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企业品牌延伸的误区有三个,即企业过度进行品牌延伸、企业盲目进行品牌延伸、企业不合理地进行非相关品牌延伸。企业进行品牌延伸的合理导向是:以符合核心价值为导向、以必要的关联度为导向。  相似文献   

本文认为,品牌延伸是品牌管理的重要组成部分,也是市场营销的重要手段。体育用品品牌延伸在给体育用品制造企业带来利益的同时,又具有较大的风险。文章提出,为规避体育用品品牌延伸风险,提高体育用品品牌延伸效益,应从实际出发,借鉴国内外企业规避品牌延伸风险的成功经验,正确认识现有体育用品品牌,选择强势体育用品品牌进行延伸;进行市场定位,界定体育用品品牌的适用范围;确保品牌延伸产品的相关性和兼容性,提高品牌延伸成功率;有效控制体育用品品牌延伸,避免品牌延伸过度。  相似文献   

正确理解品牌延伸的内涵   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
品牌延伸是企业界对品牌资源进行开发利用最常用的策略。品牌延伸是一个品牌外延扩展的概念。企业只有正确地理解品牌延伸这个概念的内涵.才能制定合理的品牌延伸策略、有效地避开品牌延伸的风险、充分发挥出品牌资源的最大优势。  相似文献   

曹艳爱 《商业时代》2008,(11):25-26
品牌延伸策略既能为企业带来潜在竞争优势,又可能给企业带来经营风险。成功进行品牌延伸一直是企业一大风险。本文认为决定品牌延伸成败的两大关键因素是:树立一个核心品牌以及在品牌延伸时要恪守延伸产品与核心品牌的相似性。文中以家电企业为例进行论证。  相似文献   

品牌延伸是目前企业进行产品延伸的重要方式。跨性别品牌延伸是基于母品牌形象的延伸产品,企业通过这种方式能在尽快占领市场份额的同时将自身品牌形象进行进一步的固化。本文旨在对"跨性别品牌延伸"这一概念进行界定,从概念层面出发,探究影响跨性别品牌延伸效果的影响因素,在实践上为企业科学有效进行跨性别品牌延伸提供理论与实践指导。  相似文献   

品牌延伸是企业品牌运作实践中的一种普遍现象,是公司推出新产品、不断积累和扩大品牌资产的重要手段.以解析新东方前途出国的困境为切入点,结合品牌延伸的消费者心理基础阐明了消费者动因悖论的产生原因;进而分析了进行品牌延伸的其他支持因素;最后以品牌自身、企业实力和延伸品牌支持层面出发,分别提出了品牌延伸的建议.  相似文献   

品牌延伸是饭店集团品牌运营的重要手段之一,我国有实力的饭店集团进行了不同程度的品牌延伸尝试。首先分析饭店集团实施品牌延伸的动因,接着对目前我国饭店集团品牌延伸的基本现状及其原因进行了梳理,最后针对性地提出了提升我国饭店集团品牌延伸效果的对策。  相似文献   

品牌延伸的适度原则   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
陈勇星 《商业时代》2003,(15):43-44
品牌延伸是企业界对品牌资源进行开发利用最常用的策略。品牌的延伸不是无限的,而是有一定限度和条件的。企业只有把握住适度原则,品牌延伸才能有效地避开风险、充分发挥出品牌资源的最大优势。  相似文献   

周云  刘瑞涵 《商业研究》2006,(22):118-120
品牌资产除了具有核心机理形成的价值以外,其它的价值实现均来自品牌的延伸。因此,品牌延伸问题的研究一直是品牌界理论和实践研究的重要方向,同时也是品牌机理研究中不能回避的问题。但品牌延伸的研究始终滞后于品牌本质的研究。因此,基于品牌本质研究发展的前沿认识,通过对品牌延伸的产生展条件进行规范分析,得出品牌延伸机理作用发生发展的条件结论,并提出了相关的品牌延伸评价框架,以及品牌延伸的关联转移的研究范式。  相似文献   

品牌延伸战略是品牌战略的一部分,凯文·凯勒认为“品牌延伸是一个公司利用一个已建立的品牌推出一个新的产品”,这从行为角度解释了品牌延伸战略需要做什么。业内对于品牌延伸的相关问题进行了大量讨论,关于老字号品牌延伸的讨论相对较少,多数集中于老字号品牌延伸利弊分析和单一的影响因素,缺少对老字号特质进行挖掘的研究内容。本文将从差异化角度分析老字号作为一类特殊品牌,和其他品牌相比,在品牌延伸领域所具有的独特优势和同质化劣势。  相似文献   

赵卫红 《中国市场》2008,(19):38-40
成功的品牌延伸能使品牌资产得到充分利用,并在利用中增值。但是品牌延伸存在诸多风险,这些风险是导致延伸失败的根源。为了化解品牌延伸中的风险,企业首先要选择恰当的延伸模式和延伸时间,同时要避开种种误区,并针对四大风险,采取相应的防范对策。  相似文献   

Prior studies on attitudes towards brand extensions focus mainly on the effects of the perceived fit between the brand extension and the extension category. This exploratory paper contributes by describing two studies of how the following four extension category characteristics affect consumers' attitudes towards brand extensions: (1) the awareness set size; (2) the perceived similarity among existing brands; (3) the perceived category familiarity; and (4) overall category attitudes. Results from two studies suggest that consumers evaluate brand extensions more favorably when the awareness set size is small or when their attitude towards the extension category is favorable. Consequently, brand managers must analyze the extension category carefully when developing brand extensions.  相似文献   

This research introduces the concept of brand association centrality and distinguishes central brand associations (CBAs) and peripheral brand associations (PBAs). Study 1 shows that the consistency with CBAs and PBAs influences perceived brand extension fit. However, the brand extension consistency with CBAs positively affects consumer–brand extension evaluations, while the brand extension consistency with PBAs does not have a significant effect. Study 2 demonstrates the mediating role of perceived fit between brand extension consistency with CBAs and brand extension evaluations. The study shows that the more inconsistent the product extension is with CBAs, the more the brand's image is altered and the faster brand evaluations deteriorate. In contrast, the brand extension inconsistency with PBAs does not affect brand evaluations.  相似文献   

A two levels of product similarity times two levels of brand image consistency times three levels of ownerships factorial experiment was designed to explore the ownership effects when consumers evaluate brand extensions and judge parent brand after receiving brand extension information. Evidence shows that ownership effects do exist in both extension and parent brand evaluations. Brand image consistency is the most influential factor for parent brand owners while product similarity is more important factor for non-users in attitude formation towards the extension. The owners of competitive brands favor low image consistency extension more than high image consistency extension. Furthermore, there is an interaction effect between brand image consistency and product similarity for brand owners, whereas this effect is non-existent for non-owners and non-users. This again shows that brand owners care much more about brand image consistency than other consumer groups do. In evaluating a parent brand, owners and non-owners differ. The authors draw the conclusion that consumers’ brand extension evaluation is more like a “benefit oriented” process rather than a “pure affect transfer” process.  相似文献   

品牌识别与品牌形象是品牌的两个侧面,品牌识别由品牌商标、语言、符号等组成,传达品牌价值、利益和个性,品牌形象则是存在于消费者心智中的主观感知,是消费者对品牌的认知、评价和态度的综合。因此,品牌识别与品牌形象是品牌的两个侧面。文章对品牌识别和品牌形象的概念进行了理清之后,在品牌识别过程模型基础上,将可控的品牌关系取代传播环境作为品牌形象综合传播过程的外生变量,完成对Kapferer和Coop提出的传播模型的修正。修正模型存在以下启示:对品牌裂缝的属性认知更加清晰;为进一步研究品牌裂缝的影响因子提供了方向;为缩小甚至消除品牌裂缝,提升品牌忠诚度提供了解决思路。  相似文献   

This paper investigates how advertisements for extensions contribute to consumers’ attitudes towards new line and brand extensions of highly familiar brands. We investigate the relative importance of attitude toward the advertisement (Aad), parent brand quality, and fit between the extension and the parent brand for extension evaluations with a sample of 754 Belgians. Hierarchical regressions showed that Aad is the major influencer of extension evaluation. The importance of Aad, quality, and fit on extension evaluation is moderated by extension type (line or brand extension), advertising strategy (informational, positive emotional, negative emotional), and product involvement (low or high involvement). Quality transfer from the parent brand was more outspoken for line than for brand extensions; Aad was relatively more important for low product involvement and fit for high involvement conditions. Informational appeals, compared to emotional appeals, reduced the effects of parent brand quality and fit, but Aad was all the more important.  相似文献   

网络环境下的品牌溢价效应的影响因素研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在虚拟网络环境下,产品信息通过网络快速传播,海量的网络信息使得那些非知名的品牌被淹没在信息海洋中。本文通过对品牌及品牌溢价的理论知识介绍,得出品牌作为产品的标志是可以溢价的。在分析传统环境下对品牌溢价影响因素的基础上,详细分析了网络环境下的影响因素,并提出了提升网络环境下品牌溢价的策略,为企业的实际营销活动提供参考。  相似文献   

Upward line extension is a significant strategy for enterprise brand management and market expansion. However, a new status product launched by a non-status brand through upward line extension inevitably forms a competitive relationship with the status product launched by a status brand. Based on the categorization theory, this study explores the influence of status product type (non-extended status product, upward-extended status product) on consumer responses and its potential psychological mechanisms. Furthermore, it examines the moderating role of power distance belief (PDB) in the relationship between status product type and consumer responses. The results indicate that consumers develop lower product evaluations and purchase intentions for upward-extended status products compared to non-extended status products (Studies 1, 2a, 2b, and 2c). Perceived fit and signaling effectiveness mediate the effect of status product type on consumer responses (Study 1). More importantly, PDB moderates the effect of status product type on consumer responses, as high-PDB consumers respond similarly to upward-extended and non-extended status products, whereas low-PDB consumers respond more negatively to upward-extended status products compared to non-extended status products (Studies 2a, 2b, and 2c). Perceived fit and signaling effectiveness mediate the interaction effect between PDB and status product type on consumer responses (Studies 2a and 2b). This study augments the literature on vertical brand extension and PDB, and provides practical guidance for marketers intending to launch upward line extension.  相似文献   

品牌形象评价方法研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
品牌形象是一个抽象的概念,是由多方面因素构成。从品牌形象的内涵和消费者角度来分析研究品牌形象的构成要素,品牌形象主要是由企业形象、产品形象、符号形象、传播形象四大部分构成。由此,建立了品牌形象评价指标体系,从而提出品牌形象的二级模糊综合评价方法。  相似文献   

Organisations frequently follow brand extension strategies. This paper investigates the impact of category similarity, brand reputation, perceived risk and consumer innovativeness on the success of brand extensions in FMCG, durable goods and services sectors. A set of hypotheses were developed and tested in a study amongst 701 consumers. The findings show that extensions into categories more similar to the original brand tend to be more readily accepted. Likewise, the reputation of the original brand is an important factor influencing the success of the extension. These findings are consistent across FMCG, durable goods and services brands. However, perceived risk about the extension category was only found to enhance acceptability of extensions for durable goods and services brands. Innovative consumers are more positively disposed towards service brand extensions than FMCG and durable goods brand extensions.  相似文献   

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