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对蔬菜水果中农药残留的检测方法进行了分析,基于气相色谱法GC/ECD技术,利用FlorisilSPE净化柱对检测方法进行改善,对白菜、黄瓜和苹果3种样品中氟虫腈农药、氟啶脲农药、二甲戊灵农药、虫螨腈农药、哒螨灵农药和苯醚甲环唑农药的残留量进行了检测验证。检测结果表明,净化能力和回收率提升都较为显著。  相似文献   

目的:采用气相色谱法对蔬菜水果中多种农药残留量同时进行测定。方法:经预处理之后的样品,采用气相色谱法对其含有的农药残留量进行测定。结果:0.05~10 mg/L范围内5种农药具有良好的线性关系,甲草胺、乙草胺、苯氧菊酯方法检出限0.04 mg/kg,多效唑0.1 mg/kg,环氧菌胺0.02 mg/kg,回收率80.0%~93.5%,RSD为1.8%~4.7%,与蔬菜中农药残留检测要求相符合。结论:采用气相色谱法同时测定蔬菜水果中多种农药残留量,方法十分适用,且步骤简单,灵敏度、回收率高,准确性、精密度好。  相似文献   

为降低葡萄籽提取物中农药残留,本文采用不同型号的活性炭对葡萄籽提取物进行农药残留的去除实验。活性炭去除农残实验结果表明,活性炭对一些农药具有良好的吸附能力。葡萄籽提取物中嘧菌酯、啶酰菌胺、烯酰吗啉、环酰菌胺、戊唑醇、腈菌唑、异丙菌胺、甲霜灵和邻苯二甲酰亚胺9种残留农药,去除范围在20.70%~89.04%。正交实验筛选影响因素,实验结果表明:活性炭的型号对农药残留的去除效果影响最大,活性炭的搅拌时间对农药残留去除效果影响不明显。  相似文献   

研究了经不同的施药处理及加工工艺后的菠菜,毒死蜱在其中的残留降解情况。结果表明:毒死蜱在推荐使用浓度下,即稀释2000倍、施药一次、14d后采收及稀释3000倍、施药两次、7d后采收的菠菜原料,经过热烫后,用紫外线、5mg/kg O3及0.3mL/L H2O2联合处理30min,用气相色谱检测其中的毒死蜱残留,残留量〈0.01mg/kg,能达到出口日本的要求。  相似文献   

欧洲标准一向被视为国际上对环境保护和健康要求最高的标准,2014年7月下旬,欧盟委员会健康与消费者总司修改了第(EC)No396/2005号法规中有关二氯丙烯、甲羧除草醚、精二甲吩草胺、调环酸、甲苯氟磺胺及氟乐灵等6种农药的最大残留限量(MRL),又一次抬高了食品的市场准入要求。这意味着从法规开始生效之日起即2015年元月左右,向欧盟出口农食产品的企业将会面临检验成本的上升、农残壁垒提高等诸多考验。本文从农食产品领域公认的国际标准、其他国家标准,  相似文献   

探讨采用气相色谱-质谱法分析葡萄酒中33种农药残留。按照我国国标GB 2763-2012《食品安全国家标准食品中农药的最大残留限量》的方法,选取本公司2016年5月4日-5月6日的3个批次的葡萄酒进行农药残留的测定,采用丙酮/二氯甲烷超声提取,气相色谱-质谱法检测器对3批样品进行33种农药残留的检测。分析的3个批次的葡萄酒均没有检测到33种农药残留。采用气相色谱-质谱法检测葡萄酒中的33种农药残留,3个批次的葡萄酒均符合国家标准,未检出农药残留。  相似文献   

浸出油中以低键烷烃类化合物为主要成分的六号溶剂的残留对产品的流变学、色泽、气味、氧化稳定性等理化性质产生重大影响,同时其毒性也对油脂的食用安全性构成潜在威胁。本文建立了顶空采样用气相色谱氢火焰离子化检测器检测食用油中的六号溶剂残留量。实验表明本方法操作简单,准确度和精密度较高均符合检测要求,回收率小于95%,RSD小于10%。  相似文献   

为了适应农药残留分析高灵敏度和快速性的趋势与要求,本方法选取农产品中具有代表性的苹果、梨、木耳、黄瓜、土豆、菠菜、西红柿作为基质,用QuEChERS-气相色谱-质谱法测定其中的有机磷、有机氯、拟除虫菊酯、氨基甲酸酯类等143种农药及其代谢物残留量。检出限LOD为0.002 mg/kg,定量限LOQ为0.005 mg/kg;各农药标准溶液在0.005 mg/L0.1 mg/L范围内与响应值(定量离子峰面积)有良好的线性关系;采用各基质进行了3个添加水平10平行的回收率试验,回收率为81.4%103.9%,RSD≤10.4%。本方法快速简便、经济高效,且具有较高的灵敏度,适用于农产品中农药残留的日常检测和快速筛查。  相似文献   

为了解鲁南地区蔬菜中农药残留状况及居民膳食风险水平,研究2016年在鲁南地区的蔬菜种植基地和蔬菜批发市场采集的401个蔬菜样品,按照NY/T 761-2008的方法检测蔬菜样品中的23种残留农药情况,并结合城市居民蔬菜消费情况和食品安全指数法评估鲁南地区居民在蔬菜中摄入的农药风险。结果:2016年鲁南地区抽检的蔬菜中农药残留检测合格率达99.5%,农药超标的为叶菜类和白菜类蔬菜;各类农药中,氯氰菊酯的检出率最高,毒死蜱和百菌清出现超标现象;抽检蔬菜中检出农药的慢性膳食暴露评估显示,百菌清的日摄入量相对较高,但所有检测农药的食品安全指数值均小于1。结论:鲁南地区蔬菜农药残留量的安全风险均在可接受范围之内,百菌清是潜在的风险因子。  相似文献   

"绿色壁垒"攻略   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
林杰 《大经贸》2002,(6):76-78
在天津东港海关,2002年第一季度农产品退运共92票、总价值138万美元,比去年同期增长12票、4万美元。而在浙江,只因部分冻虾仁中查到了10亿分之0.2克的氯霉素,以个大味鲜闻名海内外的浙江舟山冻虾仁被欧洲一些公司退了货,并要求索赔。1月25日,欧盟方面作出停止进口我国的动物源性食品的决定。3月1日,日本以大蒜农药残留超标为  相似文献   

红心猕猴桃是我国特有品种,为保障猕猴桃进出口安全和增强国际市场竞争力,为口岸监管执法提供理论依据,本研究通过ICP-MS对不同产地红心猕猴桃中22种矿物质元素进行测定,并运用主成分分析法对矿质元素含量进行分析和综合评价。结果表明,所测定22种矿质元素共检出19种,其平均含量由高到低依次为K>Ca>Mg>Na>Mn>Fe>Cu>Zn>Sr>Pb>Ba>Ti>Cr>Sn>As>Co>V>Cd>Tl,不同产地间Cd和Co差异较大,K和Mg差异较小,此外,所检出的Pb、Cd、As、Sn和Cr重金属元素含量均符合国家规定。经过分析得出4个主成分,累积方差贡献率为80.7%,可代表红心猕猴桃矿质元素的80.7%信息量,其特征元素为Ca、Mg、V、Mn和Cu。11个产地红心猕猴桃中南丹矿质元素综合得分最高,其红心猕猴桃矿质元素含量较为丰富,其次是雅安、周至和苍溪,修文综合得分最低。  相似文献   

张桂梅 《商业研究》2004,(8):129-131
欧盟是我国的第三大贸易伙伴 ,是我国重要的商品出口市场。随着美国经济的减缓、日本经济的下滑 ,进一步扩大欧盟市场对于促进中国对外贸易发展具有十分重要的战略意义。但欧盟作为世界上最发达的区域性经济集团 ,保护性措施很多 ,严重阻碍了中国对欧盟出口贸易的发展。  相似文献   

Injury is the leading cause of death for children 0- 19 years of age in Europe, accounting for 3.1 deaths per 10 000 children per year. The youngest children of the ages 0-4 years require the most protection in this age group, with 2.5 injury-related deaths per 10 000 children in Europe annually. As parents are the primary caregivers of children, it is necessary to learn more about parents' perceptions, attitudes and behaviours towards child safety. This study presents the findings of a 14-country study in Europe on this theme. A quantitative survey of parents of children aged 5 years or under was performed in 14 EU member states in order to enable better targeting of prevention efforts aimed at educating parents. The total sample size was 2088. The results show that 95% of parents reported that they personally take measures to avoid accidental injury to their children. Their top concern with regard to safety of their children was children being hit by a car. The most common response, when asked why some parents find it difficult to protect their children from accidental injury, was not being able to watch their children constantly. Lack of awareness or knowledge about the causes of accidents was the second response. Two-thirds of parents would like to see more help from the government to prevent childhood injuries. Three-quarters of parents agreed that child injuries can be avoided. It was concluded that parents want to be better informed about the causes of child accidents and about actions they and society can take to reduce injury-related risks to children.  相似文献   

On 6 July 2017, after four years of negotiation, the EU reached an agreement with Japan over the main elements of a comprehensive free trade agreement. The breakthrough came at a time when progress on multilateral trade negotiations at the global level seemed out of reach and EU bilateral trade agreements faced strong public opposition. This paper examines the content of the new agreement with a view to global trade dynamics and assesses its main trade policy implications.  相似文献   

欧盟是当今世界上最发达的区域经济集团,同时又是我国出口贸易三个主要的区域市场之一欧洲市场的主体。当前,美国经济减缓,日本经济下滑,我国与欧盟贸易成为我国对外贸易发展的一个重要因素。目前欧盟已成为我国最大的贸易伙伴,但同时两个经济体之间也出现了越来越多的贸易摩擦。鉴于欧盟经济非单一的国别经济,本文试将欧盟分成若干经济板块,联系各个板块的特点分析中欧贸易摩擦状况,进一步探究目前贸易摩擦频发的经济根源,并提出相应的对策建议。  相似文献   

Housework, in particular related to food preparation, has received little attention. Tasks are performed in line with gender stereotypes which are culturally specific and change with time. A comparison has been made between the domestic tasks and behaviours and attitudes related to food in young people in Japan and England. Gender stereotyping was apparent in both countries to a remarkable and fairly similar degree (very few children thought that men should have responsibility for tasks related to food) although many aspects were different; English children were more involved in preparing food and fewer Japanese children claimed to like cooking. Fewer Japanese boys (almost half) than English boys (14%) helped to clear up after meals. Almost all Japanese children ate sitting at a table compared with about 75% of English children for whom it was more common to have to be careful to keep their mouths closed when eating. Japanese culture however, does seem to be becoming more Westernized. Even ‘liberated women’ and ‘new age men’ may acquiesce to a degree of stereotyping in order to ensure that their children are ‘normal’. Curiously, the high media attention given to food and food preparation does not seem to be resulting in increased involvement in cooking by young people. This lack of involvement by young people in food preparation may have consequences for nutritional skills and so compromise health in later life.  相似文献   

EurepGAP是针对近年来频繁发生的食品安全问题而制定的一套农产品质量安全认证体系。随着欧盟市场的扩大和EurepGAP认证的普及,我国农产品受EurepGAP的影响也会更加突出。EurepGAP以维护消费者利益,提高食品供应链的安全性为立足点,具有一定的合理性,但在我国目前较低的农业生产技术及生产环境下,要达到其要求还存在相当的难度。本文就EurepGAP对我国农产品出口贸易的影响进行了论述,并以我国农业发展的现状为出发点,就如何应对EurepGAP以促进我国农业出口健康发展提出了建议和对策。  相似文献   

The EU faces maybe to the greatest challenges in its history. The paper deals with the idea of analysing the sub‐regional organisation Visegrad Group Visegrad 4 (V4) and its role in the new EU‐27 before and after Brexit. For realisation of this scope, six representative economic indicators are taken into consideration. The data analysis procedure covers latest 10 years meaning 2010–19. In order to support the analysis in the paper, first objective has the building a hypothetic optimal database which has to cover the above six indicators related to EU‐28 and V4. Second objective is relate to the performances quantification of each EU and V4’s economy based on a separately analyse. Final and the major objective is that V4 is able to face to the new global and regional challenges. The analysis in the paper is based on two new models. First of them is a regional development radiography model based on a hexagon diagram. The second is a regional evolution model based on a matrix approach. Both proposed models have distinct hypotheses, which are finally valid by the analysis. The paper puts into discussion five objectives and succeeds in achieving them. The main conclusion of the paper is that V4 is and will continue to be a growth pole for the EU economy. It would be supported by the EU in order to implement policies able to manage better employment.  相似文献   

The focus of our analysis is on how the UK government's proposed Brexit deal is likely to affect the economy. First, we assess how trade, migration, foreign direct investment, productivity and contributions to the EU budget might change by reviewing current proposals against historical evidence. Second, we use the National Institute Global Econometric Model (NiGEM) to analyse the macroeconomic effects. Our assessment is that trade with the EU, especially in services, would be more costly after Brexit. This would be likely to have adverse effects on living standards in the UK. Our central estimate is that if the government's proposed Brexit deal is implemented, then GDP in the longer term will be around 3% lower per head than it would have been had the UK stayed in the EU. If the UK were to stay in a customs union with the EU, or if the Irish backstop position was to be invoked, there would still be a hit to GDP per capita of 2%. These estimates represent our considered view of the economic impact of the government's proposed Brexit deal, but they are themselves uncertain as there is no historical precedent of a country leaving a major trading block such as the EU.  相似文献   

Trade dynamics within the EU are presently pushing it towards deepening globalisation through bilateral comprehensive trade agreements which establish far-reaching rules that govern the bilateral trade relationship. The European Commission has defended these agreements as a vehicle through which to promote world trade in accordance with European values and norms. However, the theory of fiscal federalism and the principle of subsidiarity tell us that one should not centralise decisions at the supranational level which are better taken at the national or regional level when there are different preferences among countries or regions. Consequently, member state and regional competences ought not to be perceived as a mere obstacle to swift trade deals. Rather, they can provide an important checks and balances function with regard to whether EU trade policy is truly working to condition globalisation according to European values and preferences.  相似文献   

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