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“公司+农户”的交易效率与契约选择   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
运用交易费用经济学、博弈论的基本原理,以"公司+农户"这一组织形式中的契约关系为研究对象,根据抵押品模型,构建了一个"公司+农户"契约选择模型,来讨论"公司+农户"经营组织不同契约类型选择及其效率,并提出改进思路及政策含义。  相似文献   

隐性、显性和关系契约这三种重要的契约形式一直是信息经济学的研究重点,作为一种典型的民间金融形式,信用轮储协会(Roscas)包含了这三种契约形式的经济学特点。在不同时期信用轮储普遍存在于世界上的各个国家。我们将从制度和福利的角度来分析这一经济现象,指出其存在的合理性。在制度分析中,我们采用博弈论的框架,采用三种类型的委托-代理模型对借贷关系进行分析。通过借贷双方的简单和重复博弈分析,找到纳什均衡的激励契约,并从制度的角度分析这些契约的特点。从而得到风俗、习惯对于信用轮储协会有决定作用这一结论。在福利分析中,通过模型分析我们得到:引入信用轮储协会机制后,确实可以改善人们的福利水平,从而证实了这一金融中介存在的合理性。  相似文献   

浅析契约理论与会计政策选择   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
契约理论构成了企业会计政策选择的理论基础。按照契约理论的观点,会计核算的目的是反映契约双方的法律权利和要求,会计核算的对象就是契约;会计人员应该记录和反映的首先是契约要求的供货量,然后是契约的履行情况。企业的利益相关者往往通过代理契约、社会契约等形式选择会计政策,以达到自身利益最大化。  相似文献   

供应链契约是约束各企业完成所承担任务的保证。本文以供应链契约理论为基础,对比分析了中美供应链契约的形式、内容以及执行方面的不同,对我国未来供应链契约的发展提出相应的建议。  相似文献   

心理契约是组织与员工之间除正式的雇用协议以外最重要的、非书面化的契约形式,它对员工的工作表现具有重要影响。本文就员工心理契约违背以及由此引发的一系列态度和行为变化进行研究,并在此基础上探讨如何预防和纠正这种现象的发生和发展。  相似文献   

企业是各种契约的集合体,在这个结合体中股权契约、薪酬契约、债务契约是企业内部契约形式中比较重要的几个,对公允价值计量提供的财务会计信息的依赖程度相对较高,并从不同的方面影响着公允价值计量运用.  相似文献   

通过比较物流外包与物流联盟的本质区别,构建物流外包契约机制的理论体系与模型。论证了物流外包的非实质性对策及物流联盟的实质性对策;通过建立恰当的契约机制可以实现从物流外包向物流联盟的飞跃;物流外包的契约机制包含数量柔性契约机制、质量契约机制、价格契约机制、收益分享契约机制、旁支付契约机制、混合协作契约机制、信息甄别契约机制、信号传递契约机制、道德毁损契约机制以及逆向选择与道德毁损并存下的契约机制;不同的对策结构应采用不同的契约机制。  相似文献   

文章结合农产品供应链中期权契约的现状,给出网络金融下农产品供应链的具体形式,探索在网络金融出现后农产品供应链中期权契约存在的必要性及制约因素,并说明网络金融下期权契约模型在农产品供应链中的前景。  相似文献   

本文从布坎南和福特所构建的"间接税分析模型"中分析出了不同的税收规则给纳税人带来的不同的时间扭曲,并将这种时间扭曲理解为税收成本.征税者也存在根据完税时间来调整预期支出结构的行为,这样一种税收成本概念同样适用于征税者.由此,在构建了一个社会契约一般原则之后,本文尝试从税收成本的角度对社会契约形式转变予以分析.认为只有在纳税人和征税者之间对完税的时间具有预期一致性时,也就是双方税收成本相等,社会契约得以稳定存在.如果纳税人由于税收规则带来的扭曲从而使其对社会契约的认知发生改变,纳税人将移动税收成本曲线,从而使得社会契约形式从"霍布斯契约"向"洛克契约"发生转变.  相似文献   

供应链契约是一种重要的供应链协调机制。在不同的供应链企业关系中,企业会采取不同的博弈策略,进而会影响供应链契约的选择。本文首先就供应链中的企业合作关系进行博弈分析,引入了一个柔性批量订货契约模型,在此基础上,研究了不同供应链企业关系下的企业博弈问题及供应链契约选择问题,提出了基于供应链企业关系的供应链契约选择策略。研究表明,只有当博弈各方对未来的收益具有足够重视时,双方长久的合作关系才能建立和维持,并会选择着眼于合作的供应链契约。  相似文献   

The controversy around fixed-term contracts centres around the conflict between the employer’s need for flexibility and the employee’s need for security. The authors propose flexible contributions for employers to the public unemployment insurance system to balance both interests. The employers’ contributions for their temporary staff would increase while the contributions for their permanent staff would in turn decrease slightly. The authors calculate four versions. With regards to the total sum of contributions, the first version holds the contributions received constant while the second version leads to a reduction. They then repeat these two calculations for fixed-term contracts without substantive grounds. The flexibility premium takes into account the higher unemployment risk of employees with fixed-term contracts and establishes monetary incentives for employers to hire employees with permanent contracts.  相似文献   

This paper examines the effects of uncertainty and flexible labour contracts on the Research and Development (R&D) intensity. Using a panel of Italian manufacturing firms, we find a hump‐shaped relationship between workforce flexibility and R&D intensity. Moreover, as predicted by the real options theory, our results suggest that product market uncertainty reduces R&D efforts and that flexible labour contracts countervail the adverse effect of uncertainty on R&D.  相似文献   

This study examines the antecedents and consequences of both timing and content of idiosyncratic deals (i-deals) for attracting and retaining valuable employees. A resource exchange frame theorizes the influence pattern of personal individualism value, social skill, and perceived insider status on i-deals timing. Individualism and social skill are expected to relate to both ex ante and ex post i-deals; perceived insider status is anticipated to relate only to ex post i-deals. The frame also suggests that i-deals’ content and personal development relate primarily to relational and balanced psychological contracts; the other ex post i-deals, flexibility and workload reduction relate to transactional psychological contracts. The frame was tested with data collected from 289 Chinese employees in the telecommunication industry.  相似文献   

This paper develops a novel, general derivative pricing model which introduces a liquidity risk factor. The model variants we outline offer a sufficient degree of flexibility so as to enable the valuation of various types of derivative classes including futures, American options, and mortgage backed security options, whereas existing derivative models can only price liquidity risk in European derivatives. We validate the model with oil and gold futures data and compare it to a classical benchmark model void of any liquidity risk. We find that our model is significantly more accurate than the classical model for pricing both oil and gold contracts.  相似文献   

《Business Horizons》2016,59(4):363-368
In management literature, a psychological contract generally refers to an employee's beliefs about the reciprocal obligations that exist between him or her and an organization. Legal contracts, on the other hand, are agreements that create obligations between the parties that are enforceable by law. Psychological contracts are different from legal contracts in that they are characterized by the belief that both parties have entered into a set of mutual obligations. While marketing scholars and practitioners have largely overlooked the notion of psychological contracts, this article argues that a firm's customers might view the promises they believe a firm has made to them as psychological contracts. Psychological contracts are as relevant to marketing as they are to management. This article expands the notion of psychological contracts to marketing relationships and outlines internal and external strategies firms can employ to manage psychological contracts more effectively.  相似文献   

This study investigates psychological contract contents and the effects of different types of psychological contracts on the work outcomes of employees in an Indian organization. Analysis of case study interviews and secondary data suggests that employee expectations can be categorized into relational and transactional psychological contracts. The contents of these contracts, while largely similar to those in the West, reflected certain aspects that are unique to the sociocultural context of employment relationships in India. Further, the fulfillment or breach of these psychological contracts led to different effects on work outcomes. Relational psychological contracts affected long‐term affective work outcomes, such as prosocial work behaviors, psychological ownership, and engagement. Transactional psychological contracts had stronger effects on turnover intentions and attitude to work. © 2016 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

The combination of contracts is a potential mechanism of product development in Islamic finance. However, this concept encounters legal issues due to ahadith that prohibit two contracts in one deal. The article argues for the validity of combining two or more contracts to structure Shariah‐compliant products. It discusses many aspects of combination of contracts, including terminologies and purposes of the con‐tracts, the degree of uncertainty and ambiguity, and the nature of the bargain in the contracts combined. If the contracts combined pass the tests established by legal prin‐ciples, there will be no legal objection to combine such contracts into one deal. © 2007 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

This study extends beyond negotiation process and styles, and focuses on negotiators’ tendency to sign formal contracts. Drawing on a risk mitigation perspective, it examines the influence of businesspeople's levels of horizontal and vertical individualism‐collectivism, ethical idealism, and trust propensity on their attitudes toward signing formal negotiated business contracts in Greece and in Israel. A survey questionnaire was translated from English to Greek and to Hebrew, and 649 responses were collected from employees who worked in industries such as banking, insurance, construction, manufacturing, retailing, and tourism in the Greek and Israeli private and public sectors. Our findings suggest that higher levels of horizontal individualism, horizontal collectivism, and ethical idealism increase employees’ tendency to sign formal contracts, whereas lower levels of general trust are associated with a higher propensity to sign formal contracts. Interestingly, employees’ propensity to sign formal contracts was significantly lower in Israel than in Greece. We argue that the propensity to sign formal contracts, and thus to mitigate potential agreement risks, is dependent on the individuals’ cultural and personal attributes. The study provides practitioners with a set of cultural and individual attributes that can serve as predictors of negotiators’ predisposition toward signing business contracts. © 2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

The commentary first discusses the main argument of Mouzas and Ford. The commentary then addresses how contracts can be understood in business networks by relating the concept to the three main IMP models. The conclusion is that the article is an important step in linking ideas of business contracts and resource interaction in relational settings. Mouzas and Ford examine how contracts are used to leverage knowledge based resources through interaction with other idiosyncratically capable firms. In particular, they empirically investigate the use of umbrella contracts as manifestations of joint consent in manufacturer — retailer relationships as a specific form of contract for this purpose. The authors take an industrial networks perspective, making (forms of) contracts resources within a relational, interactive frame of exchange. This in itself is valuable, as contracts in an industrial networks perspective may easily be viewed as one out of many contextual parameters to transactions carried out within business relationships. There are three general models or frameworks in IMP that may be used to analyse the role of contracts within an interactive and relational frame of exchange. These are the interaction model (Håkansson, 1982), the actors-resources-activities (ARA) model (Håkansson & Snehota, 1995) and the 4 resource model (Håkansson & Håkansson and Waluszewski, 2002).  相似文献   

There is serious debate within the global business community regarding the value of the Chinese court system and written business contracts in China. One side asserts the validity of such contracts and that Chinese courts are good at enforcing them. The other side argues the contrary. Using data from several sources, we demonstrate that the legal system and well‐written contracts do, in fact, matter in China. This article also recommends how contracts can be structured and strategically used to make doing business in China and with Chinese firms more predictable and efficient. © 2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

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