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This study explores the causal relationship between financial development and trade openness in China, using the research methodology namely bootstrap Granger full-sample causality test and sub-sample rolling-window estimation. The results reveal that there is a significant bidirectional relationship between financial development and trade openness in China, pointing out the existence of both ‘demand-following’ and ‘supply-leading’ hypotheses. Furthermore, their relationship fits well the fact that China has experienced economic restructuring and structural changes in the past few decades. As financial development improves trade openness robustly, the Chinese policymakers should further increase financial reform to promote trade development.  相似文献   

In this paper, we examine the impact of trade and financial openness on bank loan pricing. Using data from 35 emerging economies, we first document that higher trade and financial openness lower interest rates on gross bank loans using country-specific measures for trade and financial openness. We then confirm our findings using firm-specific measures for trade and financial openness and individual loan spread. Exploiting the accession to World Trade Organization (WTO) as a quasi-natural experiment, we observe loan interest rates declined in countries after joining the WTO. Overall, we imply that openness is beneficial for financial development in emerging economies.  相似文献   

本文采用两阶段最小二乘估计的方法,根据开放度与市场规模在对经济增长影响上的替代性理论,对我国各地区对外开放度的适宜性进行了实证分析,通过计算得出结论,上海、北京和广东等地区的贸易开放度已经偏高了,这些地区对外贸易的增长速度不应继续高于经济增长的速度,应维持或减小开放度;而其他地区的开放度离临界开放度尚远,可以继续通过提高对外开放度的方式促进经济增长。  相似文献   

本文针对有关我国金融发展影响国际贸易的现有研究只重视国家层面、忽视区域差异的事实,基于跨省面板数据,运用面板协整理论和广义矩估计方法,不仅就全国整体,更深入东、中、西部区域内部实证分析了我国金融发展对国际贸易影响的长期均衡和短期动态影响。结果表明:无论是在长期,还是在短期,全国金融发展对进、出口都有着显著的促进作用,但在不同区域,其影响差异显著。其中,东部地区金融发展对进出口的长期促进作用明显大于中、西部地区;而短期内,虽然东部金融发展促进了进出口,但中、西部金融发展却不同程度地制约了进出口的发展。  相似文献   

文章从贸易开放对中国能源消耗产生的影响这一基本问题出发,将人力资本纳入分析视角,研究了贸易开放、人力资本对中国能源消耗的直接效应和交互效应。利用中国2001-2012年30个省份的统计数据,运用固定效应回归模型和面板门槛回归模型进行了实证研究,结果表明:贸易开放对能源消耗的直接效应呈倒“U”型曲线关系,即在贸易开放水平较低时,提高贸易开放水平将增加能源消耗量并提高能源消耗强度;当贸易开放水平较高时,提高贸易开放水平反而能促使能源消耗量和能源消耗强度降低。人力资本对能源消耗的直接效应显著为负,提高人力资本要素积累将促进地区经济增长从物质资本驱动型向人力资本驱动型转变。贸易开放与人力资本对能源消耗的交互效应在人力资本处于较高的门槛区间时显著为负,说明贸易开放在人力资本较高的地区将促进该地区专业化生产节能降耗的人力资本密集型产品,从而降低地区能源消耗量并提高能源利用效率。  相似文献   

我国资本外逃与经济开放度的实证研究:1982-2004年   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
黄蔚  彭真善 《国际贸易问题》2006,288(12):108-114
本文以国际收支平衡表中的经常账户和资本与金融账户为基础,分别从实体经济层面的贸易开放度和金融层面的投资开放度来界定我国的经济开放度指标,运用两变量VAR系统分析方法对1982-2004年我国资本外逃规模与经济开放度各指标之间的关系进行实证研究,结果表明二者之间具有显著的正向协整关系,相对投资开放度而言,贸易开放度对资本外逃规模有较大的影响。基于此结论,本文提出了相应的政策建议。  相似文献   

This article empirically investigates the interactions among economic growth, financial development, and trade openness through simultaneous equation systems. The identification and estimation of the systems rely on the methodology of identification through heteroskedasticity. The empirical results show that each of the three variables interacts in important ways. When controlling for the reverse causation, trade promotes economic growth in high-income, low-inflation, and nonagricultural countries but has a negative impact on growth in countries with the opposite attributes. Similarly, when accounting for the feedbacks from growth, banks and stock markets have different impacts on economic growth. While banking development is detrimental to output growth, stock market development is more favorable to growth in high-income, low-inflation, and nonagricultural countries. The data also reveal coexistence of a positive effect of financial development on trade and a negative effect of trade on financial development in poorer countries. In richer countries, financial development stimulates trade openness whereas trade has an ambiguous impact on financial development.  相似文献   

Jang C. Jin 《The World Economy》2004,27(10):1571-1582
The effect of increasing openness on real output growth in China is examined. The framework of analysis is a regression model that uses time‐series data for each province. For east coastal provinces, increasing openness is found to have positive effects on real output growth, and some of the effects are statistically significant. The results appear to be broadly consistent with the new growth theories that openness enhances long‐run growth through its impact on technological improvement. However, inland provinces in China have been isolated from world trade for several decades and their economies devastated. An increased openness in these provinces is found to have, in most cases, negative effects on real output growth.  相似文献   

本文基于新经济增长理论,从贸易开放度视角对中国与印度经济增长进行了比较分析。结果表明:两国贸易开放度存在明显结构差异,中国以商品贸易为主,而印度服务贸易份额远高于中国;中国的总体贸易开放度高于印度,但两者之间的差距随着印度外贸加速发展而缩小;两国贸易开放度与经济增长存在长期均衡关系,中国贸易开放度对经济增长的促进效应略高于印度,但中国面临着由贸易引发的人民币升值和外部失衡冲突问题。  相似文献   

随着美国金融危机的出现和加深,世界经济增长放缓,国际市场需求减少,我国出口贸易和国民经济的发展面临巨大的挑战。为此,政府不断运用出口退税政策对对外贸易进行宏观调控,以实现贸易、经济和社会的平稳、较快和可持续发展。至今我国政府已经进行了8次出口退税政策的调整,具体体现在出口退税政策的调整背景、出口退税的税负主体调整、出口退税的税率调整等方面。  相似文献   

This article examines the role of institutional structures in the relationship between trade openness and financial development in sub-Saharan economies. The study is based on empirical data from sampled sub-Saharan African countries for a period of 1996–2017. The system generalized method of moment was employed to estimate the models. The findings suggest that, even though trade openness has a positive significant influence on the level of financial development in sub-Saharan African economies, this relationship is enhanced through the presence of good institutions in these economies. Thus, for these economies to realize the full benefit of the effect of trade openness on financial development, they need to strengthen their institutions.  相似文献   

财政分权、金融深化与地区国际贸易发展   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
地区开放度的非均衡分布,是造成我国地区经济差距不断扩大一个很重要的因素。本文首先从金融效应的视角分析了地区对外贸易的作用机理,并试图引入了财政分权改革下,金融发展对地区对外贸易发展的分析框架。我们发现:(1)金融深化有利于地区开放度的提高;(2)地方政府对于金融体系的干涉不利于地区对外贸易的发展;(3)我国部分地区出口的快速发展很大程度上得益于非正式金融。  相似文献   

选取1998—2006年中国26个省市的面板数据,利用结合劳动力供需的对外开放影响工资差距的理论模型,就对外开放对制造业熟练和非熟练工人工资差距的影响进行实证研究。研究发现:从全国样本看,外商直接投资有利于缩小制造业熟练与非熟练工人工资差距,而贸易开放与制造业熟练和非熟练工人工资差距则是一种倒"U"型的关系。在分地区讨论时,发现外商直接投资对中西部地区制造业熟练与非熟练工人工资差距的缩小作用要大于东部地区,贸易开放对中西部地区制造业熟练与非熟练工人工资差距存在显著的正向影响,而对东部地区的影响不显著,这进一步验证了上述倒"U"型关系的实证结果。  相似文献   

Drawing on the investment development path (IDP) framework and foreign direct investment (FDI) spillover literature, this study attempts to identify the contingent and dynamic effect of inward FDI (IFDI) on outward FDI (OFDI) at a provincial level. Using panel data from China, our findings reveal that the positive effect of IFDI on OFDI is stronger in provinces with high economic development, albeit at a diminishing rate over time. However, the level of corruption weakens the effect of IFDI on OFDI over time. Despite that, we find that the effect of IFDI on OFDI is not contingent on trade openness overall. By decomposing trade openness into two dimensions, that is, import intensity and export intensity, our findings indicate that the effect of IFDI on OFDI depends on export intensity, rather than import intensity. Our study provides insights into the complex effect of IFDI on OFDI from a contingent and dynamic perspective.  相似文献   

This study assesses dynamics of openness and finance in Africa by integrating financial development dynamics of depth, activity and size in the assessment of how financial, trade, institutional, political and other openness policies (of second generation structural and institutional reforms) have affected financial development. The empirical evidence is based on Generalized Method of Moments with data from 28 African countries for the period 1996–2010. The following findings are established. (1) While the de jure (KAOPEN) indicator of financial openness improves financial depth, the de facto (FDI) measurement decreases it, with the effect of the latter measure positive on financial size. (2) Whereas trade openness improves financial depth, its effect on financial activity and size is negative. (3) Institutional openness has a positive effect on financial dynamics of depth and activity, while its effect on financial size is negative. (4) Political openness and economic freedom are detrimental to financial depth and activity. Justifications for these nexuses are discussed.  相似文献   

Although improving international trade on the back of financial sector development is one of the preoccupations of countries in Africa, empirical literature on financial development-trade nexus has not been rigorous in examining how finance shapes trade. In this study, we examine the effect of financial development on international trade in Africa relying on data for 46 countries over the period 1980–2015. Results from our system generalized method of moments reveal differential effects of finance on trade. In particular, we notice that, private credit does not promote trade while domestic credit positively affects trade. These effects are robust to measures of trade. Thus, improving the level of private (domestic) credit dampens (amplifies) exports and trade openness. However, we also find a U-shaped relationship between private credit and trade measures suggesting that financial sector development may be detrimental (helpful) to trade for economies with low (high) level of private credit.  相似文献   

Domestic acquisitions of firms in emerging markets have so far evaded scholarly interest. This article contributes to closing this gap by looking into the drivers of cross-province acquisitions in the People's Republic of China, covering 569 deals in manufacturing industry conducted between 1999 and 2012. Drawing on the resource-based view, this study looks at prior Chief Executive Officer (CEO) experience and organizational slack as two drivers of cross-province acquisitions, and analyses the moderating effects of firm ownership types and the location of an acquiring firm. The results show that private firms having CEOs with experience outside of the home province are the drivers of cross-province acquisitions in China.  相似文献   

The objective of this paper is to empirically investigate the structural, financial, developmental, institutional, and macroeconomic determinants of bond market development for a sample of 22 emerging and developing countries over the period 1990–2013. We employ both the Prais-Winston and system GMM procedures to tackle the problems of endogeneity among the explanatory variables and our measure of bond market development, group-wise heteroscedasticity, and contemporaneous cross-sectional and serial correlations in the residuals. Our results suggest that a combination of structural, financial and institutional factors seem to exert a significant effect on bond markets. Indeed, economic size, trade openness, investment profile, GDP per Capita, bureaucratic quality, and size and concentration of banking system are positively related to bond market development, while interest rate volatility and fiscal balance are negatively associated with the development of bond markets. Those results are robust to the inclusion of developed countries' bond markets, international bonds issuers, and to possible structural breaks.  相似文献   

金融结构差异与货币政策的区域效应   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
我国实行的主要是总量调控的货币政策,而忽视了金融结构的差异。在借鉴国内外研究成果的基础上,文章从金融结构差异的角度,结合我国中部六省金融发展的实际状况,分析了货币政策的区域效应。结果表明:中部六省存在货币政策的区域效应,而且各省存在一定的特点,其原因主要是资本市场的完善程度的差异。文章认为,为促进中部六省经济协调发展,可以考虑在中部地区建立区域证券交易中心。  相似文献   

This paper examines the international spillover effects of China's monetary policy shock on macro and financial variables in 26 countries along the Belt and Road (B&R) from 2000 to 2019. We find that a surprise Chinese monetary tightening brings about a widening in the short-term interest rate spread, a drop in the equity price, nominal depreciation against the RMB and real depreciation, and an improvement in the trade balance, on average, across the 26 B&R countries. Moreover, substantial heterogeneous effects emerge in the responses of the foreign real exchange rate and the trade balance in different groups in terms of the 26 countries' trade weights with China, capital openness, and national income levels. Finally, all the empirical evidence reveals that the expenditure switching effect plays an important role in facilitating the international transmission of China's monetary policy shock.  相似文献   

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