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泰国被世人称为“微笑的国土”,拥有无数令人赞叹的名胜,独特的文化和持续相传的风俗习惯,可谓东南亚最具异国风情的国度。近年来,中泰两国不断在贸易、投资、科技、文化、卫生、教育等众多领域开展合作与交流。泰国投资促进委员会(BOI)在中国的第二个办事处——北京办事处的成立,为泰国在中国举办的一系列经贸活动拉开帷幕,随后泰总理将率经济顾问团访华;BOI在中国的第三个办事处——广州办事处,也将在今年第三季度成立……这些都预示着泰国全面展开在中国的招商部署,以强劲姿态吸引中国投资。  相似文献   

<正>曾宪梓1934年出生于广东省梅县的一个贫寒的农民家庭,1961年毕业于中山大学生物系并被分配到中国科学院广州分院工作。1963年,曾宪梓去香港谋求发展,不久去了泰国和家人团聚。在最初几  相似文献   

在浓郁的商业氛围下的广州,那些有着广州历史文化的饮食老字号企业生意每况愈下,有的甚至破产。基于整合品牌营销和营销传播理论,综合运用大数据平台和各种统计网站数据,从微博、微信等新媒体入手,结合市场调查,了解广州饮食老字号企业在新媒体时代的发展现状,分析其存在的问题,最终提出新媒体环境下有效的品牌营销策略。  相似文献   

在全球化浪潮的席卷下,改革开放大潮的冲击下,广州传统饮食品牌面临的是挑战与机遇并存的形势,如何应对挑战、把握机遇,使传统饮食品牌走上一条新型的、可持续发展的道路成为当务之急。  相似文献   

为保障餐饮食品安全,推动餐饮业持续健康发展,近期,国家食品药品监督管理局发布了《餐饮服务食品安全操作规范》,商务部亦下发了《关于加强餐饮食品安全工作的通知》。为帮助广州市餐饮企业正确贯彻执行《餐饮服务食品安全操作规范》和《关于加强餐饮食品安全工作的通知》,打造广州餐饮优质品牌,11月4日上午,广州商业总会联手广州地区饮食行业协会、广州金鹏律师事务所共同举办《餐饮服务食品安全操作规范》与打造餐饮企业安全品牌研讨会。  相似文献   

6月13日至16日,第五届中国(广州)国际黄金珠宝玉石展览会在广州锦汉展览中心隆重举行。本届展会是历年来政府支持力度最大、展品种类最全、规模最大及展商数目最多的盛事,展位500个,展览面积为12000平方米,多达250家的海内外珠宝企业参展,这些企业分别来自中国内地、香港地区、印度、斯里兰卡、台湾地区、泰国、土耳其及美国。  相似文献   

马丽霞 《商场现代化》2006,(26):174-175
受饮食文化的影响,广州市饮食消费市场异常活跃、特色鲜明。要传承和光大广州饮食文化、进一步繁荣和发展广州市饮食消费市场,有关部门必须制订长远发展目标。要以饮食文化为依托,调整和完善不适应广州市消费结构升级的政策措施,进一步活跃和丰富饮食消费市场。  相似文献   

<正>奇,真奇!几年工夫,他卖南瓜赚了300多万!还卖到了新加坡、泰国、马来西亚等国!人无我有新型小南瓜抢先登市场张宝卫的脑子活,早在1986年他刚到广州时,就知道把北方水果运到南方卖。当时广东只有一条铁路,汽车更是翻山越岭,广州很少有北方水果。就这样,他把别人没有的水果运来了,当地的果霸想压都压不住他。结果,他这个外来的农民站稳了脚跟。后来,国家宏观调控,全国各地的水果广州批发市场都有。这时,张宝卫又琢磨大家没有的东西了——洋水果!他看上了洋香瓜,别人把180元的香瓜运进广州,他却把种子引进来,让农民去种。外来的洋香瓜卖180元,他国产的洋香瓜卖100元,这下,把国门堵住了,没人再进口香瓜了。  相似文献   

"提供一站式优质展览服务,助客户通向成功之路。"这是讯通控股有限公司的企业理念。透过这句看似简单的话,不难看出讯通人对外界的一种承诺和责任。作为亚洲第一家上市的展览公司,讯通每年在香港、东莞、广州、苏州、武汉、越南、马来西亚、泰国、印尼等城市主  相似文献   

京东燕麓结紫玉,紫玉浓香醉迁西。迁西板栗名四海,四海果商谒京东。金秋9月,来自日本、韩国、泰国和国内上海、无锡、广州、哈尔滨等60多个城市的板栗经销商蜂拥河北省迁西县,抢购刚刚下树的迁西板栗。目前,全县板栗销售已超过1万吨。  相似文献   

General and governmental interest in cooking has increased recently. In part this may be because the acquisition of food preparation skills may make individuals less dependent on processed foods and reduce risks of overweight and obesity. However, little research has been conducted on consumers' interests in learning about cooking. Therefore in 2012 an online survey was conducted in Australia among 1023 adult food preparers with the aim of determining what and how they wanted to learn to cook. Questions were asked about interest in learning about cooking‐related topics, specific main meals and cooking techniques, preferred ways to learn, and their demographic characteristics. Frequency and cross‐tabulation analyses were used to compare the responses across demographic categories, and content and correspondence analyses were used to analyse meal preferences and age‐related differences. The findings show that 71% of the sample wanted to learn more about cooking. Respondents wanted to learn to cook a wide range of evening meals, especially ethnic dishes (e.g. Chinese, Thai, Italian, ‘Asian’). Most preferred to learn from television (68%), newspapers and magazines (41%), although attendance at cooking classes (34%), YouTube (27%) and special newsletters (24%) were also popular. There were few, weak associations between interest in cooking and the respondents' demographic characteristics. The findings are discussed in relation to the common problems faced by all domestic food preparers and the major opportunities to communicate about cooking.  相似文献   


This study examines the effect of package sizes, unit costs, and fill amounts on product usage amounts with 343 Thai undergraduates. Participants read scenarios and scooped/poured the products into containers. The results show that the effects of package sizes, unit costs, and fill amounts on usage vary by product types. H1 (consumers use a greater product amount when the package size is larger versus smaller) receives clear support in the case of cooking oil and partial support in the case of detergent, floor cleaner, and fish food. H2 (consumers use a greater product amount when the product unit cost is lower versus higher) receives full support in the case of detergent, no support in the case of cooking oil, and partial support in the case of floor cleaner and fish food. H3 (consumers use a greater product amount when the fill is visibly greater versus lesser) does not receive support.  相似文献   

We present empirical evidence for several hypotheses of how exchange rates are affected by investors' cross-border equity portfolio rebalancing decisions. Our results are based on comprehensive, daily-frequency datasets of foreign exchange market transactions and equity market capital flows undertaken by nonresident investors in Thailand in 2005 and 2006. We find that net purchases of Thai equities by nonresident investors systematically lead to an appreciation of the Thai baht. Furthermore, higher returns on Thai equities relative to those on a reference market are associated with subsequent sales of Thai equities by foreign investors as well as a depreciation of the Thai baht, although the latter effect is not statistically significant.  相似文献   

Business uncertainty due to the COVID-19 pandemic has brought financial and banking industries under stress. This study examines brand loyalty (BL) in the Thai banking industry by integrating community relationship management (CoRM) (4Cs model), relationship marketing orientation (RMO), customer engagement (CE), and brand trust (BT). It analyzes how a Thai commercial bank used four success factors to create new client acquisition, business efficiency, long-term relationships, and BL. We use quantitative data and structural equation modeling (SEM) to identify variables influencing the BL of 1650 customers of a Thai commercial bank. We found CoRM and RMO's key success factors indirectly affected BL by mediating CE and BT. These results may improve sustained performance effectiveness in the banking industry now and in the future.  相似文献   

Food preparation skills among young adults are associated with healthy food choices, better diets and a greater likelihood of an independent, healthy adult life. This study conducted in Hong Kong aimed to investigate parents' perceptions of cooking skills; to explore the transference of cooking skills in the home setting; to identify parents' expectations regarding the transference of cooking skills; and to inform the development of educational initiatives for developing healthy eating habits. A questionnaire survey was conducted to collect information of the subjects' cooking experience, attitudes about cooking skills, cooking habits at home, family meal habits, transference of cooking culture in the family and the factors influencing the choice of ingredients and cooking. It was administered to 1009 Hong Kong parents (of students aged between 11 and 18, studying in 15 secondary schools). The collected data were analysed using the Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (version 12.0, SPSS, Inc., Chicago, IL, USA) and cross‐tabulation analyses were used to compare the responses of the parents by gender, employment status and income. The results show that parents valued cooking as important life skills for both boys and girls. Parents generally perceived their cooking skills either good (41.9%) or mediocre (54.5%), yet children are rarely taught these skills in the home. Family meals prepared primarily with fresh ingredients are still an important part of the daily routine, and mothers are dominating the roles in food choice decision, cooking and buying the ingredients for family meals. Mothers and schools are expected to be the major channel to teach children cooking skills. Findings suggest that parents are well‐disposed towards providing food and nutrition education at home, but need more support (50% reported that home should be a primary support for learning cooking skills; 36% indicated that the school should have a responsibility to teach children to cook starting in elementary school). Schools may do well to collaborate with families in food literacy education initiatives. Developing individuals' cooking skills paves the way for long‐term health benefits and the well‐being of the local population.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to explore how time frames affect pupils and teachers in cooking activities during lessons of different durations for Home and Consumer Studies, with a specific focus on the pupils’ experiences. To investigate this, classroom observations were carried out in 2011 and 2012, with the help of audio and video recordings in three different schools in Sweden and included altogether 22 pupils (18 girls, 4 boys) in grade 9 (15–16 years). Each class was observed during two separate lessons, lasting between 1 h 50 min (110 minutes) and 2 h 20 min (140 min). The six lessons resulted in 12 h of video recorded time and 80 h of sound recordings. The study showed that the importance of finishing on time seemed to be ingrained in most pupils in all classes and the end result was perceived as more important than the process of cooking. The study also showed that knowledge of cooking skills and time management seemed important for success in grade‐related tasks. Pupils demonstrated different ways of handling the time frames, e.g. using various methods to speed up the cooking process. This study raises important questions about the relationship between national and local time frames and the curriculum aims in Home and Consumer Studies.  相似文献   

In this paper, we explore excellence in leadership in Thailand, a nation that has strong roots in Theravada Buddhism. Summated scales and a structural model were constructed to explain the relationships between the excellences in leadership constructs. A sample frame of 401 Thai managers employed in organizations in Bangkok, North Thailand, and East Thailand participated in this research. The findings suggest that there are strong cultural factors such as non-confrontation, respect, and deference for authority mediating the perceptions of Thai managers with regards to perceptions of an excellent leader. Age and gender are also demonstrated as key differentiating factors in the perceptions of Thai managers.  相似文献   

Solar cooking has received considerable attention recently as an alternative to cooking with woodfuel. This paper determines the effective solar collection area required, and examines the different design features to optimize the available heat from a small collection area. A quasi-parabola was developed and tested alongside two other prototypes. The locally-made cooker was preferred by Sudanese women for its speed of cooking. Solar cooking was seen to have potential as a complementary means of cooking, especially for light foods.  相似文献   

This research consists of two studies with interrelated objectives. The purpose of the first study is to develop and validate scales measuring whistle-blowing subjective norms, attitudes, and intentions. The objective of the second study is to test a model of whistle-blowing intentions, motivated by the theory of reasoned action, across two contrasting cultures: the collectivist Thai and the individualistic American. To achieve cross-cultural comparisons, we first perform measurement and structural invariance tests. Tests of latent mean differences lend support for our prediction that individuals in the collectivist Thai culture have higher means on subjective norms, attitudes, and intentions for whistle-blowing than members of the individualist American culture. Our models indicate that subjective norms for whistle-blowing, even though significantly different for American and Thai participants, have a direct effect on whistle-blowing attitudes as well as direct and indirect effects on reporting intentions for both subject groups. Compared to American subjects, the whistle-blowing intentions of Thai participants are more strongly influenced by subjective norms for whistle-blowing.  相似文献   

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