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粮食供应链脆弱性分析与整合研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
陈倬 《财经论丛》2011,(6):105-110
粮食供应链的脆弱性分为结构型和胁迫型两种。结构型脆弱性由供应链的主体组织化程度和网络一体化程度决定,胁迫型脆弱性则由供应链的风险承受弹性和风险发生概率决定。粮食供应链管理目标就是降低这两种脆弱性,形成"高效+安全"的粮食供应链。供应链整合是降低粮食供应链脆弱性的有效途径。本文从探索组织创新模式、完善利益分配机制、实施信息共享技术和实行风险闭环管理等四个方面给出了整合思路,并提出了由政府、产业化龙头企业、商业流通企业和农民专业合作经济组织主导的四种可供操作的整合模式。  相似文献   

供应链是企业最直接的生存环境,供应链脆弱性指供应链层面上因供应链环境的动态性和供应链内部的复杂性而使其易受外界干扰的缺陷。供应链脆弱性能导致供应链中断,使供应链风险变为现实,从而严重影响供应链企业及供应链整体绩效,供应链脆弱性及其应对措施研究具有重要意义。而由于供应链脆弱性研究历史较短,需要做的工作很多,任务非常艰巨。文章在对供应链脆弱性研究现状进行概括与总结的基础上指出,今后应进一步加强对供应链脆弱性形成原因、评价指标、应对措施及实践热点等问题的研究,为今后的工作理清思路。  相似文献   

基于复杂性供应链脆弱性研究   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
供应链脆弱性是影响供应链运作的重要因素.文章在对国内外学者有关供应链脆弱性研究进行系统分析的基础上,指出供应链集成的复杂性、运作的复杂性以及环境的复杂性,会相应地产生道德风险、市场风险和决策风险,使供应链脆弱性来源大大增加.文章提出,为降低供应链风险,减少供应链脆弱性,促使供应链效益正常发挥,并按组织者预期进行运作,应从加强供应链组织中的企业文化建设、在供应链运作中引入协商机制、提高供应链集成柔性、正确处理信息资源与收益关系、合理划分供应链边界等方面入手加强供应链建设.  相似文献   

金诺  徐键 《商》2013,(13):170-170,167
在信息化社会,供应链管理的重要性在企业发展中逐渐展现,但由于供应链管理的参与者众多且彼此联系紧密,使供应链系统具有很大的脆弱性,很容易遭受各种外界或内在供应链风险的攻击。因此,对供应链风险防范研究是非常必要的。本文介绍了供应链风险及供应链风险管理定义的界定、供应链风险因素的分析、供应链风险管理的过程,对供应链风险的控制提出相应措施。  相似文献   

平常,除了供应链管理协会,几乎没人会注意这样一项单调的工作:将小部件从一个地点运至另一地点。但眼下是非常时期。日本地震引发了供应链在自然灾难造成的中断面前的脆弱性问题。在中国,薪资的不断上涨助推了这样的说法:制造商可能将生产转移到其他低成本地区。  相似文献   

供应链风险类别、脆弱性因素及管理方法解析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
在既竞争又合作的前提下,企业之间结成的联盟形式,导致了供应链的形成.由于大量不确定性因素的存在,往往在某个风险出现的情况下,就引起了供应链的中断,显现出了整个供应链的脆弱性,供应链的各种风险也由此而产生.供应链脆弱性的因素主要包括注重效率、业务外包的趋势、全球化的影响、集中生产和销售、供应商数量的减少、需求的频繁变化以及缺乏可视性和缺乏信心等等.解决供应链风险管理的方法,主要包括双重来源采购和多方采购;供应商早期参与以及稳健型供应链的构建等.  相似文献   

文章针对现实运作物流服务供应链网络系统的复杂性与关联性,对物流服务供应链复杂网络脆弱性进行研究。首先,在对供应链脆弱性进行归纳的基础上阐述物流服务供应链局域网络演化机理及拓扑结构特征,描述其复杂网络统计参数;其次,从供需结构复杂性、突发事件风险情景、无标度性及级联故障等方面揭示物流服务供应链网络脆弱性机制;最后,借鉴复杂网络中节点冗余、弱连接、结构均匀性及免疫策略等理论提出物流服务供应链网络脆弱性的防范对策。研究结论对节点企业采取有效防范措施保证物流服务供应链网络效率具有重要意义。  相似文献   

近年来食品安全事故层出不穷,这与农产品供应链安全问题有一定关系。农产品供应链脆弱性较高,为保障农产品有效供应、有效流通,必须加强整个农产品供应链的安全监控。本文分析了影响农产品供应链安全的因素及农产品供应链安全存在的问题,并提出了相应的对策。这将有利于提升农产品供应链安全管理,也能缓解国内食品质量安全问题。  相似文献   

供应链安全问题日益成为生产实践和学术研究的热点课题,然而目前研究多局限于分析供应链的脆弱性、故障危害性、供应链中存在的风险及其控制措施。本文提出,增强供应链自身鲁棒性是降低供应链故障及风险带来的危害性的重要途径;在给出了供应链鲁棒性定义之后,建立了供应链鲁棒性作用模型和供应链鲁棒性评估指标体系来达到减少供应链故障及风险、增强供应链整体绩效的目的。  相似文献   

供应链是产品生产和流通过程中所涉及的原材料供应商、生产商、批发商以及最终消费者组成的供需网络,是一个范围更广的企业结构模式。从供应链管理内涵入手,分析了供应链管理给企业生产经营带来的影响、我国企业实施供应链管理中遇到的问题,探讨了供应链管理环境下企业业务流程重构的几个问题。对新形势下研究供应链管理具有一定的指导意义。  相似文献   

中国企业供应链管理现状及主要问题   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
供应链管理作为一种新的管理思想,对传统经营理念提出了挑战。中国企业供应链管理的应用方和服务商以大型企业居多,不同行业解决问题的侧重点各异,而且成功实现供应链管理的企业,不分行业均有明显效果。文章认为,中国企业在进行供应链管理过程中存在不少问题,如相当多企业仍片面地以自建现代物流设施代替供应链管理;多数企业的供应链管理不完整,并未在整个价值链上显示出竞争优势;一些企业不善于在供应链优质服务和总成本最小之间找到平衡点等。  相似文献   

This paper addresses ethical issues surrounding global supply chains of multinational companies in developing countries. In particular, it considers the development and application of industry-wide ethical standards and codes of conduct for multinational supply chains in China. We describe and analyze the ethical norms and compliance components of such industry-wide regimes in the toy, textile, and consumer electronics industries. We argue that this development represents an positive attempt to institutionalize emergent international ethical standards and practices into this component of the Chinese economy.  相似文献   

食品供应链安全透明演进路径与机理研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文章从历史演进的视角,对主要国家食品供应链安全透明演进的路径特征及其内在规律进行了比较与总结。以技术接受模型2为理论起点,以复杂适应系统为理论基础,构建了食品供应链安全透明演进驱动力模型。  相似文献   

This study applies the partnership model to explore how internationally oriented niche firms organize and develop partnerships with their supply chain members, and how these niche firms are benefiting from these partnerships. This exploratory study uses semistructured in-depth interviews of key informants in four supply chains to obtain qualitative data.

The findings include observations of the drivers, facilitators, components, and outcomes of niche partnerships in supply chains. The results suggest that niche firms are able to overcome some of the weaknesses, without losing the advantages of being small, by forming channel partnerships.  相似文献   

Traditionally, sourcing decisions such as what to buy and from whom to buy it were viewed as clerical in nature. Today, however, many executives view sourcing decisions as strategic and these decisions are being made from more prominent positions within firms. Indeed, over time more companies are embracing the concept of strategic sourcing—making acquisition decisions with the intent of creating value and achieving a competitive advantage. In this article, we introduce the Special Topic Forum articles on strategic sourcing and performance. Each offers important implications for strategic sourcing research and practice. An overall implication is that some traditional supply chains appear to be giving way to supply ecosystems, which represent a set of interdependent and coordinated organizations that share common adaptive challenges and that collectively shape the creation and nurturing of a sourcing base that contributes to competitive advantage and superior performance. We offer several theoretical perspectives that hold promise for explaining supply ecosystem functioning and outcomes. In terms of practice, firms need to adapt their strategic sourcing to this evolution or run the risk of being weakened.  相似文献   

李杰义 《商业研究》2006,(11):74-75
产业集群应该按照核心企业的供应链模式发展,以形成产业集群内比较完整的产业链,产业集群的内在本质是供应链集聚。产业集群的各类型是企业内部的供应链演变为企业之间通过市场交易形成供应链的过程表现出来的各种供应链形态。产业集群特殊之处在于它的显著的外部性、精巧的网络结构和高效的区域创新系统,产业集群中的供应链效应成为产业集群的基本动力。  相似文献   

Supply chain scholars have begun to recognize the institutional influences on supply chains, yet scarce attention has been directed toward the fact that global supply chains often comprise different institutions. This omission represents a severe shortcoming because the understanding of what constitutes legitimate behavior may vary substantially between contexts. This conceptual study employs the institutional distance concept to the case of supply chain sustainability risks. It focuses initially on paradoxical situations in which both the buyer and the supplier fully comply with stakeholder expectations within their own legitimacy contexts, yet the buyer's stakeholders still withdraw legitimacy from and harm the buyer. The study analyzes the causal microfoundations of how and why such paradoxical risks manifest, drawing on stakeholder theory and institutional theory. The analysis shows that accounting for the differing legitimacy contexts is necessary for explaining these risks, thereby substantiating our initial claim that institutional distance matters to global supply chains. The study yields important implications for corporate practice in that it highlights an inherent trade‐off in many global supply chains.  相似文献   

We theorize, building on the knowledge‐based view and the theoretical distinction between explicit and tacit knowledge, that knowledge management capability across the supply chain manifests itself in explicit and tacit knowledge, which in turn effectuates supply chain performance. The model is tested with survey data from 195 small‐ and medium‐sized enterprises reporting on their primary supply chain. The results indicate that the supply chain's knowledge management capability manifests itself in both explicit and tacit knowledge, with the latter being influenced more strongly. Moreover, it was found that while both explicit and tacit knowledge influence supply chain performance, the latter exerts a significantly greater impact than the former. Exploratory post hoc analyses add robustness to these findings and investigate mechanisms inherent to the transformation of tacit into explicit knowledge. Overall, this research contributes to academic theory development in logistics and supply chain management by the dichotomization of knowledge types and the demonstration of their differential magnitude of effects, and to managerial practice by providing important guidance for logistics managers structuring their knowledge management efforts across supply chains.  相似文献   

供应链企业之间信任问题研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文认为,信任在供应链管理中具有十分重要的作用,它是供应链的关键组织原则,是供应链企业相互合作的前提和基础,是保证供应链正常运转的支柱,可以提高整个供应链快速响应客户的能力。影响供应链企业间信任的因素多种多样,既有宏观因素,也有微观因素(如满足客户需求能力、信息沟通与共享程度及利益公平和程序公平的程度等)。企业要维护和提升供应链企业之间的信任,必须增强自身的核心竞争力,提高信息沟通与共享能力,进行经常性的沟通、交流,设计有效契约,并建立信任机制。  相似文献   

本文认为,蛙鸣博弈与供应链管理具有相似性,将其应用于描述供应链管理合作问题,可以得出互补是供应链企业合作的基本前提;市场是解决合作与竞争矛盾的关键;“双赢”是供应链企业合作的结果。文章提出,企业加盟供应链战略联盟,必须学会与其他企业进行合作,建立相互间信任机制,优化信息沟通渠道,实现信息充分共享,消除冲突,协调一致,以保证供应链整体决策的优化,提升供应链的整体竞争力,并进而提高企业的综合竞争力。  相似文献   

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