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新新贸易理论“新”在何处——异质性企业贸易理论剖析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
传统贸易理论和新贸易理论都是基于企业同质化的前提假定.分析国际贸易产生的原因及其影响.然而,近年来以Melitz为代表的一些经济学家通过理论与实证研究发现.同一产业内部企业之间在其规模、生产率以及工人的工资上都存在着显著差异.从而提出了异质性企业贸易理论,又称为新新贸易理论,其研究视角从传统的国家和产业层面转向企业和产品层面,以生产率差异作为企业主要特征,从微观层面详细剖析了企业的出口、投资以及国际化生产组织行为,为国际贸易的利益来源提供了新的解释.  相似文献   

刘祥霞 《中国物价》2014,(12):78-81
出口增长是国际贸易领域里一个重要的研究对象。传统贸易理论和新贸易理论都是从单一角度来研究贸易增长的,而以Melitz的企业异质性贸易模型为核心的贸易理论成功的区分了集约边际和扩张边际,为分析中国出口增长提供了新的视角。  相似文献   

樊瑛 《财贸经济》2008,(2):120-126
传统贸易理论和新贸易理论都将“产业”作为研究单位,企业则因被认为具有同质性而不予考虑。由Melitz等领军的“新新贸易理论”研究,则将分析变量进一步细化到企业层面,提出了国际贸易的异质企业贸易模型,从而开拓了国际贸易理论和实证研究新的前沿。本文围绕企业异质性这个焦点,就国际贸易异质企业的生产率与出口之间的关系,贸易政策与异质性企业之间的关系,企业出口与企业FDI选择之间的关系等问题进行了文献综述。  相似文献   

本文在充分认识到中国企业生产率和出口关系的基础上,结合中国市场的特征事实,修改了Melitz模型关于国内外市场进入成本对比的假设,对理论模型进行拓展。在实证部分,本文主要使用2000年至2006年中国制造业企业面板数据,发现总体而言中国制造业企业的"出口自我选择效应"为负,存在"生产率悖论"的证据;分行业来讲,中国制造业企业不同行业的"出口自我选择效应"不同,但普遍存在负趋势。作者通过实践与分析,认为主要原因有二:贸易性质1差别导致不同贸易模式2企业生产率的差异;中国行业的市场进入门槛相对高(排除贸易性质差别)。最后本文详细分析了中国市场高门槛的主要原因,试图为中国制造业企业参与国内贸易和国际贸易提供可行建议。  相似文献   

传统的基于同质企业假设的产业内贸易理论无法对企业间的异质特征做出解释;最近几年,以Melitz(2003)为代表的企业异质性贸易理论揭示出贸易自由化会使生产资源和市场份额向高效率企业重新配置,从而促进产业总体生产率的提高,开启了贸易利得的新来源。本文综述了企业异质性贸易理论的发展,分析了企业异质性贸易理论对我国出口贸易的启示,最后给出了政策建议。  相似文献   

本文扩展了Melitz的异质性企业模型,通过对我国主要制造业2001-2010年面板数据的分析,实证检验了影响我国国内市场需求的主要因素。研究结果表明,我国确实存在"生产率悖论",较高的国内市场贸易成本对国内市场需求产生不利影响,扩大内需关键是降低过高的国内市场贸易成本。  相似文献   

国际贸易理论历经古典贸易理论、新古典贸易理论、新贸易理论、新兴古典贸易理论和新新贸易理论五个阶段,主要回答三个基本问题:贸易动因、贸易结构和贸易结果。依据不同的假设,贸易理论对影响贸易的边界条件的解释各不相同,对贸易动因解释也不相同;贸易结构从行业间贸易、行业内贸易发展为企业间贸易,国际贸易正在向全球化下的企业分工演变;贸易结果是国际贸易得以持续展开的效果,生产力提升是最终的结果。基于三个基本问题,比较各种国际贸易理论,揭示各种国际贸易理论的局限性,并做出评价。  相似文献   

文章在Melitz(2003)的基础上,将融资约束引入异质性企业贸易模型,进而研究不同贸易方式中企业出口比重变化在融资约束和企业生产率上的差异和变化。研究结果表明:(1)企业出口比重提高有助于降低融资约束。(2)低生产率的企业以加工贸易的形式扩大出口,高生产率的企业会以一般贸易的形式扩大出口。实证研究采用海关数据和制造业企业数据,检验结果支持理论假设。中国出口企业主要通过出口比重的边际调整来最大化融资约束与企业生产率之间的得失,因此若想通过"出口学习效应"更快成长,政府应该采取双管齐下的策略即松解融资约束和转变出口增长方式。  相似文献   

伴随经济全球化的进程加快,国际贸易和国际分工逐步深化,在世界经济增长中占据了越来越重要的地位,国外学者对其研究日益深入。企业异质性视角下生产率与出口关系的研究是新世纪以来新新贸易理论研究的主要内容,是当前国际贸易领域研究的前沿理论和研究热点。研究文献主要包括已执行企业贸易理论、""自我选择"效应和""出口学习"效应。  相似文献   

从18世纪工业革命至今,英国和美国先后主导了国际贸易体系,并根据本国国际竞争力由"弱—强—弱"的变化,采取了"保护贸易—自由贸易—保护贸易"的政策循环。英、美两国根据相对生产力水平调整国际贸易政策是为了争夺和维持其既有的国际贸易地位,进而建立落后国家依附于先进国家的国际贸易体系。文章通过回顾国际经济学中国际贸易理论的演进路径,继而分析新的理论进展出现的原因和主要贡献,并探讨是否存在"新国际经济学"。  相似文献   

We present an empirical implementation of a general-equilibrium model of international trade with heterogeneous manufacturing firms. The theory underlying our model is consistent with Melitz (2003). A nonlinear structural estimation procedure identifies a set of core parameters and unobserved firm-level trade frictions that best fit the geographic pattern of trade. Our estimation model is consistent with the specified general equilibrium model, and we conduct general equilibrium counterfactual analyses to illustrate model responses. We first assess the economic effects of reductions in measured tariffs. Taking the simple-average welfare change across regions the Melitz structure indicates welfare gains from liberalization that are four times larger than in a standard trade policy simulation. Furthermore, when we compare the economic impact of tariff reductions with reductions in estimated fixed trade costs we find that policy measures affecting the fixed costs are of greater importance than tariff barriers.  相似文献   

异质性企业贸易模型将企业的异质特征作为研究变量,加之企业层面数据的日益丰富和可用性,使对国际贸易问题的研究由宏观产业层面转向更加微观的企业层面。本文以企业异质性为焦点,对近年来大量关于出口与企业绩效之间关系的理论研究和实证研究的文献进行系统梳理,厘清了出口与企业绩效之间的因果关系,并做出简要评述。  相似文献   

Corporate organization varies within countries and between countries. We develop a theory which explains the variation in levels of decentralization across firms and links it to the trade environment that firms face. We introduce firms with internal hierarchies in a Melitz and Ottaviano (2008) model of international trade. We show that international trade increases the conflict of interest between CEO/owners and middle managers within firms and these eventually lead to decentralized corporate hierarchies. We test the theory with original data on the internal organizations of 2200 Austrian and German firms and find that the empirical evidence is consistent with the model's predictions.  相似文献   

We study the competitive and reallocation effects of trade opening in monopolistic competition. To this purpose, we generalize the Melitz (2003) setup with heterogeneous firms and fixed and variable trade costs beyond the CES to the case of additively separable utility functions. We find that extensive margin (Melitz-type selection) effects are robust to relaxing the CES assumption. Intensive margin effects (market share reallocations across inframarginal firms) and competitive (markup) effects are instead fragile. An important implication is that measured productivity gains from trade opening are no longer ensured with non-CES preferences. We discuss our results in the light of alternative setups featuring non-additive preferences, strategic interaction and consumers' preference for an ideal variety.  相似文献   

《The World Economy》2018,41(1):194-221
Alternative perspectives on the structure of international trade have important implications for the evaluation of climate policy. In this paper, we assess climate policy in the context of three important alternative trade formulations. First is a Heckscher‐Ohlin model based on trade in homogeneous products, which establishes the traditional neoclassical view on comparative advantage. Second is an Armington model based on regionally differentiated goods, which is a popular specification for numerical simulations of trade policy. Third is a Melitz model based on monopolistic competition and firm heterogeneity. This heterogeneous‐firms framework is adopted in many contemporary theoretic and empirical investigations in international trade. As we show in this paper, the three alternative trade formulations have important implications for the assessment of climate policy with respect to competitive effects for energy‐intensive production (and hence carbon leakage) as well as the transmission of policy burdens across countries.  相似文献   

This paper shows that the gains from opening up to international trade are smaller when firms do not fully internalize downward risk. I develop a general equilibrium model with two key assumptions. First, when faced with adverse productivity shocks, employers can lay off workers without fully paying the social costs of their layoff decisions, a common feature of many institutions. Second, when opening to international trade, the elasticity of demand perceived by an industry increases. In this setup, I show that international trade induces firms to take more risk and (i) raises the equilibrium unemployment rate, (ii) increases the volatility of sectoral sales and (iii) increases welfare proportionately less than in the absence of the externality. Inducing firms to internalize the costs of layoff (Blanchard and Tirole, 2003) therefore appears even more important in a globalized world.  相似文献   

How do labor markets adjust to trade liberalization? Leading models of intraindustry trade (Krugman (1981), Melitz (2003)) assume homogeneous workers and full employment, and thus predict that all workers win from trade liberalization, a conclusion at odds with the public debate. Our paper develops a new model that merges Melitz (2003) with Shapiro and Stiglitz (1984), so also links product market churning to labor market churning. Workers care about their jobs because the model features aggregate unemployment and jobs that pay different wages to identical workers. Simulations show that, for reasonable parameter values, as many as one-fourth of existing “good jobs” (those with above average wage) may be destroyed in a liberalization. This is true even as the model shows minimal impact on aggregate unemployment and quite substantial aggregate gains from trade.  相似文献   

In this paper, we present one of the first work on the relation between firm productivity and exporting behaviour in the presence of intermediaries. Using a standard trade framework à la Melitz (2003, Econometrica, 71 , 6, 1695) and Chaney (2009, American Economic Review, 98, 4 , 1707), we find that the most productive firms have sales in the home country and also exporting directly to foreign countries, followed by firms with sales in the home country and exporting both directly and through intermediaries, by firms with sales in the home country and exporting through intermediaries, and finally by firms with sales in the home country only. These theoretical predictions are borne out in a data set of 12,679 firms in 29 developing economies during the 2002–06 period.  相似文献   

The empirical finding that exporting firms are more productive on average than non‐exporters has provoked a large theoretical literature based on models such as Melitz ( 2003 ), where more productive firms are more likely to overcome costs associated with trade. This paper investigates how closely the productivity heterogeneity framework fits the data from a firm‐level survey that includes information on export destinations and firm characteristics such as productivity. We find a high degree of unpredictable idiosyncratic participation in export markets by firms and a relatively weak positive correlation between the extent of a firm's export market participation and its export sales. We find that a small number of standard gravity variables provide a close fit to the country‐level determinants of trade but that greater variation results in more difficulty in explaining firm‐specific factors driving exporting behaviour. We also illustrate some elements of the dynamics over time in firm exporting patterns by destination. We show that lagged exporting activity has a significant effect on a firm's current exporting profile.  相似文献   

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