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王丹  龚黎莹 《现代商业》2014,(24):173-174
随着我国电力市场需求的降低和水电设备制造能力的过剩,国内市场竞争日益激烈,许多厂商已将目标投向了国际市场,而水电设备国际市场营销战略制定对促进水电设备企业拓展海外市场至关重要。本文从市场营销战略的定义出发,分析了我国水电设备企业国际市场营销现状和问题,并给出了具体的战略选择。  相似文献   

基于贸易绿色壁垒盛行下的企业国际营销策略模式探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
贸易绿色壁垒是当今国际贸易保护中一种新型的非关税壁垒措施,已成为发展中国家产品国际营销的一大主要障碍。本文从贸易绿色壁垒的含义与实质出发,分析了贸易绿色壁垒对我国企业国际营销造成的影响和我国企业从事国际营销遭受贸易绿色壁垒的原因,重点探讨了我国企业应对贸易绿色壁垒所采取的国际营销策略。  相似文献   

试论环境保护对国际贸易的影响及我国的对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
“绿色壁垒”已成为国际贸易保护主义的新形式,环保产业成为国际贸易竞争的新热点,绿色营销成为国际市场营销的新潮流,以及我国对打破“绿色壁垒”应采取的对策。  相似文献   

贸易绿色壁垒是当今国际贸易保护中一种新型的非关倪壁垒措施,已成为发展中国家产品国际营销的一大主要障碍。本文从贸易绿色壁垒的含义与实质出发,分析了贸易绿色壁垒对我国企业国际营销造成的影响和我国企业从事国际营销遭受贸易绿色壁垒的原因.重点探讨了我国企业应对贸易绿色壁垒所采取的国际营销篡略。、  相似文献   

在当今的国际市场,绿色壁垒正逐步成为世界各国的主要贸易保护手段并有被发达国家滥用的趋势。它对我国农产品的出口贸易提出挑战的同时,也为我国农产品贸易提供了不断与国际接轨、加快产业升级的机遇。本文在分析绿色壁垒对我国农产品出口双重影响的基础上,提出中国应对绿色壁垒的对策和建议。  相似文献   

论绿色消费对国际市场营销的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
吴汉嵩 《消费经济》2005,21(1):63-64,68
随着经济的发展和生活的提高,越来越多的人更加重视绿色消费。在国际市场营销中,绿色消费也改变了各国的贸易政策,逐渐演变为新的贸易壁垒,即绿色壁垒。目前,绿色壁垒已成为各国限制外国产品的主要措施。为了应对日益高涨的绿色消费,我国企业应该实施绿色战略,不断开发绿色产品,进行绿色生产,开展绿色管理。  相似文献   

胡韶云 《商》2014,(5):211-211,182
自我国加入WTO之后,我国的进出口企业与其他国家展开了大量的贸易。然而,随着绿色贸易壁垒的出台,我国进出口企业遇到了极大的贸易挑战与机遇。文中就进出口企业在应对绿色壁垒时,应当采取何种措施提出了相应的对策,主要倡导发展绿色产品,以绿色可持续发展为主要经营理念,抓住机遇,化阻力为动力,开拓国际绿色市场,打破绿色壁垒,在激烈的进出口贸易市场中获取市场份额。  相似文献   

随着整个世界步入环保时代,绿色革命的龙卷风为企业带来了勃勃生机。树立绿色营销观念,开发绿色产品,开拓绿色市场,这是本世纪企业国际营销发展的新方向,对于企业来说也是一个很大的机遇。面对绿色消费观念和绿色壁垒,我国企业的战略选择是采取绿色营销进入国际市场。首先,我国企业要认识自身不足,然后采取相应的绿色营销战略,提高自身的核心竞争力,获得国际市场的竞争优势。  相似文献   

WTO与我国企业开展国际市场营销   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
周晓东 《商业研究》2003,(10):151-152
当我国加入世界贸易组织之后 ,经济全球化的浪潮将进一步冲击国内经济各个领域 ,给我国带来新的发展机遇和严峻挑战。现在正是国内市场与国际市场接轨时期 ,也是我国企业全面进入国际市场的关键时期 ,因此 ,企业如何进行国际市场营销已成为企业必须面对和解决的问题 ,也是企业在市场全球化时代取得成功的关键。  相似文献   

随着我国市场经济体制进一步完善、经济建设进一步与世界接轨,我国的经济得到了突飞猛进的发展。我国的企业市场营销面临的是新的机遇和挑战。本文分析了我国企业市场营销现状,讨论了我国企业市场营销面临的主要问题,指出了企业市场营销的发展趋势。  相似文献   

Artificial Intelligence enabled Virtual Assistants (VAs) are evolving rapidly, offering promising opportunities to provide personalized shopping assistance and 24/7 frontline service. They can reduce the workload of human employees while delivering a seamless customer experience. Despite these benefits, the adoption of AI VAs as a retail marketing channel is patchy. The objective of this study is to reveal the multidisciplinary factors impeding the adoption of AI VAs in retail using the Fuzzy AHP method. Seven main barriers and thirty-seven sub-barriers are identified, classified, and ranked. Findings reveal that customer-related barriers are the most significant. These are followed by technical and financial barriers that retailers face in implementing AI chatbots.  相似文献   

This study's objective was to segment Belgian fish consumers based on their motives, perceived barriers, and their risk perception corresponding with fish consumption. Cross-sectional consumer data were collected in November 2004 through a self-administered questionnaire (n = 852). Cluster analysis distinguished between three consumer segments. Uncertain fish consumers indicate strong motives and a low risk perception, but experience some barriers to increase their fish consumption. Fish Lovers do not perceive any risk from eating fish and express strong motives and low barriers. Finally, Concerned fish consumers perceive few barriers, and they score relatively moderate on fish consumption motives, but express some doubts with respect to potential risks from eating fish. Profiling the clusters yields opportunities for targeted marketing strategies and product orientation.  相似文献   

This article presents the results of an investigation into the attitudes of tourist accommodation managers to the principles of 'sustainable development'. The survey of accommodation managers in a major British city assessed the interest, understanding, and perceived opportunities and barriers to the adoption of 'sustainable development' within a range of tourist accommodation businesses. The main findings show that the widespread adoption of such practices is constrained by a degree of inertia based on barriers of time, cost and expertise. The results have implications for future strategies attempting to promote sustainable practices within the service industries.  相似文献   

This paper describes the research carried out into small and medium enterprises (SMEs) and corporate responsibility (CR) in the Northwest of England during Phase I of Responsibility Northwest, a partnership programme designed to significantly increase the CR of the region. By engaging with significant numbers of SMEs and SME support providers across the region, key insights were gained in three key areas:
• The current attitudes to, understanding of, and management of CR issues in the SME sector.
• The barriers to greater implementation of CR management.
• The opportunities for overcoming the barriers and improving regional CR.
The research revealed a large diversity both in terms of understanding of the issues and their management. Seven key barriers to improve CR performance were identified which centred round the inappropriateness and inaccessibility of current CR approaches and support services on CR, certain characteristics of SMEs which tend to reduce their interest and opportunities for engaging in CR activities and supply-chain barriers. Fortunately there was significant agreement on the mechanisms which should be used to overcome these barriers, in particular the importance of delivering CR support through existing business networks that are valued and trusted by SMEs. These results have been used to create the partnership programme, Responsibility Northwest Phase II that runs until 2008 and aims to significantly increase the overall CR of Northwest England.Sarah Roberts leads corporate responsibility work at Sustainability Northwest and oversees Responsibility Northwest.Rob Lawson manages corporate responsibility projects, specialising in work with SMEs, and is the project manager for Responsibility Northwest.Jeremy Nicholls is a founder and director of the Cat’s Pyjamas which runs programmes to help businesses identify opportunities from managing the triple bottom line and is one of the key delivery partners in the Responsibility Northwest programme.  相似文献   

Many countries in East and South East Asia have erected trade barriers at various times since 1945. Many retail markets have therefore been closed to outside influence and investment. In the 1990s however such measures are being reversed and markets in East and South East Asia are becoming increasingly open. This openness is both a willing embrace of outside investment and a less willing acceptance of external pressures. This paper reviews the changes taking place and concludes that those retailers taking advantage of the opportunities are faced with a variety of problems. Indeed, it would seem that the removal of international trade barriers simply leads to their replacement with more difficult domestic market policies.  相似文献   

Development of alternative fuels and engines in the automotive sector is a requirement for building a sustainable energy policy. However, private consumers' acceptance of technological alternatives to internal combustion engines is still minimal. This study has two objectives. Based on theoretical and empirical findings, this study examines risk-related adoption barriers and their impact upon innovation resistance to sustainable solutions in the automotive sector. In the next step, a cluster analysis leads to various groups of private drivers with reference to the risk dimensions as perceived by consumers in the context of a possible purchase of an NGV. The paper concludes with research and managerial implications as opportunities to address and overcome risk-related adoption barriers and individual consumer's innovation resistance.  相似文献   

Flexible working practices have apparently helped manufacturing industry make productivity improvements over and above the service sector. These manning practices may offer opportunities for the hotel industry to improve its own productivity and at the same time counter the industry's reputation for providing poor conditions of employment. This article discusses the results of research conducted in two large hotels into the attitudes of management and employees to the introduction of such practices. Although some barriers to flexible working are identified, the research also highlights that opportunities do exist for successful implementation of these approaches. However, the major obstacle in adopting flexible working would appear to be the management culture of the hotels studied and the industry in general.  相似文献   

外部需求衰退与代工企业自创品牌   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在国际需求衰退的背景下,我国的代工企业面临着如何在外部需求衰退的约束下实现产业升级的新问题。外部需求衰退固然给代工企业生产经营带来困难,但这一外生冲击也在开拓市场、突破进入壁垒、获取营销渠道等方面给其自创品牌带来机遇。此外,代工企业品牌策略的成功还取决于企业自身效率、学习能力、资本和技术积累等多种因素。文章用韩国三星电子在亚洲金融危机中实现品牌成长的案例进行了说明,并分析了代工向自创品牌的转化条件。  相似文献   

WTO与中国会计信息服务市场发展策略   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
中国加入WTO,将直接融入国际经济一体化的进程中,对会计行业而言,入世就意味着开放会计信息服务市场.WTO关于会计服务贸易的相关规定,要求中国所有的会计服务壁垒都需清除。中国会计服务业(注册会计师行业)在走向世界的同时,世界也将走进中国,中国会计信息服务市场国际化势在必行,这将使中国会计信息服务市场的职业环境发生巨大的变化,机遇与挑战并存。中国的注册会计师行业要在激烈的国际竞争中求得生存与发展,加强会计信息服务市场的规范化建设显得尤为重要与紧迫。  相似文献   

There have been many changes occurring in Asian business and management over the past two decades. One such change has been the role and position of women, both in the workforce and in management. Asian economies have experienced rapid growth in recent years, which may have had some effect on women's career opportunities in management. This contribution adopts a holistic approach to examine whether women in these Asian countries have experienced a greater acceptance of their participation in management or whether significant barriers remain.  相似文献   

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