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域名是互联网计算机的IP地址的名称,是一组容易记忆和识别的字符串,加上相应的.com、.org、.net等组成。域名是引导网络用户进入某一网站或网页的技术参数,就像人们熟悉的电话号码所具有的功能。域名在注册管理机构注册生效后,域名持有人除按照约定缴纳费用外,无需对域名作任何事,即可保证其有效性。然而就是这样一个简单的域名却引来了众多的争议与纠纷,何因所致呢? 域名抢注为哪般网络经济的出现,使得域名不仅仅是个IP地址,互联网自身的商业化赋予域名某种商业色彩:域名注册后的商业化使得一部分域名确实获得了与传统商业标识相同的标识效果;一些有特定含义的字符串和数字如NBA、IBM、315等具有标识价值,带有了某种特定的意义,所以,有些域名具有巨大的商业价值。美国麦当劳公司在1996年即最终付出100余万美元方从域名抢注者手中赎回  相似文献   

网络域名与商标争议的法律思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
潘永 《江苏商论》2004,(2):32-33
本文从分析域名的性质出发,针对网络域名与商标争议问题作了探讨。  相似文献   

商标与商业域名的权利冲突已经成为理论界和实务界探讨的热门话题.本文分析了商标与商业域名间冲突产生的原因、冲突的形态以及性质,从而在理论层面剖析二者产生争议的根源.  相似文献   

王薇 《商场现代化》2006,(9):222-223
现代活动日益依赖于互联网,争夺网上的空间市场已经成为必然。众多商家纷纷将自己的商标、商号作为域名注册使用,域名已成为商家在网上拥有一个地盘的标志,域名与商标的结合与冲突日益明显。文章分析了域名使用与商标专用权冲突的原因与实质,探讨了域名与商标专用权冲突的主要类型,从行政、司法、仲裁和调解途径等几个方面就域名纠纷的解决模式做了阐述。  相似文献   

从侵权构成要件的角度,重点分析商标、域名等权利客体侵害在先域名的域名侵权问题,总结国内外在域名保护上的立法现状及其优缺点,指出国内立法的问题所在,并就域名保护的立法完善提出观点,明确"域名权利"以及建立完善的域名注册体系——配套注册制度。  相似文献   

域名与商标冲突的法律分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文介绍了域名与商标突产生的背景,界定了域名的法律性质,对域名与商标冲突的表现形式进行了分类并分析了冲突产生的原因,提出了解决冲突的办法和建议。文章认为应完善我国的《商标法》,加强对驰名商标的特殊保护,从法律上赋予驰名商标将其商标注册办域名的专有权,进行域名预留。在域名与商标发生冲突时,应通过法律程序解决。  相似文献   

杨志祥 《中国市场》2007,(44):60-61
域名与商标之间存在着内在的联系和区别,双方冲突的具体表现形式多种多样。建立域名注册公示异议制度,设立商标、域名检索机构专门提供查询服务,对域名使用期限加以规定,并采用申请续展制,建立解决域名冲突的专门机构并完善异议制度,都是解决其冲突的立法完善措施。  相似文献   

随着Internet的普及,域名这个通往网络世界的“路标”逐渐被我们熟悉。如果有一定知名度的商标被他人用作域名注册的话,商标的注册者或使用者与域名的注册者就会出现争议。因此域名与驰名商标的保护便有了密切的联系。下面从一起发生在中国的域名纠纷案看域名与驰名商标的保护。一、“IKEA”域名抢注案1999年9月21日北京市第二中级人民法院公开审理荷兰英特艾塞尔系统有限公司诉北京国网信息有限公司域名抢注案。原告于1983年在中国商品分类及服务上分别获取了“IKEA”、IKEA及图形组合商标及中文“宜家”的注册商标,该商标创始于1947…  相似文献   

王薇 《商场现代化》2006,(3X):222-223
现代活动日益依赖于互联网,争夺网上的空间市场已经成为必然。众多商家纷纷将自己的商标、商号作为域名注册使用,域名已成为商家在网上拥有一个地盘的标志,域名与商标的结合与冲突日益明显。文章分析了域名使用与商标专用权冲突的原因与实质,探讨了域名与商标专用权冲突的主要类型,从行政、司法、仲裁和调解途径等几个方面就域名纠纷的解决模式做了阐述.  相似文献   

<正> 由于Internet网的迅猛发展,域名已被誉为“企业的网上商标”。近来,由于域名注册和商标争议的迅速增加,NSI要求修正其与NSF的协议,协议规定NSI公司管理结尾为“com”、“eda”、“org”、“gov”、“net”,以允许NSI对域名注册收费(包括老用户)。但“gov”、“edu”有例外规定。难题是:如何发现他人使用了商标所有人的商标为域名。NSI提供“WHOIS”的数据库方便用户查找域名,同时也可用“yahoo”、“sohu”查找域名,但是,它们均无法查询商标。无论NSI还是中国互联网络信息中心都不提供商标查询服务,也不对域名申请检索,因此,无法避免商标所有人与域名申请人的冲突。还有,由于域名的第一级为国家码(TLD),因此,同一域名在不同国家由不同的人注册,而对于商标而言,有驰名商标的国际保护,但域名,是否应有类似驰名商标的国际保护的保护方法  相似文献   


Domain names are a very important component of the Internet. The regulations and standards governing the registration of domain names have evolved over the past decade. Although various laws have been passed to protect businesses and organizations, this paper examines the effectiveness of such actions. A sample of Fortune 100 companies was examined to determine who had ownership of the top-level domain (.com, .net, .org, .biz) associated with their corporate second-level domain (e.g., walmart, intel). A summary and discussion of the findings are presented.  相似文献   

Alba and Chattopadhyay (1985, 1986) have demonstrated that having consumers think about a familiar brand can interfere with the retrieval of competitive brand names, including those that might otherwise be considered for purchase. However, their research is silent about two issues of pragmatic importance. First, is it possible to inhibit retrieval of the consumer's preferred brand? Second, can an unfamiliar brand evoke recall inhibition? Our findings indicate that recall inhibition does not extend to the preferred brand. Our findings further suggest that recall inhibition can be induced by cueing consumers with an unfamiliar brand name, but that such inhibition is less pervasive than evoked by a highly familiar brand name.  相似文献   

陆烨磊 《商》2013,(7Z):36-37
我国《公司法》在公司解散方面的立法尚处初步阶段,存在需要完善的地方,在处理现实司法问题的过程中也往往会存在一定争议.本文以一起现实案例为引,对我国公司司法解散所存在的现实问题进行分析,并提出一定改进建议.  相似文献   

《Business Horizons》2023,66(3):387-404
Are you involved in a new venture but just can’t find the right name? Are you part of an organization that has outgrown its name, perhaps because of geographic/product expansion or societal changes? Or worse, does your organization need to shed its name owing to scandal or unfortunate family association? While many entrepreneurs and managers understand intuitively that names are imbued with meaning and that this meaning helps convey a company’s identity and tell its story, they may not know what makes a great name. Even though choosing a name marks a universal rite of passage for an organization and a key strategic decision, there is surprisingly little practical, accessible, and consolidated guidance available to those in search of the “perfect” name. So, how can organizations improve their chances of crafting an outstanding name? We extract research-driven insights from a variety of disciplines to describe, examine, and evaluate five principal naming strategies. As such, we explore the effectiveness of organization names that are affiliated with the organization’s signature product/service, family, or geography, as well as those adopting humor or pursuing novelty via portmanteaus. We also offer recommendations for maximizing the cognitive fluency and emotional resonance of potential names.  相似文献   

The systemic weaknesses of the euro and crisis management activities have not only left traces in political programmes and the political landscape in Germany, but were and are still the subject of constitutional legal disputes. Some important disputes were recently addressed by the judgment of the Second Senate of the Federal Constitutional Court. The Karlsruhe Court remains partial with the continuity of its “Yes, but” decisions that affirm the compatibility of the bailout policy with the Basic Law in principle, but this is linked to compliance with certain provisos. With regard to the ECB’s OMT programme, the judgment contains legal and economic contradictions.  相似文献   

2010年,日本针对加拿大涉及可再生能源产业的立法及措施提起争端解决程序,本案目前尚处于磋商阶段,如果成案,将对可再生能源补贴问题确立可予依据的判例,也能为各国的相关政策措施的制定提供符合世贸规则的参考价值,更有意义的是,气候与贸易的国际法进程中产生的诸多议题交叉现象,可以通过WTO争端解决机制获得"司法造法"的机会,间接推动气候与贸易国际法的良性发展。  相似文献   

Although retailers know that brand names are important conveyors of product benefits, little is known about how subtle characteristics of brand names affect consumer attitudes and purchase intentions. This research proposes and shows that the letter case of brand names affects product attitudes and purchase intentions but that these effects depend on congruity between brand case and the gender of consumption benefits. Studies 1 and 2 show that lowercase brand names are associated with feminine characteristics while uppercase brand names are associated with masculine characteristics, as measured through judgments of name gender, gendered brand personality traits, and overall brand gender perceptions. Three additional studies demonstrate that greater congruity between brand case and the gender of consumption benefits increases product evaluations and purchase intentions. Study 3 demonstrates that greater congruity between brand case and the gender of a female consumer’s consumption goal leads her to have more favorable product attitudes. Study 4 replicates these effects by manipulating the gender of product benefits, shows that effects on purchase intentions are moderated by the consumer’s biological sex, and identifies processing fluency as the underlying mechanism. Study 5 demonstrates that brand case, rather than letter shape, drives these results. This work advances understanding of how seemingly subtle brand name characteristics affect gender perceptions and consumer behavior, with implications for brand design and positioning in the retailing industry.  相似文献   


Cybersquatters register internet domain names matching trademarks owned by other individuals or companies, intending to coerce payments before relinquishing that domain name to the rightful trademark owner. As online commerce expanded, so too has trademark infringement complaints concerning internet domain names. Congress passed two acts in recent years to deal with the controversy, the Federal Trademark Dilution Act of 1995, also known as Section 43(c) of the Lanham Trademark Act, and the more recent Anticybersquatting Consumer Protection Act of 1999, also known as Section 43(d) of the Lanham Trademark Act. Causes for action, defenses, and remedies are discussed for both. This article analyzes their impact.  相似文献   

WTO法最近一段时期的发展具有以下特征:注重贸易与人权的平衡、协调贸易便利与安全、各种区域安排与多边体制产生抵牾。以上WTO法发展的复杂表现对我国海关立法理念、体制和技术都会产生广泛的影响。为了有效应对,我国海关立法急需更新立法理念、完善国内海关立法,同时应当积极参与海关国际立法。  相似文献   

市场流通立法的基本原则探析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
我国目前正在进行市场流通立法,商务部计划于2009年提出《市场流通基本法》草案。但在市场流通立法中,有必要重申适度干预经济这一基本原则,且现代商事经济立法也应该引入"以人为本"的观念,并在市场流通立法中应以消费者权利保护为终极导向。  相似文献   

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