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日本于20世纪60年代初进入了“国民皆年金”的时代,相应地农民也被纳入了社会养老保险体系当中,经过半个世纪的制度建设,日本已经建立了相对完善的农村养老保险体系,有效保障了农民的养老生活。中国农业和农村问题与日本有诸多相似之处,如农业经营都以家庭为单位、经营规模小、经营分散,农村城市化快速发展,农村人口面临老龄化等问题。日本的探索和经验积累将会为构建符合中国国情的农村养老保险制度提供有益的参考。  相似文献   

本文利用联合国服务贸易数据库2000-2010年的数据,通过GL指数、MIIT指数、HIIT指数和VIIT指数,对中日服务业产业内贸易水平进行分析,认为中日服务贸易以垂直型产业内贸易为主,并且服务贸易各部门产业内贸易水平差异较大,运输、旅游、通讯、建筑、保险、金融和其他商业服务的产业内贸易水平较高;对影响中日服务业产业内贸易发展的因素进行回归分析表明:人均收入水平差异和市场规模是影响中日服务业产业内贸易水平的重要因素,中日人均收入水平差异和市场开放度与中日服务业产业内贸易正相关,市场规模和日本对华直接投资与中日服务业产业内贸易负相关。  相似文献   

中日两国产业内贸易的实证研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
本文对中日双边贸易中制成品产业内贸易的发展现状、特征以及影响因素进行了实证研究,发现随着中日双边贸易中资本和技术密集型产品比重的提高,制成品产业内贸易比重也有所提高;其中,机械和运输设备产业内贸易所占比重最高;垂直差异化产品产业内贸易是中日制成品产业内贸易的主要形式;日本对华直接投资活动活跃、跨国公司国际一体化生产体系的构筑及其产业内投资的发展、中国持续经济增长引起的市场容量扩大、加工贸易的快速发展、产品差异化发展以及便利的地理区位因素均有利于促进双边产业内贸易的发展,规模经济和贸易壁垒因素对其则尚存消极影响。  相似文献   

中日两国由于各自独特的地理环境、宗教习俗、审美观念等的不同,从而形成了不同的色彩现。其中红色认识差异最为显著。在中国,红色有祖先崇拜、辟邪、吉祥和女性之红等特征;在日本则有魔力、辟邪、禁忌和女性之红等特征;在红色能辟邪和象征女性方面,中日两国是相同的,其他文化特征则有差异。从中日两国传统红色彩文化意识的演变中可以看出:在中国,传统“红色”依然占据中心地位,受到人们的喜爱;而在日本,红色的负面文化含义越来越弱,“中国式的红”正在慢慢被日本社会所接受。  相似文献   

日本作为我国蔬菜出口的第一大市场,对我国蔬菜产业的外向发展及其重要。但是,近年来,我国与日本蔬菜贸易摩擦不断,备受政府、企业和学者的关注。本文以我国与日本蔬菜贸易争端为研究对象,从蔬菜行业协会的视角,透析两国蔬菜贸易争端的原因,寻找有效对策,为研究两国蔬菜贸易争端解决机制另辟蹊径。  相似文献   

Asmall-scale survey was deducted recently by China's Foreign Trade and showed that Chinese urbanites are changing their attitudes toward Japan and many of them are viewing their Asian neighbor more positively.On the topic of "Japan Image",we interviewed over 50 young white collars from China.Most of them have been to Japan or working for Japanese enterprises in China.Based on their interests and knowledge to Japan,we paint an international picture to this economic giant by inflection from the thought mirror in minds.  相似文献   

我国的蔬菜在世界蔬菜生产和贸易中占有重要地位。目前,我国蔬菜的第一大出口去向是日本。从日本的蔬菜进口来源看,最大的蔬菜进口来源国是我国。本文首先运用蔬菜进口函数模型、通过中国、美国、新西兰这三个日本的蔬菜主要进口来源国的相互比较,分析我国蔬菜在日本市场上的竞争力。在此基础上构建均衡关税率"零售价均衡模型",对我国与日本蔬菜的贸易均衡关税率进行计量分析。得出的主要结论是,我国蔬菜在日本市场上有着较大的竞争力,另外,日本通过提高关税率来保护其蔬菜产业是违背市场经济规律的。  相似文献   

美日物流法律制度比较及对我国的启示   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
陈金涛  颜南 《中国市场》2008,(15):16-17
美国和日本拥有世界上最发达的物流业,他们的物流法律制度各有特点。通过两国物流法律制度的比较可以为刚刚起步的我国物流法律制度提供经验和发展方向。本文总结美日两国物流法律制度的特点并从中得到一些启示。  相似文献   

中日经贸合作对东亚经济一体化进程影响研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
本文在分析中日经贸合作现状的基础上,提出中日两个经济强国在经贸合作上产生的效用会对东亚经济一体化进程产生积极的影响。同时采用计量经济学的定量分析,运用非线性回归方程,进行回归分析和点预测,得出两国经贸合作存在较强相关性的结论。最后,对两国经贸合作提出相应的政策建议。  相似文献   

《The World Economy》2018,41(1):171-193
Using highly comparable local retail prices of 146 goods and services across 18 Asian countries over 1990–2014, we analyse price dispersion and test convergence to the law of one price (LOP ) for these prices around three price benchmarks—Asia‐average, Japan and China prices—to gain insight about market integration in overall Asia as well relative integration of Asian economies to Japan and China. Cross‐Asia price dispersion around China‐price benchmark, for both tradables and non‐tradables, diminishes significantly over the sample period whereas that around Japan‐price benchmark increases considerably, particularly after the 2008 crisis. There is convergence to the LOP for about half of goods and services in China‐ and Asia‐average price benchmarks. The percentage of convergent prices is significantly smaller in Japan‐price benchmark. Direct estimates of the convergence speed parameter also confirm these observations. Overall, our results show evidence of increasing economic integration in Asia in the last two decades. The process of price convergence appears to be driven by the emergence of China as the centre of economic gravity in the region. There is much room for improvement as economic integration in Asia is still far below that in Europe in the 1990s or USA in the 1980s.  相似文献   

日本地震使其经济遭受重创并引发了对中国经济影响的思考。本文选取1996年1月到2011年4月中日美三国宏观经济景气指数建立VEC模型进行实证研究,并结合宏观经济数据分析,认为震后日本经济下行会直接导致中国经济短期内同向波动,并通过影响外部经济环境间接对中国经济产生不利影响,诸多影响在中国对日出口和日本对华投资方面表现突出。并针对这一问题提出了相应的政策建议。  相似文献   

日本、韩国对华直接投资规模、产业和影响的实证比较   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
日本、韩国作为我国的重要经济伙伴和外资主要来源国,对我国投资具有许多共同点,但是由于两国经济发展水平、产业结构和经济景气的差异,对我国产业转移的特点和影响也存在差异。本文在研究日韩两国对我国投资规模和产业分布状况的基础上,实证比较了其对华投资对投资国和东道国经济的关系和影响的异同点,结论表明影响均具有正向性,是双赢而不是威胁性。  相似文献   


Japan, South Korea and China are the three juggernauts of the East Asian economy. In gross domestic product terms, China is the world’s second largest economy, Japan the third and South Korea the eleventh. Also, Japan and South Korea are the only two of the OECD’s prestigious Development Assistance Committee members from Asia, providing a large combined annual budget to developing countries, and the only two Asian countries of the seven-member 50–20 Club with members with a population of 50 million or more and a per capita GDP of US$20,000 or more. Many studies have offered explanations of this Asian economic and corporate success, although few have attempted to explain the leadership styles in these three countries. Globalization has also changed these economies enormously, leading to the possible convergence with universalism forces and commensurate globalization of their leadership styles. This collection, therefore, presents some of the most recent findings of leadership studies on Japan, South Korea and China in light of this.  相似文献   

利用出口相似性指数分别从产品和市场两个角度分析了中国与日本、韩国农产品贸易竞争关系的强弱及其变化趋势。结果表明:中国与日本、韩国农产品贸易的产品相似性指数高于市场相似性指数,农产品出口市场结构的巨大差异决定了中国与日本、韩国的农产品贸易关系不是以竞争为主;中国与日本、韩国农业领域内的合作将有利于强化产品差异、缓解农产品竞争程度。  相似文献   

This contribution attempts to examine the relative importance of the US, Japan and China to Hong Kong and Macau, two effective dollar-based currency boards today, by evaluating the economic potentiality of Japan or China as an alternative monetary anchor country against the US. The assessment is made according to the criteria prescribed by the optimum currency areas (OCA) theory. In addition to that, a subsidiary analysis is done to evaluate in general the suitability of their fixed exchange rate regimes, regardless of the anchor country. Amidst the existing dollar linked arrangement and the rising dominance of China, significant evidence suggests that Japan, despite its lacklustre domestic conditions, might be at least as good a monetary anchor as the US for Hong Kong. In the meantime, China seems to be a more promising monetary anchor alternative for Macau. The features of Hong Kong and Macau also appear to broadly and endogenously support their fixed exchange rates, but not all the features of Macau, a HK-dollar-based currency board, are consistently symmetrical with those of Hong Kong.  相似文献   

Since the initiation of the open door policy in 1978, the Chinese leaders have sought trade with and investment from advanced countries, including Japan, which has been a major trading partner since the 1960s. Much of Japan's investment to date, however, has been indirect, through govern ment loans for sectors like infrastructure. Major Japanese manufacturers are just beginning to invest heavily in China. In their relationship with China, the Japanese have the advantage of shared cultural heritage, geographical proximity and economic complementarity. In addition, in order to effect the transition from a command to a market economy, the Chinese have sought to follow, where appropriate, Japanese practices in such areas as enterprise reform, taxation and the training of managers. Japanese investors are encouraged by low labour costs and a growing Chinese domestic market but inhibited by such factors as low skill levels and poor infrastructure. Finally, China and Japan are set to become major players in the Asia-Pacific region, whether in competition or cooperation.  相似文献   

本文分析了日本福岛第一核电站核泄漏的情况和放射性物质可能扩散到我国的途径,并对日本福岛核泄漏事件对我国的影响进行了风险评估。最后结论为:根据目前的情况,日本福岛核泄漏事件不会危害我国公民的健康。  相似文献   

In view of different grain trade structure and protectionism period, it is well known that China difficultly uses the technology and the green barriers to protect her domestic market as same skilled as Japan and European Union. At the same time, China often encounters above two barriers when it exports Japan and European Union. This article thinks mat mere is the certain commeasurability between the grain trade policy of China and that of South Korean:  相似文献   

任航 《江苏商论》2020,(4):36-38
随着知识产权强国战略的推进,我国的知识产权贸易取得了很大的进展,但与世界知识产权贸易强国相比依然差异巨大。东北亚是全球经济中举足轻重、发展最快的区域之一,而中日韩三国的高新技术、信息技术等产业较为发达。因此,本文对中国、日本及韩国的知识产权贸易竞争力指数进行对比测算,为我国的知识产权贸易发展提出可行性建议。  相似文献   

中朝韩经贸关系纵深发展的战略进路   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
郭锐  徐文吉 《国际经贸探索》2006,22(4):49-52,79
随着东北亚地区经济联系的日益紧密,域内国家间的相互依存度明显提高.东北亚经济合作划时代的契机是域内国家签订自由贸易协定,从而平行地促进产业分工.中朝韩三国经贸合作规模的提升和发展速度的提高,可以推动一度因日本态度消极而搁浅的中日韩自由贸易区建设,并将成为东北亚经济合作发展的催化剂.中朝经贸发展的能动力在于中国建设性的参与朝鲜的经济革新发展,而中韩经贸发展的增长点则在于加速建立自由贸易区.  相似文献   

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