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借助对创业、创业型经济以及创业型经济政策相关文献的梳理和理论探讨的方式,对这三个基本概念进行了较深入、较全面地分析.文章通过对欧洲"三维度"(个人、企业、社会)创业型经济政策分析框架的概要描述,一方面可以看到该政策分析框架对创业型经济政策研究的"普适性",另一方面也可以观察到该分析框架已有的"维度"和变量体系还不能很好地分析中国的创业政策,需要对其"维度"和变量体系进行拓展.所以创新性的提出了"五维度"(个人、企业、社会、政府、社会经济发展水平)创业型经济政策分析框架,以期更加适应中国创业型经济政策的制度分析.  相似文献   

高职院校农村籍学生返乡创业对推动农村经济发展和提高扶贫工作效率具有重要意义.本文基于高职院校农村籍学生的调查数据,利用二元Logistic模型确定了高职院校农村籍学生返乡创业意愿影响因素,再运用ISM解释结构模型构建高职院校农村籍学生返乡创业意愿影响因素的逻辑关联与层级结构.研究结果表明,性别、家庭成员的创业经历、家庭支持、创业技能和创业政策五个方面对高职农村籍学生返乡创业意愿有显著影响.其中,家庭支持是影响返乡创业意愿的直接因素;性别、父母创业经历和创业技能是影响返乡创业意愿的中间因素;创业政策与环境是影响返乡创业的根源因素.  相似文献   

中国的"双创"打的是一场人民战争。"双创"以"共创共享"理念为理论根基,以创新发展理念为核心要素,以创新和创业为根本形式,以推动经济社会发展为根本目的。"双创"伴随着数字经济的兴起而发展。2015年以来,从中央到地方颁布了一系列的政策措施来推动创新创业,确保"大众创业,万众创新"这场战争的胜利。四年来,政府颁布的政策对企业创新创业效果如何?文章通过企业调研分析,以企业的视角探寻了区域双创政策的有效性,研究结果表明在企业服务及双创环境方面效果明显,表现在商事制度改革、科技资源开放共享上。在政策宣传、企业融资及人才培养方面仍需加强。  相似文献   

自2007年12月起,广东省相继出台了一系列有利于转变经济发展方式、推动广东省科学发展的政策和措施,标志着广东省正式进入了产业转型升级期。在产业转型升级期内,相关政策对企业内部投资方向、投资力度、投资动机、投资决策方法均产生了不同程度的影响。基于此点,本文对产业转型升级期企业内部投资行为进行研究,并提出若干建议。  相似文献   

创业问题是商业模式创新研究的基础,通过商业模式创新可以有效推动创业成功。本文基于商业模式创新视角,分析和构建了创业活动过程演进模型。研究发现商业模式创新贯穿于创业活动过程中,据此可以将创业活动过程划分为创业孕育期、企业创建期、企业成长期三个阶段。本文通过商业模式创新的价值判断、表现形式、创新动力和创新形式四个方面,归纳总结了商业模式创新在创业活动三个阶段的作用机理。本文对理解创业过程、创业资源的转换、企业成长的内生动力、竞争优势的形成机制等都具有一定的启发性。  相似文献   

本文利用2007-2013年中国大陆31个省市自治区的面板数据,通过构建广义空间面板计量模型研究地区融资模式对地方创业创新活动的影响.与既有研究不同,本文考虑地区创业与创新活动之间的相互影响,并将空间效应引入对地区创业创新活动的研究.研究发现:我国地区创业创新活动均存在空间溢出效应,并会通过不同渠道推动邻近地区的创业创新活动;地区融资模式对创业创新活动也有显著影响,银行信贷主导的地区融资模式会抑制地区的创业创新活动,而活跃的权益融资则有利于该地区的创业创新活动;同时,地区创新是促进地区创业的重要因素.进一步的研究发现,虽然银行信贷主导的地区融资模式不利于地方创业创新“数量”的增长,但对于提高地区的创业创新“质量”却有积极作用.  相似文献   

鼓励和扶持创业是各级政府的一项重要工作,近几年,关于鼓励全民创业、优化创业环境等方面的指导性意见和政策通过长期跟踪发现,目前仍然存在创业企业数量不够多、创业成功率较低、创业企业壮大动力不足等问题。其主要原因之一是有关意见和政策的针对性不强、操作性较差。本文研究的目的就是提出有针对性和操作性的对策与建议,为进一步推动创业活动建立长效的促进机制。  相似文献   

近年来,根据相关资料数据显示,我国的创业活动呈现出十分活跃的状态。蓬勃的创业活动创造了新的产业,提高了生产率,解决了部分的就业,推动了经济的发展,然而创业存在着较高的失败率,究其原因主要是财务资本的缺乏。融资是创业成功与否的决定性因素之一,获得适宜的资本是创业企业取得绩效的保证,在资本约束下,创业企业合理安排融资方式是获得绩效的关键。本文从理论角度对创业企业的融资方式和绩效进行分析,从而得出创业企业的融资方式对其绩效是有影响的,以期为创业企业融资研究提供参考。  相似文献   

针对高校创新创业人才培养存在目标定位含糊、模式同质化,创新创业活动与社会实际需求脱节等问题,提出基于"三环旋进"理念的创新创业人才培养模式,围绕电力能源产业链,通过螺旋式"三环"进化,构建"创意组→创新体→创业社"的人才培养漏斗,在课程体系的支撑和双创活动的推动下,培养"具有创新人格、创新思维、创业意识和创新创业能力的应用型人才",取得了较好的实践效果.  相似文献   

随着互联网的迅速发展,很多企业在运营管理上受到了一定的冲击,传统的企业运营管理模式已经逐渐被管理者抛弃。现阶段很多创业企业开始借助"互联网+"的红利,来构建属于自己的运营管理模式。文章对现阶段基于"互联网+"背景下的创业企业运营管理方式进行了阐述,并结合实际情况提出"互联网+"背景下企业管理模式的改善对策,以推动创业企业的发展。  相似文献   

Here, I examine returns to entrepreneurship using a standard measure of welfare, the per-capita consumption expenditure. This analysis, using quantile regressions, reveals the existence of a welfare hierarchy in occupations. The results suggest that, across the welfare distribution, entrepreneurs who employ others have the highest returns in terms of consumption, while those entrepreneurs who work for themselves, that is, self-employed individuals, have slightly lower returns than the salaried employees. However, self-employment entails higher returns than casual labor and a relative escape from poverty.  相似文献   

Henry Wai‐chung Yeung. 2002. Entrepreneurship and the Internationalisation of Asian Firms: An Institutional Perspective. Northampton, MA: Edward Elgar Publishing Limited. 311 pages. ISBN 1‐84064‐734‐5. Victoria E. Bonnell & Thomas B. Gold (Eds.). 2002. The New Entrepreneurs of Europe and Asia: Patterns of Business Development in Russia, Eastern Europe and China. Armonk, NY: M.E. Sharpe. 357 pages. ISBN 0‐7656‐0775‐1.  相似文献   

Evans and Jovanovic (1989, Journal of Political Economy 97(4), 808–827) find that wealth is an important determinant of business startups due to liquidity constraints. However, Cressy (2000, Economic Letters 66, 235–240) argues that if risk aversion is a negative function of wealth, Evans and Jovanovic’s empirical results could be spurious and the positive effect of wealth could be due to the omission of risk aversion in the regression equation. In other words, according to Cressy, one’s wealth does not have any effect on business startups once the degree of risk aversion is accounted for. This paper attempts to investigate the validity of Cressy’s conjecture. We empirically examine the effect of wealth on the transition into self-employment, while allowing for the effect of risk aversion. Our empirical findings show that Evans and Jovanovic’s (1989) results are robust, i.e., wealth has a positive effect on business startups even allowing for the confounding effects of risk aversion.  相似文献   

This article deals with the measurement and determination of entrepreneurship. It utilises the issue of the absence of the entrepreneur from neoclassical theory and uses the theory of portfolio management to establish a model connecting risk premium with the entrepreneurship premium. It shows that the non-systematic risk may be a satisfactory proxy of the level of entrepreneurial activity. The development of successful entrepreneurial activity proxy contributes towards the development of a theorisation of entrepreneurship and an assessment of its contribution to growth.  相似文献   

In this paper, we give a general introduction to the notion of entrepreneurship and how it has many complex meanings. Entrepreneurs in new firms but also in incumbent firms have a key role in local, regional and national economic development by taking risks to get things done by developing new combinations of ideas and/or doing things differently. In view of this, two of the main questions that are dealt with are: (1) which features make structural differences in institutions and innovation networks remain invariant between decades, and (2) how knowledge about such features can be employed in policy at the national and the regional level. The research questions highlighted in this special issue relate to many pertinent national and regional policy issues. The most apparent concerns conditions conducive for entrepreneurship in the form of new firms and firm growth. In this paper, we also introduce the different contributors to this special issue.  相似文献   

This article analyzes an occupational choice model with risk-averse agents who are heterogeneous in terms of skills and wealth in a setting with financial frictions. We show that high- and middle-wealth individuals endowed with a balanced portfolio of skills upgrade their skills so that the resulting portfolio of skills is more balanced and choose entrepreneurship. In contrast, middle-wealth individuals endowed with an unbalanced portfolio of skills and low-wealth individuals specialize in the skill in which they have an absolute advantage and choose paid employment. Deeper financial development, a more balanced portfolio of skills, lower entrepreneurial risk, and a higher liquidation value for projects result in more entrepreneurship and higher welfare, while wealth redistributions and financial subsidies to entrepreneurs have an ambiguous effect on welfare.  相似文献   

基于中国家庭追踪调查数据,研究农户创业与农村贫困减缓的关系,通过实证检验农户创业减贫效应的短期和长期表现,识别不同行为主体创业行为的减贫效果差异,并给出了农户创业实现贫困减缓的前置条件。研究表明:农户创业与贫困减缓的关系存在时间不一致性,农户创业的减贫效应集中于短期,但由于贫困主体禀赋难以与创业的要素和技能需求形成有效匹配,由之带来的贫困农户创业风险增强了贫困脆弱性;农户创业的减贫效应存在显著的组间异质性,非贫困户创业行为创业绩效更好,减贫溢出效应显著,该结论解释了针对建档立卡贫困户无差别授信信贷政策的户贷企用和套利现象,鼓励创业扶贫的政策措施应思考扶持谁创业更有助于长期减贫的问题。此外,受教育程度、信贷支持和家庭结构是实现创业减贫的重要前置条件。  相似文献   

Perceptual Variables and Nascent Entrepreneurship   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
Using a large sample of individuals in 28 countries, we investigate what variables are significantly correlated with an individuals decision to become an entrepreneur. Following existing literature in economics, we link such a decision to demographic and economic characteristics. In addition, we argue that perceptual variables such as alertness to opportunities, fear of failure, and confidence about ones own skills are also important. Our results suggest that perceptual variables are significantly correlated with new business creation across all countries in our sample and across gender. Although our data do not allow the identification of causal relationships, our findings suggest that, when making decisions, nascent entrepreneurs rely significantly on subjective and often biased perceptions rather than on objective expectations of success. Thus, perceptual variables should be included in economic models of entrepreneurial behavior.JEL CODE: M13, J24, D01  相似文献   

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