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提出了一种采用二维电磁带隙结构地板为反射器的微带八木天线。对所构造电磁带隙 结构的电磁传输特性进行了研究,通过HFSS仿真和优化,使所设计天线的谐振频率落在电磁 带隙地板阻带范围之内,有效地提高了天线的增益和阻抗带宽。实测结果表明,在23~ 2.75 GHz频率范围,所设计天线的回波损耗S11≤-10 dB,其阻抗相对带 宽为18%,最大辐射方向增益达10.1 dBi,而相同结构但采用普通金属地板为反射器的 对比天线,其阻抗相对带宽为12%,增益为8 dBi。研究结论对平面、高增益天 线的设计具有很好的参考价值。  相似文献   

设计了一种用于超宽带无线通信系统的小型化天线。该天线贴片尺寸为20 mm×15 mm ×3 mm,采用U形折叠结构和渐变结构相结合,可使天线具有超宽带特性。为 了减小对无线局域网(WLAN)系统5 GHz频带的干扰,天线采取了叉形谐振结构来实现对相应频带的抑制。采用仿真软件分析了该天线阻抗带宽和不同频点处的辐射方向图。仿真和实测结果显示,该天线在25~4.67 GHz和628~12 GHz内S11<-10 dB,在47~6.2 GHz内S11>-10 dB,因而有效产生带阻特性。  相似文献   

设计了一个中心频率为6.52 GHz具有宽频带高增益特性的16单元微带天线阵。综合运 用H型缝隙耦合馈电技术、插入空气层技术和在贴片天线上切角的方法展宽天线的带宽。该 天线阵由两层介质板构成,采用反相馈电可抑制高次模的耦合,交叉极化电平低。使用三维 电磁场仿真软件Ansoft HFSS对该天线阵进行仿真优化,并根据仿真结果做成实物加以验 证。对实物的测量结果表明:天线阵仿真阻抗带宽(S11≤-10 dB)为2 15%,增益为19.85 dB;实测阻抗带宽(S11≤-10 dB)为225%,增 益为18.8 dB。天线阵性能良好,能满足工程实际要求。  相似文献   

针对周期性缺陷地结构(DGS)滤波器面积大的问题,提出一种采用多谐振点滤波的低成本实现方法。首先分析了哑铃型DGS不同位置尺寸的变化对其等效电感参数的影响,然后选取合适的尺寸参数以获得合适的不同共模滤波器谐振频点,最后通过组合滤波拓宽差分信号共模滤波器的阻带范围,并可获得较好的阻带抑制深度。HFSS仿真验证结果表明,该结构的差模信号损耗很小,并且其-20 dB共模阻带范围为4.1~7.3 GHz。与周期性DGS相比,该方法在相同共模噪声抑制深度下具有面积缩小约40%、阻带宽度增加50%等优点。  相似文献   

随着数字电路的噪声容限和时序容限不断减小,电源地平面上的同步开关噪声(SSN)成 为高速设计的主要瓶颈之一。而现有抑制SSN的方法存在各自的不足,因而提出采用电磁带 隙结 构(EBG)设计来抑制SSN,软件仿真证明该方法是有效的。基于对多种不同结构 EBG的研究,给出了EBG的设计思路和最新发展趋势,为今后的实际应用研究提供一定的参考 与指导。  相似文献   

针对多层微波集成电路设计的微带线层间互连问题,介绍了垂直通孔互连、垂直带条互连和层耦合过渡互连三种高性能的互连方法,并且采用三维电磁仿真软件HFSS对这三种互连结构进行了建模和仿真。仿真结果表明,垂直通孔互连和垂直带条互连在0.1~25 GHz的频宽范围内,回波损耗S11<-20 dB,插入损耗S21>-1 dB,互连性能优良,而层耦合过渡互连在20~68 GHz内回波损耗S11 <-20 dB,插入损耗S21>-1 dB,具有在毫米波频段实现互连的潜力。  相似文献   

应用双指耦合结构和枝节加载谐振器(Stub-loaded Resonator,SLR)实现了一款基于阶梯阻抗谐振器(Stepped Impedance Resonator,SIR)的滤波器。该滤波器具有3个通带,带外抑制较好,工作频段提高。通过调整阻抗比可调节第二、三通带的谐振频率;SLR结构能够增加通带数量;SLR结构和双指耦合结构均能改善滤波器的S参数。HFSS软件仿真表明,3个通带的中心频率分别为3.5 GHz、6.6 GHz、9.2 GHz,对应的分数带宽分别为5.7%、3%、2%,S11分别为-18 dB、-22 dB、-24 dB,通带内的S21分别为-1.8 dB、-1 dB、-1 dB。电路的测量结果与仿真结果较为吻合。该滤波器在5G通信的低频段具有应用前景。  相似文献   

提出了一种改进的超宽带平面倒锥缝隙贴片天线,通过调整倒锥缝隙和倒锥贴片的形 状,在更小尺寸条件下,实现了超宽带性能。天线总体尺寸为40 mm×40 mm× 1.5 mm。采用仿真软件分析了该天线的阻抗带宽、辐射方向图及增益特性。结果显示,该 天线的回波损耗小于-10 dB的带宽为2.2 GHz到大于16 GHz,在低频段具有全 向性,在3~14 GHz频段增益随频率的变化在4~7 dB之间。  相似文献   

印刷电路板设计中的同步开关噪声问题是现代高速数字电路应用的瓶颈之一。介绍了一 种在电路板上施加同步开关报文和温度应力的可靠性测试方法,该方法可以有效暴露电路 板上的同步开关噪声问题。借助噪声测试和阻抗分析手段,对一个由该方法发现的异常问 题进行了分析,通过优化去耦电容和电源平面阻抗,抑制了电路板上的同步开关噪声, 问题得到了完美解决。最后,给出了一些在PCB设计中抑制同步开关噪声的方法和建议。  相似文献   

提出了一种新型Koch型缺陷地面结构(KDGS),设计了两款基于分形缺陷地 面结构的低通滤波器。仿真结果表明:所设计的两种新型低通滤波器3 dB截止频率分别 为3.10 GHz和3.20 GHz,10 dB阻带带宽分别为8.75 GHz和12.25 GHz ,通带插入损耗均小于0.10 dB。该滤波器设计方法简单,性能好且成本低,在无线通 信中很有应用前景。  相似文献   

Holding 88 percent of train media resources across China, based on "Time Cube", on the 2008 Intermedia Recommendation and Introduction Meeting on December 19, 2007, HTC announced its high-profile strategy of tour marketing and tapping the immeasurable potentials on the train. Meanwhile, HTC officially launched its brand new product Olympic Train on the meeting, providing a fabulous platform for all the brands that are prepared to do a smart marketing on the occasion of 2008 Olympic Games.  相似文献   

In the end of 2007, Air China Limited (hereinafter "Air China") and Shanghai Airlines, formally joined Star Alliance at a ceremony held in the new Terminal Three at Beijing Capital International Airport. With the addition of the two Chinese airlines, Star Alliance now has 19 member carriers operating 17,000 daily flights to 897 destinations in 160 countries.  相似文献   

Under the guidance of the theme slogan of the 29th Olympic Games - One World One Dream, with dream, love and dedication as its theme, the 2008 Music Grand Ceremony & 1000 People Charity Concert on 100 days cotmtdown to Paralympic Gamesis officiaily launched on December 22, 2007. The 2008 Music Grand Ceremony is sponsored by China Disabled Persons' Federation, and co-hosted by National Paralympic Committee of China,  相似文献   

With its headquarters in the historic city of Yangzhou,Jiangsu Muyang Group Co.,Ltd has since its founding in 1967 grown into a well-known group corporation whose activities cover research & development,project design,manufacturing,installation and services in a multitude of industries including feed machinery and engineering,storage engineering,grain machinery and engineering,environmental protection,conveying equipment and automatic control systems.  相似文献   

Aseries of events that occurred in October 2007, are rewriting the history of China's energy industry: November 3 an Energy Law Committee asked the public for suggestions on improvements; forty top experts came together to form the National Energy Expert Advisory Committee on November 6; and the National Oil Reserve Center (NORC)became the nerve centre of oil reserves on November 18. Yet, behind the progress of these recent activities remains the fact that international oil prices still hover around a very high price of US$ 90/barrel, and China's oil imports are close to accounting for half of its total oil reserves.  相似文献   

2007 China Harbor Ten People elected the entrepreneurs who contributed a lot to port economy and enterprises this year trough their talent management.These ten people embody their social responsibility,professional skills,creative ability,and charming personality.Bearing full confidence in China's port economy,the port entrepreneurs are brave enough to explore a brand new area,so as to promote harbor economic development. At the very beginning of 2008,China Shipping Website,Dalian Maritime University,and China Port and Shipping In- stitute jointly select the 2007 China Harbor Ten People,demonstrate port entrepreneurs' stunning minds,disclose their secrets to success,and providing abundant experiences to others in harbor development.The top ten people are various excellence during the ups and downs harbor development.  相似文献   

Since the normalization of the diplomatic ties between China and ) Japan, the bilateral economic relations have deepened continually. According to the statistic of Japan, China passed U.S. to become Japan's top trade partner as well as is the second largest export market for Japan and is the largest import resource for Japan. Japan companies such as Mitsui, Sumitomo, Sony and Panasonic, have set the subsidiaries in China and explored their scales. This year 2008 marks the 30th anniversary of the signing of the ChinaJapan Treaty of Peace and Friendship.  相似文献   

China's textile and apparel industry suffered an unprecedented cold market for exports in the first quarter this year,the result of a few factors including: the appreciating RMB, decreasing export rebate rate,expanding influence of the U.S. subprime crisis, increasing costs of production and rising labor cost.  相似文献   

The May 12 earthquake in Sichuan caught Chinese people by surprise and took the nation's heart. While mourning the dead and searching for the missing, many services must be provided for the survivors in the wake of the earthquake. Available post-quake financial services have become an important part of the reconstruction effort in the disasterstricken areas of Sichuan province.  相似文献   

Aristotle saw ethics as a habit that is modeled and developed though practice. Shelly's Victor Frankenstein, though well intentioned in his goals, failed to model ethical behavior for his creation, abandoning it to its own recourse. Today we live in an era of unfettered mergers and acquisitions where once separate and independent media increasingly are concentrated under the control and leadership of the fictitious but legal personhood of a few conglomerated corporations. This paper will explore the impact of mega-media mergers on ethical modeling in journalism. It will diagram the behavioral context underlying the development of ethical habits, discuss leadership theory as it applies to management, and address the question of whether the creation of mega-media conglomerates will result in responsible corporate citizens or monsters who turn on their creators.  相似文献   

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