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要素、技术能力与技术赶超方式的演变   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
技术能力决定了后发技术赶超的成败,而技术能力又是由企业要素所决定的。通过拓展的A-J模型,建立基于技术能力的后发技术赶超方式演变模型,比较模仿创新、合作创新和自主创新的绩效后发现:企业的技术赶超方式是随着企业的要素和技术能力而变化的,当要素有限、技术能力参数较低时,企业应该采取模仿创新的技术赶超方式;当要素和技术能力上升到一定的程度之后,企业可以采取合作创新的赶超方式;只有要素和技术能力上升到较高的程度时,企业才有可能实施自主创新的赶超方式。  相似文献   

本文在蛙跳理论的框架下建立模型,研究了存在技术革新时后发地区对发达地区的赶超过程,并重点探讨了区域间赶超的转移动态和赶超条件。研究表明,区域赶超不仅与新旧技术的特性相关,同时也与区域消费结构相关。在给定的消费结构下,新旧技术进步累进速度比率越大,赶超的可能性越大;在给定的新旧技术累进速度比率下,居民消费用于工业品的份额越大,赶超的可能性越大。应用该模型,本文揭示了改革开放30年来珠三角和长三角区域赶超的机制。  相似文献   

本文通过使用1998—2007年中国制造业企业层面的大型面板数据,研究了贸易自由化对企业全要素生产率的影响。本文将贸易自由化分为最终品进口关税的减免和中间投入品关税的减免,同时采用半参数估计方法测算企业的全要素生产率,以克服联立性和样本选择问题。实证研究结果表明,贸易自由化能够显著促进企业全要素生产率的提升,这是两种效应的综合结果,即最终品进口关税的减免的"正向效应"和中间投入品关税的减免的"负向效应"。在区分企业出口状态、企业所有制类型和企业规模大小之后,研究结果显示,贸易自由化会对不同企业的全要素生产率产生不同的影响。在关税减免的情况下,非出口企业从贸易自由化中的受益要大于出口企业,私营企业的全要素生产率提升最大,其次是外资企业和港澳台资企业,而国有企业的生产率反而会降低。  相似文献   

新经济时代企业如何进行非资本扩张   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
非资本扩张是指企业通过除有形资本(如货币资本、实物资本)以外的要素投入来发展企业的行为。非资本要素包括技术、品牌、市场资源、管理能力和企业文化等无形资产。非资本扩张是与新的企业概念相适应的,是企业发展的高级阶段。与资本扩张相比,非资本扩张具有许多优越性。非资本扩张的主要途径有品牌扩张、特许经营和非资本型企业重组等。  相似文献   

陈长 《商》2014,(30):256-257
“后发赶超”的提出大体上有四大类理论基础体系作为支撑,即:(一)不平衡发展理论与累积因果理论;(二)增长极理论及中心一外围理论;(三)分工贸易理论及新经济地理理论;(四)梯度转移理论、点轴开发理论及网络开发理论。以上理论从不同视角为后发地区实现“后发赶超”提供了一定的理论依据。中国后发赶超实践在前一阶段主要得益于改革红利、世界经济的高梯度转移带动效应,及人口红利。随着后发赶超实践的深入,中国经济总量节节攀升,与发达国家的差距逐步缩小。然而,伴随而来的区域经济不平衡发展、产能过剩及产业结构的亟待升级转变、环境污染问题及全球性的经济危机等,让“后发”与“先发”之间在缩短差距努力实现均衡的过程中曲折重重。在下一阶段的经济发展中,中西部的“后发赶超”是中国能否实现全面“后发赶超”战略的关键。其中,贵州突出的资源优势和区位优势及国发2号文件的出台、“贵安新区”作为国家级经济开发区的通过为贵州实现后发赶超式发展提供了内部条件和外部条件,成为贵州后发优势,贵州应充分发挥后发优势实现后发赶超。  相似文献   

要在国家开放型经济发展中,进一步增强支柱性地位,必须率先转变高新区发展方式,努力实现由数量扩张型转向质量增进型、由产业主导向创业与创新共聚集的战略性转变,这是高新区“二次创业”的理念升华,是增创后发竞争新优势的必然选择。本探索试以“创新驱动创业”的要素聚集理念,就创建中国特色新兴高新区的基本路径与重点策略提供参考建议。  相似文献   

数据是数字经济的核心关键要素。数据要素正在驱动劳动力、资本、土地、技术等要素高效利用,驱动实体经济生产主体、生产工具和生产方式深刻变革调整。数据要素对经济运行和全要素生产率跃升发挥更大作用注入新的强劲动能。建立合规使用的数据产权制度,积极探索数据要素价格的科学合理机制,加大对核心关键技术的攻坚力度,以及坚持推进高水平对外开放,从而能够提高数据要素供给数量和质量,在合规流通使用中激活数据价值。  相似文献   

本文在文献梳理和理论分析基础上设定的产品内分工对国际经济周期传导的理论命题及推论,运用1991-2014年中国与东亚9国(地区)间的行业面板数据进行了检验。结论表明:(1)随着资本、技术、劳动、资源密集型行业的垂直专业化程度呈阶梯性下降,它们对国际经济周期的影响亦随之依次呈阶梯性减弱以至为负。(2)强流动要素中间产品贸易对国际经济周期的影响大于弱流动要素中间产品贸易对国际经济周期的影响,而这主要取决于要素中间产品的要素替代弹性和中间产品替代弹性的"两个弹性"大小。  相似文献   

本文在文献梳理和理论分析基础上设定的产品内分工对国际经济周期传导的理论命题及推论,运用1991-2014年中国与东亚9国(地区)间的行业面板数据进行了检验。结论表明:(1)随着资本、技术、劳动、资源密集型行业的垂直专业化程度呈阶梯性下降,它们对国际经济周期的影响亦随之依次呈阶梯性减弱以至为负。(2)强流动要素中间产品贸易对国际经济周期的影响大于弱流动要素中间产品贸易对国际经济周期的影响,而这主要取决于要素中间产品的要素替代弹性和中间产品替代弹性的"两个弹性"大小。  相似文献   

文章对经济增长的相对性、要素体系及其内在逻辑进行了讨论,并对经济增长过程中的政府干预越位和缺位行为进行了反思。结果表明:人力资本与实物资本一样均具备增值属性;人口要素包含了数量和质量两个层次;资本、人口、技术进步、开放、竞争机制和适度政府干预构成了经济增长的要素体系。经济增长的可持续能力与其要素体系结构的合理化程度相关。  相似文献   

International knowledge interactions constitute channels of knowledge transfer that finally promote technological catch-up. Accounting for the differences in knowledge dimensions and knowledge interactions, catching-up firms are provided with different types of learning opportunities. In the context of catch-up of emerging economy firms, the empirical evidence considering these differences is rather scarce. Using a cross-section of European patent data, we investigate the effects of different types of international knowledge interactions on the quality of knowledge captured by Chinese firms’ patent applications. We differentiate between lower vs. higher levels of learning and explore the technological learning process of Chinese firms over a period of 15 years. We find that international knowledge interactions are associated positively with knowledge quality. In the earlier phases of the catch-up process, knowledge interactions providing lower levels of learning are associated with a higher quality of the knowledge generated. Whereas knowledge interactions with the opportunity for higher levels of learning are correlated with a higher quality of the generated knowledge in later phases of the catch-up process.  相似文献   

This paper constructs a dynamic production frontier function under the framework of a forward-looking rational expectations model, taking the effect of quasi-fixed inputs into account. The sample comprises balanced panel data of 36 countries over the period from 1990 to 2009. Evidence is found that all of the four country groups show the technological catch-up phenomenon in the long run and experience total factor productivity (TFP) growth. Their TFP growth is primarily driven by long-run technical efficiency improvement, followed by technological progress. The Non-G7 and Non-NICs groups are the top two groups in terms of speeds of long-run technological catch-up and rates of TFP growth.  相似文献   

本文选取37个工业行业为对象,通过对1998-2003年的行业面板数据分析,对外商直接投资与我国产业技术边缘化的关系进行实证研究,并从行业吸收能力、技术密集度和技术差距三个维度探讨对FDI技术溢出影响的效果与程度。结果显示,行业的技术边缘化程度与FDI流入存在正相关关系;行业的吸收能力越弱、行业的技术密集度越高,FDI加剧技术边缘化的程度越大;技术差距的影响没有得到证实。进而指出,真正的技术追赶只能通过我国产业获得参与技术生成和技术改进的过程来实现,增强我国产业的技术吸收能力及自主创新力是打破高技术行业技术依赖的根本所在。  相似文献   

In this study we test whether catching up, the hypothesis that there is technological spillover from leaders to followers, is still important among industrialized countries. Since the USA is no longer the technological leader in many industries and since catching up, if it still exists, may not operate uniformly across different industries, a disaggregated study is more appropriate. A testable model is developed and a number of tests for the existence of catching up are performed. A major improvement on previous tests is that the level of technology is measured in terms of total factor productivity. The two major conclusions, which are quite robust, are that after 1970 there is no catching-up effect left in the tradables sector, while catching up is found for industries in the nontradables sector.  相似文献   

Developing and newly industrialized countries that have experienced the sharpest increases in wage inequality are those whose export shares have shifted towards more skill-intensive goods. We argue that this can be explained by technological catch-up. We develop this insight using a model that features both Ricardian and endowments-based comparative advantage. In this model, Southern catch-up causes production of the least skill-intensive Northern goods to migrate South (where they become the most skill-intensive Southern goods). This raises wage inequality in both the South and the North. We provide empirical evidence that strongly supports this causal mechanism: Southern catch-up exacerbates Southern inequality by redirecting Southern export shares towards more skill-intensive goods.  相似文献   

By carefully reviewing our research and related literature, in this paper, we propose a two-stage model of Chinese firms’ technological catch-up, and provide asymmetry-based explanations. We argue that at the approaching stage, Chinese firms mainly focus on knowledge accumulation through frugal innovation for capturing local and global low-end markets; while at the pole vault stage, they focus on knowledge creation through radical innovation for capturing the high-end market. Moreover, we propose that lacking world-leading technologies but striving to achieve technological catch-up quickly, Chinese firms mainly rely on asymmetric resource and capabilities that are embedded within Chinese institutional, technological and market contexts. Turning these asymmetries into sustainable capabilities and then matching them to market opportunities by developing asymmetric innovation strategies, Chinese firms could achieve technological catch-up in a unique way.  相似文献   

By carefully reviewing our research and related literature, in this paper, we propose a two-stage model of Chinese firms’ technological catch-up, and provide asymmetrybased explanations. We argue that at the approaching stage, Chinese firms mainly focus on knowledge accumulation through frugal innovation for capturing local and global low-end markets; while at the pole vault stage, they focus on knowledge creation through radical innovation for capturing the high-end market. Moreover, we propose that lacking world-leading technologies but striving to achieve technological catch-up quickly, Chinese firms mainly rely on asymmetric resource and capabilities that are embedded within Chinese institutional, technological and market contexts. Turning these asymmetries into sustainable capabilities and then matching them to market opportunities by developing asymmetric innovation strategies, Chinese firms could achieve technological catch-up in a unique way.  相似文献   

基于诱发创新理论检验了要素价格变动对技术创新效率偏向与劳动收入份额变动的影响效应,研究发现要素相对价格变动产生了技术创新效率偏向。在生产要素互补条件下,技术创新效率偏向资本要素时,劳动收入份额趋于下降;技术创新效率偏向劳动要素时,劳动收入份额趋于提高。进一步研究发现,中国1978-2017年总体技术效率处于劳动增进型演化路径,但1978-2004年期间存在技术创新偏向资本效率阶段,这解释了劳动收入份额转折的现象,同时也验证了要素价格诱发创新理论在中国的适用性。  相似文献   

The accession of ten new members in May 2004 means a considerable increase in income disparities in the European Union. At what speed has income converged in the past and what role have changes in trade relations and factor mobility played in this? What projections can be made for the catching-up process of the new member states? And what conclusions should be drawn for the future of EU regional policy?  相似文献   

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