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本文介绍了乙丙橡胶溶液聚合、悬浮聚合和气相聚合生产工艺的技术状况及特点,并进行了比较分析.  相似文献   

针对苏丹六区两种高含钙、高含盐稠油,在实验室条件下,利用KR-1脱钙剂采用络合萃取脱钙工艺进行了脱钙技术研究,详细考查了影响Fula-3原油脱钙因素,动态试验结果表明,KR-1型脱钙剂对苏丹六区原油具有很好的脱金属效果,通过两级脱钙脱盐、四级水洗工艺,可使净化油钙含量小于50 μg/g,脱钙率达到95%以上,盐含量小于3 mgNaCl/L.  相似文献   

介绍了乙丙橡胶的生产方法,分析了国内外乙丙橡胶的生产消费现状及发展前景,提出了发展中国乙丙橡胶工业的一些建议.  相似文献   

乙丙橡胶的国内外市场及应用分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
本文介绍了国内外乙丙橡胶的生产、市场概况,并对乙丙橡胶的市场应用前景作了分析.  相似文献   

三元乙丙橡胶是乙烯、丙烯以及非共轭二烯烃的三元共聚物,1963年开始商业化生产.每年全世界的消费量是80万吨.EPDM最主要的特性就是其优越的耐氧化、抗臭氧和抗侵蚀的能力.由于三元乙丙橡胶属于聚烯烃家族,它具有极好的硫化特性.在所有橡胶当中,EPDM具有最低的比重.它能吸收大量的填料和油而影响特性不大.因此可以制作成本低廉的橡胶化合物.随着目前经济的极大发展,橡胶工业的发展和市场需求加速扩大,本文就当前使用广泛的三元乙丙橡胶的工艺进行说明.  相似文献   

在出口服装中,水洗服装占有一定比例,特别是纱卡面料水洗服装,是出口企业经常生产的产品.在检验中,我们发现一个严重的问题:纱卡面料水洗服装,针缝处会出现断纱现象,成衣水洗后,针缝处表面断纱起毛、呈起球星点,密密麻麻.整件衣服外观受损严重,无法穿着更无法出口.  相似文献   

广东省水洗羽绒厂现有职工310人,以生产水洗绒和低绒毛为主.1975年从国外引进了一套较先进的水洗羽毛加工设备,1977年投产.1979年又引进了二套分毛设备,1981年投产.现该厂加工的水洗绒的质量受到外商和省内各羽绒制品厂的欢迎和信任.该厂取得上述成绩是来之不易的.进口的这整套设备在某些方面是比较先进的,但其生产工艺流程是先水洗后分绒,每8小时的产品数量为250公斤至300公斤,可是加工出来能做羽绒制品的仅有15%,经水洗后用于作肥料的副产品约20%失  相似文献   

氨氮作为引起水体富营养化的主要因素之一,它的处理已经受到越来越广泛的重视.氨氮的处理方法有空气吹脱法,离子交换法,膜分离技术,生物法等.生物法由于处理效果稳定,不产生二次污染,而且比较经济已成为氨氮废水处理的一种重要方法.包埋菌法是生物法中的一种,它在处理微污染水方面有着反应速度快、成本低廉、高效低耗、产物易分离、可反复使用、微生物流失少、包埋密度大等优势,因而被广泛使用  相似文献   

焦化煤气脱硫净化工艺有很多种,近年来采用较多的就是真空碳酸钾法和HPF法脱硫工艺,而我公司目前采用的就是真空空碳酸钾脱硫工艺。真空碳酸钾法焦炉煤气脱硫脱氰工艺是使用碳酸钾溶液直接吸收煤气中的硫化氢和氰化氢,属于湿式吸收法脱硫工艺。真空碳酸钾法脱硫脱氰后产生的酸性气体,既可以采用克劳斯法生产硫磺,也可以采用接触法生产硫酸。  相似文献   

近年来,中国非轮胎橡胶制品行业的快速发展,大大拉动了市场对丁腈橡胶、氢化丁腈橡胶、氯丁橡胶、三元乙丙橡胶等合成橡胶的需求量。但由于产能的限制,中国生产的三元乙丙橡胶、丁腈橡胶、氯丁橡胶等无论在产量还是性能方面,都不能满足市场要求,每年进口量仍然很大。  相似文献   

The killing or removal of microbes from the hands is a critical factor in food safety as many studies have shown the hands to be both an important source of microbes and powerful agents of cross‐contamination in hospital and domestic situations. In response to this concern, a number of novel hand‐washing products have appeared on the market. These products contain anti‐microbial agents and claim to be more effective at removing bacteria than soap bars and conventional liquid soaps. This study attempts to test these claims by comparing the effectiveness of a conventional soap bar, a conventional liquid soap and an anti‐microbial liquid soap containing triclosan. In vitro tests demonstrate that the anti‐microbial liquid soap is more effective than conventional liquid soaps in reducing the viability of six bacterial species and that this effect is both time and dose dependent. However, when the three soaps were compared for their ability to reduce microbial counts on the hands no differences were observed between the three products. For all three soaps, counts after washing sometimes went up and sometimes down when compared with pre‐wash counts. This was the case both when the soaps were used ‘normally’– that is, with great variation in the time taken, water and soap volumes used and method of washing and after a standardized, rigorous wash recommended in clinical situations. Furthermore, reduction in microbial counts from hands contaminated by handling raw meat was no greater for the anti‐microbial than for the conventional liquid soap.  相似文献   

The purpose of this research was to investigate the disinfectant action of a heavy-duty powder and heavy-duty liquid detergent at recommended and low washing temperatures. The effectiveness of the disinfectant action was measured in terms of removal, transfer and destruction of bacteria from infected test pieces of fabric. The investigation suggests that the temperature of the wash is important, since when reduced, less disinfectant action is observed. The results also indicate that liquid detergent is more effective at removing and destroying bacteria then powder at both temperatures used.  相似文献   

采用气相色谱法,测定了不同加工工艺对速冻毛豆中的毒死蜱残留量的影响。结果表明,各种加工工艺对速冻毛豆中的毒死蜱残留都有不同程度的去除作用。热烫时间越长,毒死蜱残留量越低,98℃热烫180s后,残留下降43.7%;相同时间内,清水浸泡洗涤的去除率为47.0%,15%盐水浸泡洗涤的去除率为81.1%;固定浓度O3处理时间越长,毒死蜱残留量越低,相同时间内,浓度越高的O3处理,毒死蜱的去除率越高,经5mg/kgO3处理30min,去除率为40.3%;H2O2处理也具有与O3处理相同的作用,经3.0mL/LH2O2作用30min,去除率为57.3%。结果显示,适当延长加工工艺中的热烫时间,或采用盐水浸泡的生产工艺,或是采用O3或H2O2处理的生产工艺,均能有效降低速冻毛豆中毒死蜱的残留量。  相似文献   

本研究基于国家标准,规范了波轮式洗衣机洗净性能测试时洗涤物的放置方法,并通过实验数据证明该方法对波轮式洗衣机洗净性能测试稳定性和再现性的提升有明显作用。  相似文献   

The purpose of this research was to investigate whether the performance of domestic washing machines is adversely affected by reduced levels of energy use. This was felt particularly worthwhile because of the introduction of energy labelling for washing machines in April 1996. Results were determined by conducting tests derived from BS EN 60456. This research also aimed to discover consumer awareness of energy labelling and factors likely to influence the future purchase of washing machines. The results indicate that washing performance may be adversely affected by lower levels of energy consumption and that washing machines with a higher energy consumption achieve a better washing performance. From the survey carried out, it was discovered that the most influential factors when purchasing a washing machine were price, washing performance and brand reliability. Environmental factors such as reduced energy consumption and reduced water consumption only played a minor role in consumers' considerations. However, the research indicates that consumers' decisions may, in the future, be affected by the information displayed on energy labels.  相似文献   

The act of hand washing has been a routine part of hygienic practices across time and society. Aside from its physiological effects, hand washing has also been shown to symbolically cleanse individuals of their transgressions. However, most research demonstrating the metaphorical effect of hand washing has mainly been focused within the domain of morality. The objective of the current research is to explore the role of hand washing on consumption behavior, and more specifically, hedonic food consumption. Across two studies, this article establishes the role of hand washing after hedonic food consumption as well as prior to a hedonic food choice. In Study 1, washing one's hands after consumption of hedonic food decreased perceived guilt. In Study 2, washing one's hands prior to choice led to an increased likelihood of choosing a more hedonic (compared to less hedonic) food item. Thus, by washing one's hands, individuals are provided with a license to indulge in hedonic foods without the guilt that is commonly associated with such a choice. Several implications for consumer behavior research and the effects of hand washing on food decision making are discussed.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to explain the effect of activated sodium perborate on cotton cloth. The comparison between the damage caused by basic and activated detergent was based on practical washing tests. The washing temperatures were 60°C and 90°C. Damage to the cotton was determined with a physical (tenacity) and a chemical (fluidity) method. Damage to the cotton increased as the temperature rose. Washing with basic detergent at 60°C did the least damage to the cotton. The activated detergent at 60°C damaged the cotton more strongly, but slightly less than the basic detergent at 90°C. Damage to cotton caused by washing can be determined more rapidly and more reliably with a chemical method than with a physical one.  相似文献   

[目的]建立了一种采用XRD粉末衍射快速鉴别医用手套表面残余矿物粉末的方法。[方法]乳胶手套表面残余粉末通过水洗、过滤收集后,采用XRD方法测定了三种不同生产厂家的医用手套表面残余粉末。[结果]三种医用有粉手套的表面残余粉末均为矿物混合物粉末,含有滑石、白云石、菱镁矿、绿泥石、石英和方解石等几种矿物质,从XRD谱图中很容易辨别出矿物粉末和玉米淀粉。[结论]XRD是一种快速、准确的鉴别一次性医用有粉手套表面残余矿物粉末的方法。  相似文献   

An algorithm (termed CONFIDE) is proposed that may capture many of the benefits of group decision making without the necessity of face-to-face interaction. The algorithm allows individual decision makers to differentially weight the contributions from members according to the confidence with which each member holds to their opinions. The CONFIDE algorithm is compared to both face-to-face group decisions and simple averaging of group members opinions on the Lost-at-Sea ranking task. Results indicate that, in terms of decision quality, the CONFIDE algorithm produces solutions equal to that of the face-to-face group decision method and significantly better than the solution achieved by simple averaging of group members responses.  相似文献   

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