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是否创造有形物质产品不是创造价值的必要条件。没有价值(没有包含劳动)的东西可以有价格,当然包含劳动的东西更可以有价格,更可以“取得”商品交换的形式,这就是商业性服务;以获取报酬为目的的服务具有商品属性。服务是商品就具有商品的属性——具有价值和使用价值,同样也就具有具体劳动和一般劳动的属性;服务劳动不创造具体的有形商品(有形使用价值),但是服务劳动创造或提供了能够满足消费者某个别或某些方面需求的服务。服务劳动的价值将是无对象“凝结”,是非物态的,是无形的活劳动本身,因此服务商品的价值实体是活劳动。  相似文献   

洛哇 《商业科技》2011,(13):45-45
本文先后阐述了商品的含义,包括狭义与广义的概念;商品的二重属性,包括价值与使用价值的含义,以及交换价值与使用价值的关系、价值与使用价值的辩证统一关系。劳动二重性即具体劳动和抽象劳动,它决定了商品的二重性。然后说明了商品的价值量以及决定价值的社会必要劳动时间。由此引申出劳动时间与劳动生产率的关系。在其他条件不变的情况下,商品的价值量越大,价格越高;商品的价值量越小,价格越低,对价值规律进行了总结。  相似文献   

本文先后阐述了商品的含义,包括狭义与广义的概念;商品的二重属性,包括价值与使用价值的含义,以及交换价值与使用价值的关系、价值与使用价值的辩证统一关系。劳动二重性即具体劳动和抽象劳动,它决定了商品的二重性。然后说明了商品的价值量以及决定价值的社会必要劳动时间。由此引申出劳动时间与劳动生产率的关系。在其他条件不变的情况下,商品的价值量越大,价格越高;商品的价值量越小,价格越低,对价值规律进行了总结。  相似文献   

物化劳动价值是过去被社会承认的活劳动价值,现在作为商品转移价值部分要被社会重新承认。转移价值量不是过去死劳动的价值量,而是当前生产该要素价值的活劳动价值量,转移价值具有过去的死劳动、现在的活价值的特点。商品价值量是广义的活劳动价值量总和。会计核算方法应该建立在活劳动价值量的计价基础上,使马克思劳动价值论走向具体化。  相似文献   

刘永伟 《财贸研究》2002,13(6):11-12
<正> 经济学的研究一般都是建立在一定的假设基础之上的。马克思在劳动价值论中也有一个假设,即商品的价值完全由活劳动创造,生产资料只参与价值的创造过程,而其本身却不能创造价值。商品价值的大小与劳动时间的长短成正比关系。在马克思看来,商品的价值是与商品的市场价格独立存在的一个抽象的绝对值,是由生产这种商品的劳动时间所决定的,并不随着市场的变化而改变。本人认为马克  相似文献   

本文从创造价值劳动的范围社会必要劳动时间决定商品价值量的结论,以及价值规律的表述三个方面对马克思的劳动价值理论进行了创新。提出:应把创造价值劳动的范围拓展到人类的一切劳动;社会必要劳动量决定着商品的价值量,商品的价值量=社会必要劳动时间×科学发展度系数;应把价值规律中的社会必要劳动时间决定商品价值量改为社会必要劳动量决定着商品价值量,应该把商品价值量同劳动生产率成反比的结论删除。  相似文献   

劳动力即人的劳动能力,这种能力包括体力和脑力两种形式。劳动力是人类进行生产活动和社会活动最基本、最活跃的要素,是创造社会财富的源泉,在传统的资本主义市场经济体制下,劳动力成为商品的条件:一是劳动者丧失了生产资料;二是劳动者具有人身自由,能将自己的劳动力作为商品出卖。劳动者属于个人所有,是一种谋生的手段,因而劳动力是一种特殊的商品。  相似文献   

马克思劳动价值理论的现实意义   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
一、马克思劳动价值理论的基本内容 马克思价值理论的一大特点和优点便是价值理论和商品理论紧密结合.通过商品使用价值和价值内在矛盾运动,揭示出价值的实体和价值量,以及价值形式的运动和价值的本质,从而建立起科学的劳动价值理论.从资本主义经济细胞入手,揭示在现象中包含的人与自然、人与社会的物质变换,而人与自然、人与人的关系又是通过劳动这架桥梁联接起来的.  相似文献   

劳动力市场就是劳动力商品交换关系的总和。因此,要认识我国劳动力市场的特殊性,先要认识我国劳动力商品问题。劳动力成为商品必须具备两个前提条件:一是劳动者具有人身自由,有了这个条件就有了劳动力转化为商品的可能性;二是在第一个条件基础上劳动者不占有任何生产资料,这才产生劳动力转化为商品的必然性。社会主义公有制社会是劳动者的“自由人联合体”。劳动者作为联合体的成员,理所当然享有权利和承担义务,根本义务就是把自己的劳动力奉献给社会组成整个社会的联合劳动。联合体的性质是自由人的联合,劳动者作为自由人,理所当然具有人身自由。同时,按劳分配原则默认不同的劳动能力是劳动者的天赋特权。这种状况决定了社会主义条件下劳动力具有二重性。既有直接社会性,又有一定程度的私人性,存在转化为商品的可能性。有同志从局部联合劳动以及多种所有制并存来论证我国劳动力必然具有商品性质。这涉及怎样认识我国公有制状态的问题。我国公有制是以全民所有制为主导的,又是和其他所有制形式并存的。这是我国存在商品经济必然性的根本原因,全民所有制企业需要有相对独立  相似文献   

<正>市场供求关系的变化影响劳动的有效性, 从而影响商品价值量马克思关于商品理论的基本论述并不否定效用、也不否定社会(市场)需要对商品价值形成的重大作用。劳动分为有效劳动和无效劳动,其中有效劳动形成价值,无效劳  相似文献   

农村家庭联产承包责任制的实行塑造了家庭对各种农业生产要素的独占所有权,家庭成为农业生产要素的"所有主体"和"配置主体"。根据实证分析结果,在要素市场和家庭合作的作用下,农业劳动力和土地对农业收入有显著的正向偏效应,土地成为农业生产的硬性约束要素,劳动力存在过度流失的现象,而教育年限、农业资本则对农业生产没有显著的促进作用。因此,必须采取措施扩大家庭土地经营规模、提高人力资本回报率和促进农村劳动力的合理流动。  相似文献   

三十年来随着改革开放的深入,我国逐步形成了以按劳分配为主体、多种分配方式并存的收入分配制度。这种具有中国特色的分配制度模式是由以公有制为主体、多种所有制经济共同发展的所有制结构决定的。一方面要强调按劳分配的主体地位,另一方面又要强调多种分配方式的并存。按劳分配和按生产要素分配相结合的具有中国特色的分配制度模式有着多元性和主体性等特点。  相似文献   

This paper develops a model of teenage labor supply and school participation which stresses the teenager's use of time in a family context. The family is viewed as imposing constraints on the teenager's allocation of time. The teenager maximizes his utility subject to these constraints which differ with his age, sex, and family type. Simultaneous equation estimation is used with market level (SMSA) data on teenage labor supply. Overall, we find well-behaved labor supply equations for teenage age, sex, and family-type groups. Moreover, different groups react differently to variables representing family-imposed constraints.  相似文献   

The more business owners, the merrier? The role of tertiary education   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Policy in developed countries is often based on the assumption that higher business ownership rates induce economic value. Recent microeconomic empirical evidence may lead to a more nuanced view: Especially the top-performing business owners are responsible for the value creation of business owners. Other labor market participants would contribute more to economic value creation as an employee than as a business owner. The implied existence of an “optimal” business ownership rate would thus replace the dictum of “the more business owners, the merrier.” We attempt to establish whether there is such an optimal level, i.e., a quadratic relation between the business ownership rate and economic output rather than a linear or higher-order relationship, while investigating the role of tertiary education. Two findings stand out. First, by estimating extended versions of traditional Cobb–Douglas production functions on a sample of 19 OECD countries over the period 1981–2006, we indeed find robust evidence of an optimal business ownership rate. Second, the relation between business ownership and macroeconomic productivity is steeper for countries with higher participation rates in tertiary education. Thus, the optimal business ownership rate tends to decrease with tertiary education levels. This is consistent with microeconomic theory and evidence showing that business owners with higher levels of human capital run larger firms.  相似文献   

The labor market effects of foreign owned firms   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Foreign firms have a more educated workforce and pay higher wages than domestic firms even after controlling for worker quality, at a given moment in time. This does not imply that foreign ownership improves the labor market outcomes of the workers since foreign investment may be guided by unobservable firm and worker characteristics correlated with schooling or wages. This paper asks whether foreign investors acquire firms with high human capital or wages, or whether foreign acquisition improves these outcomes. Using a matched employer-employee data set, I find that foreign acquisitions of domestic firms have small effects on the human capital and on average wages of the acquired firms. Instead, foreign investors “cherry pick” those domestic firms that are already very similar to the group of existing foreign firms.  相似文献   

Drawing on the home country literature, we argue that firms headquartered or located in countries with strong labor protection may face challenges in their domestic operations. These firms are likely to initiate offshoring to enhance operational efficiency. Building on this argument, we also examine the boundary conditions moderating this proposed effect including labor productivity and employee stock ownership. Results based on a sample of information technology firms operating within five developed countries during 1990–2010 provide support for these arguments. These findings suggest that offshoring can be a partial exit strategy for firms to address the institutional challenges in their home country.  相似文献   

The Keynesian idea that workers are subject to money illusion in their labor supply decisions is tested by estimating a labor supply function that includes the price level as an independent variable. The model is estimated with data drawn from various BLS publications and is aggregated by SMSA. The results indicate a significant negative supply response to price-level changes after controlling for the nominal wage rate, income, and the SMSA's unemployment rate. There is no significant difference between workers' supply response to the price level and the nominal wage rate, which suggests that workers are not subject to money illusion.  相似文献   

资本主义生产关系一开始主要表现在物质生产领域,管理劳动、知识劳动等非物质生产劳动(服务劳动)的地位相对较低,因此马克思的劳动价值论与剩余价值论体系主要限于物质生产劳动领域,把非物质生产劳动舍象了。从马克思所处的时代到当今的高科技时代,经济形式产生了质的飞跃,全球服务业增加值占全球生产总值的比重已超六成,如何看待服务劳动及其价值形成,已成为亟待研究的重要问题。“熵”是物理学中一个非常重要的概念,它表示体系混乱程度的度量。目前,“熵”这个概念不仅运用在物理学、化学等自然科学中,而且也被引入了经济学、社会学等领域。将熵理论引入马克思劳动价值论,通过从熵的角度分析人类劳动,特别是服务劳动的物理本质,能较好地论证“服务劳动也是劳动的一种,也能创造价值”的观点。  相似文献   

In diaspora research, people's international mobility is often understood as a response to pull-push forces on an economic macro-level or as part of diasporic waves. However, labor diaspora formations are also influenced by micro-level (i.e., individual perceptions) drivers related to work per se, such as satisfaction. This explorative qualitative study takes a novel angle and focuses on the role of Portuguese nurses’ satisfaction with the evaluation of the Brexit scenario and its effects on this labor diaspora's mobility and stability. The findings illustrate that satisfaction, although affected by uncertainty, mainly relates to perceived working conditions and legislation and the possibilities to communicate with locals and other diasporans. This paper provides suggestions for future research and contributes to the development of theory on staying and human stickiness, explaining the dynamics of exit and entry in (re-)migration decision making.  相似文献   

服务商品与商业劳动价值创造   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
谭畅 《商业研究》2004,26(3):4-6
传统政治经济学认为 ,产业工人创造价值和剩余价值 ,商业工人实现价值和剩余价值。但在市场经济中 ,商品必须经过两级交换。一级交换是产业企业将产品交换给商业企业 ,使商品从生产领域跨入流通领域 ;产业企业得到产业工人创造的全部价值和剩余价值。二级交换是商业企业与消费者之间的交换 ,使商品从流通领域跨入消费领域 ,商业企业在实现产业企业的产品价值和剩余价值的同时 ,实现商业工人创造的价值和剩余价值。商业利润不是从产业工人创造的剩余价值中瓜分来的 ,而是商业工人创造的。  相似文献   

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