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随着顾客知识的增长及其对独特性需求体验的追求,顾客不仅要求有更大程度的自主性,更把参与过程的主导性体验视为服务体验质量的重要源泉。本文以美发业为研究情境,将顾客心理感知因素作为过程变量,构建顾客参与影响品牌关系质量的研究框架,结果表明顾客参与对顾客感知价值和顾客服务体验均有显著正向影响,而对顾客正面情感的影响则需通过服务体验实现;顾客感知价值、顾客服务体验和顾客正面情感之间均有密切正向关系;顾客感知价值、顾客正面情感均对品牌关系质量有显著正向影响,而服务体验则需通过顾客正面情感和感知价值对品牌关系质量产生作用。  相似文献   

杨江娜  汤发良 《中国市场》2009,(19):115-117
本文结合中档女装行业的特点,对影响顾客感知价值的因素进行实证研究,通过因子分析,得出中档女装顾客感知价值要素中影响顾客感知价值的主要因子分别是服务、价格、归属、产品内在属性、广告、品牌口碑和产品外在属性因子。  相似文献   

以餐饮行业为例,提出相关假设模型,采用结构方程模型对所提出的假设模型进行检验,对O2O模式中电商平台服务价值与顾客满意度关系进行研究,实证分析,在消费时消费者的服务体验、商家对消费者的服务感知对其所获得的服务价值有正向影响,不确定信息规避对其所获得的服务价值存在负向影响;服务体验、商家对消费者的服务感知对顾客满意度存在正向影响,不确定信息规避对顾客满意度存在负向影响。据此提出相关结论,为餐饮行业开展O2O模式提供参考。  相似文献   

本文通过实证分析以达到确认影响旅游用户线下消费意愿关键因素。通过发放问卷收集到数据分析得出在旅游UGC网站信息的质量、感知价值以及风险均会影响用户的旅游消费意愿。其中信息可靠性、信息有用性以及信息吸引性正向影响旅游用户线下消费意愿,感知有用、感知娱乐对旅游UGC网站信息质量和旅游用户线下消费意愿起到中介作用,而感知费用对信息可靠性和和消费意愿之间并没有显著影响。最后根据研究结果针对提升旅游UGC网站用户体验和优化网站生成内容质量,提出促进线下旅游消费的建议。  相似文献   

本文以国内知名旅游景区为研究对象,对消费者视角下景区品牌延伸的评价问题进行实证研究,并构建了一个旅游景区品牌延伸评价模型。研究得出:旅游景区延伸产品的评价可从消费者对延伸产品的感知质量和购买意愿来衡量;景区品牌延伸评价主要受到景区品牌感知质量、景区品牌与延伸产品感知相关性、景区品牌影响力、景区旅游体验感四个因素影响,它们对延伸产品评价及其各维度均有显著的正向影响。  相似文献   

通过对旅游客户的行为决策的分析,探究延边州旅游业客户体验和客户黏度的相关性。依据成熟理论和量表,建立模型并以实证分析检验旅游客户黏度相关性模型,以期为旅游业在发展客户体验管理和智慧旅游时提供一定的研究方法与思路。研究表明,感知体验、服务体验、品牌体验等三个变量对客户体验具有一定的正向影响。客户体验效果越好,客户黏度越高。  相似文献   

通过福州消费者的问卷调查,对乌龙茶消费者体验视角下的品牌忠诚形成机理进行实证研究。结果表明:乌龙茶消费者态度忠诚对其行为忠诚的影响不显著;乌龙茶服务体验、品牌体验以及关系体验分别对消费者满意和转换成本都具有显著正向影响;乌龙茶消费者转换成本对其态度忠诚和行为忠诚都具有显著正向影响;乌龙茶消费者满意对其态度忠诚和行为忠诚都具有显著正向影响。  相似文献   

本文通过市场调查,从顾客心智的视角,实证研究了产品属性对基于顾客心智的品牌资产的影响。研究结果表明:产品属性包括功能性属性和享乐性属性。其中,功能性属性对感知质量、品牌意识、品牌联想和品牌忠诚均具有显著的正向影响;享乐性属性对感知质量、品牌意识、品牌联想和品牌忠诚也具有显著的正向影响,同时,享乐性属性较功能性属性对品牌资产影响更大。  相似文献   

文章结合服装行业及女大学生消费的特点,对影响女大学生顾客感知价值的要素及维度进行分析及假设,通过实证研究,得出女大学生顾客感知价值的维度主要有即产品外在特性、产品内在特性、感知服务质量、社会及情感价值、产品价格、获取便利性、会员制度7个.  相似文献   

在顾客网上购买家具的背景下,实证探究了感知价值对网络口碑传播的影响,并验证了心流体验在感知价值和网络口碑传播之间起中介作用。结果表明:感知价值对网络口碑传播有显著的正向影响,其中店铺价值对网络口碑传播影响最强;心流体验对网络口碑传播有显著的正向影响;心流体验在感知价值与网络口碑传播间起中介作用,心流体验在店铺价值与网络口碑传播间的中介效果最强。因此,为提高顾客的网络口碑传播,线上家具企业应该完善退换货和售后服务制度,提高客服人员的专业化程度,增加个性化私人设计服务;利用直播卖货和VR技术打造3D样板间;打造家具品牌专属在线社群。  相似文献   

Many different factors affect brand homogeneity, including the different products associated with a brand, how they are made, and how they are branded. How does the perceived homogeneity of a brand’s offered products, in turn, affect consumers’ experiences with those products? Nine experiments reveal that consumers have more polarized judgments of product experiences when the sampled products are perceived to belong to more homogeneous brands. When a consumption experience is positive, the consumer has an even more positive experience when they think the sampled product came from a homogeneous brand; however, when a consumption experience is negative, the consumer has an even more negative experience when they think the sampled product came from a homogeneous brand. This polarization occurs because the individual product inherits the brand-level quality of perceived internal consistency—when a brand seems homogeneous (i.e., consisting of homogeneous products), consumers also perceive any individual product from the brand as similarly consisting of homogeneous ingredients or parts. We suggest that brand homogeneity leads to selective processing of individual product experiences, which makes products seem more coherent, products rated faster, and ratings of different product ingredients or features more highly correlated. The perception that all of the parts within the individual sampled product are homogeneous in quality polarizes judgments of the product experience.  相似文献   

本文从参展商展会感知与忠诚度角度出发,以中国—东北亚博览会为例,构建参展商博览会感知指标体系,并运用验证性因子分析和结构方程模型,实证分析参展商对博览会的质量、价格、服务和品牌的价值感知,研究参展商价值感知对其参展效果与忠诚度的影响。结果显示:尽管参展商对博览会的质量和品牌价值感知对其参展效果具有显著正影响,但对其博览会忠诚度影响并不显著,参展商价格感知对其博览会忠诚度具有显著负影响,且参展商对博览会参展效果感知对其博览会忠诚度具有显著正影响。因此,构建博览会品牌是提高参展商对博览会忠诚度的关键,博览会服务质量提升也应围绕如何提高信息交流或产品交易的效率而展开,在提高参展商参展效果的基础上,提高其忠诚度。  相似文献   

通过构建消费观念的品牌性消费观念、超前性消费观念、实用性消费观念,并在"新消费文化观念构建"的调研数据的基础上,本文对消费行为和消费意向展开实证分析,研究结果表明品牌性消费观念和超前性消费观念对消费意向和消费行为均有正的影响,实用性消费观念对消费意向有负的影响,对消费行为有正的影响。  相似文献   

Access-based services (ABS) provide an opportunity for brands to promote their new products by enabling (unintended) trials. However, the mechanisms and impact of consumer exposure to products in ABS and the subsequent potential spillover effects on both the brand and the product perception are largely unknown. Our hypotheses are derived from the information integration theory (IIT) and subsequently tested. Study 1 is a field study investigating an unintended trial moderated by involvement and positive experience. The results indicate the positive effects of the unintended trial on product and brand attitudes, brand purchase intention, and word of mouth. In line with IIT, these effects are more pronounced for positive trial experience, although in contrast to IIT, they are less pronounced for high-involvement consumers. While the results of Study 2, an online experiment, show substantial effects of both trials compared with nontrials, they also reveal that intended and unintended trials have a similar impact on attitude, but ABS experiences have a stronger positive impact on brand purchase intention. We thus recommend that brand managers promote not only new products but also their brands in unintended trials. This study fills a gap in current discussions about the trial effect(s) of ABS.  相似文献   

《Journal of Retailing》2019,95(3):76-85
Although consumers often encounter brand extensions for the first time during a store visit, most research on brand extensions does not take into consideration how product display in retail environments might affect evaluation of a brand extension. We explore the effect of two distinct display formats on brand extension evaluations: by-brand display, where a brand extension is presented in the context of other products made by the same parent brand (e.g., Nike razors displayed with Nike sneakers, Nike sportswear, etc.), and by-category display, where a brand extension is presented in the context of competing brands within the extension category (e.g., Nike razors displayed with Philips razors, Gillette razors, etc.). Three studies demonstrate that low fit extensions of high quality brands are evaluated more favorably when displayed by-category than by-brand, whereas high fit extensions of low quality brands are evaluated more favorably when displayed by-brand than by-category. In support of the proposed underlying mechanism, we show that display format influences consumers’ evaluations of brand extensions by changing the weight of importance given to parent brand quality and brand-extension fit information. Finally, we demonstrate that display format not only influences evaluation of the extension, but also has downstream consequences for the consumption experience with the extension.  相似文献   

Brand loyalty and interest have significant impacts on consumers' smartphone choices. What about brand loyalty and interest of smartphone in South Korea where Samsung originates from? This study investigates brand loyalty and interest and how they are affected by the satisfaction of innovative peers in South Korea. An asymmetric discrete choice model with reference-dependent preferences is applied for the analysis. The estimation results show that in South Korea the brand is the most important attribute of smartphone and Apple is the strongest in brand loyalty. Whether consumers who are currently owners of Apple smartphones continue to maintain the same brand in their next purchasing depends not only on their brand loyalty but also on the satisfaction of their highly innovative peers who currently own the Apple. On the other hand, Samsung's brand loyalty is lower than that of Apple, but the brand interest is the highest. Additionally, in all smartphone brands, satisfaction with smartphone brands owned by innovative peers has a significant impact on consumers' interest.  相似文献   


This study investigates how different aspects of service quality could have effects on overall perception of service quality, perceived value, and service brand equity. Based on a survey of active users of mobile telecommunications services in Taiwan, we obtained the following findings. First, we found that empathy, network quality, reliability, and assurance, but not tangibles and responsiveness, have a significant effect on service quality and value perception. Second, the effect of overall service quality on brand equity is partially mediated by perceived value. Third, overall service quality has differential mediation effects on the relationships between specific service quality dimensions and perceived value. Finally, empathy and network quality have direct effects on brand equity. For managers, our study suggests the importance of identifying key service drivers for building strong service brand for high-tech service firms. The identification of key service drivers could then enable these firms to make strategic decisions on services investments. It also demonstrates the importance of the humanisation of technology for services firms. This study is original in that it explores the path from specific services qualities to service brand equity.  相似文献   

The notion of “responsible luxury” may appear as a contradiction in terms. This article investigates the influence of two defining characteristics of luxury products—scarcity and ephemerality—on consumers’ perception of the fit between luxury and corporate social responsibility (CSR), as well as how this perceived fit affects consumers’ attitudes toward luxury products. A field experiment reveals that ephemerality moderates the positive impact of scarcity on consumers’ perception of fit between luxury and CSR. When luxury products are enduring (e.g., jewelry), a scarce product is perceived as more socially responsible than a more widely available one and provokes positive attitudes. However, this effect does not appear for ephemeral luxury products (e.g., clothing). The perceived fit between luxury and CSR mediates the combined effects of scarcity and ephemerality on consumers’ attitudes toward luxury products. This study provides valuable insights that luxury brand managers can use to design their CSR and marketing strategies.  相似文献   

This study examines how the presence of other customers in a retail service environment influences an individual’s service brand experience (SBE). Previous research indicates individuals perceive other customers based on their similarity, overall physical appearance and behavior. Findings from this study show this perception of other customers (OCP) will influence an individual’s service brand experience. At the same time, a person’s state of mindfulness mediates the relationship between OCP and SBE and the resulting SBE has a positive influence on word-of-mouth. The results extend existing theory, present a number of managerial implications and provide a basis for further research.  相似文献   

受新冠肺炎疫情的影响,大多消费者只能在线观看企业通过互联网实施的品牌仪式,然而以往研究更多揭示的是消费者直接参与的仪式效应,鲜有消费者不直接参与的仪式研究。基于社会交换理论,文章运用实验法探讨了当消费者见到但不实际参与品牌仪式时,品牌仪式对消费者信任的影响机制,即品牌仪式的“见”之效应。结果表明:作为视觉材料呈现的品牌仪式(对比随机动作)也能激活消费者的仪式感知,增加消费者对品牌的信任。原因在于当消费者从品牌仪式的互动体验中获取相应的积极情感资源(心流体验)后,会更倾向与品牌建立信任关系。此外,消费者品牌关系规范会调节品牌仪式对消费者信任的影响,对于共享型关系中的消费者,品牌仪式通过增强消费者心流体验,进而增加消费者对品牌的信任,但对于交易型关系中的消费者,该效应消失。  相似文献   

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