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支付安全是移动电子商务及移动支付面临的最大问题。作者在对移动支付系统研究基础上,针对手机系统安全特性:系统层安全、应用层安全;手机应用安全问题:客户手机丢失问题、下载到捆绑病毒的恶意网银软件等问题提出一套移动支付系统的安全规划方案。  相似文献   

小普 《商务旅行》2012,(2):30-31
手机配搭芯片变钱包手机的功能越来越丰富,已经快成超级工具了。比如,现在你可以用手机来付款,钱包基本上是浮云了。谷歌公司就推出了谷歌钱包(Google wallet)移动支付服务。在手机上安装完这款应用程序后,再安装一个芯片,将手机在支付终端前扫过,就能完成购物付款。用户可以指定一张信用卡用于手机支付,或事先用信用卡给谷歌预付卡(GooglePrepald Card)充值,交易时再输入一个  相似文献   

2013年,移动商务市场爆发出巨大的市场潜力.MBB业务的深入为手机在线支付建立了用户基础;移动电子商务的发展推动了手机端支付的增长;在移动互联网和移动商务应用快速推动下,移动支付相关产业链各方积极布局而产生的联合推动效应.本文分析了移动支付在我国的发展现状,并探讨了其发展趋势.  相似文献   

在电子商务日益发展的今天,移动互联网的发展早已经走在了电脑时代的前端。因此,催生了较多的移动数据端产业,其中移动支付的不断更新带给了人们更多的便捷体验。移动支付依托于手机APP软件进行线下各商户捆绑连接,快捷线上支付、高频次使用、金钱交易安全等优点备受当今社会喜爱。本文将在多视角下的电子商务发展中对移动支付进行剖析和探讨。  相似文献   

张磊 《中国电子商务》2010,(12):220-221
随着3G时代的到来,手机已经不仅仅局限于提供通讯和娱乐服务,移动支付即用手机代替现金、支票及信用卡来进行支付,将改变支付手段的应用,也会改变消费者行为方式,造就一场支付领域内的革命。  相似文献   

马峻 《商》2014,(6):55-56
自2013年底前后,“移动支付”这个名词开始频繁的出现在人们的视野当中,同时作为接受能力较强的年轻人已经开始习惯于只用移动支付手段来进行相当一部分的结算活动。各家商业银行甚至银联纷纷推出了专属的手机银行客户端,通过手机银行客户端可以实现在线话费充值、信用卡还款、银行卡转账、公共事业缴费、购买机票火车票等一系列支付行为,这样就节备了用户大量的时间成本。在商业银行移动支付业务营销策略中营销环境分析、作为企业营销策略乃至于发展战略决策的重要决策工具收到广泛应用,本文将基于商业银行移动支付业务从营销层面出发展开分析。·  相似文献   

电子商务自出现以来发展势头强劲,网络购物的用户不断增长。与此同时,电子支付工具也得到快速发展,在智能手机出现后,由于手机用户的广泛性,手机移动支付将成为未来发展的主流趋势,具有更广阔的市场。手机支付方便快捷,但是作为一种网络支付方式,却受制于通信网络、标准化和安全性等问题。手机支付产业的良性发展需要政府、金融机构、电信运营商与其它相关机构协作,建立移动支付产业链,为手机用户提供规范安全的支付环境。  相似文献   

随着智能手机的普及,消费群体逐渐习惯使用微信、支付宝等移动支付方式进行线上付款,而二维码的安全性一直以来是移动支付用户最关心的问题。NFC(近距离无线通讯技术)是一种能在短距离内与兼容设备进行识别和数据交换的技术,使用不需联网,在支付信息的保护措施和支付流程上会更加安全便捷。近年来,Apple Pay、Samsung Pay等各种手机Pay陆续进入中国市场,这些支付工具的核心技术正是NFC移动支付技术。2016年3月,中国工商银行(以下简称工行)宣布与三星手机合作,支持用户使用Samsung Pay完成银行卡付款。但由于应用场景的缺乏,NFC技术的应用推广进度迟缓,同时支付宝、财付通等移动支付企业以广大用户群体为基础,借助大量补贴在市场推广二维码支付。为了更好地了解NFC移动支付应用前景,提出更好的推广对策,我们对工行Samsung Pay的应用与推广情况展开了调查分析。  相似文献   

随着电子商务和移动通信技术的快速发展,手机上网支付将变得便利和安全。本文借鉴技术接受模型(TAM)来研究手机支付市场,通过引入感知风险模型,构建了基于TAM手机支付用户采纳行为模型,提出安全性、便利性等研究假设。  相似文献   

<正>前不久,一款被招商银行行长马蔚华称之为"国内商业银行在移动支付产业新标准下推出的首款移动支付产品"亮相。这是马蔚华联手全球3G智能手机主要制造商HTC掌门人王雪红的产物。所谓手机与银行卡"合二为一"的移动支付产品——手机钱包。当80后、90后的消费时代来临,这款试水近场支付的"手机钱包"真的会消灭信用卡吗?这不仅考验着开发商与投资商,同样也考验着年轻的消费者。  相似文献   

移动支付是指交易双方为了某种货物或者业务通过移动设备进行商业交易.移动支付系统主体包括客户、商家、银行、移动支付服务提供商、移动运营商以及仲裁机构等.移动支付系统的运行环境十分复杂,在成员构成及运营方式上存在着很大差异.在移动支付系统中,主体较多,而且各主体的目标不尽相同,可能存在利益冲突,因而不同主体之间可能是完全信任、半信任或者完全不信任的关系.移动运营商、商家和移动支付服务提供商是客户对移动支付信任评价的关键.移动终端用户个人因素包括个人信任倾向、认知程度,移动商务网商因素包括卖家可信度、产品和服务质量,移动商务媒介因素包括界面友好程度、操作便捷程度、交互性、移动终端的多样性,移动商务交易环境因素主要包括技术保证、身份识别方式、位置敏感度、第三方认证、政策法规等.  相似文献   

Prior research on consumers’ preference for timing of payment suggests that consumers prefer to prepay for certain kinds of purchases (e.g., vacations) and postpay for others (e.g., washer dryers). This research extends this finding by first comparing preference for timing of payment for products that vary by type (hedonic vs. utilitarian) and durability (nondurable vs. durable) to reveal that it is only hedonic-nondurable products that elicit a preference for prepayment (study 1). The two studies that follow examine the robustness of the prepayment preference by (1) varying the favorability of the transaction (study 2), and, (2) by eliminating the choice of payment timing from the transaction (study 3). Results reveal that the preference for prepayment for hedonic-nondurable goods is robust when transaction characteristics are favorable but shifts when transaction characteristics are unfavorable. Furthermore, when the choice of payment timing is not offered, consumers become indifferent towards when they prefer to pay for hedonic-nondurable products. The implications of these findings for marketers and retailers are discussed.  相似文献   

农村商品流通发展对策研究   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
本文认为,目前我国农村商品流通中存在着商品流通业态单一、营销方式单一、支付方式单一、流通网络薄弱等问题。开拓农村市场,要进一步提高农村商品档次、增加商品种类;积极发展农村超市和连锁经营,开辟旧货市场,满足农村市场的不同需求;完善支付方式,如赊销、信用交易等,为农村市场发展提供更多的便利;推行新的营销方式,增加有效供给;加强物流供应链理论的研究,发挥各类协会在农村商品流通中的重要作用。  相似文献   

电商的销售模式从传统的B2C、C2C模式逐渐进化到现今热门的融合线上虚拟经济和线下实体经济的020模式。本文分析了借助于近年来兴起的以智能手机等移动终端为载体的移动支付手段一一微信支付,它将传统线下商家的经营模式和电子商务进行整合,打造基于微信支付的新型020(从线下到线上)的商业模式,介绍了020模式以及微信支付的现状,着重阐述了该模式的优势、安全性和发展前景。  相似文献   

网络支付作为新兴的支付方式,丰富、发展、改变了人们的支付行为。本文从支付行为要素的角度出发,分析、比较网络环境下构成支付行为的基本要素所面,陆的主要风险,包括安全与效率两个方面损失的可能性。本文围绕网络支付带来的货币资金形态、网络支付指令形态及网络支付指令传输渠道等三方面的发展变化,对网络环境下支付行为发展变化带来的风险进行了综述并分别提出了相应的防范措施。  相似文献   

This article contributes to the research area concerned with behaviors of young users in virtual environments. More specifically, we study their purchasing behaviors on the Internet and the acceptance of the new mobile payment tools that are being used. To perform this research, a web experiment involving a new short-message-service (SMS) mobile payment system is performed. Data from young users who participate in the experiment are used to analyze a behavioral model of factors potentially influencing intentions to adopt the new mobile payment system. The analysis shows how trust, ease of use, and risk are key elements of the intention to use the new tool by persons in a young-user population. Findings and their implications for management provide companies with alternatives to seize this new business opportunity in light of new technological developments. This article is an initial study of behavioral intention with SMS mobile payment, especially among younger users.  相似文献   

Mobile payment systems offer enormous potential as alternative payment solutions. However, the diffusion of mobile payments over the years has been less than optimal despite the numerous studies that have explored the reasons for its adoption. Consequently, there is an increased interest in exploring alternative actions for promoting its diffusion, especially user recommendation of the technology. This is because positive recommendations can enormously influence the decisions of potential consumers to use the technology while negative recommendations can increase resistance to it. The few extant studies in this domain have followed the traditional survey approach with hypothetic-deductive reasoning, thus limiting an understanding of factors outside their conceptual models that could influence recommendations. To address this shortcoming, this study uses a qualitative text-mining approach that explores themes from user reviews of mobile payment applications (apps). Using 5955 reviews from 16 mobile payment apps hosted on the Google Play store, this study applied the latent Dirichlet allocation (LDA) text-mining method to extract themes from the reviews that help to explain why users provide positive or negative recommendations about mobile payment systems. A total of 13 themes (i.e. ease of use, usefulness, convenience, security, reliability, satisfaction, transaction speed, time-saving, customer support, output quality, perceived cost, usability and trust) were generated from the LDA model which provides both theoretical and practical insights for advancing mobile payments diffusion and research.  相似文献   

Drawing on the information system success model and perceived value theory, we develop a research model to examine factors that may affect user satisfaction and loyalty of mobile payment platforms. Empirical data was collected from users using Alipay and WeChat Pay in China, and a total of 410 valid responses were gathered for data analysis. The results show that the multi-dimensional formative perceived value including benefits and sacrifice is important determinant of mobile payment user satisfaction and loyalty. The three benefit dimensions of functional value, experiential value and social value are more important value components than the two sacrifice dimensions of risk and cost, and experiential value is the dominant component of mobile payment users' value perception. As for the antecedents of perceived value, system quality and service quality mainly affect perceived benefits, while information quality has a greater impact on risk. The research results provide the contribution of specific value dimensions to users' perceived value and the impact of quality characteristics on specific perceived value for mobile payment platform providers, thus helping them to adopt effective strategies to strengthen market competitiveness and retain existing users.  相似文献   

Mobile devices and social media have led to a profound revolution of modern society, obliging many companies to reorient their sales systems towards more successful commercial formats (mobile commerce and social commerce). The mobile payment, for instance, as an emerging and supplementary service to these new commercial formats, is now undergoing the adoption process. Mobile payment has long been discussed, but it has not yet reached the usage levels expected by the different mass market players (financial institutions, telephone operators, etc.) in Western societies. The purpose of this paper is to analyze users’ acceptance of mobile payment systems on social networks. In order to explain acceptance, we have integrated trust and perceived risk into the traditional TAM model. To complete this study, we have established the decisive factors of this payment system by analyzing user’s gender, age and experience level. The study was conducted through an online survey among a national panel composed by 2.012 social network users. The results of this research support previous studies and provide alternatives for companies to consolidate this new business model by means of the new technical developments.  相似文献   

Prior research has shown that credit cards increase spending behavior as measured by the willingness to pay (WTP) or basket value. This research aims to replicate the credit card effect and to extend this effect to mobile payments. In four empirical studies, of which three online studies and one lab study (total n = 692), we manipulated payment methods (i.e., cash, credit cards, and mobile payments) and measured spending behavior (i.e., WTP and basket value). Across four studies, we did not replicate the credit card effect on either measure of spending behavior, suggesting the effect in the literature may be inflated or may have been fading away. A meta-analysis of the relevant literature revealed the expected credit card effect but also showed that the credit card effect has become weaker through the years and that this effect is contingent on the location of data collection. We also did not find evidence that the credit card effect extends to mobile payments on either measure of spending behavior in the three online studies. However, we found a significant difference between mobile payments and cash on the basket value measure (but not for the WTP measure) in the lab study. This paper also explored whether the pain of payment or payment convenience may be a mechanism underlying the relationship between payment methods and spending behavior. Although the pain of payment tended to be lower and the payment convenience tended to be higher for mobile payments, these effects did not translate into more spending behaviors.  相似文献   

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