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在中国的商务人士,都非常了解关系营销,在中国毋庸置疑的首要位置。中国的关系营销不同与西方的关系营销,两者虽然有相联系的地方但两者的表现却有许多不同。由于受到中国悠久历史和传统文化的影响,中国的关系营销从产生以来就带有着浓厚的中国色彩。  相似文献   

浅论关系营销的文化基础   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文简要梳理了营销理论发展的历史后,指出关系营销是市场营销发展的必然趋势。并且通过比较中西方人际关系模式,阐明了关系营销在中国的文化基础。  相似文献   

王蓓  王菲 《现代商贸工业》2008,(13):242-243
许多西方学者在中国日益崛起的商业实践的背景下,感叹关系营销只不过是发现了中国古老的商业秘密。Tim Ambler甚至将"guanxi"叫做营销的第三种范式。关系营销声名鹊起,中国的"guanxi"也在营销领域扮演了重要的角色。不少国内外学者对此也做出了十分积极的回应。指出这些关系研究对关系概念的混淆和改写,提倡从文化的角度弘扬一种正统全面的关系观。  相似文献   

自关系营销的概念在西方提出后,不少中国学者积极引入这一概念,将西方理论与中国普遍存在的利用人际关系从事营销活动的行为相结合.然而,关系营销理论在进入中国后,通过与中国人际关系文化的结合发生了一些新变化.本文拟在阐释西方关系营销理论与中国人际关系文化含义的基础之上,探讨两种文化影响下的企业行为差异和原因.  相似文献   

关系营销思想被西方学称为卞场营销观念上的一次革命。西方企业通过与消费弓建立起亲密和谐协调的战略合作伙伴关系,形成顾客忠诚,来实现企业的营销目标。引进关系营销策略,对提高我国广大工商企业的营销水平,迎接国际竞争势力的挑战具有非常重要的战略意义。对于中国的企业和企业家来说,要实施关系营销策略,必须要作好观念上与技术上的准备。  相似文献   

本文主要论述市场营销中关系营销理念,实质,中国社会传统文化的影响以及在中国关系营销成功的要素.  相似文献   

刘翚 《价格月刊》2014,(1):82-85
自20世纪80年代以来,关系营销越来越受到西方学者和企业界的普遍关注,在企业的经营中正扮演着越来越重要的角色。然而,很多中国企业在实施关系营销过程中都偏离了西方关系营销的原意。在梳理关系营销内涵的基础上,以环球雅思学校为例探讨了关系营销模式在培训学校运行的可行性及重要性,并提出了相关对策建议。  相似文献   

韩璐  赵苏杰  王迪 《商》2014,(49):91-91
被西方舆论界视为“对传统营销理论的一场变革”的关系营销自上个世纪八十年代提出以来就得到了很多国内外学者的关注,国内学者在将关系营销引进来的同时也在不断丰富其内涵与价值,然而在其本土化的过程中学者们观点不一,本文将对关系营销发展以来的各类观点进行综述,并展望在重视人际关系的中国本土上的关系营销未来的发展趋势。  相似文献   

郭赞伟 《中国市场》2009,(18):99-100
随着世界经济一体化的发展,企业关系营销的许多方面也随之趋同,但中西方在思维上的差异仍然表现出对关系营销方式上的不同,因此,须认真分析中西方思维方式差异在关系营销中的具体体现,并提出相应的对策,以提高营销工作的效率与成功率。  相似文献   

品牌关系是指将品牌虚拟成人,研究品牌和消费者之间的关系。作为将关系营销范式移植到品牌营销理论之后出现的前沿研究领域,品牌关系引起众多学者的关注。由于品牌关系源自西方,理论界对于品牌关系的研究主要建立在西方个人主义的行为模式上。而在以集体主义价值观为背景下的中国,这些建立在个人主义行为模式上的理论在我国的应用具有一定的局限性。本文结合国内外的研究成果,构建了一种中国文化背景下品牌关系影响及作用机制。  相似文献   

Recently, guanxi has become one of the hottest topics in domestic academia. Although relationship and guanxi are the same in Chinese characters, significant differences exist between the “relationship” in the western academic context and what Chinese people are familiar with, the Chinese “guanxi”. The indiscriminate imitation of the western relationship marketing in China neglecting the Chinese native culture context is detrimental to a true and thorough understanding of the Chinese relationship marketing practice. Therefore, it is of great significance to conduct research on guanxi in the Chinese native commercial context. Based on domestic and foreign literature review, this paper uses a qualitative research method including content analysis and focus group to get a thorough understanding of guanxi both from the academia and from the practitioners, followed by quantitative analysis methods including questionnaire investigation and factor analysis to develop a native commercial guanxi concept scale. After comparison of the qualitative and quantitative research results, an integrated guanxi concept system is built, which lays foundation for the future guanxi research. __________ Translated and revised from Yingxiao kexue xuebao 营销科学学报 (Journal of Marketing Science), 2006, 9(1): 1–14  相似文献   


Purpose: This work addresses the mixed findings in relationship marketing studies regarding the importance of traditional culture-level (i.e., interpersonal) relationships on service firm outcomes.

Methodology/approach: This article leverages customer relationship marketing (CRM) theory to advance a framework for understanding the causal relationship between the Chinese cultural worldview and relationship marketing in order to better predict firm performance.

Findings: The author suggests that five major Chinese cultural characteristics—iren-qing, wa-pao, mianzi, chaxu-geju, and collectivism—can qualify the business-to-business (B-to-B) relationship building process and impact the effectiveness of interpersonal and/or group relationships on service firm outcomes.

Research implications: The study’s framework suggests that Chinese cultural characteristics, universal concepts manifest in the activities of Chinese society and organizations, have a positive effect on customer relationship marketing. Chinese culture characteristics can be used to generate excellent relationships with customers and thus create a consumer preference for certain companies and drive service marketing repurchase.

Originality/value/contribution: This study’s theoretical framework (a) distinguishes between Chinese cultural characteristic and relationship marketing relationships; (b) suggests that Chinese cultural characteristics and customer relationship marketing have a positive and substantial effect on service firm performance and that Chinese cultural characteristics are related to customer relationship marketing in their effect on service firm performance; and (c) provides managerially relevant guidelines for strategic sales planning.  相似文献   

我国企业文化营销策略研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文化营销有助于企业实现产品差异化及提升品牌价值,也有助于企业产品品牌与消费者之间的沟通。我国企业在使用文化营销过程中还存在着不能紧密联系消费者、无法建立长期稳固的关系、不能给予消费者迅速反应、不注重消费者回报等问题。企业在实施文化营销时,应将文化运用到4R营销当中,即建立与消费者之间的文化关联;建立消费者所需求的文化反应;建立企业与消费者之间长期稳固的文化关系;建立了稳固的关系得到的营销文化回报。这能使营销过程更加顺利,并更有效的达到营销目的。  相似文献   

中医药文化是中国传统文化的重要组成部分,中医药企业应明确文化营销的内涵,正视开展文化营销过程中的问题,从整合企业文化、拓展文化营销渠道、增加品牌文化内涵、加快中医药创新等方面入手,将中医药产业做大做强。  相似文献   

The topics of supply chain risk and global sourcing have garnered significant attention in recent years. Although there is ample circumstantial evidence of global sourcing risk, especially from the western‐firm perspective of sourcing from China, few published studies have investigated the root causes of this risk. In this paper, we argue that much of the risk associated with sourcing from China stems from the differences associated with institutional norms and philosophical orientation between western and Chinese thought and culture. Based on an in‐depth literature review and case analysis, we compare western forms of supply chain relationship management with Guanxi, the Chinese form of relationship management and propose a framework of how western firms are exposed to supply relational risk when sourcing from Chinese suppliers. The framework proposed in this article sheds light for supply chain managers with regard to the potential pitfalls facing firms when working with Chinese suppliers, and provides the groundwork for future research regarding supply chain practices and Guanxi networks.  相似文献   

从4P、4C和4R的关系谈中国企业的营销创新   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
西方市场营销学的引入为中国市场营销发展起到了推动作用。从营销创新理论角度看 ,由4P、到 4C再到 4R ,三者思维方式都正确 ,但企业如果一味的强调 4P理论 ,就会形成不适合企业的营销渠道。随着营销的不断变化 ,企业要用 4C、 4R来思考 ,用 4R来行动 ,以此达到产品创新、价格创新、渠道创新、促销创新 ,从而缓解中国“公关热”、“CI热”、“CRM热”等对热现象产生的困惑  相似文献   

中国消费者奢侈品消费动机的实证研究   总被引:26,自引:0,他引:26  
亚洲特别是中国正成为世界奢侈品的主要市场,但是受文化的影响,东西方消费者的奢侈品消费动机是不同的。本文回顾了东西方奢侈品消费动机的研究,及其文化背景原因,特别关注了儒家文化对于东亚消费者的影响;对中国消费者的奢侈品消费动机进行了实证分析,对于奢侈品市场细分策略提出了建议。  相似文献   

Extant research on the relationship between consumer image congruence and retail store choice suggests that there exist four types of self congruity (actual self-congruity, social self-congruity, ideal self-congruity, and ideal social self-congruity) based on the identification of four types of selfconcept (actual self-image, social self-image, ideal self-image, and ideal social self-image). Mixed results have been produced by research undertaken in the western context particularly in terms of which type(s) of self-congruity is(are) significantly related to consumer attitudes and behaviour. To assess further the predictive power of different types of image-congruity, we conducted an empirical study among Chinese consumers on the relationship between self-congruity, satisfaction, perceived value and store loyalty. China was chosen for this study because recent entry of European and American retailers in China exerts strong need for better understanding of retail consumer behaviour. Moreover both anecdotal and literature evidences suggest that Chinese consumers could differ significantly from the western counterparts in terms of how their self-congruity influences their shopping behaviour. The results of structural equation modelling on our sample (n=320) indicate that consumer attitude and store loyalty are mainly driven by self consistence and social confirmation (i. e., actual self-congruity and social self-congruity) rather than by self-enhancement or esteem (i. e., ideal selfcongruity and ideal social self-congruity). Our finding offers strong managerial implications for western retailers' marketing strategies in the Chinese market.  相似文献   

张俊英 《中国市场》2008,(10):66-67
渠道宽度作为营销渠道结构之一,对产品的营销效果影响非常重要。本文在西方关于营销渠道的理论基础上,结合国内现有休闲装品牌的实际市场情况,通过个案研究,用SPSS曲线分析法得出休闲装品牌渠道宽度与品牌经营年限之间的关系。  相似文献   

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