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星昕 《商》2014,(29):76-76
引言 邻里互动是社区共同体形成的基础,然而现代城市邻里关系却日趋淡漠,社区共同体的基础也在逐步消蚀。很多人都是通过商品房的购买而成为邻里,在共同的社区生活实践中,没有过多的接触。但是实际上,在一些传统的社区,他由于有着业缘或者血缘的关系的相对存在,和睦的邻里关系还是随处可见的。  相似文献   

徐玮曼 《商》2012,(12):169-169
现当代的社区文化及生活中邻里关系大不如前,在探讨众多产生这一结果的可能性中,有一个是不容忽视的,邻里间共同情感记忆的缺失导致社区文化的断裂。本文主要探讨邻里共同记忆缺失的产生原因、带给我们的思考、以及探讨可能的改善方式。  相似文献   

金学月 《消费导刊》2014,(5):180-182
随着我国城镇化建设的不断推进,原来住在筒子楼、四合院和胡同里的居民群体逐步走进了高楼林立的社区单元,社区的和谐直接决定了社会生活的安定,已成为城市全面建设的重要内容。目前,我国处于经济发展的快车道上,人们的物质生活水平迅速提高的同时,一些现实问题也摆到了我们面前:独生子女已成为社会劳动力的主力军,面临着社会各方面的压力,既要赡养双方父母,又要养育儿女,生活的压力使得他们无暇顾及老人的精神生活,“空巢”老人和“空巢”家庭的出现就是当今社会的生动写照;从邻里和睦的“胡同”到“老死不相往来”的“高楼”,人与人之间相互沟通和交流的渠道越来越少,邻里之间的“冷漠”与“独立”特征凸显。这些问题的出现,都为和谐社会的构建提出了严峻的挑战,也为社区文化建设提出了具体要求。有效挖掘利用各类资源,加强社区文化建设,已成为社区建设的当务之急。  相似文献   

随着我国社会的快速发展,人力资源管理现已成为社会管理的核心.传统人力资源管理概念,是处理社会劳动过程中事与人之间的关系问题,也就是通过监督、协调、组织和控制等手段,使人与事之间的相互融合.使人适其事,事得其人。在实际管理过程中,是以事为中心,让人去适应事.所以,人往往处于被动的状态。而在现今的经济时代,要求以人为本。人要处于一种主动地位,尽可能的激发人的潜力。本文通过对我国当前形势下人力资源管理所面临的挑战以及应对措施等相关知识、进行浅谈。试图为之提供行之有效的指导性建议。  相似文献   

随着我国社会的快速发展,人力资源管理现已成为社会管理的核心,传统人力资源管理概念,是处理社会劳动过程中事与人之间的关系问题,也就是通过监督、协调、组织和控制等手段,使人与事之间的相互融合,使人适其事,事得其人。在实际管理过程中,是以事为中心,让人去适应事,所以,人往往处于被动的状态。而在现今的经济时代,要求以人为本,人要处于一种主动地位,尽可能的激发人的潜力。本文通过对我国当前形势下人力资源管理所面临的挑战以及应对措施等相关知识,进行浅谈,试图为之提供行之有效的指导性建议。  相似文献   

社区邻里效应是造成个体长期贫困以及贫困集聚的主要原因之一,研究中国的社区邻里效应现象有助于解决中国的贫困集聚问题。本文基于中国健康与营养调查(CHNS)1989—2015年的数据,检验了社区邻里效应的存在性,计算了社区邻里效应对个体贫困概率的影响大小,探究了社区邻里效应对个体贫困的长期影响以及对个体贫困时长的影响,最后还计算了社区邻里效应能够解释个体贫困、学历水平以及收入水平差异的百分比。结果发现:中国存在显著的社区邻里效应,同时社区邻里效应具有非线性特征;良好的社区邻里环境使得个体贫困概率显著降低、学历水平和收入水平显著提高,女性和城市个体的贫困状态更易受到社区邻里效应的影响,不可观测因素在一定程度上增强了社区邻里效应对个体贫困、学历和收入的作用;社区邻里效应对个体贫困的影响具有长期特征,对个人贫困时长的影响也十分显著;个体贫困状态差异的1/4、个体学历水平和收入水平差异的1/5可归因于社区邻里效应。因此,扶贫过程中应当关注社区邻里效应。  相似文献   

一、和谐社会中经济法的应有之义所谓和谐社会,是指社会系统中的各个部分、各种要素处于一种相互协调、良性互动的状态(既包括人与人之间的和谐,也包括人与自然之间的和谐),社会整体结构维持在一种相对稳定的、良好的秩序状态。人与人之间的和谐是和谐社会的社会基础,人与自然之间的和谐则是和谐社会的物质保障,而维持这种和谐状态的良好秩序(随社会形态各异、社会发展阶段的差异而有所不同),则是该种社会稳定的基石,起着保障作用。然而,每个社会都有利益冲突且表现形式各异,社会整体结构、社会各阶层之所以能够保持和谐稳定,是因为有众多社…  相似文献   

左克源 《中国市场》2013,(29):32-33,79
随着我国社会主义市场经济的逐渐完善,招投标机制在我国也在不断完善,在招投标机制中,招标人、招标代理人、投标人三者相互之间既存在合作也存在一定的利益冲突,为了更好地维护招标人的利益不受到损害,就需要在招投标过程中引入博弈论的理论,通过招标人对招标代理人进行激励并且约束其行为再配以监督机制,从多方面来对招标代理人的行为进行规范,确保招标人利益不受损害。  相似文献   

随着互联网通信技术的发展、人们媒介依赖程度的加深和人际交往形式的改变,邻里关系也在不断变化。本文旨在探讨互联网使用对邻里关系熟悉度的影响机制,通过引入"城乡"这一调节变量,分析媒介接触对邻里关系熟悉度作用的差异。通过分析发现,互联网使用频率对邻里关系熟悉度具有显著负向影响。同时,"城乡"这一调节变量能够在互联网使用与邻里关系熟悉度中起到调节作用。  相似文献   

王宜萍 《商业研究》2007,(8):162-165
邓小平共同富裕思想的全面落实需要以构建社会主义和谐社会作为其必要的保证。现阶段,在构建和谐社会的过程中,必须以公平为基石,缩小贫富差距,使社会各阶层之间相互理解,相互激励,相互帮助,形成合力,以实现共同富裕。  相似文献   

The consequences of fatal and non-fatal road traffic injuries (RTI) at the personal and household levels were analysed using qualitative interviews of 12 injured and of 12 relatives of people who died for this reason. Collisions change physical and mental health both of the injured and of their relatives. This leads to changes in daily activities and even to the redefinition of future life. RTI also changes the way people see and act in life, becoming an experience that teaches them. Survivors commonly transmit a road safety message afterwards. Changes in family life were evident (in extreme cases family's composition also changed), affecting intra-familial relationships. Associated unexpected and unplanned expenditures and loss of income have consequences in the short, medium and long term that unbalance household's economies and immerse people into a constant stress. Individuals and family's future plans are occasionally condition to whether they have or not debts. Household dependence in economic terms was sometimes observed, as well as uncertainty about future life and household's sustainability. Sometimes, households change and adapt their life to what they now are able to afford, having important repercussions in vital spheres.  相似文献   


Affective, cognitive and conative reactions to (i) altruistically focused, and (ii) egoistically orientated recruitment advertisements for charity volunteers were measured and related to individual differences in altruistic disposition among three sets of respondents. The first sample comprised 51 existing charity shop volunteers; the second consisted of 100 members of the general public who had undertaken some form of voluntary activity during the previous two years; while the third was made up of 100 people who had not completed any voluntary act over the same period. It emerged that although less altruistically inclined people responded more positively to advertisements which emphasised the material and emotional benefits of volunteering, it was not the case that people who displayed high altruistic tendency were more attracted by altruistic recruitment messages. Apparently, individuals with highly altruistic dispositions also preferred recruitment advertisements which listed the egoistical advantages accruing to voluntary work.  相似文献   

朱德贵 《商业研究》2007,(2):172-173,198
在崇尚祖先神、上帝等信仰的商代王国,祭祀活动是非常隆重和神圣的,参加典礼的人员一般来说地位都相当高,而商人可以直接参加商王的祭典,可见其在商代的威望是很高的。在殷商时期人们非常重视“利”,而“义”在甲骨金文和传世文献中根本未见记载。这表明,殷商是一个崇尚财富的时代,它追求经济利益的最大化,同时说明人们逐渐认识到发展商品经济的基本伦理要求。  相似文献   

The consequences of fatal and non-fatal road traffic injuries (RTI) at the personal and household levels were analysed using qualitative interviews of 12 injured and of 12 relatives of people who died for this reason. Collisions change physical and mental health both of the injured and of their relatives. This leads to changes in daily activities and even to the redefinition of future life. RTI also changes the way people see and act in life, becoming an experience that teaches them. Survivors commonly transmit a road safety message afterwards. Changes in family life were evident (in extreme cases family's composition also changed), affecting intra-familial relationships. Associated unexpected and unplanned expenditures and loss of income have consequences in the short, medium and long term that unbalance household's economies and immerse people into a constant stress. Individuals and family's future plans are occasionally condition to whether they have or not debts. Household dependence in economic terms was sometimes observed, as well as uncertainty about future life and household's sustainability. Sometimes, households change and adapt their life to what they now are able to afford, having important repercussions in vital spheres.  相似文献   

Targeting young people in their early teens before they have established a smoking habit may be critical to reducing smoking rates. Mass-media campaigns can play an important role in reaching large numbers of young people directly with prevention messages. Given the current level of debate in this area regarding which message theme is most appropriate, this study was conducted to explore young people’s views, attitudes and behaviours towards smoking, and examine young people’s response to different types of message appeal. A qualitative research design was employed and a total of 12 focus groups and 18 friendship pairs were conducted in England with 11-14-year-olds, half of whom were smokers and half of whom were experimenting with smoking. The results indicate that no single anti-smoking message appeal is likely to have universal appeal and that young people’s response to message appeals is mediated by the values they attach to smoking. Implications for future youth smoking prevention campaigns targeting young people in England are discussed.  相似文献   

钢结构工程的优越性越来越被人们所认同,质量问题也越来越引起人们的重视,加强钢结构工程施工的质量控制,有现实意义和必要性.  相似文献   

Media multitasking has been shown to have negative consequences for ad memory. However, there may be situations and individuals for which multitasking is not always detrimental to memory for ads. Two studies explored how analytic and holistic processing styles (trait or mood induced) affect perceptual processing. Similar to previous findings, people processing in an analytic style showed decreased ad recognition when performing multiple tasks; however, ad recognition did not decrease for people processing holistically. People who were processing holistically also demonstrated better recollection memory for the ads seen while multitasking than did analytic processors. Differences in advertising recognition measures (familiarity and recollection), load types, and implications for advertising are also discussed.  相似文献   

反秦首义大军、曹操一统北方之武装、孙权割据江东之军队都是以安徽人为基础发展起来的。李陵威震匈奴的五千壮士也皆为安徽人。安徽人在汉代国家一统、抵御外敌中立下了不少功劳。在科技、思想、文化等方面的贡献更大、更多。这些成绩的取得与汉代安徽良好的地缘、发达的经济、繁荣的教育和变化的时局有着深层的联系。  相似文献   

Increased engagement with mobile apps is an emerging trend with people today. Mobile devices have become so personalized that many people consider their mobile device as an extension of themselves. Research has suggested that one driving factor in a person’s adoption of mobile apps is the pursuit of happiness. However, there is little research regarding the influence of apps on a person’s well-being. The purpose of this paper was to examine mobile app usage among college students and the relationship between app usage and one’s satisfaction with life. Findings suggest that there is a correlation between mobile app usage and a person’s level of satisfaction with life. Gender differences in app usage were also found.  相似文献   

采用中国老年健康影响因素跟踪调查项目,收集2005、2008、2011、2014年各4531、1766、1384、1074名65~104岁城市老年人追踪数据,运用增长曲线模型,考察了城市老年人的认知能力随年龄的变化趋势以及社区丰富环境(社区组织社会活动、社区提供精神慰藉服务、社区提供医疗保健服务)对认知变动轨迹的影响。结果显示,随着年龄的增加,认知能力的下降速度越来越快。所在社区组织社会活动、提供精神慰藉服务的老人认知水平更高,认知能力的下降速度更慢,而社区医疗服务并未对城市老年人的认知变动轨迹造成显著影响。建议把握老年人认知功能的变化规律,在认知功能迅速下降之前及时干预,加强丰富环境的刺激,防止或减缓认知能力的进一步退化。  相似文献   

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