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本文以酒店业员工流失率居高不下为研究背景,选取R酒店为实证分析的具体对象,通过因子分析的方法,对影响高星级酒店员工忠诚度的诸多因素进行归纳总结,为进一步运用多级模糊综合评价模型对酒店员工忠诚度进行评价奠定了基础。  相似文献   

心理契约是联系酒店与员工之间的心理纽带,是影响酒店员工满意度的重要因素,构建酒店和员工之间良好的心理契约,对于提高酒店员工的满意度、忠诚度,增强组织的凝聚力有重要意义。  相似文献   

吕卿 《中国市场》2010,(31):19-22
伴随着日益激烈的酒店人才争夺战的白热化,酒店业人力资源的频繁流动问题日益凸显,人才的高流失率也成为困扰酒店管理者的首要难题。不仅造成了酒店企业技能和经验的流失,酒店的品牌信誉受损,员工的忠诚度和凝聚力降低,而且直接威胁到酒店企业的生存与发展。本文立足整个酒店行业,以泰安虹桥宾馆为例从多个方面深入分析研究造成酒店员工高流失率的原因,有针对性地提出了防止人才流失的策略。  相似文献   

本文通过IPA分析湖南某四星级酒店(HY酒店)员工就业感知,分别从工作投入、工作满意度和员工忠诚度方面进行重要性程度和表现水平的测量。得出员工最为重视的是管理制度、薪资福利、人际关系和个人发展。因此,本文从保健因素和激励因素两方面针对性地提出了相关建议。  相似文献   

心理契约是酒店和员工之间相互支持与信任的纽带。心理契约的违背将使酒店经营管理面临人力资源的风险,严重影响酒店社会效益和经济效益的实现。培训能够帮助员工建立适合酒店期望的、合理的心理契约,提高员工对酒店的满意度和忠诚度,促进酒店的持续与和谐的发展。  相似文献   

人才是促进产业发展的重要因素,然而在我国酒店业,人力资源管理状况不容乐观,普遍存在着员工忠诚度低,高层次人才供不应求,激励措施效果不明显,管理制度不完善等问题。因此,对我国酒店业人力资源管理提出加强对策,即通过培育以人为本的酒店文化,增加员工忠诚度;转换用人观念;重视薪酬外的个性化激励;完善人力资源管理机制,增强员工信心与动力;全员参与人力资源管理等,以期提高酒店业人力资源管理水平,促进酒店行业的健康持续发展。  相似文献   

论酒店人才流失的原因及对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
伴随着日益激烈的酒店人才争夺战的白热化,酒店业人力资源的频繁流动问题日益凸显,人才的高流失率也成为困扰酒店管理者的首要难题。不仅造成了酒店企业技能和经验的流失,酒店的品牌信誉受损,员工的忠诚度和凝聚力降低,而且直接威胁到酒店企业的生存与发展。本文从社会、组织和个人三个层面分析酒店人才流失的原因,并进一步探究了防止酒店人才流失的针对性对策。  相似文献   

随着酒店业竞争的日趋激烈,酒店从业人员的频繁流动问题日益明显,人才的高流失率已成为困扰酒店管理者的重大难题。不仅造成了酒店企业经济上的损失,影响了酒店的服务质量和信誉品牌,降低了员工的忠诚度和凝聚力,而且直接制约着企业的生存与发展。本文从社会、组织和个人三个层面分析酒店人才流失的原因,并进一步探究了防止酒店人才流失的针对性策略。  相似文献   

大连市作为我国重要的沿海开放城市,凭借得天独厚的地理优势和优美的自然环境吸引了来自世界各地的游客,以此为契机,大连市高星级酒店发展迅速,竞争也日益激烈,而人力资源成为各高星级酒店竞争的焦点。当前大连市高星级酒店人力资源现状存在结构不合理、员工年轻化、用人观念陈旧、员工流动过于频繁等问题。大连市高星级酒店在人力资源管理方面应转变传统观念,严把招聘第一关;加强校企合作,强化内部学习;完善人力资源管理制度,提高员工忠诚度,最大限度发挥人力资源优势,从而实现酒店和员工的互利双赢,以此改善大连市高星级酒店的人力资源状况,推动大连市高星级酒店的发展。  相似文献   

顾客、员工和供应商都是支撑酒店生存与发展的"上帝",而个性化待遇则有利于提高他们对酒店的忠诚度。  相似文献   

基于忠诚度的饭店员工管理   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
黄蔚艳 《商业研究》2006,(8):173-175
人是企业经营发展的资本,尤其是饭店作为劳动密集型、技术含量低的服务性行业,在个性化服务呼声越来越强烈的21世纪,员工的经验与工作心态直接影响饭店对顾客的服务质量。因而,对饭店的核心竞争优势———人力资源,应给以充分认识,重视员工忠诚的价值,重视对员工忠诚度的培养与提升,以保证饭店的可持续发展。  相似文献   

员工满意度又称雇员满意度,是企业的幸福指数和企业管理的"晴雨表".员工满意度不仅是衡量酒店绩效的有效工具,也是酒店改善运作流程、实现高效运作、培养顾客满意度和忠诚度的强大动力.是实现酒店"赢得员工、赢得顾客、赢得市场、赢得利润、赢得发展"的"五赢"目标的保障.对于经济型酒店具有举足轻重的作用.  相似文献   

Employee turnover is generally recognized as a costly phenomenon, and hotel companies consequently have initiated various turnover-reduction programs. Despite many studies, however, it remains difficult to assess exactly what effect turnover has on operating profits—and thus to assess the return on investment for initiatives designed to reduce turnover. An analysis of gross operating profits and employee turnover rates at 98 full-service hotels at one hotel company yields an estimate of the actual dollar costs of employee turnover. In general, the cost of turnover increases with ADR. That is, the cost of a 1-point increase in turnover is greater for a hotel with a high ADR than for an economy-tier property. On average for this sample, the cost in GOP of a 1-point increase in turnover rose $525 with every dollar increase in ADR. Thus, for a hotel with a $125 ADR, each point increase in turnover cost another $32,750 per year in GOP. On the other hand, a hotel with an ADR of $65 would be losing just $1,250 for every additional point increase in turnover.  相似文献   

Prior research has illustrated the antecedents of customer-oriented constructive deviance. However, research on their consequences has been limited. To clarify the relationship between customer-oriented constructive deviance and its outcome, the present study is based on affective event theory and posits that customer-oriented constructive deviance predicts customer gratitude and employee guilt, which in turn lead to customer and employee satisfaction and loyalty, respectively. This research also investigates how service and ethical climates moderate these relationships. Based on a dataset comprising 223 matched employee–customer pairs collected from luxury hotel restaurants, we found that customer-oriented constructive deviance is positively related to customer loyalty, but negatively related to employee loyalty. Furthermore, service and ethical climates are found to have disparate impacts on these relationships. Our findings call attention to a potential risk that managers should be aware of when they manage customer-oriented constructive deviance to achieve greater customer service.  相似文献   

当前,饭店内部服务营销缺失是导致员工流失的根本原因之一。饭店内部服务营销缺失的主要表现是饭店自身的管理方式欠缺;工作单调繁琐,工资却低;雇佣大量小时工,缺乏培训;不能吸引住员工队伍里的年轻人等。饭店应建立科学激励的机制,努力创造一种有利于吸引留住优秀员工的环境,让员工工作顺心,安居乐业,事业发展,从而使饭店达到预定的经营目标,实现优秀员工与饭店双赢的局面。  相似文献   


This empirical study tests the relations between employee turnover and the organizational dimensions of service climate, comparing nationals and foreign nationals in the international brand Russian hotel industry. This study extends the geographic scope of employee turnover to the undertested Russian context. Responses were analyzed using a partial least squares model. Results show that nationals’ and foreign nationals’ responses to model variables diverge. Job insecurity directly affects the turnover intentions of Russian nationals, while its effect for foreign nationals was indirect through organizational commitment and job satisfaction. Compounded indirect effects of turnover antecedents and service climate dimensions are also examined and discussed.  相似文献   

The academic literature features organisational socialisation as playing a crucial role in the early stages of newcomer employment. During this assimilation stage, newcomers adapt to a new workplace more effectively if socialisation is encouraged. It has been found that socialisation minimises the negative effects of unmet expectations on overall organisational effectiveness, including employee turnover – an issue that has become a considerable problem for many hotels. Extending this logic, this study aims to understand socialisation by specifically assessing whether turnover is determined by employees' beliefs about job satisfaction and individual commitment to an organisation and the hotel profession in general. The study of 428 respondents from 61 international tourist hotels in Taiwan implies that social interaction enables organisations to gain, from an increase in commitment to the organisation, job satisfaction and a decrease in newcomers' intent to leave the hotel profession. Two major contributions to the existing literature result (a) commitment to the organisation plays a dominant role in employee turnover intent and (b) job satisfaction is a powerful method of reinforcing individual commitment to the organisation.  相似文献   

This study aimed to investigate interrelationships among organizational error management culture (EMC), job satisfaction, and turnover intent among food and beverage in a deluxe hotel. This study also investigated the mediating effects of employees’ job satisfaction on the relationships between organizational EMC and turnover intent. A total of 321 food and beverage employees in South Korea participated in the study using a self-administered questionnaire. Confirmatory factor analysis and structural equation modeling were used to examine the hypothesized relationships between the constructs. The results showed a positive relationship between organizational EMC and employee job satisfaction. An employees’ job satisfaction reduces his or her turnover intent. Another important finding of this study was that job satisfaction appears to play a mediating role between organizational EMC and turnover intent. These findings have important implications for controlling and facilitating EMC in the hotel industry. This study implies that active EMC can be an important variable that can effectively manage turnover intent. It is important to build a system that can facilitate communication in the case of error occurrence and prevent the recurrence of the same error by sharing experience of and knowledge about errors. Moreover, a system that can instantly respond to and analyze an error situation should be developed and implemented. It is important to systematically manage errors as part of a firm’s culture through the appropriate use of EMC. Thus, it might be useful to identify and prioritize EMC specifically in the hotel industry, which could lead to higher job satisfaction, lower turnover intent, and higher profitability.  相似文献   

近年来,国有改制饭店在我国饭店业中所占比例越来越大。员工满意度关系到国有改制饭店的长远发展。本文以委托管理模式下的国有改制饭店为调查对象,结果表明,委托管理模式下的国有改制饭店员工满意度总体偏低,各项指标的满意度高低排序为工作本身、人际关系、领导水平、职业发展、绩效考核、培训机会、管理环境和薪酬福利。因此,员工激励措施多样化、软文化与硬制度管理相结合、培训体系系统化是提升员工满意度的有效措施。  相似文献   

Recently, workplace harassment in the form of superiors abusing their power over subordinates has emerged as a social problem. In the deluxe hotel work environment, dealing with this issue starts by asking whether harassment by a superior has taken place – and if so, how it has influenced subordinates’ responses. The purpose of this study was to measure the perception of workplace harassment among employees and to explain the relationships between workplace harassment and employee engagement, satisfaction, burnout, and turnover intent in deluxe hotels in South Korea. The results showed that verbal aggression had a significant negative effect on employee engagement, while isolation, disrespectful behavior, and physical aggression exacerbated employee burnout. In addition, employee engagement significantly enhanced job satisfaction, while burnout increased employees’ turnover intent. Limitations and future research directions are also discussed.  相似文献   

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