtain. The main contribution of this paper is to establish general asymptotic equivalence results for the classes of distortion risk measures and convex risk measures under different mild conditions. The results implicitly suggest that it is only reasonable to implement a coherent risk measure for the aggregation of a large number of risks with uncertainty in the dependence structure, a relevant situation for risk management practice.  相似文献   

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