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通过分析软件开发过程中存在的问题,引入软件工程的概念,并概括了利用软件工程进行软件开发中最重要的3个方面.传统的软件工程方法将被面向对象的方法所取代,组件技术必将越来越倍受重视,同时更加新颖、更加先进的方法也必将会出现.  相似文献   

传统的软件工程方法曾经给软件产业带来巨大进步,部分的缓解了软件危机,使用这种方法开发的许多中、小规模软件项目都获得了成功.但是随着大型软件产品的不断开发,传统软件工程方法已经不能够满足大型软件产品的开发需求.而目前面向对象方法已经成为人们在开发软件时首选的范型.面向对象技术已经成为当前最好的软件开发工具.  相似文献   

随着面向对象研究的不断深入,面向对象技术的应用越来越广泛,面向对象的思想被应用到许多不同的领域。在介绍软件工程方法的基础上分析了面向对象的软件工程方法的分析技术、设计及软件开发方法,从而说明了面向对象技术贯穿于软件开发的全过程。  相似文献   

随着软件技术的发展,基于构件技术的软件工程(component-based software engineering,CBSE)方法已经日趋成熟。基于构件的软件工程旨在通过对标准化软件构件的复用,采用"搭积木"的方式生产软件,解决传统软件开发质量和进度难以得到保证的问题。对基于构件软件工程的软件质量、软件生产率和软件成本进行了经济学分析,阐述了基于构件软件开发各经济因子间的关系。  相似文献   

软件工程是一个年轻并且充满活力的研究领域。60年代末期以来人们为克服"软件危机"在这一领域做了大量工作,逐渐形成了系统的软件开发理论、技术和方法,它们在软件开发实践中发挥了重要作用。今天,现代科学技术将人类带入了信息社会,计算机软件扮演着十分重要的角色,软件工程已成为信息社会高技术竞争的关键领域之一,本文就其发展及应用进行了探索和研究。  相似文献   

软件体系结构已经成为软件工程领域的一个新的研究方向,软件体系结构的提出对软件重用机制和软件开发效率的提高具有非常重要的意义。本文对软件体系结构的定义、评价指标、建模方法进行研究,进而列砚令软件体系结构的软件开发模型进行比较分析,以其能够寻找一种提高软件开发的质量、减少软件开销和促进软件生产率提高的有效方法。  相似文献   

利用旱已定义好的方法集和符号表示习惯来组织软件生产的过程是软件工程的开发方法。根据用户需求在规定的时间和投资内开发出高质量的软件是软件开发的目标,然而计算机软件开发生产效率却远远跟不上计算机应用的要求,软件成本逐步上升,质量没有可靠的保证,而软件的维修与保护却需要花费很大的代价,软件已经成为约束计算机系统发展的关键因素。为解决软件开发与维护的问题,一门新兴的工程学一软件工程逐渐发展起来。软件工程从技术和管理两个方面研究怎样更好地维护,开发计算机软件的问题,很好地解了软件产业中的一系列问题。  相似文献   

一些工科院校在培养复合型、应用型会计信息化人才方面创新出了新的模式,该模式具有专业新颖性、学科复合性和交叉性等特点,但也存在不足.本文在多年的软件工程(会计学)教学经验的基础上,总结出了软件工程(会计学)人才培养的特点和存在的问题,并提出了相应的解决措施,以期更加完善具有会计学背景的复合型、应用型软件工程人才培养体系.  相似文献   

王竹云 《消费导刊》2009,(11):18-20
我国软件业与世界先进国家相比,差距甚远,其主要原因是软件工程化技术没有得到广泛的应用。今天,软件开发不再是软件开发人员的个人行为而是团队行为,对软件开发机构来说,如何在要求的时间内、合理的投资下保质保量地交付软件产品是一个巨大的挑战。无论是在软件水平最高的美国还是在我国,软件开发项目超期、超预算、最终的软件产品的质量不能使最终用户满意等问题,都是困扰软件开发机构的重大问题。本文从建立专职质量提升组织、软件开发过程的质量识别与控制、完善的测试手段与软件过程能力成熟度模型的应用等方面来叙述提高软件的质量控制的途径。  相似文献   

基于构件技术的软件工程方法,将整个软件开发过程划分为构件开发和构件组装两大部分。在构件组装工具的研究中,涉及到体系结构、构件模型、构件描述语言、构件组装机制、组装工具的可视化等多个方面。面向互联网应用的构件组装中间件技术是近年来研究的热点。本文介绍了目前主流的构件组装模型及其最佳实现方法,通过几个案例,展示了国内业界在这一领域的研究成果。  相似文献   

With so many off-the-shelf software packages on the market, how do you know which are the real planning tools? Here's an annotated list that takes a hard look at how these programs help you analyze situations, generate ideas, and craft solutions to strategic problems.  相似文献   

Backlogs in information-systems departments are growing like Topsy, and something must be done to relieve the load. The authors say that, like it or not, the fourth generation is the answer.  相似文献   

This paper attempts to argue that the emergence of a diverse and dominant software (SW) services industry in India is facilitated to a large extent by the range of policies and initiatives undertaken by the Indian State. In addition to a series of sector-specific policy initiatives and promotional schemes, the positive interplay among the trade, technological and tariff policies did contribute to the emergence of the SW services sector. The authors also argue that the overall liberalisation project initiated in the early 1990s, by way of initiating a distinct export orientation to economic thinking, did contribute to the sector's emergence.  相似文献   

An empirical study of software piracy   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

Interaction effects in software piracy   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The paper presents an exploratory attempt to analyse self-reported leniency toward software piracy systematically, using an approach based on empirical factors, rather than ethical factors. The empirical factors studied were: (i) social acceptance of software piracy; (ii) the cost of original software; (iii) urgency of the subject's need for software; (iv) availability of original software; (v) knowledge of computer software copyright law; (vi) gender; (vii) monthly household income; and (viii) education level. It provides new insights to software companies and government officials who are developing programmes to promote the concept of anti-piracy among software consumers. This is also the first exploratory research to study the interaction effects among factors influencing the reported leniency towards software piracy, at the individual level.  相似文献   

This paper assumes that the purpose of ethics is to open up a space for the possibility of moral conduct in the flow of everyday life. If this is the case then we can legitimately ask: ‘How then do we do ethics?’ To attempt an answer to this important question, the paper presents some suggestions from the work of Emmanuel Levinas and Jacques Derrida. With Levinas, it is argued that ethics happens in the singularity of the face of the Other before me ‘here and now’. Ethics matters in my everyday contact with the Other that disturbs my egological existence and claims my response. But what about all other Others, not here now but nevertheless simultaneously already present? What about their equal claim on me? With Levinas and Derrida, the paper attempts to articulate the notion of singular justice as the simultaneous demand of all others requiring my response. In singular justice, the paper attempts to show how the demands of ethics (the singular) and the demands of justice (all other Others) can become the impossible possibility for a ‘justice where there is no distinction between those close and those far off, but in which there also remains the impossibility of passing by the closest’. Furthermore, the paper attempts to argue that singular justice is our calling – or more precisely my calling – to do the right thing, here and now. Finally, by way of explication, the paper discusses a case of software piracy to try to show how singular justice can help us not to think about ethics, which is important, but to (almost) do it – which is very important.  相似文献   

Efforts to counter software piracy are an increasing focus of software publishers. This study attempts to develop a profile of those who illegally copy software by looking at undergraduate and graduate students and the extent to which they pirate software. The data indicate factors that can be used to profile the software pirater. In particular, males were found to pirate software more frequently than females and older students more than younger students, based on self-reporting. Ronald R. Sims is the Floyd Dewey Gottwald Professor of Business Administration, The College of William and Mary. He is the author or coauthor of more than sixty articles and eleven books. His two most recent books are: Ethics and Organizational Decision Making: A Call for Renewal and Corporate Misconduct: The Legal, Societal and Management Issues.Hsing Kenneth Cheng is Assistant Professor of Information Technology at the Graduate School of Business Administration, The College of William and Mary. His research interests include information systems economics, managing the risks of computer system breakdowns, and analyzing the impacts and policy implications of information technology on society.  相似文献   

Numerous studies examine potential facilitators and inhibitors of open source software (OSS) adoption at the firm level. This study represents the first attempt to propose and test a multi-level framework, examining the effects of five country-level variables and two under-explored firm-level factors on firm OSS adoption. The findings suggest that a country's uncertainty avoidance orientation has a positive impact on OSS adoption, whereas power distance orientation and economic development have a negative impact on OSS adoption. In addition, uncertainty avoidance at the country level sets boundaries for the effect of firm-level IT-based networks in a way that the impact of proprietary IT-based networks becomes stronger, but that of open IT-based networks becomes weaker when uncertainty avoidance is high rather than low. The study also develops public policy implications from these findings.  相似文献   

对我国离岸加工软件出口的思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
进入21世纪,软件业作为信息产业的核心,已成为决定21世纪国家竞争力的战略性先导产业。我国政府将软件产业置于战略产业的高度,给予国家政策的重点扶持,尤其是近年来对于软件产品出口的扶植力度不断加大。在政府和社会各界的关注和大力支持下,我国的软件产品出口近年来取得了长足进展,2000年出口4亿美元,2001年出口7.2亿美元,2002年出口15亿美元,2003年上半年尽管受SARS疫情影响,增长速度有所放缓,但仍达到8亿美元。然而我们应清醒地看到,相对于世界软件市场的整体规模,我国的软件产品出口仍处于比较落后的状态,在2002年的500亿美元世界软…  相似文献   

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