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服务研究已经成为近四十年来的热点研究问题,从传统经典理论发展出的产品主导逻辑到服务主导逻辑与价值共创,服务范式的研究不断演进,如何认知服务的问题一直是学术界讨论的热点,文章对服务范式研究的发展历史与演进过程进行了梳理和分析,归纳、识别了包括产品主导逻辑、服务特征范式、关系主导范式、顾客接触范式、服务体验范式、服务主导逻辑和统一服务理论等七种不同的服务范式,分析了当前研究中的不足和面临的挑战,并对未来的研究方向进行了展望。  相似文献   

马凌  漆颖 《商业时代》2012,(20):113-114
本文在管理思想的演进路径分析的基础上,从文化的逻辑和人性的逻辑这两个方面来说明管理思想演进的逻辑,进而探究推动管理思想演进的动因。  相似文献   

文章以运满满为研究案例,对车货匹配平台的价值创造活动展开研究,分析平台价值创造逻辑的演进,从中归纳运满满的成功经验,为车货匹配平台的发展提供经验借鉴。研究发现:车货匹配业务是多个参与主体的价值共创活动,物流平台企业介入车货匹配业务后,促使新的车货匹配生态系统的形成,不仅使车货匹配平台的价值共创活动从车货匹配业务向其他增值业务延伸,也使价值实现的要素和价值共创的参与主体产生改变;平台经历了从“再中介化”到“去中介化”的演进,车货匹配生态系统内部“社会价值”的持续创造,为生态系统的发展演进提供了条件。  相似文献   

从品牌资产到顾客资产的逻辑演进   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
自从营销概念提出以来,顾客就一直是营销理论研究的一个中心。顾客不仅是企业利润的最终来源,而且顾客资产也是企业竞争优势的保证。本文从品牌资产出发,分析品牌资产向顾客资产演进的理论必然性后,从理论上理清了从品牌资产向顾客资产发展的演进路径。  相似文献   

营销学的发展演进,不断体现出人性化的发展趋势.本文以企业关注点从物到人、产品从大众化到个性化以及企业不断增加的社会环境责任三个角度,分析归纳了营销中的人性化问题.  相似文献   

我国营销学从引进到创新发展已经经历了30年的理论演进过程.本文以1994~2008年期间我国12本重要核心学术期刊刊载的348篇主要营销研究论文为依据,采用结构化的聚类和内容分析的方法,对我国营销学界理论研究的阶段性演进及其主题重心的形成进行了梳理,发现我国营销学界理论研究在经历了高科技产业(产品)营销、绿色营销、知识营销、网络营销、体验营销、全球营销等阶段性主题重心之后,正逐渐聚焦到品牌管理、关系营销、营销渠道、消费者行为、服务营销等理论主题,并分析了我国营销学主题研究的现状及趋势.  相似文献   

家族企业的成长过程是其内部治理不断演进和优化的过程,内部治理的演进对家族企业的成长具有鲜明的积极意义。家族企业成长中,企业内部治理随企业资本规模的扩大,遵循从业主治理到家族治理、泛家族治理再到职业化治理演进的逻辑次序。家族企业在不同的生命周期阶段其内部治理应适时演进与优化,否则其进一步发展将受到制约。  相似文献   

改革开放以来,我国文化产业经历了从原来的限制发展到允许发展、推动发展和大力发展三个阶段,每个阶段的政策取向都有不同特点。了解我国文化产业政策的发展逻辑,对全面认识现阶段的产业政策,促进文化产业的进一步发展十分必要。  相似文献   

周新德 《商业时代》2006,(10):30-31
家族企业的成长过程是其内部治理不断演进和优化的过程,内部治理的演进对家族企业的成长具有鲜明的积极意义。家族企业成长中,企业内部治理随企业资本规模的扩大,遵循从业主治理到家族治理、泛家族治理再到职业化治理演进的逻辑次序。家族企业在不同的生命周期阶段其内部治理应适时演进与优化,否则其进一步发展将受到制约。  相似文献   

我国互联网公司从1997年到2007年已经历10年的发展历程,但还没有学者对此演进过程从学术角度进行规律性的探询.本文运用内容分析方法对这10年文献资料进行分析,探讨了我国互联网公司模式的演变路径及商业逻辑.分析结果显示,我国互联网公司模式的发展经过三个阶段.分别表现为点击率、盈利点和协同度三个模式的战略逻辑.  相似文献   

Competing through service: Insights from service-dominant logic   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Service-dominant logic (S-D logic) is contrasted with goods-dominant (G-D) logic to provide a framework for thinking more clearly about the concept of service and its role in exchange and competition. Then, relying upon the nine foundational premises of S-D logic [Vargo, Stephen L. and Robert F. Lusch (2004). “Evolving to a New Dominant Logic for Marketing,” Journal of Marketing, 68 (January) 1-17; Lusch, Robert F. and Stephen L. Vargo (2006), “Service-Dominant Logic as a Foundation for Building a General Theory,” in The Service-Dominant Logic of Marketing: Dialog, Debate and Directions. Robert F. Lusch and Stephen L. Vargo (eds.), Armonk, NY: M.E. Sharpe, 406-420] nine derivative propositions are developed that inform marketers on how to compete through service.  相似文献   

孟令江 《中国市场》2008,(36):69-70
物流技术在应用中需要离散数学的支持,数理逻辑是离散数学的重要组成部分,对于物流专业的学生来说,这部分内容是生疏的或者说是新奇的。  相似文献   

The following article focuses on corporate strategies at General Electric (GE) and how corporate-level interventions impacted the market performance of the firm’s general purpose commercial mainframe product set in the period 1960–1968. We show that in periods of both divisional independent planning and corporate-level planning strategic governance, central decisions interfered in the execution of GE’s product strategy. GE’s institutional ‘enterprise logic’ negatively impacted the ‘product logic’ of its computer product line leading to a weakened position in the market for these systems.  相似文献   

A Convention-based Approach to Agent Communication Languages   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This article aims to provide foundations for a new approach to Agent Communication Languages (ACLs). First, we present the theory of signalling acts. In contrast to current approaches to communication, this account is neither intention-based nor commitment-based, but convention-based. Next, we explore ways of embedding that theory within an account of conversation. We move here from an account of the basic types of communicative act (the statics of communication) to an account of their role in sequences of exchanges in communicative interaction (the dynamics of communication). Finally, we apply the framework to the analysis of conversational protocols such as the English auction protocol. We propose to give a compact expression of conversation protocols by means of a formula of the object-language. We also use this kind of representation to provide the basis for a procedure for keeping a record of the conventional effects achieved in a conversation. A corresponding axiomatic presentation is given, and shown to be sound and complete with respect to our proposed semantics. This paper is a revised and considerably extended version of Jones and Parent (2004). Some of the material included herein appeared in the document ‚A Logical Framework’, written by Andrew J. I. Jones, an unpublished chapter that formed part of the deliverables from the project ALFEBIITE (to which reference is made in the concluding acknowledgements).  相似文献   

While many models describe efforts to build brand identity, none specifies the brand identity development for small firms facing uncertainty, such as rapidly internationalizing international new ventures. By examining four such case firms informed by interviews and archival data spanning five years, this study identifies three brand identity development states: unbranded, sporadically branded, and focused branded international new ventures. Brand values, brand personality, and brand relationships are critical brand identity dimensions that manifest in the three states. A related model and propositions help explicate how uncertainty owing to psychic distance moderates the impact of decision-making logics on brand identity development. We show how the role of decision-making logic affects the prominence given to different dimensions of brand identity in the developmental states. Moreover, we reveal the associated change and state mechanism allowing for the rapid advancement of brand identity states in international new ventures.  相似文献   

服务业务离岸的发展逻辑与现实路径   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
我国"十一五"规划提出要大力引进发达国家企业的服务外包,考虑到吸引政策应具有前瞻性,对服务离岸发展规律的研究就是一个很重要的论题;文章依照服务业务离岸成本比较的逻辑前提,从离岸服务业务内部环节、服务业务整体两个角度,利用经验假设和杜克(Duke)大学的调查数据,认为内部业务环节沿"可视线",遵循从左下到右上的发展规律;具体整体业务发展依时间顺序,按照离岸企业"干中学"的过程发展.  相似文献   

Due to the rapid changes in technology, there have been dramatic changes in manufacturing systems and techniques in almost all industries. In this sense, higher education institutions have become more important as they play a key role in ensuring the labor force in the industry. In the present study, the research streams for operations management course were established, then fuzzy total interpretive structural modelling technique was employed to analyze the causal relations and influences among the factors. The purpose of the study was to determine the relationships among the research streams of operations management course.  相似文献   

作为“市场经济之父”,亚当·斯密不仅是一个经济学家,更是一个道德伦理学家和哲学家。要真正理解亚当。斯密,我们必须跳出狭隘的经济逻辑,从更为深刻的文化视角进行解读。这不仅具有重要的理论价值,而具有重大的现实意义。  相似文献   

The entrepreneurial marketing domain should consider opportunity co-creation as a foundational construct for advancing the discipline. This paper integrates emerging views in entrepreneurship with an evolving, service-dominant logic of marketing to develop a market conceptualization for exploring uncertainty in dynamic social and economic environments. With this market conceptualization, opportunities are continually co-created through the development and communication of value propositions, the derivation and determination of value, and the (re)formation of markets. Emerging research around the process of opportunity co-creation is used to create an initial definition and theoretical considerations.  相似文献   

顾客价值创新及其战略效应   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
徐康 《北方经贸》2005,(3):91-93
基于顾客价值创新营造的是一种基于逻辑的竞争优势,它是对传统竞争对抗性战略逻辑的一大突破。顾客价值创新的战略焦点不在于竞争而在于顾客,不是为了击败竞争对手,也不是要比竞争对手做得更好,而是通过顾客价值创新,为顾客提供更具价值的产品或服务,以满足不断变化着的顾客需求与偏好。本文通过分析顾客价值创新的两种模式,探讨了顾客价值创新的战略效应。  相似文献   

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