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本文首次利用技术相似度的测算方法度量了中国23个工业行业在水平和垂直层面的技术相似度,并在此基础上构建了以技术相似度为权重的5种外商直接投资技术溢出指标,重新测度并分析了外商直接投资对中国内资工业行业全要素生产率的影响。实证结果显示:没有考虑技术相似度的外商直接投资水平溢出和垂直溢出效应均显著为负,而以技术相似度加权的外商直接投资溢出效应均显著为正。表明只有在行业内或行业间使用的技术相近、技术层面上联系紧密的情况下,外资的先进技术才能够产生显著的外溢效应,有利于促进内资企业技术的升级进步。  相似文献   

利用扩展的C-D生产函数构建外商直接投资后向技术溢出效应的模型,运用2007年中国投入产出表和2006—2010年湖北省制造业30个不同行业的面板数据,对外商直接投资的后向技术溢出进行了实证检验。结果表明:湖北省制造业FDI存在显著为正的后向技术溢出效应和显著为正的行业内技术溢出效应。  相似文献   

我国已成为世界上吸引外商直接投资FDI最多的国家。FDI促进了我国贸易额和就业人数的增加 ,为我国带来了先进的技术和管理经验 ,推动了行业的快速发展。对比我国电子行业和纺织行业FDI的溢出效应 ,FDI在电子行业的溢出效应远远大于纺织行业 ,国内企业应努力吸收外商直接投资加速发展有溢出效应的行业 ,迅速超过外商投资企业。  相似文献   

由于FDI的溢出效应可以发生在行业内部,也可以发生在行业之间,本文在外商直接投资的主要理论基础上,结合陕西省FDI技术溢出的现状,对陕西省外商直接投资技术溢出效应进行实证分析,并提出技术溢出如何来促进技术创新的对策。  相似文献   

马莉 《商场现代化》2007,(12):172-173
本文从外商直接投资产生溢出效应的渠道、外商投资的动机和跨国公司的一体化战略几个方面,分析了外商直接投资在我国的横向效应、后向效应和前向效应,并用我国制造业28个行业的数据资料进行实证检验。  相似文献   

外商投资企业的出口溢出效应研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文对外商投资企业对我国内资企业的出口溢出效应进行了实证研究,结果表明,总的来说外商投资企业通过出口示范效应、竞争效应提高了我国内资企业的出口倾向,在外商投资企业技术创新水平较高的行业,外商投资企业还会通过技术溢出效应来提高我国内资企业的出口倾向,在外商投资企业技术创新水平较低的行业,外商投资企业的技术创新降低了我国内资企业的出口倾向。本文最后提出了利用外商直接投资提高我国出口竞争力的政策建议。  相似文献   

20世纪90年代以来,我国吸引外商直接投资(FDI)呈连续增长趋势,FDI也产生了一定的技术外溢效应。本文利用2004-2007年各省市的相关数据,对外资在我国技术创新能力上的溢出效应进行了检验,表明外商直接投资在某些行业的创新能力有一定的溢出效应,且不同的区域影响程度不同。  相似文献   

主要探讨特定区域的FDI技术溢出效应。按照企业资金来源,将江苏工业行业企业划分为外资企业和内资企业,并在C-D函数的基础上建立了外商直接投资对江苏内资工业企业影响的计量模型;通过对江苏工业行业2000年至2008年的相关数据分析,发现虽然外商直接投资对江苏工业行业有着较为明显的技术溢出效应,但这种技术溢出效应与江苏工业行业外资引进力度却不太相符。最后,分析了二者不符的原因,并提出应对措施。  相似文献   

丁茹皓 《现代商业》2013,(33):83-84
本文采用2005年至2010年统计年鉴中29个制造业行业的面板数据进行实证分析,说明制造业行业是否存在水平溢出、前向溢出和后向溢出,然后通过人均资本密度比(K/L)作为技术的替代指标来进行技术差距分组,又分别对不同技术差距大小的组进行计量分析,结果表明,外商直接投资对我国产生了明显的溢出效应,具体为负的水平溢出,不明显的正的前向溢出以及较明显的正的后向溢出,与整体行业的计量结果相比,技术差距大组发生了正的水平溢出效应,技术差距中组发生了明显的正的前向溢出,技术差距小组发生了明显的正的后向溢出。  相似文献   

本文将海外知识资本溢出渠道分为进口贸易、出口贸易、外商投资和对外投资,通过建立指标体系测算了G20国家1991-2010年间的国内外知识资本指数,在进行异质性检验的基础上运用组间FMOLS法对海外知识资本对各成员国技术进步的溢出效应进行了比较分析。研究结果表明:进口贸易、出口贸易、外商投资和对外投资是G20国家海外知识资本技术进步溢出的重要渠道,但不同成员国的技术进步溢出效应存在明显差异。我国出口贸易和外商投资中海外知识资本的技术进步溢出效应明显,但进口贸易和对外投资中海外知识资本的技术溢出效应还不太明显。我国应更加重视优进优出的贸易政策,更加重视优化进口贸易的商品结构,积极发展技术获取型对外直接投资。  相似文献   

外商直接投资对我国长三角地区工业经济技术溢出效应分析   总被引:18,自引:1,他引:18  
本文实证分析了FDI对我国长三角地区工业经济的技术溢出效应.结果表明,FDI在该地区的溢出效应明显存在,且其外溢效应大于全国平均水平.笔者认为,跨国公司FDI溢出效应的强弱受东道国企业吸纳水平的影响,而吸纳水平的提升关键在于企业的动力与能力.长三角地区劳动力资源及市场化进程状况是它获得较多FDI技术溢出的重要原因.  相似文献   

We examine whether there is a relationship between foreign equity trading and average total volatility, measured as the value‐weighted average of stock‐return variance in the Istanbul Stock Exchange. We employ foreign equity purchase and sale data to track changes in foreign equity trading, which not only enable us to capture effective foreign investor participation but also to observe the potential asymmetric effects of incoming and outgoing funds on the average total volatility. Consistent with the implications of the asymmetric information hypothesis, we find that net equity flow is positively associated with average total volatility. Furthermore, we show that net equity flow affects the average total volatility through the local and idiosyncratic volatilities, suggesting that foreign investors engage in the production of firm specific and market wide information.  相似文献   

FDI对我国纺织服装业技术溢出效应分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文实证分析了FDI对我国纺织服装业的技术溢出效应。结果表明,FDI在纺织服装业的溢出效应明显存在,且服装业中FDI的外溢效应大于我国工业平均水平,但纺织业的外溢效应低于我国工业的平均水平。笔者认为,行业内FDI溢出效应的强弱受行业内利用FDI的数量和质量的影响,而服装业获得较多FDI技术外溢的重要原因在于其利用外资的密度较大,且在引进技术中重视对先进技术的消化吸收。然而,尽管如此,我国纺织服装业目前仍被锁定在全球价值链低端的生产环节,全员劳动生产率较低。因此,我国应通过利用FDI培育和获取核心技术、知名品牌和销售渠道等高级生产要素,促使企业向价值链的高附加值环节攀升。  相似文献   

This paper examines the existence of externalities associated with foreign direct investment (FDI) in a host country by exploiting firm-level panel data covering the Polish corporate sector. We distinguish between horizontal spillovers (from foreign to domestic firms operating in the same industry) and two types of vertical spillovers: backward (from FDI in downstream industries) and forward spillovers (from FDI in upstream industries). The main findings are as follows. Local firms benefit from foreign presence in the same industry and in downstream industries. The absorptive capacity of domestic firms is highly relevant to the size of spillovers: vertical spillovers are larger for R&D-intensive firms, while firms investing in other (external) types of intangibles benefit more from horizontal spillovers. Competitive pressure facilitates backward spillovers, while market power increases the extent of forward spillovers. Horizontal spillovers are particularly strong in services, while the remaining results, including backward spillovers and the role of absorptive capacity and competition, are mainly driven by manufacturing. Host country equity participation in foreign firms is consistent with higher unconditional productivity spillovers to domestic firms. A number of robustness checks yield results qualitatively similar to those obtained in the baseline specification.  相似文献   

Using comprehensive panel data on manufacturing firms in China during the 1998–2007 period, this study examines whether and when recipient local firms benefit from foreign direct investment (FDI). Local firms’ productivity improvements by the presence of foreign entrants are estimated, and according to the results, the relationship between FDI and local firms’ productivity shows an inverted U‐shaped pattern, with productivity increasing up to a certain point beyond which a higher level of FDI reduces local firms’ productivity. More importantly, the U‐shaped pattern is found for FDI from both non‐HMT foreign firms and overseas Chinese HMT (Hong Kong, Macao, and Taiwan) firms. In addition, the U‐shaped pattern varies across subnational regions such that the threshold at which an increase in FDI reduces productivity is lower for indigenous firms in coastal regions. This suggests that in China, local firms in inland and rural regions are the top beneficiaries of spillover effects. © 2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

This article has a dual aim. First, it sets out to underline a learning-by-exporting effect in Spanish firms between 1991 and 2002. It further seeks to outline the conditions allowing firms to benefit from these spillover effects. Using a propensity score matching method, a group of firms having entered the export market (treatment group) is compared with a similar group of non-exporting firms (control group), and difference-in-differences regressions are carried out. The results show a cumulative productivity differential of 32% for the first four years of exporting, with continuous improvement in productivity. After three years of exporting, productivity gain is still approximately 10%. This study shows that increases in capacity utilisation and competitive pressure from foreign markets are insufficient to explain this causal link between exporting and total factor productivity (TFP). It is thus possible to deduce the presence of a learning-by-exporting effect, benefiting firms with sufficiently qualified employees and which are already engaged in international relations (due to foreign suppliers and/or foreign equity participation).  相似文献   

Using a panel of industry‐average implied cost of equity capital and the value of prior year aggregate industry mergers, we find strong evidence that the industry cost of equity capital is negatively associated with industry merger activity. Our evidence is consistent with greater media coverage, analyst following, or increase in investor attention associated with industry merger activity lowering the required return on equity for firms in an industry that is not involved in merger activity via the ‘information risk’ or ‘incomplete information’ channels.  相似文献   

本文借助C-D函数,实证并分析了FDI对我国高新技术产业内资企业产出、自主创新能力、新产品开发的影响。研究表明,外资通过竞争效应、人员流动效应、示范效应以及产业关联效应等带动高新技术内资企业劳动生产率提高,从而促进内资高新技术企业产出总量增加;但较大的内外资企业的技术差距和较弱的技术消化吸收能力抑制了FDI对航空航天器制造业自主创新能力的提升;较高的外资企业市场集中度和市场开放度,不利于电子及通信设备制造业以及电子计算机及办公设备制造业新产品市场开发。文章据此探讨了相应的对策建议,以期为高新技术产业更好地利用外资提供有益的思路。  相似文献   

We examine the relationship between globalization, corporate governance and firm productivity. The results, using longitudinal data from Korea, indicate that the positive effect of liberalising equity ownership on firms’ total factor productivity (TFP) was reinforced by indirect managerial effects when a firm improved its corporate governance. Our findings also confirm that the interaction of the managerial effect with increased foreign equity ownership is more significant than interaction with exports, suggesting that liberalising foreign investment in the host market is more effective in capitalising on the potential benefits of corporate governance reform than increasing exports to overseas markets, reflected in learning by exporting.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the impact of global value chain (GVC) participation on productivity. It uses data on trade in value‐added from the World Input‐Output Database. The results based on a panel estimation covering 13 sectors in 40 countries over 15 years suggest that participation in GVCs is a significant driver of labour productivity. Backward participation in GVCs, that is, the use of imported inputs to produce for exports, emerges as particularly important. An increase by 10% in the level of GVC participation increased average productivity by close to 1.6%.  相似文献   

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