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In an era when consumers believe that businesses should engage in corporate social responsibility (CSR), it is vital to understand how it affects consumers' willingness to pay (WTP) for the goods and services offered by such businesses. There is a need for an in-depth study into the relationship between CSR and WTP, and to identify the mediators and the moderators affecting this relationship. To investigate this, we conducted a systematic literature review based on a preliminary search result of 116 unique articles indexed on this topic in four bibliographic databases—Scopus, Google Scholar, Dimensions and Web of Science—published over the previous seven decades. The findings confirm the overall positive effect of CSR on WTP. This study also reveals the indirect effect between CSR and WTP, mediated by variables like Brand Trust, Brand Loyalty, Brand Love, Customer Satisfaction, Brand Attitude, Purchase Intention and Brand Equity. The relationship is impacted by moderators, including demographics, cause-based aspects, company characteristics, personal aspects and types of products. The theory explaining the evidence of each of these aspects provides a deeper understanding of the relationship between CSR and WTP, and the intervening variables. Based on these, a conceptual framework of this relationship involving all the variables is developed. The Theory, Context and Method (TCM) framework is employed to identify gaps and systematically make recommendations for future research. The findings of this study will aid marketers in developing pricing strategies based on a thorough understanding of consumer behaviour in terms of CSR perceptions. Scholars can use this study's conceptual framework to examine previously unexplored relationships. As the literature on CSR and its influence on consumers' purchase behaviour grows, this comprehensive systematic literature review on the effects of CSR on WTP fills an important gap.  相似文献   

This study aims to examine the effects of animosity on consumers’ willingness to buy hybrid products i.e. products that involve affiliations of two or more countries (such as branded in Japan but made in China). While consumers’ reluctance to purchase foreign products from countries that they have animosity towards is clearly evident in the current literature, little is known about consumers’ attitudes towards hybrid products. As such, the study introduces this new construct (i.e. willingness to buy hybrid products) to the animosity model to determine if animositic consumers would be more receptive or willing to accept hybrid products where the animistic tendencies towards foreign countries in question can be negated by the products’ domestic affiliations. To conduct this investigation, the study is undertaken in China where the Chinese consumers’ animosity towards the Japanese was examined. The data with a usable sample size of 435 were collected in the Chinese city of Nanjing. The findings of the study revealed that the high level of animosity present against the Japanese resulted in the Chinese consumers’ unwillingness to buy Japanese products. More importantly, results showed that the Chinese consumers are not any more receptive to hybrid products as such domestic affiliations have not diluted the animosity. Consistent with the literature, the study has also validated that Consumer Animosity to be a higher-order construct indicated by war and economic animosity. Under the conditions of extreme animosity, Consumer Ethnocentrism does not take a significant role in influencing other constructs in the animosity model.  相似文献   

This study examines empirically how Chinese consumers evaluate and respond to foreign products made in Japan. Specifically, it examines the moderating effects of materialism and susceptibility to normative influence on the effects of country-specific animosity on willingness to buy foreign products. The results confirm that the effect of consumers' animosity is subject to both consumers' personal values (for example, materialism) and social influences (susceptibility to normative influence). In terms of willingness to buy foreign products, the negative effect of economic animosity is alleviated by consumers' materialism, whereas that of war animosity is strengthened by consumers' susceptibility to normative influence. In turn, evidence from this study suggests implications for marketing strategies in developing countries.  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to model the antecedents of consumers' willingness to pay for eco-labelled food products. This research utilizes the Theory of Planned Behaviour to model the impact of consumers' awareness of eco-labels, environmental concerns, beliefs in the environmental ability of eco-labels, and presence of children on their willingness to pay for eco-labelled food products. This study uses structural equational modelling and PROCESS macros, to test the moderated mediation model on a sample of 333 online responses. Findings suggest the impact of consumers' environmental concerns and eco-label awareness on their willingness to pay for eco-labelled food products is partially mediated by consumers' belief in the environmental ability of these eco-labels. The relationship is further moderated by the presence of children living in the household. This study establishes the value of consumers' beliefs in the environmental ability of eco-labels and implies that communication strategies need to be carefully refined to provide consumers with more information about eco-labels and to emphasize the environmental ability of eco-labels utilized within the food industry as this can have an impact on their willingness to pay for these products, especially for consumers, who have children in the same household.  相似文献   


Research into green advertising has mainly investigated how green appeals can enhance product attitudes, sales, and brand image. But what happens after people have purchased a ‘green’ product advertised in a green ad? In two experiments, we show that purchasing a green product may have paradoxical post-purchase effects, such that it may lower intentions to engage in subsequent environmentally friendly behaviour (a so-called licensing effect). Importantly, our results show that these post-purchase effects are moderated by environmental identity: only people with a weak environmental identity show these paradoxical post-purchase licensing effects, people with a strong environmental identity are more likely to continue behaving in an environmentally friendly way.  相似文献   

感知质量和感知风险对自有品牌购买意向的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在中国,品牌名称和价格能够影响消费者对于自有品牌的感知质量和感知风险,进而影响其购买意向,其中品牌名称的影响要大于价格的影响。零售商在市场策略上,应该更加注重品牌建设,以提高消费者的购买欲望,而不是单纯依靠低价竞争。但是,价格和品牌名称只是最重要的外部因素,未来的研究可以综合考虑更多的外部因素。  相似文献   

This paper investigates how mobile app design and social media can be used to influence the intention for continued use of location-based mobile apps. Uses and gratification theory and information systems success model are used to explore the key factors of continued usage intention. Three hundred and fifty-six valid questionnaires were collected to test the research model. The results showed that perceived usefulness, enjoyment, sense of belonging would significantly influence the usage habit and satisfaction of bicycle-based exercise app. In particular, the habit and satisfaction had strong impact on the intention for continued use. This study extended the findings of exercises with mobile apps and provided implications for the developers and operators of fitness and leisure-oriented apps.  相似文献   

There is evidence that consumers tend to highly regard the quality, authenticity, ethical standards, country of origin and sustainable production of foodstuffs; hence, the growing number of studies on products of Protected Designation of Origin (PDO) and Protected Geographical Indication (PGI). PDO and PGI labelling is associated with the preservation of local plant varieties, the financial reward of local people and the sustainable development of rural areas. This study was set out to investigate the factors associated with Greek consumers’ intention to buy PDO/PGI food products. A total of 615 consumers took part in the study from the municipality of Attica, Greece. The survey was conducted during the period of March 2011 to April 2013. Results indicated that approximately 50% of respondents were willing to buy PDO/PGI products whereas the willingness to buy these products constituted an important factor in purchasing them. More specifically, according to the regression analysis, factors that are significantly associated with respondents’ willingness to buy PDOs/PGIs were as follows: origin, health claims and label of a product, as well as sustainable consumer behaviour. Understanding the main factors relating to consumers’ purchasing intent towards PDO/PGI products is an important step towards promoting special labelled agri‐foodstuffs and hence contributes to the local sustainable development.  相似文献   

This article examines how social identity links institutional pressures and audit quality. Combining institutional theory and social identity theory, we theoretically argue that the interaction between social and institutional forces shapes audit quality. Through an analysis of Chinese audit firms from 2000 to 2007, we show that isomorphic imitation has a more significant effect on firms belonging to the same-identity group than firms across cross-identity groups; foreign-affiliated audit firms are more willing to conform to normative pressure from professional networks than local firms; and foreign-affiliated firms are coerced to adapt to the local government’s expectation, particularly when they have a geographically concentrated customer base. We further reveal that a larger customer base attenuates within-identity group imitation but strengthens cross-identity group imitation. The results shed light on the role of social identity in shaping conformity in the audit industry, thus contributing to international convergence–divergence literature and institutional theory.  相似文献   

This study examines how social identities and message characteristics influence the processing of sponsorship associations and persuasive messages. Using an experimental approach we found that sponsor affiliation with a rival team results in a negative response by highly identified fans, even when message characteristics include strong, favorable arguments. Conversely, less identified fans formed evaluations based on message characteristics, such that strong arguments were evaluated more favorably than weak arguments, independent of sponsorship affiliation. Overall, the study confirmed that strong social identities influence information processing in ways that are favorable for in-group associations and unfavorable for out-group associations. The implications for both consumers and marketing communications practitioners are discussed.  相似文献   

This study examined changes in consumer willingness to pay (WTP) for apparel products as labour‐related information and brand were added. Tobit analysis of auction bids from 121 university students for t‐shirts showed men, Hispanics and consumers who believe in social responsibility and fair trade had significantly higher WTP once labour‐related labelling was added. The amount and complexity of information did not matter, leaving substantial leeway to companies in crafting their message. Adding brand significantly increased WTP for two better‐known brands while not changing WTP for the social responsibility messages. Results suggested brands can benefit from stressing social responsibility‐related attributes of products.  相似文献   

This study examines ethnocentric tendencies including consumer ethnocentrism, country of origin, product judgments, willingness to buy, and animosity toward foreign products among a sample of economically progressive Chinese college students in a coastal port city in northern China. Survey results suggest that these Chinese consumers held a rather positive view of, and little animosity toward, the United States. They also did not show high levels of ethnocentrism or country-of-origin effects. These results would suggest openness toward foreign products. While Chinese consumers report little animosity or ethnocentric tendencies toward U.S. products, animosity, country of origin, and ethnocentrism are significantly correlated with willingness to buy. This suggests managers need to carefully position foreign products with respect to Chinese consumer expectations. Impacts of traditional collectivist views of the Chinese culture are suggested as an avenue for future research with respect to ethnocentrism and willingness to buy foreign products.  相似文献   

Corporate social responsibility is now high on the strategic agendas of major retailers, as consumers demonstrate growing ethical awareness and concern. However, evidence regarding consumers' willingness to pay the price premiums often associated with ethical products is inconclusive. Studies have adopted various survey-based and experimental methods, focusing upon different product categories, each with particular ethical issues. This study included a Zaltman Metaphor Elicitation Technique (ZMET) exploratory investigation then a mail survey of 1000 consumers, indicating willingness to pay ethical premiums across 6 categories. Demographics proved to be poor predictors, although education explained some variance in willingness to pay. Ethical motivations, measured within the framework of the Decisional Balance Scale, proved stronger antecedents, providing guidelines for the communication of ethical attributes. Implications for retailers and opportunities for researchers are discussed.  相似文献   


Our research focuses on film director human brands. It addresses the issue of human brand identity construction through the social valuation of identity attributes linked to cultural capital. Based on Bourdieu’s theory of cultural and social capital, we examine the identity attributes on which human brand identities are built through the acquisition of legitimacy. We conduct a qualitative study combining three context levels of analysis (external, internal and individual). Our results reveal the existence of four human brand identity types (i.e. chameleon conformist, niche archetypecast, mass archetypecast, cultural influencer), thus enriching and extending previous research. Each identity type is characterised by a set of culturally valued identity attributes, associated with legitimacies – specific, bourgeois, popular and institutional – bestowed by human brand constituencies.  相似文献   

The objective of this study is to analyse the marketing value obtained from developing and maintaining social relationships through online social networks (OSNs). We propose and test a structural model that considers a number of antecedents to response to advertising, namely social capital, social status and sociability. Data was gathered through the administration of a structured online questionnaire to a sample of 274 OSN users. Results show that social capital derived from participating in OSNs has a positive impact on social status and sociability; in turn this has a positive impact in response to advertising. This study advances theory by analysing the impact of bonding and bridging social capital on both social status and sociability. Additionally, it examines the impact of both of these constructs on response to advertising. The confirmation of the significance of social capital gained through participation in OSNs and its impact on response to ads provides support for the notion that the relationally oriented and marketing‐oriented management of OSNs are compatible. These findings are of great relevance for the appropriate management of company presence on OSNs.  相似文献   

More than 25 years after the German reunification, data show that products/brands from the eastern regions of Germany (“Neue Länder”) still do not have significant shares in the country's western part (“Alte Länder”). To analyze potential reasons for this phenomenon, our current study replicates a previous study that investigated selected attitudes of Alte Länder consumers toward products/brands from the Neue Länder. It is shown that factors such as consumer ethnocentrism, product judgment, willingness to buy, and economic animosity continue to influence consumer behavior and as such our study offers potential explanation for the failure of Neue Länder products/brands in the western regions of Germany.  相似文献   

This paper explores how environmental attitudes of consumers in Mexico influence their willingness to pay a premium (or, marginal WTP) for environmentally-certified products. In addition, we also challenge the theoretical assumption that the relationship between environmental attitudes and purchasing is linear. We test our hypotheses with an analysis of marginal WTP based on a survey of 301 Mexican consumers. Using conjoint analysis to determine marginal WTP, we find support for the idea that as attitudes become more pro-environmental, they more than proportionally boost marginal WTP. We conclude our paper by discussing implications for research and practice that focus on environmental segments of consumers.  相似文献   

This paper explores how different organizational identities can be constructed by the use of multiple languages within a multinational corporation’s (MNC) subsidiaries. Scholars are increasingly interested in the importance of language in international business but little is currently known about how identities interact with language across an MNC’s subsidiaries. Applying language and social identity theory, this paper analyses the interactions between organizational identity and the use of multiple languages within the lines of communication in the Thai, Taiwanese and US subsidiaries of a Japanese MNC, focusing especially on communications with customers and headquarters. The findings reveal the range of uses of different languages in the lines of communication and the attendant sharing and shaping of social identities in each subsidiary, thus highlighting the importance of the contexts of subsidiaries. In addition, in a sharp contrast to the approach to linguistic identity assumed in the current literature, the findings reveal how national identity can be sustained independently of the use of language. Moreover, the findings also reveal that perceived identity is influenced not only by actors’ language abilities and ethnicity, but also by their post-colonial views on both parent and host countries, and how this underpins shadow organizational structures.  相似文献   


In psychological research, the Social Identity Theory has been used to explain people’s motivation to take action in support of causes predominantly with a focus on in-group action. This study takes up the call to extend the limited attention given to intent-to-act on behalf of an out-group. Our research investigates support for the legalisation of medical marijuana (an out-group) and concludes that message structure is critical to increasing the likelihood of intent-to-act in support of an out-group. Specifically, we show that messages delivered from a legitimate advocate for the issue will generate empathy towards those affected and anger towards the perceived injustice, motivating intent to take action. Social marketers, charged with engaging communities to support programmes targeted at disadvantaged minority groups within the population, will benefit from the results of this research.  相似文献   

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