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宋郑还  王宝钧 《品牌》2005,(5):36-41
曾几何时,中国制造在海外成了廉价货的代名词,低价策略利弊显而易见,就在国内企业纷纷运用价格策略闯荡国际市场的时候,一年做到16亿元以上的好孩子集团总经理宋郑还已经在国际市场历练了十年。今天,在中国城市儿童每十个乘坐童车的孩子里,有八个会选择好孩子;在美国,每3辆儿童车里就有一辆是好孩子的。宋郑还多年打拼海外市场的经历让我们反思,这个以不断创新产品,开拓市场为目标的企业家,摈弃了比较成本的低价策略,却取得了令人艳羡的成就。在宋郑还看来,"廉价"根本就不是中国制造征战海外市场的终南捷径,而坚持"创新"才是中国企业闯国际市场的"核武器"。在此,宋郑还用他的十年亲历,向本刊讲述他的好孩子和他的中国制造,想必其经验对更多国内企业走出去有所启示。  相似文献   

<正>中国品牌走向世界,是一个经过市场洗礼、大浪淘沙的悲壮历程。其意义无可限量。——全球著名的童车大王"好孩子"集团的成长史,就是这段话的最好佐证。2010年11月24日10时,全球著名的童车大王"好孩子"国际控股有限公司(下称"好孩子")在香港联合证券交易所  相似文献   

今年9月7日,苏州市召开推进质量强市工作会议,好孩子儿童用品有限公司(以下简称"好孩子")获得首届"苏州市市长质量奖"。从上世纪80年代末江苏昆山一家濒临倒闭的小镇校办厂,到2010年荣获"全国质量奖",成为中国儿童用品行业唯一荣膺这项殊荣的企业,好孩子秉承"要做就做最好"的理念,将国  相似文献   

李春  周戌乾 《光彩》2011,(11):44-45
李春是好孩子集团人力资源副总裁,6年前加盟好孩子集团。他在上世纪80年代末就在跨国公司工作,有心理学专业学历背景。6年多以来,李春帮助好孩子集团从各类跨国公司引进了一大批高级管理人才。在与融杰管理咨询公司执行合伙人周戌乾的对谈中,李春分享了他对于民企引进跨国企业高端人才的心得,对许多有跨国公司工作背景,又欲在民营企业一展身手的专业人士颇有启迪。  相似文献   

宋郑还 《商界名家》2004,(12):48-51
曾几何时,中国制造在海外成了廉价货的代名词,低价策略利弊显而易见,就在国内企业纷纷运用价格策略闯荡国际市场的时候,一年做到16亿元以上的好孩子集团总经理宋郑还已经在国际市场历练了十年。今天,在中国城市儿童每十个乘坐童车的孩子里,有八个会选择好孩子,在美国,每3辆儿童车里就有一辆是好孩子的。宋郑还多年打拼海外市场的经历让我们反思,这个以不断创新产品,开拓市场为目标的企业家,摈弃了比较成本的低价策略,却取得了令人艳美的成就。在宋郑还看来。“廉价”根本就不是中国制造征战海外市场的终南捷径,而坚持“创新”才是中国企业闯国际市场的“核武器”。在此,宋郑还用他的十年亲历,向本刊讲述他的好孩子和他的中国制造,想必其经验对更多国内企业走出去有所启示。  相似文献   

18年前,宋郑还在江苏昆山的一家濒临倒闭的中学校办厂做厂长,当他还在发愁厂里如何还债时,他根本就没有想到,"好孩子"今天会占据中国童车70%的市场份额,同时在美国也占据了40%的市场份额。  相似文献   

4月18日上午,在江苏昆山的好孩子工业园,全球最大的儿童用品供应商、专业母婴产品分销零售平台、著名婴幼儿用品全面解决方案提供商好孩子集团,举行了"第一亿辆童车下线暨全球最轻童车正式上市"仪式. 一辆新颖、时尚、轻盈的婴儿车被推到了与会嘉宾们面前,这正是好孩子生产的第一亿辆童车,也是目前世界上最轻的双向婴儿车.随后,这款婴儿车将在世界各地与不同种族的年轻父母们见面.  相似文献   

如果有一个汽车厂商希望一半以上中国人都驾驶自己的车,你肯定会感到不可思议。在竞争激烈的制造业,一种品牌很难取得这样的优势。江苏昆山人宋郑还在1993年开始进入童车行业时,这样的念头他连想也没有想过.不过,现在他一手缔建的“好孩子”童车已经在国内占据了近80%的市场份额。同样地,来自中国的品牌能够在美国市场占据1/3份额更不简单。不过,这也并不是绝无可能,2004年《财富》杂志数据显示,宋郑还的“好孩子”已经实现了这一任务。57岁的宋郑还身材高大,普通话中夹带着些许江浙口音。与很多同样经历过上山下乡的人一样,这位“好孩子”集团创始人兼总裁总有时不待我之感。除了工作,他几乎没有其他娱乐。  相似文献   

身材高大的他,推着不起眼的童车,带着这家80年代起步的校办工厂,硬是把“好孩子”的名字传播到美国的各个家庭。  相似文献   

我认识好孩子集团董事长其实是在四年前.那时.我在北京组织好孩子集团的品牌战略发展研讨会.当时的好孩子集团已经成为中国儿童用品的第一品牌.它生产的各类儿童用品已占据美国儿童用品的三分之一市场.小小的一辆童车竟然有着2000多项专利。好孩子的业绩令人瞩目.中国品牌界著名人士艾丰也都来研究好孩子的发展.包括龙永图等都对好孩子的发展赞赏有加,这是一个急速发展的企业。  相似文献   

In this article, the sectorial and environmental forces that facilitate or inhibit the creation of venture capital companies are studied in the three European countries where the industry is most developed: the United Kingdom, France, and the Netherlands. The focus is on the start-up phase of the industry, the period from 1970–1990. The founding of firms can be studied on four different levels: entrepreneurial, organizational, population, and macroeconomic. In this study, a population approach is taken; this implies that we do not attempt to explain any single founding, but rather the aggregate number of foundings that occur in an industry in a certain period in a certain country.According to the organizational ecology theory, the population density (i.e., the total number of organizations in a population) is the major environmental factor that affects the founding rate through two processes. Initially, when the density is low, each founding eases new foundings, because the simple prevalence of a form tends to give it legitimacy (thereby spurring imitations), the training ground for qualified personnel grows and the supporting networks are widened and strengthened. The legitimation process does not grow forever: once enough organizations of a certain kind exist, legitimation attains a ceiling. As the number of organizations increases, the second process becomes dominant: the competition for resources (raw material, personnel, customers, capital) grows, leading to a negative relationship between the density and the founding rate, everything else being equal. Thus, the founding rate declines as the number of organizations increases, once a threshold is reached. The major hypothesis that is tested here is that the population density has an inverted U-shaped effect on the founding rate of venture capital organizations.In addition, the effect that the venture capital firms of the three countries have on each other is studied. Two populations are said to interact when the populations affect each other's growth rate, but the interaction need not be symmetrical. The second hypothesis, tested in this study, is that populations in different countries have a positive effect on each other and not a competitive effect because the legitimating effect does not halt at geographical borders. Yet, the competition for resources (capital, people, deals) among geographically different populations is limited in this industry.This study is valuable because until now, the existing ecological studies focus on long-established industries. Testing, the theory in a young industry that emerged only in the seventies (in Europe) has merits in its own right, because the technological progress after the Second World War has altered the organizational environment tremendously. The communication and transportation revolutions may have especially influenced the way in which organizations interact with each other and with the environment. The venture capital firms are furthermore special in the way they are organized with the dual structure of management company and investment fund(s). If the theory holds in this young industry, important additional evidence will be given that the theory is truly applicable to “populations of all types, in any time period, and in any society” (Carroll 1988, p. 18). Finally, this study extends the theory by giving evidence on how industries in different countries may interact upon each other.We show empirically that the major factor that influences the overall founding rate in each of the three countries is the density of the industry, i.e., the number of organizations that already exist in the industry; this confirms the population ecology theory. When the density is low, adding a new organization to the industry raises the probability of a subsequent founding; when the density is high, the contrary is true. The institutional changes considered here, such as the establishment of tax transparent legal entities or state guarantees against losses (in the Netherlands) and the establishment of secondary stock markets, do not significantly influence the founding rate in any of the three countries. Moreover, the Dutch foundings are positively influenced by the British density and the French foundings by the Dutch density; the British foundings are, on the contrary, negatively influenced by the Dutch density. The competitive effects between the Netherlands and the U.K. are thus more important than initially thought.The relationship between the density and the founding rate is the strongest, most consistent, and most significant relationship found in this study. Thus, the number of organizations that already exist in an industry is very important in explaining the founding of organizations, apart from, for example, the personality of the entrepreneur or from the networks in which he or she is involved. This indicates that, when trying to explain the founding of organizations, the industry structure, and more specifically the number of organizations that exist at the moment of the founding, cannot be ignored.  相似文献   

建立高效城市物流体系的政策建议   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
本文认为,现阶段我国发展城市物流,不仅需要第三方物流企业的广泛参与,更需要政府部门的规划和引导。政府应加强对城市物流行业的规划与管理,打破地区封锁和行业垄断,建立与物流行业相关的统计指标体系;在土地、资金、税收等方面加大对重点物流企业和项目的扶持力度;建立城市物流市场准入制度,避免低水平的恶性竞争;整合现有城市物流资源,实现城市物流体系和运作的规模化;建设统一规划、合理布局的社会化物流中心,建立完整的城市物流网络;加快物流信息化建设;加强城市物流相关法规标准的制定,规范城市物流业发展;开发物流市场,培育物流龙头企业。  相似文献   

目前我国水库移民社会救助虽然取得了一定的成就,已经初步形成了移民灾害救助、移民贫困救助以及特殊移民救助等为基础的社会救助制度体系,但是仍然存在城乡二元区隔、项目较为单一、资金供给与救助需求不相适应、救助对象无法准确确定、救助资金分担不合理、救助理念落后、缺乏统一管理等问题。为了实现水库移民社会救助的科学化、程序化、法制化、社会化,必须进行制度创新,即实现社会救助城乡统筹、项目多元化、科学地制定贫困线标准、确定救助对象、加快社会救助的社会化进程,合理筹集水库移民社会救助资金、转变观念、统一管理、制定并完善相关法律法规、建立监测评估体系。  相似文献   

鲁南地区五城市之间的经济发展水平存在巨大的差异,并体现在经济总量、人均水平、经济效益、居民收入与消费水平等多方面;同时,总体差异呈扩大趋势。鲁南五城市正处在经济发展的中期阶段,城市的地理与区位、产业基础、投入与经济外向型程度,以及社会与历史文化因素是造成发展差异和经济总体差异扩大的根本原因。在整个区域的层面上,经济的欠发达状态是五城市发展的客观事实,必须培育都市圈、极化中心城市,推进城市合作、促进共同发展,同时要利用区位优势、自觉接受区外中心城市经济辐射,这是走出"困境"的重要路径。  相似文献   

节事旅游研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
节事旅游是以举办地综合实力为基础,在政府积极配合、媒体高度关注、公众主动参与的前提下,围绕特定主题开展的大型活动。具有地域性、参与性、周期性和时间性、综合性、文化性的特点,发展节事旅游有利于塑造区域旅游形象,提升旅游目的地的知名度,促进旅游基础设施完善,促进相关产业发展,具有多种牵动效用。但与此同时我国节事旅游发展还存在以政府主办为主,缺乏市场化运作;活动项目设置雷同,缺少精品节事产品;缺乏市场调研,营销力度不够等问题。针对这些问题应采取政府主导与市场化运作模式并用,突出特色打造节事旅游精品,加大市场调研力度,注重开发节事旅游活动纪念品,加强对节事旅游的理论研究等措施来保证节事旅游事业的健康发展。  相似文献   

文章在总结分析现有物流信息平台服务模式及其特征基础上运用云计算理论、商业生态系统理论和双边市场理论提出了基于云生态的物流信息平台服务模式创新。文章首先对云生态和物流信息平台服务的内涵与特点进行了分析;然后根据物流信息平台的功能和作用将其分为五类,并从平台性质、价值创造、核心功能、盈利模式、是否参与具体运作、典型企业、适用企业、存在的问题等八个方面对现有各种物流信息平台服务模式进行了对比分析;接着提出基于云生态的物流信息平台服务模式,并分析了其概念模型、结构、业务功能、价值创造、盈利模式;最后给出了研究结论及展望。结论表明该模式在概念模型、主体要素、核心业务功能、价值创造、盈利模式等方面取得了创新,对云经济时代物流行业的健康可持续发展具有一定的指导意义。  相似文献   

Culture is shaped by a handful of people who are guardians of the vision and the shapers of the corporate conscience. It is especially the role of the chief executive to define the character of the business and to establish the corporate culture.A corporation can instill within its basic policy structure and patterns of behavior a corporate culture, a corporate conscience that can prevail.On this premise, the author enunciates the following values: the dignity of the individual, openness to people and ideas, optimum standards of service, entrepreneurship, synergism, leadership through competence, and behavior based on values.William L. Weiss is chairman and chief executive officer of Ameritech (American Information Technologies Corporation), the parent of the Bell Telephone companies in Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, Ohio, and Wisconsin. Ameritech also has a number of other subsidiaries. Mr. Weiss is engaged in building a new corporate culture for Ameritech, which came into existence on January 1, 1984.  相似文献   

预告片本质上是电影广告,这是美国预告片检查制度得以建立的必要性与合法性所在。作为电影广告,预告片在很大程度上能够影响电影票房收入。为了吸引观众,预告片以性、色情、暴力、吸毒等内容为主要叙事元素,引发政府与压力集团的谴责与反对,催生出美国预告片检查制度。这种检查制度建立于古典好莱坞时期,历经新好莱坞时期并延续至今。预告片检查的合法性基础在于预告片是不受《第一修正案》完全保护的商业表达。但是,随着制作艺术与技术的提升,预告片逐渐成为兼具商业性与艺术性的混合表达,预告片检查制度的合法性面临挑战。  相似文献   

The extent to which the entrepreneur interacts with the networks in his local environment during the process of starting a new firm was studied. This study was based on the premise that, during this process, he is seeking not only the resources of equipment, space, and money, but also advice, information, and reassurance. Consequently the help and guidance received from both the formal networks (banks, accountants, lawyers, SBA) and the informal networks (family, friends, business contacts) will influence the nature of the firm substantially.The study was conducted in St. Joseph County, Indiana, a county that has experienced the same economic problems as many other towns in the midwest smoke-stack belt during the 1970s. In 1982, in response to this general decline in the business climate, a fund was raised to create and manage a new industrial strategy. Before this, there was no collective strategy for nurturing either the small firm or the new firm. Therefore, in order to determine the extent to which an interventionist strategy was appropriate, a research project was designed that posed three basic questions: what does the environment look like; does it need changing; and, if so, in what ways? This article reports part of that study—a survey of firms that had started in the county in the previous five years (1977–1982). It was concerned with two issues: the characteristics of the St.Joseph County entrepreneur and the usage of the formal and informal networks.The results of the survey show that the aggregate characteristics of the St. Joseph County entrepreneur are similar to those found in other studies. The new firms were founded by local people from small firms who started their small firms in similar industries that were local in nature. Moreover, the majority (90%) not only started small, but also grew very little subsequently—firms that have been classified elsewhere as life-style ventures. It is to be expected that such people would have a strong local network, both formal and informal, particularly in a county with a population of only 220,000. However, the results of the second part of the study showed that the main sources of help in assembling the resources of raw materials, supplies, equipment, space, employees, and orders were the informal contacts of family, friends, and colleagues. The only institution that was mentioned with any regularity was the bank, which was approached towards the end of the process when many of the resources were assembled and the elements of the business set in the entrepreneur's mind. This was not because the formal sources were unwilling to offer guidance, but rather that the entrepreneur and his social network appeared to be unaware of what was available. Moreover, in using only business contacts, family, and friends, the entrepreneur was likely to re-create the elements of previous employment, even when he was starting business in an entirely new market. Further, there was no significant difference between growth and no-growth firms. It would appear that in this county, the formal network was uniformally inefficient.This research shows that a major aim of the new strategy should be to increase the awareness of the community to the formal sources and types of help that are available. However, whilst most of the institutions are prepared to solve specific problems, they are not in the business of diagnosis or counseling. The network needs a hub or an enterprise office.The data on the start-up process and the role of networks in relation to new firms are very sparse and often anecdotal. This study was conducted in one environment, a small midwest county with a jaded entrepreneurial tradition. Further studies are necessary. Research questions include the extent to which networking is crucial in the start-up process, the length of time it took for the sophisticated networks of Boston's Route 128 and California's Silicon Valley to develop, and the effect of different geographic, cultural, and economic conditions. Only in this way is it possible to determine the extent to which regional, regeneration strategies for new firm creation should be county specific rather than state or country wide.  相似文献   

随着人们生活水平的普遍提高,对生活方式的研究也成为流行病学、社会医学和社会学等领域的研究热点。目前国内对生活方式的内涵、类型和结构还未有统一的认识,但普遍认为生活方式是一个内涵丰富、结构复杂的概念,对其测量大多采用《生活方式量表》和《生活方式自评量表》。国外对生活方式的研究主要集中在特色人群的生活方式、肥胖与生活方式的关系、生活方式病的治疗和预防、生活质量等。国内主要关注学生体质及生活方式的影响、生活方式对成年人体质状况的影响、体育生活方式与体质和健康的影响、亚健康问题、健康生活方式与身心健康的关系等。但目前还存在着实证研究少、研究对象和工具局限、心理学视角研究较少等不足。应通过实证研究,深入探讨生活方式与体质或健康的关系、健全人格与健康生活方式的关系、生活方式与经济发展和健身条件的关系等。  相似文献   

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