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文章构建相应策略识别了高管机会主义品行,并探究其对公司信息披露决策的影响。研究结果表明,高管的机会主义品行会显著增加公司信息披露违规、真实盈余管理行为;提升公司选择非国际“四大”会计师事务所的概率,并支付更高的审计费用。随着高管机会主义水平上升,公司更有可能作出上述决策。进一步地,国有产权能在一定程度上抑制高管机会主义品行对信息披露质量的负面影响,却显著增加了公司应计盈余管理;当高管机会主义水平较高时,国有产权也无法发挥有效治理作用。从经济后果看,高管的机会主义品行能被资本市场识别,并显著减损公司未来价值。  相似文献   

公司通过权衡信号成本与信息收益,选择一种或多种市场信号,包括审计师选择、留存股权和盈余披露等。各信号间的内生性问题是本文的研究重点。我们以2000—2002年中国155家IPO公司为研究样本,通过构建联立方程系统实证,发现:我国IPO市场审计师选择、盈余预测与留存股权并非替代信号,风险越大公司越倾向保留较低股权;盈利预测对股权留存并没有显著影响;审计收费对公司审计师选择具有显著影响,但审计风险对审计收费的影响并不明显。  相似文献   

基于2006—2019年A股上市公司样本,文章考察了非控股大股东退出威胁对审计师风险决策的影响。研究结果表明,非控股大股东退出威胁显著增加了审计师的审计收费和出具非标准无保留意见的概率,且非控股大股东退出威胁对审计师决策的影响在非国有企业、退出威胁可信性高、非“四大”和分析师关注少的企业中更为显著。机制检验发现,审计投入与经营风险在非控股大股东对审计师风险决策的影响中发挥了中介作用。基于非控股大股东性质的拓展检验表明,机构投资者退出威胁对审计师风险决策影响更为显著。研究结论丰富了审计师风险决策影响因素的相关研究,也为非控股大股东在公司治理中的作用提供了新的思路和经验证据。  相似文献   

盈余管理对审计意见的影响   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
盈余管理的存在,使得企业内外信息不对称性加强,审计师的审计风险加大.那么,审计师是否更可能会对存在较多盈余管理的公司出具非标准无保留意见(后称非标意见),从而降低自身的风险呢?这也正是本文研究的核心问题.由于企业管理盈余的手段很多,本文集中关注中国上市公司通过非经营性项目来管理盈余的行为.我们的基本假设是:审计师对盈余管理较高的公司更可能出具非标意见.通过对A股上市公司进行实证研究,我们发现的实证结果与我们的预期一致,支持原假设.进一步的研究表明,公司通过非经营性项目管理盈余的行为对不同的审计意见影响不同.  相似文献   

盈余信息的决策有用性不仅受到盈余信息本身的影响,而且受到决策环境的制约.本文将盈余信息纳入到企业的融资环境,研究债券融资及其承销行为对企业信息披露政策的影响.采用我国沪深A股市场的债券融资数据,实证研究发现:一方面,上市企业在债券发行中存在着强烈的盈余操纵动机,表现为债券融资增量越高的企业,其盈余质量越差;另一方面,债券具有一定程度的监督作用,债券融资存量越高的企业,其盈余质量越好.进一步研究发现,发债企业与主承销商建立的关系型承销行为能够降低债券发行中的盈余操纵动机,并在一定程度上提升债券的监督作用.  相似文献   

投资机会、高质量审计与盈余的价值相关性   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以2007-2011年我国A股上市公司为研究样本,从盈余价值相关性的视角检验了高质量审计和投资机会对会计信息质量的综合影响。研究发现,随着投资机会的增加上市公司盈余的价值相关性将显著下降,但若其聘请的是高质量审计师,则盈余价值相关性的下降幅度会有显著的降低,且这一治理效应只在非国有上市公司中显著存在。上述检验结果表明高质量审计一定程度上可以缓解高投资机会集公司的代理问题,从而提高会计信息质量。  相似文献   

随着经济全球化、信息化、知识化的飞速发展,企业面临着更加复杂多变的风险,企业管理制度也被日趋完善,内部控制则成为了管理现代化的产物,发挥着重大作用。因此从20世纪90年代起,内部控制信息披露逐渐成为了我国对外进行信息披露的一个重要部分,提升了企业的透明度,为利益相关者做出经济决策提供了依据,但同时也对审计师提出了更高的审计要求。本文着力于以理论与实证结合的研究方法对内部控制信息披露、对审计质量的影响进行分析,从而提出合理的对策来提升审计质量,同时也对我国的内部控制改革效果进行了检验,为进一步健全和完善提供了参考。  相似文献   

刍议会计制度变化对信息披露后果的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文以经济后果学说作为理论基础,分析了制度层面会计信息披露的影响冲突.通过宏观资本市场与微观市场参与者两个层面分析会计制度变化引起的不同信息披露后果,并基于此提出了关于恰当选择会计计量属性、提高信息披露质量、优化经济后果的构思与建议.  相似文献   

本文在不考虑上市公司财务报表是否经过盈余管理的基础上,直接以财务报表的数据为依据,研究企业报表提供的盈余质量信息对企业价值的影响。显然,会计盈余质量信息具有明显的"经济后果"。正因为会计盈余质量信息和公司价值之间的这种密切联系,因此研究盈余质量与企业价值的关系有重要意义。本文研究得出正常损益所占比重和现金流与企业价值正相关,但不显著;非正常损益所占比重与企业价值负相关,基本显著;而反映企业盈利能力的净资产收益率与企业价值正相关,且非常显著。  相似文献   

随着财务报告信息使用者对上市公司审计质量要求的不断提升,上市公司审计师变更也越来越多地受到各方面的关注。及时披露审计师变更信息,是相关监管机构决策的依据,也是对上市公司十分重要的监管要求。为此,本文以2002-2008年A股上市公司披露的审计师变更信息为依据,对审计师变更信息披露现状及存在的问题进行了分析,并提出相关完善建议,以促使审计师变更披露制度日益完善、上市公司审计师变更行为不断规范。  相似文献   

This study investigates the effect of directors' and officers' (hereafter D&O) liability insurance coverage on auditor choice. Based on a sample of 671 Taiwanese listed firms with D&O legal liability insurance data, our evidence shows that companies with excess D&O liability insurance coverage are less likely to appoint Big 4 auditors. Furthermore, we find that Big 4 auditors are more likely to issue unclean opinions and to constrain the abnormal accruals and ‘beating or meeting’ earnings benchmarks for their clients with excess D&O liability insurance coverage. The findings document that a higher level of D&O liability insurance coverage increases Big 4 auditors' concerns about the credibility of financial statements. Given this, Big 4 auditors have incentive to require more conservative accounting choices for these clients in order to minimize possible litigation risk and reputation damage.  相似文献   

This study investigates whether accounting firms match the experience level of individual auditors with the risk level of clients in order to control audit risk. We find that accounting firms tend to assign more experienced auditors to non-state-owned clients that typically have higher tendency to engage in earnings management. Such an assignment pattern is more pronounced for non-Big 4 accounting firms. Further analysis suggests that auditors' experience helps reduce clients' earnings management level, proxied by abnormal accruals, and thus improves the audit quality. This study enriches the literature on the allocation of human resources and the risk control mechanism in the audit services industry, which has been seldom explored in prior studies.  相似文献   

In the Chinese stock market, special treatment (ST) firms are the firms listed as facing imminent danger of delisting, unless they return to profitability after reporting two consecutive annual losses. Some ST firms voluntarily pay substantial fees to their external auditors to conduct interim audits, which are not required by regulations. In this study, we investigate and find that ST firms that pay for voluntary interim audits report greater discretionary accrued earnings, higher non-operating earnings, and higher returns on assets in ensuing annual reports. As a result, these firms are more likely to return to profitability and reduce their delisting risk. Our results, which contribute to the current debate on auditor independence, appear to be consistent with the possibility that ST firms “buy” external auditors’ cooperation to manipulate earnings when faced with the threat of delisting.  相似文献   

The required professional and ethical pronouncements of accountants mean that auditors need to be competent and exercise due care and skill in the performance of their audits. In this study, we examine what happens when auditors take on more clients than they should, thus raising doubts about their ability to maintain competence and audit quality. Using 2803 observations of Malaysian companies from 2010 to 2013, we find that auditors with multiple clients are associated with lower earnings quality, proxied by total accruals and discretionary accruals. Our results demonstrate that associating client firms’ reported discretionary accruals with individual auditors, rather than their firms or offices, is important in determining audit quality. Moreover, we demonstrate that the disclosure of auditors’ signatures on their reports is useful for assessing auditor quality at the individual level, thus contributing to the debate on the usefulness of having auditor identities on reports.  相似文献   

This study examines whether auditor realignments and voluntary Sarbanes-Oxley (SOX) Section 404 adoption are associated with the remediation of internal control material weaknesses (ICMWs) in the case of U.S.-listed foreign companies. Furthermore, we investigate whether the results are driven by the home country’s legal systems. Using a sample of 266 U.S.-listed foreign firm-year observations reporting ICMWs, we found that firms engaging new auditors are more likely to remediate their ICMWs effectively in the subsequent year. Furthermore, we found that firms in the voluntary adoption period are less likely to solve internal control problems and that ICMW remediation significantly improved earnings quality. However, our results hold only for firms from common-law countries. This study provides evidence to academics that auditor realignment can serve as a functional change by which U.S.-listed foreign companies can remediate their ICMWs. Furthermore, this paper extends earlier cross-country research and suggests that country institutional differences affect the internal control reporting behavior of auditors and the effect of ICMW remediation on earnings quality.  相似文献   

本文主要考察了公司治理质量对外部独立审计效率的影响。运用主成分分析技术构建公司治理指数,并以此作为公司治理质量的衡量指标,考察了公司治理质量对审计师的选择、审计收费和审计意见的影响。我们发现,公司治理质量越高的公司,越倾向于选择高质量的审计师;同时,也愿意支付更高的审计费用;但在其他条件一定的情况下,相对于公司治理质量高的公司,公司治理质量差的公司更容易获得标准无保留的审计意见,从而影响审计独立性和审计质量的提高。  相似文献   

吕伟 《财贸研究》2010,21(6):139-145
中国的审计市场正处于发展阶段,存在大量声誉差异较大的审计事务所,这为研究声誉机制如何为企业带来价值提供了特殊的制度环境。从证券分析师视角出发,以"四大"作为高职业声誉事务所的代表,研究结果发现:聘用"四大"审计的企业,分析师预测精确度较高,预测分歧度较低。这表明聘用高职业声誉的事务所能够提供更高质量的信息,降低了投资者对企业内部价值相关信息的分歧,提高了市场对信息的吸收效率。上述结果为研究声誉在证券市场中的作用机制提供了新的证据。  相似文献   

刘斌  孙回回  李嘉明 《财贸研究》2004,15(3):101-107
本文以 1 998~ 2 0 0 2年间进行了各种自愿性会计政策变更的上市公司为研究对象 ,考察注册会计师对企业自愿性会计政策变更行为所持的态度 ,并进一步分析导致不同态度的影响因素。结果表明 :利润影响程度、有无盈余管理动机、企业财务状况和审计客户规模是会计师事务所出具非标审计意见的主要考虑因素 ;会计师事务所的规模对非标审计意见的出具并没有显著影响 ,大事务所与小事务所的审计质量并无明显区别。  相似文献   

This study focuses on firms that are audited by a big auditor and examines the differentiation in the earnings management potential and the level of conservatism. It also investigates whether being audited by a big auditor would lead to lower agency costs and lower cost of equity. The study focuses on emerging common-law South Africa and code-law Brazil, and seeks to identify whether there are material differences given their dissimilar institutional characteristics. The study reports that even though firms may be audited by high quality auditors, their institutional differences influence significantly firms' earnings conservatism, agency costs and cost of equity. Client firms of big auditors in both common-law South Africa and code-law Brazil exhibit lower discretionary accruals. The study has found evidence of more conservative earnings for South Africa but insufficient levels for Brazil. For common-law South Africa, the presence of effective corporate governance mechanisms reduces agency costs. For code-law Brazil, the corporate governance mechanisms generally display an insignificant impact on reducing agency costs. For common-law South Africa, firm-level performance, growth and market determinants tend to lead to a lower cost of equity. For code-law Brazil, it is found that significant discretionary accruals, market beta and analyst forecast dispersion would result in higher uncertainty and would consequently raise the cost of equity.  相似文献   

We examine whether firms manipulate their reported earnings after winning investment project bids. China's adoption of the public-private partnership (PPP) provides a unique setting for our analysis. Using the PPP announcements to identify the firms participating in PPP projects, we find that firms conduct both accrual-based and real earnings management after PPP participation. Our findings survive difference-in-differences design with different matching methods. We document that PPP-participating firms have strong incentives to manipulate earnings because of abnormal administrative expenditure and greater short-term performance pressure than non-PPP-participating firms. The auditors respond by charging higher audit fees due to the increased risk. Moreover, government subsidies relieve performance pressure and decrease the likelihood of earnings management among PPP-participating firms. Overall, this study documents the unintended consequences of PPP participation.  相似文献   

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