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丁立国 《中国商人》2023,(5):146-147
<正>企业做到行业头部,是对多年奋斗的一种奖励,但并不代表你成功了。我现在还不能叫成功,还在奋斗的路上,我周围的人都是成功的人,他们也都还在努力。我们是行业里民营企业用职业团队用得最好的公司之一。我认为职业团队非常关键,要把专业的事情交给专业的人来做,做到分工细致。大学教育就是这样,有学炼铁的、有学炼钢的、有学轧钢的、有学管理的、有学人事的,方方面面都要把人员配备得很专业。  相似文献   

<正>"打工打工,到老一场空",无数事实说明,打工是挣钱,而不是赚钱,很多打工者辛苦大半辈子还是买不起房,因此无法融入城市的生活,从哪来回哪去。你是否还在为辛苦劳动一年讨不到工钱而苦恼;你是否想通过自己的努力过上一生都衣食无忧的生活;你是否想拥有一个体面轻松的职业以及月入几万的技  相似文献   

王石 《创业家》2009,(11):16-17
要想把公司成功地交出去,就先得把那些职业经理人不可能搞定的"雷"处理掉首先,我不是很赞同你提问的表述。如果如你所述,所谓的创业者就是给些股权来扮演你之前的角色,这其实没有抓住问题的要点。现在,不管是你接着做,还是让儿子、职业经理人接班都不能算做创业了,你不能创到60岁还创业啊。  相似文献   

如果你同时拥有北京大学和北京理工大学两所名牌大学的学士学位。你还愿意去做那些帮别人照顾老人、小孩、做做饭、打扫一下卫生的保姆活吗?也许.你会认为那都是一些既无学历也没有任何技术的人干的.自己干太掉价了。然而.拥有以上两个学位的黄跃佳.却偏偏选择了这个让人瞧不起的职业。他不仅干好了.而且还好得先后两届国务院副总理专程到他创办的公司视察……  相似文献   

<正> 营销,中国人以前喜欢叫"做生意"、"跑销售",是最古老的职业之一,也是风险最高的职业之一。意外对不少营销人来说很常见,这里我们无意罗列营销人生可能发生的种种意外。我们希望从三大最主要的意外着手,提醒营销人:你今天拥有的一切,明天可能丧失殆尽,面对这些意外、你除了欲哭无泪,还能够做些什么?必须做些什么?营销人生的三大意外是:意外失去好工作伙伴、公司发生意外变故、客户发生意外。  相似文献   

你有了不一样的知识结构和专业能力,并且能适应变化的工作环境,你就会比别人更有可能成功。.职业发展对于所有人来说都是一个历久弥新的话题。一个职业做久了,会形成一些资本,而这些资本则会帮助员工形成属于自己的竞争优势,使其不断地向前发展,进而实现最终的职业理想。同时,员工的职业资本也是企业的竞争力。当今社会的发展瞬息万变,促进职业发展的积极因素都有哪些?如何有效地积累职业资本?埃森哲近期发布了《职业资本》报告,该报告指出,“职业资本”是指能够界定并且促进个人职业发展的差异化技能,全球有超过89%的职业女性和几乎等比例的男性受访者均认为,积累职业资本是职场成功的关键。  相似文献   

关于职业发展有许多很深沉的话题,最近一位记者采访我提出了这个话题。记者的问题是:你遇到过职业发展停滞期吗?在这个停滞期里最常见的情绪是什么,你怎么调节自己的情绪?遇到停滞期你是换一个企业重新发展,还是在原来的企业继续耗着等待机会?这几个问题的重量足以将我打懵,但我感觉还可以应  相似文献   

阿丁 《商业时代》2005,(28):74-75
我1968年当驾驶员,至今已有37年驾龄了。当初,司机是个“吃香喝辣”的职业,人人见了你都会喊一声“师傅”,眼神中充满着尊敬,连那些不爱理睬人的女孩也常对你飞媚眼。有人要搭“便车”,你想吸烟,他会给你点上送到嘴边;想吃饭,早就给你张罗下了,其实花的钱早已超过了车票钱。一些人还时不时给你送礼,进行所谓“感情投资”,以便  相似文献   

<正>蠢事之一:你认为把分内的事儿干好了就足够了。错了!千万别把“一心低头干活,却不抬头看路”当成是你工作的指南。无论干什么工作,你要弄清楚工作是不能脱离开工作环境而存在的。虽然你已经很尽心尽力的将手头的工作完成了,但这还远远不够。从如何面对一些小小的争执、如何对待办公室里每周  相似文献   

人们为什么会关注你,媒介为什么要报道你,因为你的职位,因为你的业绩,因为你在业界的影响力。身为职业经理人,塑造个人形象的时候,要时刻牢记,把自己放在职业的框架里,而不要把自己放在企业、职业之外或者企业和职业之上考虑……职业经理人这个词应该是这样念的:职业——经理——人!  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
《Business History》2012,54(1):160-182
The rise of graduate business schools occurred during a period of enormous growth, followed by dramatic decline in the fortunes of American business. Because so many M.B.A.-educated executives had difficulty managing their companies' response to dramatic changes in markets and technology, this study examines how business education has influenced managerial attitude and practices. Columbia and Harvard Business Schools were examined to see how, as well, their educational approaches provided managers with the skills, information and confidence to make both entrepreneurial and operational decisions. Both schools effectively prepared their graduates for operational decisions, but did not successfully provide their managers with the skills and knowledge to facilitate entrepreneurial decisions. Moreover, the study also found that American business was not actively engaged in the direction of graduate business education. Thus, the reliance of American business upon graduate business schools may have had consequences for America's business.  相似文献   

高职毕业生创业竞争力的构成要素包括较强的创业基本能力、良好的创业心理品质、较强的创业实践能力及较高的综合素质能力等.高职院校应采取各种措施,通过更新就业观念,打造创业教育体系及创设实践环境等,增强高职学生的创业能力,提高学生的创业竞争力.  相似文献   

随着高校毕业生就业形势的日趋严峻,加上国家、社会和高校对大学生创业支持力度的加大,越来越多的大学生开始了自主创业,而连锁加盟凭借其在中国的蓬勃发展和自身独特的经营优势,成为大学生创业首选的一种新模式。通过问卷调查实证分析了温州地区连锁加盟店铺的经营特点,该创业模式对缺少资金、技术和管理经验的大学毕业生具有很强的吸引力,由此推断大学生采取连锁加盟方式创业的具有可行性。  相似文献   

More and more is heard from scholars, accrediting institutions, and the business world about the importance of developing critical thinking and written communication skills in college graduates. This is perhaps especially true, in a business school, for international business graduates who lack a traditional functional major. Often, the development of these skills is thought best accomplished through courses that integrate knowledge, take a problem-based approach, and include a signature work for each student. In this article, we discuss one institution’s international business capstone course, illustrating how it adheres to these ideals. From the standpoint of informal assessment, we discuss how student results from the course are used to tweak feeder courses to the capstone. We also discuss the more formal assessment of the course learning objectives, which we are just beginning.  相似文献   

In this essay I show that business needs business school graduates who are capable of ethical business action. Thus, business ethics courses should help students develop the capacities and skills they will need to act ethically at work. Towards this developmental end, I list eight steps business ethicists can take to implement service learning in their courses. I show how service learning in the classroom can be combined with a college honorary program to promote ethical business actions in students.  相似文献   


Two Delphi studies were conducted to identify international business competencies required for all baccalaureate graduates of a school of business. Business school administrators and international business instructors composed the two panels. These panels validated and ranked fifty international business topics, divided into ten competency areas, for importance for inclusion in the curriculum for all business students. The experts also suggested a level of competency for each topic.  相似文献   

A longitudinal survey of business graduates over a four-year period revealed stability over time in their assessments of proposals to improve business ethics except for significantly greater disapproval of government regulation. A comparison of graduates and executives indicate both favor developing general ethical business principles, business ethics courses, and codes of ethics, while disapproving government regulation and participation by religious leaders in ethical norms for business. The mean rankings by business graduates over time of factors influencing ethical conduct show significant declines in school-university training and significant increases for religious training and industry practices. Graduates and executives rank family training as the most important influence and school-university training as least important. The authors conclude that a more careful consideration be given to matching reform proposals and influence factors, and to increasing the depth of change efforts in individual business ethics. Peter Arlow is Associate Professor of Management at Youngstown State University, Youngstown, Ohio 44555, U.S.A., where he teaches MBA and undergraduate management courses. His previous publications have appeared in the Academy of Management Review, Business Horizons, Long-Range Planning, and other journals. Thomas A. Ulrich is Professor of Accounting at Loyola College in Maryland. He received his doctorate from Michigan State University and is a Certified Management Accountant as well as a Chartered Financial Analyst. Dr. Ulrich has published previously in the Journal of Accountancy, Management Accounting, The Internal Auditor, Journal of Commercial Bank Lending, Bankers Magazine, The Magazine of Bank Administration, Journal of Small Business Management and the American Journal of Small Business.  相似文献   

以安徽商贸职业技术学院为例,对安徽省商贸类高职毕业生的供给和近百家用人单位的需求进行了对比分析,得出结论:供给与需求结构性矛盾是当前“就业难”与“用工荒”的主要矛盾。因此,毕业生、学校、企业应多管齐下,毕业生要有从基层做起的意识,要加强自身学习,在就业区域的选择上要综合考虑;学校应加大专业调整与建设的力度,同时加强与企业的深度合作;企业也应改善毕业生的工作和生活环境,关心员工的发展。  相似文献   

This paper examines the relationship between knowledge spillovers from universities and new business location in high-technology sectors. We focus on the contribution to new business formation through spillovers stemming from three main university outputs: knowledge-based graduates, research activities, and technological knowledge. We construct a new dataset with information on 604 companies and 63 universities in Spain and group the data across 36 geographical areas from 2001 to 2004 (144 observations). After controlling for several traditional cost factors and agglomeration characteristics, we find that university spillovers are relevant in explaining the location of new businesses in high-technology sectors in Spain. Further, our analysis draws attention to the relevance of graduates as the main source of spillovers, while research activities and university technology do not have significant effects.  相似文献   

The tendency of American business schools to teach a "universal" set of ethical standards and managerial perspectives can have a serious impact on the business practices of new graduates as well as on the success of companies desiring to do business globally. We need to become more sensitive to other cultural/ethical approaches and to sensitize our business students to them early in their academic process in order to encourage the use of common-norming to attain mutual economic benefit. We can understand this process through the application of anthropological principles to ethical constructs.  相似文献   

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