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This study analyzed the role of financial literacy as a mediator between financial education and sound personal finance to assess how financial education affects the soundness of personal finance. In particular, this study conducted three sets of mediation analyses using data from the 2014 Consumer Empowerment Index survey of the Korea Consumer Agency to verify whether the mediating relationship is valid across different income classes of the Korean population. The results suggest that financial literacy works as a mediator between financial education and sound personal finance in the high‐income class and the middle‐income classes. Therefore, policymakers should consider the limitations of financial education and financial literacy when addressing low‐income consumers.  相似文献   

Recent transitions from defined benefit to defined contribution plans assign greater individual responsibility to consumers to prepare for retirement and make consequential financial choices. However, many consumers are ill‐equipped to do so, considering overall low levels of financial literacy. At the same time, there is increasing controversy about the effectiveness of traditional financial education, such as high school financial education, counselling and seminars or workshops. Alternative sources of (just‐in‐time) financial training or advice may be needed to financially empower consumers and help them make important financial decisions. In the light of these developments, this study investigates if consumers perceive personal finance blogs as a helpful alternative in acquiring financial knowledge, and which factors influence perceived helpfulness of and intention to use personal finance blogs. Using Structural Equation Modelling to analyse data from a sample of U.S. consumers, the results of this study uncover that financial literacy and susceptibility to informational influence have a significant positive association with perceived helpfulness. Perceived financial uncertainty, which refers to uncertainty in terms of consumers’ perceived ability to accurately predict their future financial needs, has a significant negative association with perceived helpfulness of and intention to use personal finance blogs. Finally, perceived helpfulness of a personal finance blog is a significant positive predictor of consumers’ intention to use it. Overall, the findings suggest that personal finance blogs are preaching to the choir, since the consumers who are most likely to use personal finance blogs seem to need them the least given their higher levels of financial literacy and lower levels of perceived financial uncertainty. Taken together, the findings shed light on the potential users of personal finance blogs and underline the challenges of a ‘one‐size‐fits‐all’ financial education. This study aids in assessing personal finance blogs as an online resource which is scarcely researched, but which has the potential to provide just‐in‐time financial education to consumers across the world.  相似文献   

Financial literacy has been recognised as a vital life skill, but there is little evidence of the factors behind the differences in managing personal finance. Socio‐economic factors and the provision of financial education do explain the variance in financial literacy in some countries, but not in all. In the PISA 2012 financial literacy test, Estonian students ranked very highly in international comparison; although only a few had received financial education at school. Compared with other countries, socio‐economic factors explained the smallest proportion of variance in the test score. There was, however, a significant difference between the mean financial literacy scores of Estonian‐ and Russian‐language communities. The aim of the article is to analyse the factors behind the differences in financial literacy when financial education is not provided. It also offers insight into how students in a similar education system in two different cultural and language frameworks achieve different financial literacy scores. Moreover, the results demonstrate how indicators, such as family background can work through different channels as opposed to the usual parental education or occupation based socio‐economic indicators. The latter implies that unexplained factors remain, such as cultural, developmental and societal indicators, which most researchers pay little attention to when explaining efficient policies for improving financial literacy. Multivariate regression models show that the level of financial literacy in Estonia is correlated with gender, language of the school, the number of books at home, mathematics and reading scores. The Blinder–Oaxaca decomposition explains less than half of the gap between the two communities. The only variable significantly explaining the gap is the number of books at home. Books can be interpreted as a symbol of social status, evidence of cultural background or source of influence for broader picture and better problem solving skills.  相似文献   

Over one‐quarter of American adults used credit‐based alternative financial services (AFS) in the past five years, which carry a typical APR of 300%. Young adults are especially more likely to use AFS yet are also more likely to be exposed to personal finance education in schools. In this study, I use data from pooled 2012 and 2015 waves of National Financial Capability Study to examine whether state‐mandated financial education impacts young adults' use of AFS. I find that financial education mandates significantly reduced the likelihood and frequency of payday borrowing in particular. Additionally, I show that exposure to required personal finance courses could affect payday borrowing through increased financial literacy and improved financial planning practices. These findings suggest that policymakers and other stakeholders need to understand the full benefits of financial education when making cost–benefit analysis comparisons as to whether or not to implement.  相似文献   

Many researchers have studied and documented the financial literacy of youth. Even more have developed educational programs or curricula to teach financial and consumer issues to youth; however, few have actually evaluated the effectiveness of their programs. The Money Talks: Should I be Listening? curriculum, developed by a University of California Cooperative Extension team, was created to appeal to teenagers as it increased their financial literacy. In order to develop a program that young people would readily use, and from which they would learn, teenagers were surveyed prior to program development to determine the topics that were relevant to them, the educational format that appealed to them, and when and where they preferred to receive the information (Varcoe, Peterson, Garrett, Martin, Rene, & Costello, 2001). This paper discusses the effectiveness of The Money Talks: Should I be Listening? curriculum on the financial knowledge and behaviour of participants using the series. The curriculum was designed for use as a part of school curriculum as well as for presentation in other venues. The findings indicate that using the curriculum did improve the financial literacy of high school students with significant positive changes in both knowledge and behaviour. They have a better understanding of the value of savings and have changed behaviours. It is interesting to note that the males demonstrated a significantly greater increase in knowledge from pre‐test to post‐test than females. Perhaps the females have more interest in or knowledge of financial issues prior to participation in this project? Overall the results of this study are consistent with the findings of others. Research based curricula in personal finance seem to yield results. This age group has specific requirements for method of delivery and location of the seminars suggesting that it is important to keep the materials interactive. To address this issue, a web‐site http:www.moneytalks.ucr.edu was added to the program. Included on the web‐site are interactive games and a video on the importance of saving. The teens are naturally more interested in learning about the consumer and financial issues they perceive as salient in their lives at that particular time. Educators should identify topics of interest to the teens and develop, or use existing, interactive methodology to present the information.  相似文献   

This study analysed the level of financial literacy among university students in Estonia, Germany, Italy, Netherlands, Poland, Romania, Russian Federation and Turkey. The purpose of the study was to determine the level of financial literacy among university students, and to find out the relationship between financial knowledge and demographic characteristics of students. Online survey instrument was used to collect data. 409 fully completed questionnaires were accepted for analysis. Logistic regression was used to analyse of impact of the demographic characteristics on financial literacy. Overall mean of correct answers for the survey was 72.2%. This result represents a medium level of financial literacy about personal finance. Results indicate that male students, business major students, PhD students, those who live in a rental house, those whose parents have high level income, those who get advice on financial matters from their friends, those who took financial course before, those who get financial information about financial issues from university education, and students from Poland are more knowledgeable on personal finance. More financial courses should be provided in university education programmes, which could help more students handle their finances better and improve their financial wellbeing. It should be taken into consideration that in recent years, environmental and technological influences on financial literacy may be more important than parental influence.  相似文献   

随着经济全球化、技术制度革新加快及会计职业本身职业范围的扩大,对会计本科课程设置提出了新的要求。目前,我国会计本科课程偏重技能教育忽视素质教育和职业道德的培养。应增加文科教育课程,开设与企管、财经相关的辩论课或在有关课时中分离出一部分课时作为辩论课,减少会计专业课,增设会计案例课,以培养出符合社会需要的会计人才。  相似文献   

目前,高校金融学专业的课程设置方面仍然存在着缺乏通识教育,课程设置与人才培养目标脱节,选修课开设情况不理想,实习课程效果差强人意等问题。合理的金融学课程设置是培养金融学应用型人才的基础性工程,高校应通过加强通识教育,合理安排理论课与实践课的比例,增设选修课门类等措施,改变现有金融学专业课程设置不合理的现象,构建完善的课程体系,建立适合时代发展需求的金融学人才培养模式。  相似文献   

目前,中高职衔接《外贸函电》课程存在着缺乏统一的课程标准、课程培养目标不协调、课程内容重复等问题。中高职合作开发中高职一体化的课程标准,共同制定系统的课程目标,根据岗位需求开发中高职衔接的《外贸函电》课程内容对于促进职业教育人才培养水平的提高具有积极的现实意义和理论意义。  相似文献   

International business education has as much value as a component of a liberal arts program as it has in a professional business program. At Bucknell University, resource constraints have demanded that an international business course serve a wide variety of students. This article describes the structure and content of such a course and the role it plays in both business and liberal arts curricula. This expanded concept of international business has implications for larger institutions as well as requiring that new research directions be pursued.  相似文献   

Currently, everyone is brandishing financial literacy education as the answer to the global personal financial crisis. However, there are a few advocates against financial literacy education. There is contention whether financial literacy education actually leads to effective financial behaviours. The purpose of this theoretical article is to state the various arguments for and against financial literacy education and suggest possible guidelines for interventions by governments and institutions in an effort to increase financial well‐being. There are no easy answers to this complex problem and financial illiteracy should not be presented as the sole culprit. Basic financial literacy education is needed to manage day‐to‐day finances; however, specialist areas such as investments and retirement planning should be left to professionals. It is suggested that financial literacy education should focus not only on cognitive factors but also on non‐cognitive and affective factors that might override rational decision making.  相似文献   

This study investigated the effects of a financial education program on high school students' knowledge of personal finance. A comparison of pretest and posttest scores achieved on a reliable and valid thirty-item instrument suggested that the Financing Your Future curriculum increased financial knowledge across many concepts. The scores increased regardless of the course in which the curriculum was used and across student characteristics. The assessment contributes to the growing literature showing that a well-specified and properly implemented program in financial education can positively and significantly influence the financial knowledge of high school students.  相似文献   

We examined financial knowledge among educated women with at least a bachelor's degree by analyzing the results from a 2009 survey representing a well‐defined sample (N = 4,344) of alumnae from a highly selective liberal arts college for women. This study found modest levels of financial knowledge with wide variation. Specifically, in the sample of alumnae, respondents in an older cohort, with higher household income, and those who obtained an MBA degree exhibit higher levels of financial knowledge. These results highlighted the need for effective financial education for many college‐educated women.  相似文献   

We taught a mere seven‐period financial literacy curriculum to two 12th grade economics classes, where one treatment was Financial Fitness for Life® (FFFL)‐intensive and the other was “stock market learning” (SML)‐intensive. Two control groups received no financial literacy treatment—an 11th grade group with no exposure to economics and a 12th grade economics class. The 12th grade economics classes, i.e., the two treatment groups and one control group, also worked on identical stock market portfolio assignments that their teachers required independently of our curriculum. In a test of overall financial knowledge, the FFFL‐intensive group outscored both control groups and the SML‐intensive groups, even on questions that were not taught in our curriculum. We conclude that an FFFL‐intensive input mix was beneficial in directly adding to financial knowledge and also in terms of leading to spillovers in such knowledge.  相似文献   

Digital innovations are transforming financial services and resulting changes in consumer behavior and personal money management. Diffusion of pervasive digital technologies offers individuals quick and easy access to various digital services bringing opportunities and challenges into their personal money management. The study aimed to explore how digitalization affects individuals' financial literacy and financial capability. As a result, we identified three main themes in the intersection of finance and digitalization: Fintech, Financial behavior in digital environments, and Behavioral interventions. We propose directions for measuring digital financial literacy, updates to the financial literacy curriculum, and developments of digital learning tools. Further, we highlight collaboration between the public and private sectors to create a fairer and more inclusive economic landscape. Our study contributes to existing research by proposing a framework for digital financial literacy and financial capability and a research agenda for future studies.  相似文献   

Using newly collected data from the RAND American Life Panel, we examine potential explanations for the gender gap in financial literacy, including the role of marriage and who within a couple makes the financial decisions. Blinder–Oaxaca decomposition reveals the majority of the gender gap in financial literacy is not explained by differences in the characteristics of men and women—but rather differences in coefficients, or how literacy is produced. We find that financial decision making of couples is not centralized in one spouse although it is sensitive to the relative education level of spouses.  相似文献   

Financial literacy (or financial knowledge) is typically an input to model the need for financial education and explain variation in financial outcomes. Defining and appropriately measuring financial literacy is essential to understand educational impact as well as barriers to effective financial choice. This article summarizes the broad range of financial literacy measures used in research over the last decade. An overview of the meaning and measurement of financial literacy is presented to highlight current limitations and assist researchers in establishing standardized, commonly accepted financial literacy instruments.  相似文献   

The growth of products available in the consumer financial market has provided more choice and formal control over household financial decisions than ever before. Financial literacy education programs are generally assumed to improve consumer behaviour in relation to financial products and services. However, there is scant evidence that demonstrates the causal link between education, literacy and behaviour. Through the use of a sample study, we show that the actions of individuals who are financially literate do not necessarily mean they will demonstrate good financial behaviour. We propose that in order to improve the financial behaviour of consumers, two critical areas need to be addressed. Firstly, the objectives of financial literacy programs should be not only to educate consumers about financial markets and products but highlight to individuals the psychological biases and limitations that they as humans cannot easily avoid. Secondly, the regulation of financial products sold to consumers needs alteration to meet the aim of protecting retail consumers from complex financial products that are confusing, ambiguous and inappropriate. We propose regulation and redesign of product information offerings using techniques employed in ecological interface design models to derive a suitability test for consumer financial products.  相似文献   

For well over a decade, financial literacy has been a primary lens through which researchers approach financial education. Unfortunately, in most cases, this potentially rich construct is reduced to mere financial knowledge. This myopic conceptualization hampers the development of the concept and programs to build financial literacy. Despite research that reveals these limits, the field has either persisted with this narrow definition of financial literacy or abandoned the model altogether in favor of capability or similar constructs. Using Bloom's domains of knowledge, we redefine financial literacy as the combination of three different indicators reflecting three domains of knowledge: financial skill, self‐efficacy, and explicit knowledge. Using data from a national survey, we apply the methods of formative scale development to construct and validate a more robust conceptualization and measurement of financial literacy. We explore how this financial literacy index might inform development of innovative financial education programs.  相似文献   

Using survey data from 730 undergraduates in Vietnam, we find that learning motivation and its components, especially self-efficacy, finance learning value, and achievement goals, significantly correlate with students' financial literacy performance. In addition, these correlations are moderated by student characteristics, among which academic seniority, university type, parents' education, and extra math study during high school matter the most. Our results raise significant implications to policymakers, researchers, and educators that include understanding the role of motivation and incorporating it in financial literacy education and intervention programs and considering the moderation roles that individuals' characteristics play in the motivation-financial literacy link. We encourage more research in these areas.  相似文献   

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