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消费者经常被与其社会身份相关联的产品和品牌所吸引,本文引入消费认同概念,试图揭示消费认同对品牌购买的影响机制。研究结果表明:消费认同、积极情感、否认态度对品牌选择意愿有显著正向影响,积极情感、否认态度在消费认同与品牌购买意愿之间起显著中介作用,品牌自我一致性在否认态度与品牌购买意愿之间起显著调节效应。  相似文献   

可从品牌管理语境审视社会学、文化学领域关于时尚与性别关系的规范性价值判断,引入消费者性别和品牌类别两个调节变量,借鉴荣格原型梦验证方法,利用多行业、多类别品牌调查数据考查时尚品牌性别气质。结果发现,时尚在所有品牌特征变量中表现最为鲜明,具有原型特征和意义;品牌女性和中性气质对品牌时尚性的正向影响远高于品牌男性气质的影响,消费者生理性别对此无调节效应,消费者气质性别仅对品牌女性和男性气质有较弱调节效应,对品牌中性气质无调节效应,显示了品牌性别对品牌时尚作用模式的稳定性;品牌类别调节效应显著,与新品牌相比,老字号时尚性较弱,且受品牌女性和男性气质影响较大,品牌中性气质同样不受调节,因此老字号提升时尚感宜弱化其传统、严肃的男性历史印象,增加品牌女性和中性气质。性别气质的复杂性、生物进化的雌性选择理论可以解释这一商业现象的生物和社会学基础,即为何品牌女性和中性气质对品牌时尚性的影响高于品牌男性气质。这为品牌时尚管理提供了一个性别视角,即营造时尚不仅要在品牌图形、字体、发音、代言人等可见层面进行性别调整,更要全面发挥和协同女性智慧,而这不仅需要女性管理者更多参与,而且需要男性管理者借鉴吸收女性智慧和思维。  相似文献   

基于品牌全球化背景,文章探究了品牌与国家联结核心构念的两个维度对消费者购买意愿的影响机制。实证结果表明,从国家联想到品牌的维度显著影响消费者购买意愿,并显著影响品牌能力,同时品牌能力在该维度对购买意愿的影响路径中起到部分中介作用:从品牌联想到国家的维度显著影响品牌温暖,并通过品牌温暖的完全中介作用对购买意愿产生促进效应。另外,品牌典型性正向调节了从国家联想到品牌的维度对品牌能力的影响路径。上述发现在理论上洞察了品牌刻板印象内容的两个维度如何受到品牌与国家联结的影响,厘清了品牌与国家联结以及品牌刻板印象如何作用于消费者购买意愿。在实践上为中国提升国家品牌形象,中国品牌推进全球化战略提供策略参考。  相似文献   

广告对消费者的影响是通过制造能够让消费者崇拜的偶像,树立消费社会的形象范例的策略来实施的.广告为消费者塑造了消费社会的"性别范例".这种"性别范例"是性别刻板印象在广告中的表征.广告塑造的"性别范例"有传统的男性范例和女性范例,也有体现现代社会新型两性关系的"性别范例".随着社会的发展,消费社会的"性别范例"越来越丰富,消费者也有了越来越大的认同空间.  相似文献   

品牌社会权力作为一种新的品牌构念,构成了能够影响消费者行为的新的社会能力。为丰富品牌社会权力的理论研究,为企业利用品牌社会权力促进消费者购买提供理论支持,可借鉴品牌社会权力相关研究,结合"评价—情感—应对"理论,构建品牌社会权力通过品牌态度影响购买意愿的理论模型,对品牌社会权力影响消费者购买意愿的内化机制进行研究。研究发现,品牌社会权力积极影响消费者购买意愿,且品牌社会权力的五种形式都会对消费者购买意愿产生积极影响;品牌社会权力积极影响消费者品牌态度;品牌态度对品牌社会权力与消费者购买意愿之间关系具有中介作用;品牌熟悉度对品牌社会权力与品牌态度之间关系具有调节作用。具体到营销实践上,一定要在品牌塑造过程中重视消费者品牌态度的形成;要根据品牌社会权力进行市场细分,进而形成竞争优势;要在品牌延伸过程中保持品牌价值的一致性。  相似文献   

随着互联网影响力的增强,消费者更加趋向于在网上搜索有关产品的相关信息,而能否创造出激发消费者主动分享和传播的促销内容成为新的营销挑战。根据信息双重加工理论和SOR理论建立内容营销、品牌认同、品牌知晓度和品牌忠诚之间关系的理论模型,通过对广西部分企业发放问卷的方式收集样本数据,进行信效度的分析、相关性分析、模型的修正与拟合优度检验,发现内容营销对品牌认同有积极的正向作用,品牌认同对品牌忠诚(行为忠诚和态度忠诚)有积极的正向作用,品牌知晓度在内容营销和品牌认同之间发挥正向的调节作用。因此,组织管理者应有效运用内容营销策略,从加深消费者对品牌知晓度的角度营造有利于消费者品牌认同的环境氛围,进一步增强消费者的品牌忠诚。  相似文献   

受新冠肺炎疫情的影响,大多消费者只能在线观看企业通过互联网实施的品牌仪式,然而以往研究更多揭示的是消费者直接参与的仪式效应,鲜有消费者不直接参与的仪式研究。基于社会交换理论,文章运用实验法探讨了当消费者见到但不实际参与品牌仪式时,品牌仪式对消费者信任的影响机制,即品牌仪式的“见”之效应。结果表明:作为视觉材料呈现的品牌仪式(对比随机动作)也能激活消费者的仪式感知,增加消费者对品牌的信任。原因在于当消费者从品牌仪式的互动体验中获取相应的积极情感资源(心流体验)后,会更倾向与品牌建立信任关系。此外,消费者品牌关系规范会调节品牌仪式对消费者信任的影响,对于共享型关系中的消费者,品牌仪式通过增强消费者心流体验,进而增加消费者对品牌的信任,但对于交易型关系中的消费者,该效应消失。  相似文献   

文章探究了中国市场大量出现的“品牌名称双语化”现象,检验了双语品牌名称的水平呈现顺序对消费者品牌评价的影响及其中介机制。两个研究结果表明,双语品牌名称的水平呈现顺序和有利的来源国形象对消费者品牌评价的交互作用显著。具体而言:当双语品牌名称的“左中右英”(vs.“左英右中”)呈现顺序对应于有利的中国来源国形象,或当“左英右中”(vs.“左中右英”)的呈现顺序对应于有利的欧美来源国形象时,能够提高消费者的品牌评价。其中,当双语品牌名称的不同呈现顺序与消费者相应的有利来源国心理图式相匹配时,图式一致性效用发挥中介作用。文章丰富了品牌命名理论,同时为企业根据消费者的来源国形象感知调整双语品牌名称的水平呈现顺序提供了导向性参考。  相似文献   

本文对互联网环境下消费者互动以及品牌原产地形象的形成进行新的思考、界定并考虑新的影响因素,探讨消费者互动对品牌原产地形象在消费者心目中形成的难易程度所产生的影响。通过网络在线调查,应用相关分析和回归分析验证变量间的关系假设,结果表明:对原产地形象形成起重要作用的原产地认知影响变弱;对原产地形象形成起反作用的产品认知影响变强;消费者对原产地刻板印象的形成变得更加困难。  相似文献   

本文以在线品牌社群为研究对象,通过探讨在线品牌社群的价值维度与品牌认同,证实在线品牌社群对消费者溢价购买意愿的影响。对496个有效样本的实证分析发现,在线品牌社群的信息价值、财务价值和形象价值能有效提高消费者的品牌认同,品牌认同对溢价购买意愿有正向影响。通过进一步考察品牌认同的中介效应,证实在线品牌社群价值对溢价购买意愿的影响是通过品牌认同产生作用。  相似文献   

Brands often seek endorsements by consumers on social media (e.g., likes on Facebook). But is this marketing strategy feasible for all brands? To answer this question, this research investigates in seven studies the processes that underlie consumers' intention to endorse brands on social media. We suggest that consumers aim to signal their identity by endorsing brands online. Based on the Brands as Intentional Agents Framework and related research in (social) cognition and consumer behavior, we argue that consumers on social media primarily want to emphasize their warmth rather than their competence. Experimental studies 1, 2, and 3 distinguish between nonprofit and for-profit brands and show that brand warmth (and not competence) mediates the effect of brand type (nonprofit vs. for-profit) on consumers' intentions to endorse brands and branded content on social media. Experiment 4 demonstrates that this process is moderated by brand symbolism (moderated mediation). A high level of brand symbolism increases the positive effect of warmth on consumers' intention to endorse brands online, but only for for-profit brands. The fifth experiment shows that these effects are conditional upon the public vs. private distinction in consumer behavior: consumers prefer to publicly affiliate with nonprofit (vs. for-profit) brands but with regard to private affiliations, there is no difference between both types of brands. In experiment 6, the causal role of warmth (vs. competence) is further examined. Finally, we demonstrate that perceptions of brands' warmth and not competence reduce the efforts that brands need to make to achieve consumers' endorsements on their real brand pages on Facebook.  相似文献   


?This experimental study examined consumers’ response to green advertising for high- and low-involvement products by measuring its effect on consumers’ intention to purchase such brands. The present study enhances our understanding of the moderating role of product involvement and extends the structural equation tests of the four causal models. A dataset of 169 respondents is used to examine the role of brand image and brand attitude in the context of green advertisements. Consistent with earlier findings, the suggested model provides a good fit of the data and results indicate that positive attitude toward green advertisements, brand image, and attitude toward the brand enhances the chances of consumers’ purchase intention of such brands. The study also verifies that product involvement moderates the positive relationship between attitude toward green advertisements and brand image such that at higher levels of product involvement, attitude toward green advertisements has a stronger effect on brand image.  相似文献   

The marketing literature suggests that positioning a brand in terms of brand gender (i.e., brand masculinity and brand femininity) generates favorable consumer responses, yet there is little research on how brand gender perceptions arise. This research examines whether type font can be employed to create brand gender perceptions in the context of unfamiliar brands. Building on the theoretical framework of personality inferences based on static cues, three studies involving a range of type fonts, brand names, and product categories demonstrate that type font influences consumers’ perceptions of brand gender. Type font effects emerged for brand names presented in isolation (Study 1), brand names presented on signage (Study 2a), and brand names on product labels (Studies 2b and 3). Importantly, type font effects on brand gender persisted in the presence of a competing brand gender cue (i.e., brand name with gender associations), and type font and brand name influenced brand gender perceptions independently. A fourth study demonstrates that type fonts representing the brands influence consumers’ likelihood to recommend the brand. The article concludes with a discussion of theoretical and brand management implications.  相似文献   

It is critical to understand the impact of controversy on the consumer. There is a scarcity of research measuring post-controversy consumer attitude on both product and corporate brand during a controversy. The study is based on a recent brand controversy linked with instant noodle brand “Maggi” in India. The study examines impact on brand perceived quality, credibility, trust and loyalty, and attitude about brand and company. Data have been collected during July–October 2015 when the brand Maggi was banned in India due to quality-related controversy. Results indicate that respondents, with higher post-controversy brand loyalty, hold positive attitudes about brand. The interaction effect reveals that the relationship is significant and positive. During controversy, consumers’ attitude about brand and company is not identical. For a strong brand, consumers may have positive attitude but they become quite negative about company.  相似文献   

Brand anthropomorphism has been found to enhance the ability of consumers to recognize the inherent value of brands. However, there is limited knowledge among practitioners on how to build a brand with humanlike characteristics. After a literature review of brand anthropomorphism in general and the theory of warmth and competence in particular, we present the Human Brand Model of how to build a brand that is perceived to be human. There are four steps in this process; the first three indicate the brand inputs and the last indicates the results of those inputs. This model guides brand managers on how to make their brand more human. The use of this model should result in the organization having an excellent brand reputation; stronger, more meaningful relationships with its customers; and improved brand loyalty.  相似文献   

Introducing cross‐gender brand extensions—masculine or feminine brands that extend to the opposite gender—is a growing trend on the marketplace, though not always a successful one. This research examines the effect of consumer multifactorial gender and biological sex on consumers’ evaluation of cross‐gender brand extensions. The influence of gender role attitudes is demonstrated: consumers with traditional gender attitudes are significantly more reluctant to accept these extensions than consumers with more liberal attitudes. Hence the extensions have a negative impact on the subsequent attitude of the former group toward the parent brand, contrary to their effect on more egalitarian consumers. No significant impact of the consumer's biological sex, gender identity, or sexual orientation is identified. The theoretical and managerial implications of these findings for the development of cross‐gender brand extensions are discussed.  相似文献   

The purpose of this article is to contribute to the branding literature by examining the critical role of brand stereotypes in shaping consumers’ brand‐related responses. Drawing on the Stereotype Content Model, this article examines how warmth and competence stereotypes impact consumers’ emotional reaction toward brands and in turn consumers’ brand attitudes and behavioral intention. In addition, this article examines how brand stereotypes mediate the relationships between brand personality and consumers’ brand emotions. The results from this study support the dual role of brand stereotypes as relevant predictors of brand emotions, and intervening variables mediating the effects from brand personality perceptions on brand emotions. The findings support the view that mechanisms of social perception apply to brand perception and provide new insights about the relationship between consumers’ brand perceptions and their responses toward brands.  相似文献   

Recent research increasingly highlights that consumers engage in online brand endorsements (e.g. Facebook likes) to signal their identity, but has failed to explain why different consumers use this type of signaling to differing degrees. This paper addresses this gap by looking at a culturally constructed individual difference variable, namely self-construal. Self-construal, which can be independent or interdependent, refers to the extent that people define themselves in terms of the relations they have with others. In four studies, this research shows that consumers’ self-construal is related to their intention to endorse brands online. In particular, high levels of interdependent self-construal positively affect consumers’ intention to endorse brands online (Studies 1A & 1B). This effect is mediated by an increased perception of brands’ symbolic value (Study 2). Moreover, this positivity bias toward symbolic brand cues is conditional upon consumers’ brand attitude (Study 3). These findings demonstrate that consumers’ identity plays a central role in their brand perception and brand-related social media use.  相似文献   

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