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The development of product placement in films and television shows can be readily observed by anyone who has devoted a significant part of their lives going to the movies. The first product placements were generic and fictitious and were hardly noticed by the movie-going public. But, as the placement of real products became more prevalent, it became apparent to the serious film buff that the presence of a fictitious or clearly disguised product became more of a distraction than the use of actual products. The attempt to make serious realistic films is sometimes sidetracked by a clearly fake product that strikes at the suspension of disbelief of movie goers, particularly when they have some familiarity with the product NOT being placed.  相似文献   


This paper illustrates a methodology called choice modeling (CM) that allows a comparison between beef quality preference profiles of three different merchandising groups in South Korea. The CM data was collected from three equally proportioned retailer, wholesaler and importer groups in South Korea by a mail survey. Multinomial logit model (MNL) estimation of the CM data showed that all three merchandising groups currently define preferences for imported beef cut with narrow range and specificity. The choice modeling (CM) technique that was applied in this study is found to be effective in eliciting product profile of a beef cut that is preferred specifically by a particular merchandising group. Construction of a preferred product profile of a beef cut for each merchandising group provides a basis for marginal analysis of factor level changes on buyers' purchasing choices. Information on preferred product profiles and marginal analysis of three merchandising groups' beef purchasing behavior can facilitate differentiated product development and marketing programs at different stages of the beef supply chain in Korea.  相似文献   

袁爱玲 《商业研究》2002,(13):132-133
产品缺陷是《产品质量法》中一个重要的法律概念,其实质是产品缺乏合理的安全性。其引起的损害赔偿责任为民事侵权责任,以对产品之外的人身或财产有损害为构成要件。承担责任的方式为民事赔偿,主体是生产者,销售者只有在有过错的情况下才承担责任。产品缺陷与产品瑕疵是两个不同的法律概念,二者在判断标准、承担责任的性质、方式、构成要件及责任主体、索赔途径等方面均有本质区别。  相似文献   


The country of origin literature suggests that consumers attach pre-conceived notions about countries and their products during pre-purchase evaluations. The present research shows that when consumers are presented with information about the country of origin of motor vehicle components, they are able to differentiate between these and rely on country stereotypes in this evaluation. Based on a judgmental sample of 159 respondents, the findings suggest that consumers are able to discriminate between vehicle component systems from different countries and shows that there is a hierarchy of effects where consumers rank, in order of decreasing quality: German > Japanese > Australian component systems. The results also suggest that summary effects explain consumers' judgements about Australian, Japanese and German components, and halo effects appear to have a weak influence on their assessment of German components.  相似文献   

本文基于产品空间理论研究产品复杂度、产品密度及其二者交互的结构特征对产业升级的影响.利用1962-2015年148个国家794种产品的全球商品贸易四位码面板数据,分别运用OLS与Probit进行实证检验,计量结果表明:(1)产品复杂度越高,产业升级的难度系数递增,实现产业升级的可能性越低;但是,产品复杂度的增加,抑制优势产业失势的能力提高,对产业失势具有显著阻止作用.(2)产品密度越高,产业跳跃幅度越小,有利于产业升级的实现;同时,产品转换的风险越低,越能够加速落后产业失势,退出市场.(3)产品复杂度与产品密度具有相互促进作用,二者的交互对产业升级与失势具有显著正向影响,有利于促进经济结构调整.因此,产业升级是基于整体能力网络的系统工程,通过同时提升产品复杂度和产品密度,开展前瞻性产品结构顶层设计与能力建构之间的互动,有助于一国谋求全球新地位.  相似文献   

Highly innovative and new industrial products are often unique products, too. This can be made understandable by noticing that in many cases industrial products are highly technology intensive, too. Given that technology means by definition a systematic of knowledge how natural and artificial things function and interact, the product uniqueness implies that one is able to generate and apply in a product form such new knowledge which the others do not have. In this respect this paper seeks to introduce a dynamic view of how an industrial firm can initiate and create such new product uniqueness which is required to make a successful new product entry. Creating a unique new product which can make a new product entry possible is subject to unexpected and accompanying local failure but is something that appears necessary in terms of enhancing problem solving ability and feeding capability building. An ability to stretch and be flexible in order to be prepared to face any unexpected events and to sustain pioneering customer credibility becomes the core of being able to build a firm's overall new product capability base and corresponding new product advantages.  相似文献   

问过几位做过特许的朋友,他们都觉得肯德基开发新品的速度比较快,色香味都可以,而且在推广上做得也不错,肯德基是怎样做的呢?朋友们的结论是:肯德基的钱多,一次开发出近百个产品,这里面肯定能出那么几个成功的产品。但我总在怀疑对于产品这种源头性的要素,其研发要求的资源投入  相似文献   

Ecer  Sencer 《NETNOMICS》2003,5(1):33-42
I consider a model of duopoly where firms make sequential product design changes prior to price competition. I show that a socially desirable outcome is possible in this model. In equilibrium, the leader's product is less specific, implying a customer attraction strategy, and the follower's product is more specific, implying a customer retention strategy. This outcome is in contrast with the equilibrium outcome of a similar model, where simultaneous design competition takes place prior to price competition. In this latter model, the product designs are more specific and the prices are higher in equilibrium, leading to a reduction in welfare. I compare the design incentives under price competition with those in models where price collusion or merger is expected and with multi-product monopoly. In models with no price competition, less specific designs may serve to attract more customers, to improve current or future pie of monopoly profits, or to improve the outside option in bargaining game, depending on the model.  相似文献   


Formats for product redistribution are emerging and evolving, creating alternative channel options for consumers' disposition of unwanted possessions. These retail formats operate in both informal (e.g., garage sales) and formal (online auctions) economies. As consumers participate in redistribution channels, some retailers are confronted with new competition and the potential for declining sales. This article expands on both recycling and disposition literature by examining consumer disposition behavior and the flow of used products through various redistribution channels. Strategies are offered to address consumer disposition behaviors as well as to assist retailers in combating traditional and non-traditional competition.  相似文献   

If you had just kept it a little longer, that old suit would have come back into style and, with a few alterations, you could have worn it again. Likewise, most companies have quite a few abandoned products which might need only a few alterations to make them marketable again.  相似文献   

本文基于2000—2007年中国工业企业数据库与中国海关数据库的匹配数据,测度了中国多产品出口企业的产品加成率,探究了融资约束对多产品出口企业产品加成率及其差异化调整的影响与作用机制。研究结果表明:融资约束降低了多产品出口企业的产品加成率,并且对核心产品加成率的抑制效应显著大于非核心产品;考虑内生性问题、改变关键变量度量、剔除加成率极端值和改变产品范围等稳健性检验依然成立;作用机制检验表明,融资约束通过生产率和质量升级抑制效应降低了企业产品加成率;但由于中国多产品出口企业采取质量竞争的核心产品策略,且融资约束抑制核心产品质量升级的强度大于非核心产品,引致融资约束对核心和非核心产品加成率的差异化影响效应。本文的研究结论对进一步改善企业融资环境以及多产品出口企业面临不同融资环境时如何进行内部资源配置,提供了经验依据和政策启示。  相似文献   

When configuring a customized product, consumers must decide which product features to include. While many times firms allow consumers to add features to a base item (hereinafter referred to as additive option framing), it is also possible in some settings to remove undesired features from a fully equipped product (subtractive option framing). At the same time, companies not only provide different option‐framing formats, but also include recommendations from different sources such as what other customers have chosen previously or what is recommended by the company. This research provides evidence from two field experiments using a German car manufacturer's online configurator that customer recommendations in an additive option‐framing format affect customer spending equally well as subtractive option framing. A follow‐up experiment reveals that customer recommendations lead to increased positive thoughts about the recommended option, which stimulates consumers’ intention to buy the final product.  相似文献   

Although several claims have been made about the effectiveness of product sampling as a sales promotion technique, there is relatively little published research in support of these claims. A study of 433 New Zealand household grocery shoppers examined the sampling of three newly-launched brands of toothpaste, shampoo, and dishwashing liquid. The rates of sample trial measured were considerably higher than those commonly reported in the literature, but purchase and conversion rates were somewhat lower. There was little evidence that product sampling had any influence on conversion to the sampled brands, except when recipients actually used the samples or subsequently purchased the sampled brands as a result of trial. Overall, the samples were not accurately distributed to the brands' most likely prospects, although selective distribution was found to be a worthwhile objective because members of each target market tended to respond well to sampling.  相似文献   

我们平时在探讨品牌与企业价值观的时候,往往都在想企业或者品牌应该传达给消费者什么样的价值观念,或者如何更好地表达企业的价值体系。这让我想起这么一件真实的企业与某明星之间的一件事件。  相似文献   

董秀春 《商业研究》2002,(20):111-113
市场营销是以顾客需求和市场为焦点 ,以消费者的行为为依据 ,设法利用企业资源生产出能充分满足他们的产品。而更重要的还在于使企业形成长期竞争优势 ,最终占领尽可能大的市场份额 ,获得最大化的利润。而这一切都是围绕着产品管理而进行的。因此 ,产品管理也就成为营销组织中各个职能的核心。  相似文献   

While many articles have been written on a diversity of topics relating to the product management system, practically nothing has been reported on the backgrounds of product (or brand) managers. Therefore, the purpose of this article is to provide some current information and insight into this area. Specifically investigated are the backgrounds of current product managers, their career paths, their current profiles, and finally, where they go after leaving product management. Also studied were the opinions of the current product managers on what background is necessary for success in the field, as well as their opinions on some contemporary issues and future prospects for the product management system.  相似文献   

The paper informs about the new Norwegian Product Liability Act. The Act follows closely EC Directive 85/374, but rejects the development risk defence. Liability is also extended to primary agricultural products. Liability for medicinal products is regulated by a special compensation scheme based on mandatory insurance for producers and importers.
Produkthaftung in Norwegen
Zusammenfassung Der Autor berichtet über die norwegische Produkthaftungsgesetzgebung, die kürzlich nach dem — für Norwegen nicht verbindlichen — Modell der EG-Richtlinie 85/374 neu gestaltet worden ist. Das neue norwegische Recht schließt den Einwand der Entwicklungsgefahr als Befreiungsgrund aus und erstreckt die Haftung auch auf unbearbeitete landwirtschaftliche Produkte. Die Arzneimittelhaftung ist gesondert geregelt und beruht auf einer Pflichtversicherung der Arzneimittelhersteller und -importeure.

Peter Lødrup is Professor of Private Law at the University of Oslo, Karl Johansgt. 47, N-0162 Oslo 1, Norway.  相似文献   

Unpacking the Ethical Product   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Acknowledging the increasing attention in the literature devoted to the incorporation of ethical considerations into consumers' purchase decisions, this paper explores the notion of an ethical product. It is argued that ethical issues have long been involved in consumers' product evaluations, but that there has been little academic investigation of ethics in terms of product concepts and theories. Ethics are thus examined in the context of the augmented product concept, and two dimensions of ethical augmentation are identified: direction and content. These dimensions are set out and discussed at some length, and then they are used to construct an ethical product matrix. It is shown how this could be used to provide structure and coherence to examinations of the perceived ethics of any given product offering. The implications of the analysis offered in the paper are discussed, and a number of limitations of the ethical product notion are identified. Finally some conclusions and directions for future research are suggested.  相似文献   

宋玲玲 《国际市场》2002,(11):49-49
销售包装的文字说明主要用来宣传介绍商品,以达到促进销售的目的.所以商品出口到国外,文字说明就应当使用当地通用的文字;而在这种翻译过程中有许多问题要注意,否则会影响商品的形象.下面以英文说明为例,举例说明一些应当注意的问题.  相似文献   

The regulation of nanotechnology has been relatively well covered by policy-makers and academic commentators. Surprisingly, the potential impact of civil products liability has been less explored and yet, in an innovative industry sector, this should be of crucial concern to businesses and policy-makers generally. This paper explores this in the light of the EU Products Liability Directive. It explores the nature of risks and develops a new terminology to differentiate risks according to whether they are totally unexpected risks, potential but still unexpected risks, or suspected identified defects (either due to a characteristic of the product related to the defect or by analogy with another nanoproduct). The perhaps startling conclusion is that the more unknown a risk is the more likely a product containing it is to be found defective. However, the uncertainty surrounding this new area of science may give some leeway for the narrow development risks defence and that may have implications for the liability exposure of nanotechnology industries in those states that have chosen to exclude the development risks defence.  相似文献   

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