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陈超 《致富时代》2010,(12):190-190
近几年来,煤矿井下因静电引起火花点燃甲烷(CH4)而造成重大火灾事故和瓦斯爆炸事故以及电击伤人事故时有发生,为了煤矿井下的安全,使防止静电措施更加合理完善,该文深入研究和探讨了煤矿井下静电的危害及防治措施。  相似文献   

李维本 《消费导刊》2011,(10):137-137
静电的问题一直出现在我们的生活和工作中。如何正确防静电和正确使用静电防护品是人们工作和生活中比较关心的问题。本文就静电危害与防护进行了阐述。  相似文献   

随着大规模集成电路和高分子材料的广泛应用,航空器越来越易受到静电放电的影响,对静电防护管理的要求越来越高,而在航空器的检测、维修、使用、运输和储存等过程中,都可能发生静电放电事件。如果对静电放电事件控制不当,将会对航空器带来损害,甚至造成重大事故。因此,加强航空维护工作中的静电防护管理研究,对保障航空安全非常必要。本文就航空维护中静电的产生及防护展开分析和探讨。  相似文献   

在现代工业生产中,静电可以造成多种危害。静电火花引起的爆炸、电击等事故,妨碍着工厂的生产。本文从静电的产生.静电带来的危害以及静电的防护进行分析介绍,加深对静电的认识,更好的为生产服务。  相似文献   

火工品作为一种特殊产品,具有易燃易爆的危险性。因此火工品的生产和管理中的安全工作,都得到了各级部门和单位的重视,也是监管和审查的重点。静电是火工品安全生产中,必须要考虑的重点,本文通过对火工品和静电防护等工作的介绍,论述了火工品生产具体的静电防护方法。  相似文献   

静电产生的原因、原理及防护,数据分析静电消除技术的运用。  相似文献   

当今时代,科学技术飞速发展,电子产品的更新换代速度也不断加快,其发展越来越趋向于小型化、智能化、功能多样化以及维修简单化.但是在这个进程中,电子产品集成化的程度也在提高,由此产生的静电放电会给电子产品造成极大的损害,电子产品的静电放电越来越受到人们的关注.了解电子产品静电的产生,有利于采取相应的防护措施.本文主要介绍了电子产品静电放电的产生,并提出了相应的防护措施.  相似文献   

在家电产品生产过程中,从预处理、焊接、产品测试直到包装,都有可能发生因静电损害.本文主要从静电的产生原理和特点出发,结合工作中的技术和实验知识以及现场工艺控制和测试手段,建立适于家电产品生产的静电防护硬件和软件体系,最大程度减少生产过程中因静电造成的损坏,确保产品质量,提升公司品牌形象.  相似文献   

片式多层压敏电阻器是一种新型的瞬变浪涌吸收元件,特别对于静电放电(ESD),它比普通压敏电阻器、齐纳二极管更为有效,已成为低压IC和其它静电敏感元件首选的保护元件  相似文献   

从雷电、静电的形成及危害入手,参照汽车加油站的特点,引出了基层中小型汽车加油(气)站防雷的重要性,进而全面阐述加油棚、油罐及附属建筑物的直击雷防护和雷击电磁脉冲的防护,井提出系统的解决方案。  相似文献   

Evolutionary Systems Design (ESD) is a universal general problem solving, formal modeling, design framework for purposeful complex adaptive systems (PCAS) and processes, i.e., task-oriented group processes. These processes constitute policy making, group decision, negotiation, and multiagent problem solving with human and/or artificial agents. ESD is also a framework for computer group support systems (GSS) that support these processes. The ESD general framework can be applied to define and solve specific problems. In this article the ESD framework is presented and illustrated by example. The article provides background for ESD computer implementations discussed in two other related articles (Lewis and Shakun 1996; Bui and Shakun 1996).  相似文献   

The paper illustrates the growing interest in understanding consumer behaviour through a social learning theory (SLT) lens, and explains the recently launched United Nations Decade for Education for Sustainable Development (ESD). Then, the discussion turns to an overview of a recently developed ESD/SLT integrated theoretical framework, which is then applied to consumer education via an authentic pedagogy. The paper highlights the rich potential of authentic intellectual work in the form of observational learning by augmenting ESD within authentic consumer education curricula.  相似文献   

Negotiation processes,Evolutionary Systems Design,and NEGOTIATOR   总被引:1,自引:6,他引:1  
A negotiation accord is often the result of an intense, laborious, and evolutionary negotiation process. During this process, disputing parties are confronted with goal, judgment, and outcome conflict. This article demonstrates the utility of a conflict resolution framework—Evolutionary Systems Design (ESD)—by using a Negotiation Support System. ESD seeks to guide negotiators to move their individual goals and judgments in such a way as to enhance the chance of achieving a common solution. As illustrated by the use of NEGOTIATOR, a multiattribute utility negotiation support system, we argue that computer mediation can prove to be an effective means to implement the ESD framework.  相似文献   

We develop the Evolutionary Systems Design (ESD) formal consciousness model for international negotiation extending the usual cognitive rationality of formal models to right rationality validated subjectively by cognition, affection, conation, holistically, and spiritually. Two subjective validation tests for right rationality are described. The purpose is to attain right negotiation agreements in international negotiation. Practice and computer implementation are discussed and applications presented. Though the ESD general formal mathematical model is an evolving difference game, in applying it to specific problems mathematical symbols are not normally used, relations between generally familiar sets of elements being expressed by tables (matrices). We believe that ESD can help close the gap between formal modeling and practice of international negotiation.  相似文献   

An ESD Computer Culture for Intercultural Problem Solving and Negotiation   总被引:4,自引:4,他引:0  
Intercultural problem solving and negotiation involves interaction of two or more cultures. These processes may be formally modeled using the Evolutionary Systems Design (ESD) framework implemented by appropriate computer group support systems (GSS). The ESD/GSS combination provides an ESD computer culture for intercultural problem solving and negotiation in a same place/same time or telework mode. With this, players in a multicultural group can be computer supported in generating and formally representing an evolving common culture (a situational culture) with regard to the specific problem at hand - an intercultural evolving group problem representation and solution. At the same time, the ESD computer culture provides an operational cybernetic/self-organization framework for the empirical study of cultural emergence in a multicultural group. This paper uses and develops work by Shakun (1996b).  相似文献   

Both cybernetic and self-organizing, purposeful complex adaptive systems (PCAS) express purpose by solving problems defined by choosing and delivering values to participants as operational goals through decision making. Individuals, groups, organizations, and economies are PCAS. Here we focus on indviduals and groups. Evolutionary Systems Design (ESD) is a universal (culture independent) general problem solving, formal modeling/design framework for PCAS that can be computer implemented in same time/same place or telework modes. Formally, in ESD sets of elements and their relations modeling a PCAS evolve through cybernetics/self organization. Spirituality and the concept of right decision/negotiation in PCAS are discussed in relation to consciousness. Rightness comes from spirituality, i.e., consciousness experiencing oneness. Oneness is integrally bound with love; hence the term oneness/love. Through right decision/negotiation PCAS try to realize their ultimate purpose to live Two (the relative, the process of all there is) as One (the absolute, all there is). Oneness/love, connectedness to One, promotes problem solving and negotiation - expressed formally in the ESD problem representation - that is at the same time right. Simply put, right problem solving requires oneness/love and delivers oneness/love. Computer and receiver modes of consciousness are discussed in relation to oneness/love and its absence experienced as separateness/fear. Ways to transit from the latter to the former are considered. P.L. Yu's Habitual Domain (HD) framework is introduced and discussed in relation to ESD. Evolutionary heuristics for evolution of an ESD right problem representation through cybernetics/self-organization are presented based on combined HD and ESD concepts. Then operational procedures for defining and validating a right problem for an individual or group and associated right decision/negotiation outcome are considered. Thus, the work contributes to procedural rationality - how decisions should be or are made - in purposeful complex adaptive systems. The paper suggests that for humans to live fully (awake) is to live in our love-based spirituality, in the moment, consciousness experiencing oneness/love at the edge of chaos, challenged in our purpose to live Two as One by spiritual or right decision/negotiation through cybernetics/self-organization, i.e., problem solving under oneness. Artificial agents in PCAS may participate in right decision/negotiation. They may in principle have consciousness but the nature of the subjective experience is unclear.  相似文献   

We discuss multi-bilateral multi-issue electronic negotiation (e-negotiation) in the context of an e-commerce marketplace system in which multiple players – buyers and sellers – conduct bilateral (pair-wise) multi-attribute negotiations followed optionally by an auction. Negotiators both make and request specific concessions. The concept of a tit-for-tat concession strategy is developed and implemented by a computer agent. The work is related to the Evolutionary Systems Design (ESD) framework for formal modeling/design of Purposeful Complex Adaptive Systems (PCAS).  相似文献   

Unbounded Rationality   总被引:4,自引:3,他引:1  
The paper discusses bounded and unbounded rationality in purposeful complex adaptive systems (PCAS) modeled by the Evolutionary Systems Design (ESD) framework. Due to Herbert Simon, bounded rationality is the rationality of cognition. Unbounded rationality is the generalized rationality of connectedness represented mathematically, of spirituality, and of right decision/negotiation. Operational procedures for defining/solving and validating a problem in group decision and negotiation under unbounded rationality are discussed. With human PCAS as a focus, the paper more generally considers rationality in multiagent systems with natural and/or artificial agents.  相似文献   

This paper discusses right problem solving to define/solve a right problem for doing the right thing right. In so doing, the paper operationally considers purposeful complex adaptive systems (PCAS), Evolutionary Systems Design (ESD), group/negotiation support systems, consciousness, connectedness, spirituality, rationality, problems, and right rationality in theory and practice. System agents may be natural (human) and/or artificial.  相似文献   

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