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以国际生殖健康优质服务的理论与实践为背景,阐述中国计划生育优质服务的必然性,描述中国中西部社会发展及计划生育工作现状,揭示在中西部开展计划生育优质服务必然具有学习性、发展性、自主性、渐进性的基本特征,从运作式研究、参与性规划的方法学及分层次开展项目活动的运作规则等方面,介绍中西部地区计划生育优质服务示范工程项目这一宏大社会系统工程的基本思路及总体框架.  相似文献   

运作式研究是确保中西部计划生育优质服务试点项目这一系统工程成功的一种极其有用的工具,其精髓是在理论指导下的项目运作,项目探索下的深入研究,边运作、边调整、边完善,不断发展项目.换言之,它是一种为了达到既定项目目标而进行的注重实际操作的科学研究,又是一种注重项目运作过程中的特殊的理论研究,本文系统介绍了运作式研究及其特点,展望了运作式研究在中西部地区计划生育优质服务项目中的应用,并分析了需要把握的若干关键因素.  相似文献   

运作式研究是确保中西部计划生育优质服务试点项目这一系统工程成功的一种极其有用的工具,其精髓是在理论指导下的项目运作,项目探索下的深入研究,边运作、边调整、边完善,不断发展项目.换言之,它是一种为了达到既定项目目标而进行的注重实际操作的科学研究,又是一种注重项目运作过程中的特殊的理论研究,本文系统介绍了运作式研究及其特点,展望了运作式研究在中西部地区计划生育优质服务项目中的应用,并分析了需要把握的若干关键因素.  相似文献   

对中西部地区计划生育优质服务示范工程项目组织与管理进行概述,介绍本项目组织管理总体框架,运用现代管理学理论,结合实际探讨项目运作过程中的管理重点,提出增强管理意识、开发领导层、掌握先进的方法学、实施科学管理是做好计划生育优质服务项目管理值得重视的几个问题.  相似文献   

对中西部地区计划生育优质服务示范工程项目组织与管理进行概述,介绍本项目组织管理总体框架,运用现代管理学理论,结合实际探讨项目运作过程中的管理重点,提出增强管理意识、开发领导层、掌握先进的方法学、实施科学管理是做好计划生育优质服务项目管理值得重视的几个问题.  相似文献   

国内外人口与计划生育学界的很多人士正以浓厚的兴趣关注着在中国中西部5省6县进行的中西部地区计划生育优质服务示范工程项目.  相似文献   

从理论与实践的结合上,分别介绍了优先领域确定与参与性规划制定在中国中西部地区计划生育优质服务项目中的应用步骤、方法及注意事项.  相似文献   

从理论与实践的结合上,分别介绍了优先领域确定与参与性规划制定在中国中西部地区计划生育优质服务项目中的应用步骤、方法及注意事项.  相似文献   

为广泛宣传我国人口与计划生育工作的新进展 ,总结交流并积极推广我国计划生育优质服务工作的经验 ,研究计划生育优质服务进一步发展和深化的理论及实践问题 ,国家计生委优质服务工作领导小组于 1999年 11月 17至 19日在北京召开了中国计划生育优质服务国际研讨会。国家计生委计划生育优质服务试点县 (区、市 )以及部分非试点县(区、市 )领导、这些县的计生委 (局 )主任 (局长 )以及这些县所在省 (市 )计生委领导、国家计生委计划生育优质服务工作领导小组及办公室成员、试点项目办公室成员及顾问组成员、联合国人口基金会、美国人口理事会…  相似文献   

通过对朱迪思·布鲁斯关于计划生育优质服务"六要素分析框架"的分析,提出应将社会性别视角纳入计划生育优质服务,重新审视一切计划生育项目、研究或行动,并提出了改善计划生育服务中社会性别不公平的策略.  相似文献   

玛卡酒的组成成分较多,不同成分之间含量的多少影响着酒的品质,需要采取可靠的技术手段对其中的成分进行必要的分析。玛卡中的生物碱及芥子油苷的提取流程比较复杂,对于相关技术的要求非常高。同时,这些生物碱和芥子油苷在玛卡酒中能否稳定存在,必须通过相关的措施进行有效监测,为相关的研究工作提供必要的参考依据。  相似文献   

This paper briefly surveys the literature on finance, growth, and policy in China and emerging markets. We introduce the papers that comprise this special issue of Emerging Markets Review. The papers comprise themes in corporate social responsibility, innovation, insider trading, financial reporting behaviours, and financial openness. Also, we discuss research trends and offer suggestions for future research on corporate governance and finance in China and emerging markets.  相似文献   

Abstract: Danish laws regulating banking and financial services organizations have no consumer protection provisions, although there is one law regulating a particular kind of payment instrument, the Payment Cards Act. However, general consumer protection law applies to banks and other financial services organizations, as well as other kinds of business. In particular, the Marketing Practices and Price Marking and Price Display Acts give responsibilities to the consumer ombudsman. This legal framework is complemented by guidelines issued – after consultation – by the consumer ombudsman, for example on conduct of business in bank advice, mortgage business and distance selling involving payment cards. The Danish system may be summarized as providing for standards of business behaviour laid down in general terms by law, backed by a supervisory authority with little power of coercion but playing an important role in influencing businesses to adopt high consumer protection standards and in negotiating solutions to problems as they emerge. The Swedish system is generally similar, but less advanced in the use of guidelines for the conduct of business. Both countries provide consumers who have unresolved complaints with easy access to alternative dispute resolution systems and the courts are rarely used to establish case law.  相似文献   

The consumer bankruptcy or, rather, consumer debt adjustment, is a fairly recent phenomenon in continental Europe. In the nineties, a number of European countries introduced judicial institutions in order to alleviate an excessive debt burden carried by consumer debtors. In addition to the court proceedings, the European jurisdictions often provide the debtor with debt counselling services, supervision, and payment requirements. In the United States, on the other hand, discharge of debt has been an established principle of bankruptcy law since the late 19th century, and bankruptcy is frequently used by consumer debtors. However, in the US, as well as in Canada, debtors are increasingly encouraged to opt for a payment plan. There seems to be a certain convergent trend between the two different legal cultures. Paradoxically, at the same time scholars have pointed out that the variance in local cultures seems to be a main factor in explanations of how debtors choose either a direct discharge or a payment plan. This finding gives us reason to consider the interplay of counselling and other pre-trial measures and its effect upon the rights and duties of debtors.  相似文献   

The accession of Central and Eastern European countries (CEECs) to the EU is expected by many to lead to the diversion of foreign direct investment towards the CEECs and away from other EU countries. The following paper focuses on the investigation of the internationalisation strategies and location choices of German multinational corporations (MNCs) in manufacturing against the background of growing regional economic integration, and particularly the fifth EU enlargement. It draws on the findings of a case study and interview results covering three German MNCs and their location choices for investment in both Ireland and the new EU member countries from Eastern Europe. This research project has been co-funded by the RIA in Dublin and DAAD. A first version of this work was presented at the September 2005 Irish Academy of Management Annual Conference in Galway.  相似文献   

This paper uses a unique dataset which gives a complete picture of the pattern of entry and exit in industrial sectors in Sweden during the period 1997–2001. The importance of profitability, industrial market growth, tangible capital intensity, intangible capital intensity and economies of scale for entry and exit are investigated. A fixed effects panel data model is used, and it is shown that the inclusion of unobserved industry-specific effects explains many of the inter-industrial differences in entry and exit rates. For policymakers, this implies that it is difficult to formulate an entrepreneurship policy that can be expected to be equally successful across all industries. It is also shown that investments in intangible assets is one way to compete, while economies of scale tend to deter entry rates.  相似文献   

In this paper we examine the reasons why buy-outs fail or need to be restructured and identify the implications for managers and investing institutions. It is evident that considerable attention needs to be given to assessing issues concerning industrial sectors, management and financing. In respect of the market, consideration needs to be given both to the nature of the market in which a particular buy-out finds itself and the firm's position within that market. Management is likely to have a crucial role in ensuring that the firm restructures and adapts to changing market circumstances.  相似文献   

This study described and analysed the circumstances surrounding a fatal car accident involving personnel of a multinational corporation in a developing country. For some companies, road accidents are the leading cause of work-related fatalities in developing countries. This reality highlights the ethical dilemmas encountered in a global workplace. Questions as to how a company addresses safety concerns outside the standard work environment, the ethics of operating in a risky environment and the requirements for international consistency in compensation standards for loss of life were addressed. The authors argued that multinational companies should localize health and safety practices to address the important asymmetries between different regions of the world regarding social, cultural and infrastructural issues. Furthermore, the authors analysed the leadership role that should be played by multinational companies to help and support national governments to reduce traffic fatalities in developing countries. From this perspective, the article represents a contribution for the body of knowledge dealing with the business–society relations. The authors used an action research approach to address these issues, both in response to the particular incident and to contribute to the body of research in this field.  相似文献   

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