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主要研究了我国会计师事务所大体的组织形式与会计师事务所规模与审计质量之间的关系。通过对会计师事务所的研究,我们发现,当前形势下,主要是一些上市公司,其内部的财务特征能够影响其相关的审计报告,而对会计师事务所而言,其规模与组织形式并没有对事务所的审计意见产生各种明显地影响。各种类型的会计师事务所在客户的选择上,对一些上市公司的选择与评价方面并没有太多的差异,而被会计师事务所审计的那些上市公司在财务特征方面几乎不存在任何明显的差异。  相似文献   

本文运用中国上市公司2002年-2007年的数据,研究了会计师事务所行业专门化投资行为和客户重要性对审计质量的联合影响。研究发现,在控制了其他变量之后,审计质量随着会计师事务所行业专门化投资程度的上升而先下降后上升,呈现U型函数关系。此外,本文还发现客户重要性对审计质量并未产生显著的负面影响。  相似文献   

杜英 《财经论丛》2007,(6):78-84
近年来审计任期与审计独立性的问题日益受到人们的关注。我国也出台了有关签字会计师轮换的相关规定。本文以来自中国A股证券市场的数据,检验了事务所任期和签字会计师轮换与审计独立性之间的关系。我们发现,审计独立性将随着事务所审计任期的延长而下降,但是,轮换签字会计师并不能够有效地改变这种趋势。该项政策实施的有效性值得进一步研究。  相似文献   

本文以西北五省(陕西、甘肃、宁夏、青海、新疆)A股上市公司2007-2013年七年间发生财务重述行为的上市公司为样本,系统研究了我国西北地区上市公司的财务重述现状.研究发现我国西北五省上市公司的财务重述现状不容乐观,与发达地区北京上市公司相比,发生财务重述行为的上市公司数量更多,比重更大,频度更强,且行业分布极不均匀,在重述时进行重大前期会计差错更正、涉及重要财务指标的情况明显较多.最后,从外部监管机构、媒体监督、公司治理、投资者、会计师事务所等多个角度提出了提升西北上市公司信息披露质量的建议.  相似文献   

本文以2011年四大会计师事务所审计的上市公司为样本,检验了签字注册会计师执业经验对审计质量的影响,本文采用基于Jones模型的操控性应计利润来衡量审计质量,研究发现执业经验对注册会计师所审上市公司审计质量并无显著影响,这可能因为注册会计师队伍高门槛的准入机制和严格的继续教育制度与其执业胜任能力和独立性的保障密切相关,从而与执业经验的关系减小。  相似文献   

我国资本市场的财务造假案件频频曝光,CPA行业出现了严重的声誉危机.为了研究会计师事务所在受到证监会行政处罚后带来的经济后果影响,本文以受损后的市场份额、审计收费为切入点来说明审计声誉机制是否发生作用,研究会计师事务所受到处罚以后客户数量以及未来收益的变化.  相似文献   

本文以我国2007~2014年的上市公司为样本,实证研究签字会计师繁忙度对审计质量的影响.结果显示,在其他条件相同的情况下,签字会计师繁忙度越高,审计质量越低,支持了"压力效应".进一步研究发现,在发生两名签字会计师轮换的样本中,由于继任签字会计师缺乏客户层面的审计经验,签字会计师繁忙度对审计质量的消极影响更加显著;其次,在大客户中,签字会计师繁忙度对审计质量的消极影响被显著削弱,表明繁忙的签字会计师会对大客户保持更多的关注度和职业谨慎,并投入更多时间和精力,从而保障更高的审计质量.最后,区分了签字会计师角色后,发现只有复核签字会计师繁忙才会导致审计质量下降,而项目签字会计师繁忙度与审计质量无关.  相似文献   

随着改革开放以及国家经济制度的明朗,市场的蓬勃发展以及经济开放对会计师事务所有着举足轻重的作用。会计师事务所业务能力评判标准对审计水平的高低和经营管理起着不可或缺的作用。最近国内外都发生了大量的公司财务舞弊的事件以及财务审计失败的案例,这不可避免地引起人们对会计师事务所审计质量的质疑。会计师事务所职业技能的不足、审计人员职业素养欠缺、法律监管环境的不完备、整个会计行业竞争激烈等因素都会使审计报告信息失准,使投资者判断失误,引起市场资源配置的功能下降,从而致使市场经济增大系统风险,最终迫使市场经济发展受到损害或停滞发展。如何才能让会计师事务所在充满竞争的市场中发挥主观能动性、完善审计质量、提升社会公信力,成为世界范围理论研究的关注点。只有了解会计师事务所审计质量的优劣势,才能更好地研究会计师事务所审计质量提升的因素。  相似文献   

运用卡方检验对2012年—2014年深市主板全部上市公司的财务重述资料进行分析,考察媒体监督与财务重述之间的相关性。检验结果证实媒体监督与上市公司财务重述行为呈显著负相关关系,较高的媒体关注度可以有效降低公司财务重述发生的概率。  相似文献   

本文通过华锐风电公司财务报告重述的案例,讨论了华锐风电因为收入确认不当引发的财务重述事项,并将公司内部治理与财务报告重述有机结合起来,重点分析和研究了华锐风电的公司内部治理对财务报告重述的影响,最后对华锐风电公司内部治理缺陷提出有效建议,以期对我国上市公司完善公司内部治理有所借鉴.  相似文献   

《Business Horizons》2022,65(4):389-399
In contrast to the well-known stereotype of the boring, unsociable accountant, today’s public accounting professionals argue that they are boundary spanners. Working at the intersection of the firm/client interface, these professionals contend that sociability is a requisite skill for routinely navigating the many interactions they have with multiple personnel at client organizations. This research aims to address this disconnect and to confront whether the public perception is warranted. Using the Trait Emotional Intelligence Questionnaire (TEIQue), we assess the sociability of 176 public accounting professionals and discover that, contrary to the stereotype, male public accountants are more sociable than males in the general population. Our analysis also demonstrates that female public accountants are no more or less sociable than females in the general population. Additional analysis shows that while male public accountants are more sociable than female public accountants, this effect is attributable to differences at lower levels of the profession and that male-female differences disappear when comparing male managers and partners to female managers and partners. Given the importance of sociability in public accounting, this research offers recruiting strategies that will help to dispel the myth of the unsociable accountant and provides training tips for enhancing sociability within the ranks.  相似文献   


This study of consumer professional services examines the role of experience in the development of service satisfaction with the personal financial planning services firm. Product experience possessed by the client moderates the interlinkages between service satisfaction and its two antecedents-performance and relational behaviour. The results of sub group analysis indicate that effects of the performance and relational behaviour vary considerably under different product experience conditions. The findings therefore add new insight to the understanding of satisfaction formation under different experience conditions, especially in the context of consumer personal financial planning services.  相似文献   

周恺 《财贸研究》2012,23(1):142-147
如何对会计师进行有效监管始终是各国各地区会计监管部门所关心的问题,也是各国各地区会计师行业面临的重要课题。在促进证券市场健全发展的过程中,新兴市场往往借鉴发达市场的成熟经验,更多地是在本土化情况下加以创新,台湾地区会计师行业监管就是典型的例子,由专业管制专业便是一个最好的方式,会计师行业监管扮演着相当关键的角色。  相似文献   

周恺 《财贸研究》2010,21(6):146-152
美国参众两院于2002年7月通过的萨班斯法案,堪称美国70年来最大的法制变革,并引发世界许多国家会计师职业监管机制的又一次革命,在会计师行业的自律管理方面,建立了完备的行业协会的自律或自治管理,完善了会计师事务所的自我管理体系,确立了会计师的自我道德约束,逐步强化了会计师的独立性。分析美国、欧盟、日本及台湾地区会计师行业监管体系的架构和特点,以及会计师行业自律组织的运作与规范,并从中得到启示,将有助于中国大陆注册会计师法的修正及会计师职业监管机制的完善。  相似文献   


This paper reports the results of a study that examined two factors that influenced the individual's selection of an accountant: The qualifications that the accountant may hold and the accountants membership of a professional accounting body.

In Australia, any person can hang a shingle outside their door calling themselves an ?accountant.” In contrast, the law dictates that a doctor of medicine can only use the title “doctor” when he/she has tertiary qualifications and registers with the relevant Health Departments throughout Australia.

Let's be clear on the term accountant–there are accountants in public practice who offer themselves to the public to perform a wide range of duties from income tax preparation, auditing and financial advice. Then there is the accountant who is employed internally in a business to keep the financial reins. It is the accountant who offers public accounting services that this study concerns itself.

Prior research studies conducted in this area are examined for relevance to the study and to determine if the results concur with the outcomes of this study.

The managerial implications of the results are discussed considering the confusion and perceptions that arose with the meaning of “qualification” and “professional body membership.”  相似文献   

The frequency of earnings restatements has been increasing over the last decade. Restating previous earnings erodes perceived trustworthiness and competence of management, giving firms strong incentives to take actions to enhance perceived credibility of future financial reports [Farber, D. B.: 2005, The Accounting Review 80(2), 539–561.]. Using an experimental case, we examine the ability of post-restatement actions taken by a firm to positively influence non-professional investors’ perceptions of management’s financial reporting credibility. Our examination considers credibility judgments following two types of restatements – those resulting from fraud in which the character, ethics, and values of an organization may be called into question [cf. Copeland, Jr., J. E.: 2005, Accounting Horizons 19(1), 35–43.], and those resulting from non-fraud (i.e., aggressive accounting). Based on the information in the experimental case, non-professional investors take the role of potential equity investors and make a judgment about management’s financial reporting credibility after reviewing a set of post-restatement actions taken by a firm. The possible actions include changes in four corporate governance mechanisms (i.e., internal audit function, external audit firm, board of directors, CFO) and a buyback of company stock. Our results provide an important contribution to the literature by demonstrating that among non-professional investors, perceptions of management’s financial reporting credibility are affected both by the post-restatement action taken and the nature of the restatement. These results offer insight into the formation of a key credibility judgment made by non-professional investors following a trust-destroying event, an earnings restatement. Data Availability: The data are available upon request.  相似文献   

从关联股东的角度研究财务重述在股东社会网络中传染的可能性。结果表明,曾经持有财务重述公司股份的股东,在持有下一家公司股份时,再次发生财务重述行为的概率会降低。但是,如果关联发生在重述公司重述前,关联公司重述的可能性则会显著增加,并且上述关系会受到关联股东地位的调节影响。本文从所有权网络的行为层面为财务重述研究提供了新的角度,也为应对上市公司财务重述提供了新的思路。  相似文献   

In order to move towards an Ethic of Accounting, one must start by defining the function and role of the accountant. This in turn depends to a great extent on the identity of the “client” or whatever party the Accountant owes his “loyal agency” to. The issue is one of cardinal importance, and it is perceived as such by the accountants themselves. Loeb for instance says that the “client-identity issue is overriding importance now, and will become even more crucial in the immediate years ahead”. The question of what constitutes ethical behaviour on the part of the accountant will depend then upon the relation within which such ethical behaviour will have to be deployed. The main question raised in this paper will therefore be, is the accountant primarily engaged by one client (whether an individual or a corporation) to act as their “agent”, deal with their problems by loyally advancing their interests to the best of his professional competence, although within the limits imposed by law and morality? Or is the “public sector” to be considered the principal target of the accountant's resolute professionalism and unswerving loyalty? These problems and other related issues are here analyzed against the background of a recent (1984) case involving a Revenue Canada Auditor in the Kitchener-Waterloo area, which helps to bring out the almost paradoxical relation between accountant and client, and the difference between this relation and that of other professionals to their clients or patients.  相似文献   

As the legal service industry matures and becomes saturated, more traditional forms of marketing may need to be replaced by the adoption of newer relationship concepts. This article reports on a research investigation among corporate clients of UK law firms. The findings reveal that satisfaction with the service is the key factor that influences corporate clients to stay loyal to a particular law firm. The quality of legal advice, trust and honesty were also found to be important factors that drive client loyalty. Conversely, poor quality, as an outcome of the client – legal firm interaction, is perceived to be a significant contributor of client defection. Overall, the findings emphasise the need for legal firms to focus on client retention for survival and profitability.  相似文献   

《Business Horizons》2019,62(4):427-436
While financial reporting standards under U.S. GAAP and IFRS are fundamentally similar, differences do exist that may affect our analysis of company financial statements. This is particularly true when comparing a U.S. company following U.S. GAAP to a firm that uses IFRS. To illustrate, we compare research and development (R&D) accounting methods under both sets of standards and illustrate how they affect the analysis of financial results of firms in a specific industry—automotive manufacturers. Our results provide insight into settings in which differences in R&D accounting may have the greatest impact on financial analysis.  相似文献   

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